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GGK finally does one of these..


Well-known member
GGK, what are your thoughts of coco vs organic amended? Do you water your coco everyday/multiple times? Hows the finished flowers of same exact cuts compare at the end?


Active member
My glue comes out more chocolaty sweet chem in the soil, in coco it's really sour..only real differences I notices is small terpene diff and growth structure. I get my soil to yield better then coco but I don't have it on auto water this run...next run will be all coco on auto water shooting for 4-5 times a day


Active member
:tiphat: Awesome looking setup

How tall are your ceilings? I know people are saying keep the gavitas 3ft up and those look a little lower, ever have problems with bleaching?


Active member
Nope no bleaching the soil plants are 2.5ft away and the coco are about 4 ft away, ceiling are 9ft but I have cubby holes I built to hang lights from, lights on 1k next run I'll be able to turn em up i won't have a bunch of over vegged plants...got a couple 8ft glues in there now


Active member
whaaaa? Thats insane. sorry to hear that.

light leak or did ya stress her out some other way?

I've ran her 3 times, and my other peeps just finished her with great results too, never heard a nanner story yet till now :(

Nah she was in room with everything else and she's only one that has Hermed one me, Id think the forum would be the one to herm hard if I had a prob haha she must just not of liked me


I get my soil to yield better then coco but I don't have it on auto water this run...next run will be all coco on auto water shooting for 4-5 times a day

Ganja, please tell me how you auto water with soil? I am trying real soil (FF Happy Frog) for the 1st time vs what I am usually used to which would be coir or pro-mix. My question is do you time the drippers to just get the soil wet or does one keep them on long enough to get a bit of drainage? Once a day?


Active member
Soil I always hand water and I keep it constantly moist so the microbes and such don't die off, my 45 gals get about 10 gals or so each a day

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I wish I could find a way to auto water soil. I tried blumats but stopped using them cause of the run aways. I haven't took a vacation since my honeymoon a couple years back. The one guy I pay to keep the grow going keeps the plants alive....but that's about it. Grower problems, I guess! Lol :biglaugh:


Active member
Those are sweet, maybe in the future but I like my time with the plants it's almost therapeutic for me haha.

Some glue

And 2.0


Active member
This is where I spent my weekend...saw a nice 8 point was about 15 yards just stood behind a bunch of brush the whole time so 20 mins of staring at nothing but a rack and a head while his body was hidden..gunna go couople times this week

What I'm spending the day doing. Got 20 chemdog and 20 dubbs to transplant today,little root porn


This is where I spent my weekend...saw a nice 8 point was about 15 yards just stood behind a bunch of brush the whole time so 20 mins of staring at nothing but a rack and a head while his body was hidden..gunna go couople times this week
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What I'm spending the day doing. Got 20 chemdog and 20 dubbs to transplant today,little root porn
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I'm going this weekend! Early Muzzleloader where I'm at.
