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gingerninja's Portable Perpetual StealthDresser

Last month I stumbled across IC looking for a Cannabutter recipe for my first attempt at making edibles (experiment went horribly, my 2nd batch with a billion times the bud in it is in the fridge right now). The friendly mood and atmosphere of just that '7 Easy Steps' post pulled me further into these forums so, as I'm prone to do with all my spare time, I began to browse...

...I saw people talking about becoming self-sustaining smokers with just some mylar, an old PC case, and a pile of light bulbs and I became very intrigued so I began to do some research...

...and now, after almost a week of more cruising these forums than sleep I'm ready to subject myself to your constructive criticisms.

*DISCLAIMER* I am no artist. I also haven't done any CAD tinkering since the 10th grade so consider your eyeballs warned.

I submit to you my SketchUp of an NGB inspired stealth cab.


Front View with Overlay


Basic Front View

The whole thing is intended to fit into my roommate's old dresser, which is actually taller on the inside than the opening in the face (hence the lack of a top to my box), and supply the 3 of us that live here with at least enough bud to lighten our habit's impact on our wallets, if not supply us the 2-3oz a month we consume. I'm going to strip the faces off the existing drawers and glue them to a door stained to match.

From Top -> Bottom, Left -> Right you'll find: Utilities/Supply Room, Flowering Room, Drying Chamber, Clone/Vegging Room.

Utilities/Supply Room: This room has a 10w Commercial Air Pump which has 4 outlets, 3 of these outlets will run the SWCs/Bubble Cloner and the 4th I intend to run around the cabinet supplying air flow across the tops of all the plants in the cab (same way having a small fan blowing on them would. It'll be 1/4" aquarium tubing...or 3/16...not entirely sure if the ID of your tubing needs to be smaller than your outlets? Q: will this be enough air flow to encourage strong growth? All ventilation is handled by 120mm PC fans so this line is literally just to blow across the tops and encourage air flow through the cab). There's also going to be an old PC PSU up here with its motherboard connector clipped so it can run all the fans in the case. A master power bar with 2 x Digital Timers (one for 18/6 and one for 12/12) sits up here, and is an internal source of power for all the electronics and lighting arrays in the cab. It alone leaves the cabinet and plugs into the wall. Lastly, the actual clearance of this shelf is to the top of the cork board at the very back not the plywood walls, which I'm hoping is enough space to store my nute bottles and a hydrogemeter in. Q: Could someone please measure the vertical height of a quart and possibly a gallon container of nutes and tell me how tall it is?

Flowering Room: I'm going to run 2 x 2 Plant SWCs a la ScrOG method and put them on each of the sliding shelves you see (that's what the 11x10 chunk of wood on the rail-like thingy is...again, I'm no artist/CAD expert). I'll have them each under their own CFL lighting array that will each be 2 reds (5100/5500) and 1 blue (2500/2700(?)) on 12/12. A 120mm PC fan pulls the air out of the top of this chamber (ensuring it pulls all the warmest air). The holes cut into the back of this chamber are all placed to minimize light that could leak through holes cut into the Vegging and Drying chambers.

Drying Chamber: The Drying chamber has a rack (2 x 11" 1x1s with twine stapled between them at even intervals) that slides out, allowing easier access when clipping your bud up/taking it down. At the bottom of it some holes are drilled to allow cool air from under the dresser to flow up into the chamber. I've placed this chamber at the bottom because, as I understand it, bud is best cured in 65-75F, which is closer to the temp a Vegging room should be than the air above the flowering room would be. (Q: Is this right? if not I can rearrange the components so that the drying chamber is up top with the utilities) Lastly, at the very back of the chamber a rectangular vent is cut to allow the air that comes into the Drying chamber to be pulled out of it through the carbon scrubber at the top of the cab.

Clone/Vegging Chamber: This room holds a Bubble Cloner under a simple 1 red/1 blue CFL lighting array that runs on 18/6. The cloner will serve double as an SWC for Vegging the clones in until they are big and strong enough to go up into the Flowering Chamber. Now I hope to get my Hydro Bonsai Mother (which I will be growing as per zenoonez's advice in this thread versus my crude drawing in the same thread) into this chamber too but I suspect she won't fit into the space I've provided (could someone confirm/debunk that?). A 120mm fan pulls the warm air at the top of this room out into the 'ventilation column' at the back of the cab. The holes in the back of this chamber are placed such that minimum/no light can leak into the Drying of Flowering chambers (At least it looks to me like that'll be the case, anyone disagree?)


Side View
This is a side view. I've left a gap between the back of the cab and the back of the existing dresser. I plan to use this gap to run wires/tubing but mainly it is there to assist with airflow. All of the chambers vent directly into this "wet wall" and, as you can see, the carbon scrubber should work effectively at emptying the air in this column thus pulling fresh air in the bottom. The little hole at the bottom is to run the cord for the master power bar out and into a wall outlet.

*I just noticed there's no dimensions on the y axis in this view so just FYI the cab is 13" from the front to the very back and that gap I've left for airflow is 2", leaving a depth of 11" for all of my chambers.*


Back View

This is the corkboard back of the existing dresser, the carbon scrubber (mimicking Suga's design) is attached to this, leaving only one exit point for the air in the cab with the door closed. A 120mm computer fan pulling air through the scrubber should create negative pressure in the case so that air is pulled from the bottom of the drying chamber out the top of the dresser. (Q: Is this enough? I know PC fans have a problem pulling through scrubbers, would I be safer building another one and running both? Presumably at this point I still have room for 4+ more fans on the power supply so this is easily doable.)

:mad: So, I just went to take a shot from the back with 'x-ray' turned on so that you could see how I intend to run my air and power lines...turns out I haven't saved in the past day and my computer just restarted :mad:. Looks like it's over to the redrawing board for me for awhile.

In the meantime you guys look this over and let me know if my dimensions and design are all sound. Questions, Comments, Critiques...Go!

P.S Sorry about the length of this post, as I continue/finish I'll tweak it so it reads more like a tutorial instead of a litany of fully-baked ideas and questions.

*'Works' Cited*
This design was inspired by the following threads. Thank you to the OPs and contributors in each of them.

Anti's MicroStealth Cab Design - inspired my airflow design
Cheap DIY Drying Trunk - made me realize I'd have to cure my harvest
In-Depth SCROG Method - HOWTO: ScrOG
Marijuana Stealth Cabinet (NGB) - Because who wasn't inspired by this?
micro carbon scrubber - model for my carbon scrubber
Step by step bubble cloner setup - model for my cloner/vegging swc
Another quick question: I was going to run the regular little CFLs you see in peoples PC boxes but will I get more bang for my buck for something like these? Will those still screw into those A/C outlet adapter thingamajigs? Because I'm not sure if I'm an adept enough electrician to wire sockets. Of course I guess I could always learn.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey man great air pump. I have one similar. Maybe this helps realize it's true potential, from microbeman's page:

All of these pumps come with a little threaded brass fitting for screwing into the air output. DO NOT USE THESE! Put them in your parts drawer. These constrict the air and reduce your CFM by at least 20%. Rather, find tubing which slides over the nipple into which the threads are tapped. In the case of the Eco Plus 5 and the Hailea, 5/8ths inside diameter works. Slide the air tubing over and secure with a gear clamp. The Eco Plus has a very short nipple so I score the metal with a couple of swipes with a hacksaw to create barbs for the tubing to grip.

I heard the diffusers they use in the Under Current system are the best and they have larger inlets on them, so they handle higher volumes of air like you're putting out. Your plan to use one line for air circulation is not so good. Even though it's a quality air pump, it's not meant to shift lots of air, ironic as that sounds. So the whole pump pushes 1.3cfm in regular fan terms, and I think you would want at least 20, 30, 40, or waaay more, which is easily achieved with cheap fans.

Good luck in building this. Sadly your text on the pics is too hard for me to read but it looks pretty cool anyway. Peace.

Oh also, sketchup autosaves by default.
Ya sorry about the dimensions, I thought the originals were bigger than that. Room dimensions are as follows (inside measurements, WxHxD)

Flowering: 2' x 1' 8 1/4" x 11"
Vegging: 1' 5 1/2" x 11" x 11"
Drying: 6' x 11" x 11" with 9 3/4" hanging height

Oh also, sketchup autosaves by default.
See I figured it would be autosaving...what self respecting piece of software wouldn't? But I have scoured my PC and I can't find it. It's ok, I've got enough screenshots of the original drawing to easily recreate it from the file I *do* have.

Your plan to use one line for air circulation is not so good.
So then my best bet is to do what? put a couple 80mms mounted somewhere in the chambers to blow air over the plants?

P.S after I posted this last night I read your all-encompassing PC fan thread and I gotta say I threw a round of applause your way, some pretty invaluable lessons in there.
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Grow like nobody is watching
Hey thanks dude, I had just added to it, probably hours before you read it. One thing I noticed today, I skimmed back through your post, but it seems you don't mention any wattages of the bulbs, just kelvins. But sure, I would get 1 or 2 x 80mm fans for inside. I don't have a light meter or anything but I went with clear fans inside mine and it feels like it was a good choice. Otherwise I would suggest a white fan or paint.
you don't mention any wattages of the bulbs, just kelvins
...and that is why you always ask the experts first. To be completely honest I had spent so much time researching everything from construction through to curing that I believe I completely skipped the actual wattage of my bulbs. I don't think I'll need anything huge right? Bulbs in the 30s would give me ~200w in the flowering room (because there are 3 bulbs on each array). Will that do?

Also, I know you're a big fan of PL-Ls, how are they price/energy draw-wise?


Grow like nobody is watching
...and that is why you always ask the experts first.

Exactly, so I hope one turns up soon :joint:

I tend to approach it from a watts per square foot perspective. Your flower cab is 1.83 sq ft. If I just wanted a small easy to control grow, I'd aim around 50w/sf. If I wanted to crank it out I'd aim for more like 100w/sf. The great thing with CFLs is switch them out or remove them if it's unsuitable. If you can cool your suggested 200w, then you should get great plants.

PLLs are an investment for sure. They're not cheap, a few boxes of CFLs are far far cheaper. Just gotta weigh it up for yourself really. Mine will have paid themselves off several times over after the first grow alone. Still unsure how the bud density will turn out too. They're a lot more efficient than a CFL though. Just look at them. Hope this helps. :joint:
So then if each of my bulbs are the lowly 23 watters I'll have plenty of light? Excellent.

While we're on my lights, do I have the spectrums right? More reds in flower to mimic the fall and more blues on vegging to mimic the growing season...that's how I understand it...


Grow like nobody is watching
Yes I'd use the 23w as they work out cheaper and give you more even coverage over your scrog.

I'll have them each under their own CFL lighting array that will each be 2 reds (5100/5500) and 1 blue (2500/2700(?)) on 12/12.

The common usage is 2700k - 3000k for flower, and 5000k - 6500k for veg. I used 4000k almost all the way on my current run and it's fine. Break the rules, man. No limits :cool: And if it all goes wrong, switch them over, no harm no foul.
Excellent, thanks Scrub. I'm enjoying this little tete-a-tete. Anyone else can feel free to chime in here too...maybe I should've called this thread "Help gingerninja build a dresser" or something...

Alright, aside from the height of a nutrient container, we've covered all of my questions re: planning and construction. I should be able to start building this next week! So look back in for pictures!

Last couple Q's: 1) I was going to start this grow from bagseed (thought it might be nice to get the sexing, etc. practice a random bag o' seeds offers me) would I be better off shelling out the extra dough for feminized seeds? There are plenty of seedbanks up here in the Great White North so I'm not worried about the postman sniping my beans.
2) I assume I should run the system when it's ready (checking it at light's off time, etc) to make sure it doesn't leak anything, and my lights are all good.

Now that I get on the bus, I realize I had a 3rd question: How is a flat white paint job vs. Mylar? I only ask because, if I ever wanted to take it apart to reassemble it somewhere else (I've got the shelves all set up to slide in and out) white painted plywood is far more stealth than mylar wrapped plywood.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey man if it's your first time, use bagseed for sure. Even use bagseed to verify you can raise them for a few weeks (the hard part, for me at least) and then plant some good ones, if you really want to be sure.

Femmed seed would depend on the breeder who made it. It's pretty easy to do so I would probably buy the strain you want, then fem it yourself. This way all the future plants have the genes of the one/s you chose. The one that did awesome in your environment and grew twice as big as the others. Maybe a little scary on your first go round, but keep it in mind. If you start with femmed seed, then hopefully the breeder has bred out most of the herm genes already (yeah right), so it will make your life easier if you do make your own.

Yes, shade the thermometer from direct light (important!), and put it close to the bulbs where the plant tops will be, or on your scrog screen, and that is a good temp to base testing on. I've never done DWC but you would want to put a thermometer inside your buckets of water and run it with the air going, see what the water temps get to. That is the clincher for DWC. The longer you run it, the more accurate reading you'll get...temps can slowly keep escalating, but if you go 24hrs with no heat problems, you will be good to go.

Mylar has been tested to be slightly more reflective than flat white paint, but shiny shit like mylar reflects more IR heat, which is not what you want. Me personally, I would use flat white paint. Mylar has a number of downsides like you noted, also hard to clean and dirties over quickly.

Edit: what's the problem with the nute container, I missed it
There was no problem Scrub, I was just wondering how tall a nute container was to see if it would fit on my top shelf. But it's not a crucial design aspect, plenty of places in the house to put a bottle like that.

Does anyone know if you can get wood pre-machined(with all those nifty holes punched in it) from places like Home dePot or just pre-cut(down to your LxW dimensions). I only ask because I lack the proper drill and drillbits to pop all those holes in. Suppose it wouldn't hurt to own a power drill anyway...


Grow like nobody is watching
Oh I get ya. They are all different sizes depending on brand. As long as we're just talking regular chemicals etc used for a grow, there's nothing stopping you from putting them in a perfectly sized container of your own choosing. My buddy gets the large drums and decants it to plastic soda bottles as needed. I would recommend using opaque plastic though, if any light gets on them.


Active member
Does anyone know if you can get wood pre-machined(with all those nifty holes punched in it) from places like Home dePot or just pre-cut(down to your LxW dimensions). I only ask because I lack the proper drill and drillbits to pop all those holes in. Suppose it wouldn't hurt to own a power drill anyway...

They only do straight cuts at the store but you are right, you do need to own a drill (and a jigsaw)
Ya my power tool collection consists of a cordless screwdriver (no substitute for a real drill) and a reciprocating saw so maybe it's time to expand the collection.


Grow like nobody is watching
Could you use the reciprocating saw as a jigsaw to cut the holes? It looks like maybe you could if yours is like that?
lol damn this vaporizer! I own a circular saw. I don't know wtf I was talking about back there.

I'm going to start collecting/ordering parts starting tomorrow. I'm so excited to try to put all this info I've been pulling off these forums to use!

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