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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well said Sceggers! I mean that was really honest. I am impressed. But the point is you can ask the Gohonzon to fix all of this for you. I guarantee it! But first of all you have to start from a perspective of respect and appreciation for your partner.

The development of their Buddha Nature, (and yours), has to be at the front of your prayer. Then, what I did was simply decide "If I can chant for anything, I want to be sexually satisfied." Then I realized the nature of desire and satisfaction.

My perspective changed. And the result of all this isn't some sort of rationalization that has allowed me to accept not getting what I want. To the contrary, my wife and I have evolved into the perfect sexual reciprocal of each other.

I'm not bragging, but frankly, people would pay to see what we do together. We are both completely "satisfied" because we both honestly do everything we can to please each other. For me, by far, she's the best ever.

But the key is that we chant abundant Daimoku together consistently every day. Our lives are aligned by a deep karmic bond and at its center is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. If you want your sex life to change, then chant and don't stop until you get what you think you need.

Bonno-soku-bodai baby! Just be careful what you pray for. I once prayed to the Dai-Gohonzon to have sex, just once, with my ex-wife. She was a 'barbie twin' type of socially active girl: huge boobs, pouty lips, high cheek bones, long legs, thin arms, piles of silky blond hair and drop dead gorgeous.

I said, "I'LL TAKE ANY KARMA I have to to fulfill this desire." I still laugh my ass off shaking my head, everytime I think of this experience.

She not only had sex with me, she married me. I loved her to death. She made me completely fucking crazy. I was in a state of turmoil for much of the time we were together. I spent a fortune on her. I thought I knew what I wanted, but I was very wrong and my life suffered as a consequence.

Just words of caution from and older Brother......



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
earthly desires are enlightenment
[煩悩即菩提] ( Jpn bonno-soku-bodai )

A Mahayana principle based on the view that earthly desires cannot exist independently on their own; therefore one can attain enlightenment without eliminating earthly desires. This contrasts with the Hinayana view that extinguishing earthly desires is a prerequisite for enlightenment. According to the Hinayana teachings, earthly desires and enlightenment are two independent and opposing factors, and the two cannot coexist; while the Mahayana teachings reveal that earthly desires are one with and inseparable from enlightenment. This is because all things, even earthly desires and enlightenment, are manifestations of the unchanging reality or truth—and thus are non-dual at their source.The Universal Worthy Sutra, an epilogue to the Lotus Sutra, states, "Without either cutting off earthly desires or separating themselves from the five desires, they can purify all their senses and wipe away all their offenses." T'ient'ai (538-597) says in Great Concentration and Insight, "The ignorance and dust of desires are enlightenment, and the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana." In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren (1222-1282) states: "The idea of gradually overcoming delusions is not the ultimate meaning of the 'Life Span' chapter [of the Lotus Sutra]. You should understand that the ultimate meaning of this chapter is that ordinary mortals, just as they are in their original state of being, are Buddhas," and, "Today, when Nichiren and his followers recite the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are burning the firewood of earthly desires, summoning up the wisdom-fire of enlightenment."



Active member
If I can chant for anything, I want to be sexually satisfied
good one bro, was looking for that answear

and i'm slowly doing that, and i sometimes react like a spoiled brat when it comes to sex, i want it all! been wanting it for years....anyway it's liberating to talk to all of you brothers

"I'LL TAKE ANY KARMA I have to to fulfill this desire."

that sounds very very familliar T :) and be sure that karma is tingling me about it all the time

thanks bonzo i will do my best, am always trying to, just that my best sometimes isn't good enough to move things :p

well said, chant to be sexually sattisfied, i will find my way

thank you, that was the best thing i've heard about sex in years Thomas


THE SEX IS A BIPRODUCT OF the mutual love shared between a man and a women.

well said, just that my prior point of view was more of an animalistic one, once i had my mind set into sex, it was hard for me to get pass that thought, and it was torturing every time i thought about it and i couldn't make my gf notice that i'm hungry for sex, i had to explain everything everytime and it started to get on my nerves since she didn't/doesn't know how to sattisfy me

now all i want is compassion in sex, since i know it leads to an awsome spiritualistic sex as it leads to awsome things in life if you practice compassion there

so you see bonz, i realized that, once u said that u'r parrents are hippies that showed you how to love
mine showed me how to be compassionate in deeds and how to be horny(father) and how to resist good things comming(mother)

i would love to learn how to accept love when u see it, no unneccesary doubts

it's a shitty job to analyze things once u see how simple they are, but it's kind off that other ppl "force" me to analyze for them and besides, i know i'm the one that should stop doing that - meaning i gotta find a better way to help others
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PassTheDoobie said:
Just an FYI, Easy my Brother, your stated desire for three ladies from your district sounds like a recipe for disaster! LOL Dude! Think about what you are saying. If you sleep with three other women in your district, the fallout from at least one of those encounters will surely end up effecting someones practice. Would you screw with someones faith in order to have sex with them?

I don't think so. My experience says that living honestly is the only way to eliminate the impact of desire on our lives. It is what it is.

But wisdom is so important to protect ourselves from our own destructive tendencies!

Deep respect,


They were classmates! One in each class and let me tell you these girls wanted to meet the Myoho Staff of Buddha Wisdom, or at least I've was torturing myself thinking along those lines. I spoke with them and during the past two months when I was going on a downward spiral I was feel like I need to bone each of them to be a man again. I'm still a man and didn't have intercourse with any of them and totally moved on.

Not gonna sleep with members, they are precious Buddha Treasures and I'm just a horny bloke with more sex on his mind than the next man but I'm really focusing well on this huge breakthrough this week. My job is in another state and I'm managing so well the commute I could see myself doing this all summer til I get something better! I'm not scared so much anymore, actually since I started chanting to cure you (T) two nights ago, I really got that spring back in my step and the zest for life I was missing is back in full effect.

Two years of Sexual Therapy on Icmag right here in the chanting growers thread and PTD is still dropping Buddha Wisdom Bombs for us. Bro, We are very very grateful! YES SIR!

Have a great day! I'll be back later with more The Human Revolution quotes, had a great evening and its gonna be an even better day!!!!! Take care!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
If the nation is destroyed and people's homes are wiped out, then where
can one flee for safety? If you care anything about your personal
security, you should first of all pray for order and tranquility
throughout the four quarters of the land, should you not?

(WND, 24)
On Establishing the correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land
Submitted to Hojo Tokiyori on July 16, 1260

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"When we are aware that each moment of each day, each gesture and step
we take is truly mystical and full of wonder, we will live our lives
with greater thought and care. We will also have greater respect and
appreciation for the lives of others."

"We must live with vibrant hope. Nothing is stronger than hope. The
Mystic Law is itself eternal hope. Happiness belongs to those who never
despair, no matter what happens."

"The struggle between happiness and unhappiness is the story of human
existence. The struggle between peace and war is the history of the
human race. The power that leads us to eternal victory amid these
struggles is the power of good within us."

"We need to cultivate a state of life where we can thoroughly enjoy
ourselves at all times. We should have such joy that even at the time
of death we can declare with a happy smile: "That was wonderful! Where
shall I go next?" This is the state of mind of a person with strong
faith. Such individuals will be reborn without delay and in a form and
in a place exactly according with their desires. Faith enables us to
attain the kind of generous and all-embracing state of mind where we
can enjoy everything in our lives."

Quotes - Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
EasyMyohoDisco said:
Not gonna sleep with members, they are precious Buddha Treasures and I'm just a horny bloke with more sex on his mind than the next man but I'm really focusing well on this huge breakthrough this week. My job is in another state and I'm managing so well the commute I could see myself doing this all summer til I get something better! I'm not scared so much anymore, actually since I started chanting to cure you (T) two nights ago, I really got that spring back in my step and the zest for life I was missing is back in full effect.

Thanks for that Brother. I sound like shit but I'm feeling much better. Of course chanting almost three hours today and yesterday helped too. I really appreciate that you would think to do that for me!

Where the hell is Desi?

Much love and deep respect,


SoCal Hippy

Active member
When one has had the rare good fortune to be born a human being, and
the further good fortune to encounter the teachings of Buddhism, how
can one waste this opportunity? If one is going to take faith at all,
then among all the various teachings of the Mahayana and the Hinayana,
provisional and true doctrines, one should believe in the one vehicle,
the true purpose for which the Buddhas come into the world and the
direct path to attaining enlightenment for all living beings.

(WND, 60)
Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written in March 1263


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"What is the key to repaying one's debt of gratitude to one's teacher or mentor? In his 'Commentary on [On Repaying Debts of Gratitude,]' NichikanShonin writes that the way to do so is to strive for kosen-rufu with the spirit of 'not begrudging one's life.' No matter how glowingly we may praise our mentor in words, we can't hope to repay our debt of gratitude without action. Action--working for kosen-rufu--is what counts. When a momentous obstacle occurs on the path of faith, we need to fight wholeheartedly with a selfless spirit to break through all devilish functions. And the true way to repay our debt of gratitude to our mentor is to propagate the Mystic Law and lead others to happiness."

SGI Newsletter No. 7542, 17th SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING--PART 3 [OF 3] Gratitude Is Essential to Being Human, April 23rd 2008, appeared in Seikyo Newspaper April 28th, translated May 16th, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"But now you must build your reputation on the Lotus Sutra and give yourself up to it."

(The True Aspect of All Phenomena - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 385) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 23rd, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"As the Swiss philosopher Carl Hilty (1833-1909) wrote: 'Most certainly there is no great figure who has gone through life without experiencing many sufferings.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7544, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 21: Chap. 2, People’s Diplomacy 41, translated May 22nd, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Hey growing chanters/family, I'm here brothers,..........I've been working overtime, chanting, and reading alittle. Just want to send my appreciation to you all! This thread is so real it knocks my shorts off! You guys are kicking!

Chant for whatever you need or desire with a sincere heart and the effect will be more than you asked for.

I got Sunday and Monday off.......so see you soon........love, Desi!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Desiderata said:
Chant for whatever you need or desire with a sincere heart and the effect will be more than you asked for.

The Truth of Life in a single sentence.

Deepest respect,



Active member
Thank you Desi!!!!!!!!!

deep and real

peace, bonz

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Tolstoy writes: 'A good person is more concerned about doing what he should do than about what will happen to him.' To be determined to fulfil one's responsibility, to do what needs to be done, no matter what the situation--this is the spirit of leaders who are always victorious."

SGI Newsletter No. 7543, TOKYO NO. 2 AREA EXECUTIVE LEADERS CONFERENCE--PART 1 [OF 3] Prayer Is of Foremost Importance, April 5th, 2008, translated from the April 8th, 2008, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun on May 22nd, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 283) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 24th, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Great one, President!

Great one, President!

PassTheDoobie said:
Each and every one of us is important,
carrying out our own very unique and noble mission.
Rather than comparing ourselves to others,
let's confidently live out our own true selves.
It is for those who continue to advance
that the door of glory will open.

Daisaku Ikeda

* The wisdom of Buddhism can also shed considerable light on the question of diversity. Because one central tenet of Buddhism is that universal value must be sought within the life of the individual, it works fundamentally to counter any attempt to enforce uniformity or standardisation.

In the teachings of Nichiren we find the passage, "The cherry, the plum, the peach, the damson ... without undergoing any change..." This passage confirms that there is no need for all to become "cherries," or "plums," but that each should manifest the unique brilliance of his or her own character.

This simile points to a fundamental principle of appreciation for diversity that applies equally to human beings and to social and natural environments. As the concept of "revealing one's intrinsic nature" (Jp jitai kensho) indicates, the prime mission of Buddhism is to enable each and all to blossom to the fullest of our potential. The fulfilment of the individual, however, cannot be realised in conflict with, or at the expense of, others, but only through active appreciation of uniqueness and difference, for these are the varied hues that together weave the flower gardens of life.
(SGI President's lecture delivered at the East-West Centre, Hawaii, USA, January 26, 1995)

I want to point this out to Bonz............bro your self worth is based on you not accepting your own full self potential, because the rest of us can literally SEE it, bro......you are so real it's unbelievable!.........Desi :wave:


If a spark as small as a bean is set to a single blade of grass in a spring field of a thousand square ri thick with grass, it becomes in an instant an immeasurable, boundless blaze. Such is also the case with this robe [you have offered]. Though only one robe, it has been offered to the Buddhas of all the characters of the Lotus Sutra. Be firmly convinced that the benefits from this will extend to your parents, your grandparents, nay, even to countless living beings, not to mention your own husband, whom you hold most dear.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 533
The Offering of an Unlined Robe
Written to the lady of Sajiki on May 25, 1275

Bonz, Desi is soo right man your mother is gonna shine so much more brighter than her heart already does that we're gonna have to grab shades just to look at your posts when the benefit comes pouring in! I know you chanting with the faith to move a mountain, so dude keep on keeping on and know that I really think we've overcome alot already this year, and have a long way to go to 2009 but by then we'll be beyond this plateau and into more uncharted territory!

How fun is this adventure we're on! I'm so digging these moments right now between the huge benefits we'll recieve for Desi and Scegy receiving Gohonzon and the HUGE HGUE BENEFIT of seeing Buddha Desi tell it how it is in Growing Chanters terms! I love it!

Didn't know this year would turn out protecting all of us so well, but when Babba got his victory that we all chanted for so much, I knew my turn at bat was coming up again and I lost my marbles for a bit, but gathered myself up quicker than in the past and dusted myself off and was able to keep moving forward and keep chanting strong. I was starting to really feel that this thread might come to an end and shit was gonna hit the fan in my life and I just sucked it up and kept on faithful and realize I'm completely and absolutely faithful and will never forget my vow to retain and cherish Gohonzon in this life and surely in the next.

My family is doing well because my me and you. Together we have really started to change some f cuked up karma but I'm just certain that as we keep appreciating each other more, its just a matter of moments before we shakubuku more people and they in turn tell others about this wonderful truth that is building an incredibly high summit of Bodhisattvas and Merit Worthy Actions in our present environments right before our eyes! I'm very pleased at our progress, I'm even more pleased to be able to say with certainty, We're winning my friends!

We really are!

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