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Girlfriend won't let me grow


New member
Next you will be telling me she is in your church chior and is a big Barbara fan

Well, shes a huge Christian, I'm kind of an athiest I guess (believe in higher power or something, but hate all religion.)

She listens to shit music emo bands and crappy "rap" that isn't even rap, like Kanye and other bullshit

So you're pretty close


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If she ain't your dream the way she is, move on. And get a life, growing is a hobby.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
she shouldn't have to 'let' you do anything. your a prisoner in your own home

let the door smack her fat ass on the way out


ICMag Donor
this is soooo whacked...sounds like you to man up and do whats right and not talk crap about your gf.


i'd look at it like this.

sit her down, and explain to her herb is a big part of your life. some people think herb is a crutch, or something people who waste their lives use (i know, bullshit)...anyway...let her know how you feel, ask her politely, and if she still says no, say ok thats allright and drop it.

next, consider what's more important...your freedom to do what YOU want to do, or this girl.

i refuse to date a girl who doesn't widely accept herb. it's too big of a part of my life to be with someone who's against it. i'll even date non-weed smokers, but if they accept it, its all good.


I would use caution when breaking it off with her if indeed she knows you smoke and your mom grows....Things have been known to get ugly in some break-ups...
That is not a bad grow there OhCanada, I'd rather have a fat bud plant than a fat chick. Does she know that your mother is growing, sounds like she is a very real security situation. I find chicks that toke can be more of a security mess, but face it all girls are hard to trust. I'm sure there are some cool cats out there, I have yet to find any hotties worth attaching on to. They all seem very dirty when the time comes to break up, you want to express yourself and they call cops very quickly and to easily. She is probably afraid of getting busted, I'd get ride of her being single and not getting laid is not that bad. Vagina just isn't that great, it can be but it comes with far to much of a cost.

I would rather live in a world where Vagina is illegal and pot is abundantly free. Nothing like some black market Vagina, seriously just stop having sex with her and masturbate constantly.....she will pick up on it being time to go.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Yep....420 Hotties are everywhere....




Active member
I feel you,growing is the only thing me and my girl fight about.I had to tell her if I have a job ,have a house over our heads,take care of my son,pay my bills then pot should not be a problem. Now I have to get her to let me grow at least my legal 6.
haha yeah i say call her bluff.. maybe she wont move out and just stfu. judging by the way you spoke of her physical appearance.. the "spark" just isn't there anymore. there are plenty of weed friendly hotties out there. life's too short to sacrifice what you love for someone you don't love (or love as much).


Well-known member
Comments based on living with girlfriend not just having one.

I grow outdoors and no seeds, no plants, no product in my house not a perfect choice but it doesn’t directly involve her and that’s important to me because it’s important to her.

There is nothing wrong with someone who is against growing. Why should your girlfriend put up with an illegal (nefarious) hobby. That’s her choice now you have to make a choice stay with her or stay with indoor growing.

In my opinion its childish to put any responsibility on her she did not make the choice you did. I’m not saying its easy my wife and I almost split up many times because of my selfish actions of trying to grow in our house until I realized I had to make a choice she had already made hers.

My wife doesn’t cover for me in any way. She would let my kids walk in on me smoking if I did it in my house. My habit, my problem there is no other way to look at it. You cannot somehow place any responsibility on anyone else period.


Active member
If she doesn't understand you for what you are, (a pot grower) than she will never understand you. If she is already telling you no without a discussion then imagine 10 years from now. Kick her to the curb while you still can. Also, be very careful because this is the type of chick that will call the cops if you decide to grow or do anything pot related when the breakup goes down. There can be only one lady in this love triangle, and her name is Mary Jane.


New member
i'd look at it like this.

sit her down, and explain to her herb is a big part of your life. some people think herb is a crutch, or something people who waste their lives use (i know, bullshit)...anyway...let her know how you feel, ask her politely, and if she still says no, say ok thats allright and drop it.

next, consider what's more important...your freedom to do what YOU want to do, or this girl.

i refuse to date a girl who doesn't widely accept herb. it's too big of a part of my life to be with someone who's against it. i'll even date non-weed smokers, but if they accept it, its all good.

I think this was a very good post, and this may be what I do when she gets home

Comments based on living with girlfriend not just having one.

I grow outdoors and no seeds, no plants, no product in my house not a perfect choice but it doesn’t directly involve her and that’s important to me because it’s important to her.

There is nothing wrong with someone who is against growing. Why should your girlfriend put up with an illegal (nefarious) hobby. That’s her choice now you have to make a choice stay with her or stay with indoor growing.

In my opinion its childish to put any responsibility on her she did not make the choice you did. I’m not saying its easy my wife and I almost split up many times because of my selfish actions of trying to grow in our house until I realized I had to make a choice she had already made hers.

My wife doesn’t cover for me in any way. She would let my kids walk in on me smoking if I did it in my house. My habit, my problem there is no other way to look at it. You cannot somehow place any responsibility on anyone else period.

Also, this is a VERY good point. She is about to graduate college and be a teacher, so she doesn't want it around, and I can't really blame her. But she knew what I was when we started dating, now she's even gotten to the point to where she gives me shit everytime I load a bowl (which I have to but now, and at $50-60 an 8th, I just can't keep doing that...)

We are about as opposite as you can get, and shes such a sweet girl, but I just don't think she'll ever accept me for me

And she brings up "why is growing such a big deal that you would do it even if it upsets me?" What the hell do I say to that, to somebody who doesn't understand what its like to grow herb