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GCG and Boobs's 2012 NorCal Organic Outdoor: The Foothill Fetish


Active member
^ We youngins still listen to vinyl from time to time! I have a decent little punk rock vinyl collection, and some of my dads great old records as well.


licorice pizza took me a minute...nice one, SM. Happy to report the vinyl has recently (re)started spinning at chez Mapinguari...

Props to the thread starters on your nice garden and fun thread. Happy harvest to all.
OG Kush



Active member
That is possibly the biggest og plant I have ever seen, respect. I bet the nugs are top grade fire, great work.


Active member
Hello all,

So how long before you think they come down?

The weather is so beautiful for this time of year I am having trouble deciding when to chop.

Gcg, I'm beyond impressed with that baby you have there wow!!, is that the "fire" cut?

Thanks!!! Yes it's the Fire OG cut. I have the Ghost OG cut right next to it. So far the fire is winning, but this is a long distance race that often changes position.

I'm headed out the door right now to drop the gennie and hopefully get hossauce down to the bar for a drink and a sammy. Have a great weekend. :thank you:

Minds I - Harvest will begin in a week or so. We are all on site, so as long as the weather holds we will be taking them when they SHOULD be taken in my eyes. We've all had to be patient, no reason not to continue for me.


You two are doing some really fine looking work. Really. I got distracted by the vinyl, brought back memories oh my goodness I tell you what (and more than a few of them begin with, "This one time I dropped some acid and __________________.).

Just as things around here seem to be slowing down, it's time to prepare for any bad weather that might be coming in and harvest. So far so good. I've got girls who can probably go now, and ladies who definitely need more time. Dave and I have a plan hatched and ready for execution, based in large part on what I've been reading in your threads, on some 'season extension', or lady protection, for this year. Last year I *had* to take them mid-October, this year I want to let some go if I can.

As long as the weather holds..!

They're drumming at Grinding Rock this weekend. Let's hope they ain't askin' for rain!
Blue Dream x OG Chem - This is the tallest of all of the plants by far and also has an excellent stem rub. Still quite early into flower but lots of potential. Lots of space between nodes so the height may matter none when it comes to final yield comparisons of the greenhouse. We'll see.


One of many Bubba OG tops, this one is about average. Not too much longer until these start getting harvested.


SourD twins turned into triplets.



damn that sensi star is looking pretty ripe.. i love how short and round she is..makes for an easy harvest. you got some serious spacing in between each plant gcg, must have a nice chunk of land huh.. start chopping anything yet? some early test branches or anything?


Active member
I had a pack of sensi star years back and nothing produced or looked anything like your cut. Very nice indeed! I would also love to know your harvest window, it seems you like things extra ripe.
No sample branches or anything of that nature.

I have harvested 1 OG Bubba that is in a 65 gallon pot, finishing a week faster than the 200 gallon pots.

The Sensi Star is not ready yet, even by the eyes of someone that pulls early. Perhaps the nighttime picture misleads?

I like it ripe, you are right. Not only do i appreciate the high more (most strains) but the weight is just starting to pack on.

Happy Harvest!!!


Perhaps the nighttime picture misleads?

thats prob the reason it looks ripe yep.. do you check trics to determine harvest or just eyeball it? ide love to see a pic of the og bubba in the 65 gal.. did you yield nice off the 65? love seeing big plants in smaller sized smart pots..


child of the sun
big update here for you guys! hope you're ready! start off with this tune and get excited!


so, Endur came up the hill a couple days ago and brought his cameras, he took some great pics and we had a fun time. Here are some of the pictures that he took which I particularly liked for various reasons. These will most likely be some of, if not the, last pictures of the plants until they are trimmed up so I really hope you enjoy them.

it looks like wednesday night the temps are going to drop way way down, hopefully that comes to be.

I will likely be giving the Bubba OG's as well as the platinum and hindu (which are all questionably the same plant) their last waterings tomorrow morning. I'll work out their final water consumption shortly after and let you guys know for anyone who's been following that.

It's been a great year and here's to finishing strong!

those are Endur's fags, I don't smoke hehe

here's a sweet closeup on the maple leaf indica which lots of people seem to like, me included

juicy fella, the only reason I know is because my pup proceeded to eat the poor bugger shortly following this picture and well... lol, we tried to stop her for the record

Hindu Kush

a rare shot of the Romulan



child of the sun

one of my favorite songs
did any of you guys see that thread recently where they were talking about, in a case of emergency, getting rid of their stash by launching it into the sky with ballons!!... gave me a great laugh haha, laughing about it now thinking about it.

...anyways, on with the show!

Blue dream doing it's part at making this mountain quite sugary.

Sour Diesel looking floppy eh...

Lavender hour

nice close up shot,

some more Bubba OG

that's all for now, Endur took a ton of pictures so if there's anything in particular you want to see more of let me know and I will look for them.


Active member
I LOVE ROMULAN! I used to grow the shit out of her about 10 years ago, and every time I try to find Romulan after that it just isn't close to the original. Nice score, fantastic garden.

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