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How Much Do You Smoke?

i think this thread is neat. i notice that people develop schedules just like I did. didnt even mean to. anyway i smoke with a mate and we smoke when we first wake up(my blunt) then we eat and smoke another. smoke at lunch then again after work. and then after dinner and another one later before bed. if its crappy though double it.


a q a week, i smoke alone, some one should do a song like the george thourogood song i drink alone , but switch up the names of drinks with the names of strains, LOL
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i love cannabis, and i prolly love it a little bit too much. My target for cannabis smoking is a couple of bong loads daily after 3:00 PM. Unfortunately this is rarely achieved...

i'm sure i smoke close to an oz and half a month, generally i try to stay away from it for as long as i can in the morning, then i smoke the rest of the day. i like to smoke after i eat, 'cause eating seems to decrease my buzz.

l8tly, i've been smoking so much that i have a hard time staying awake after dinner...that is definitely a sign that i need to cut back...geez i'm getting old!
Tony Aroma, ever made hash?

I WAS burnin about 5-6 grams a day till I found some bubble bags! Now I only need about 1-2 grams to stay medicated for a day...

Next move is to invest in a nice vape. I really dont like having to smoke vegetative matter with butane.


I try to keep it to about a gram to a gram and a half per week of high grade home grown. Weekdays I usually smoke a 2 bowls after work maybe a puff or 2 on the ride to work, on the weekends I smoke considerably more.


as much as i can.. i just divide my total harvest by the days till the next harvest :)

when smoking around 2 oz/ month.. are u still able to do stuff or do ya just kick it 24/7 ?



When I have it, a bowl in the evening every once in a while. I prefer to be a little high a few evenings than stoned off my ass one night.

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