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Gavita pro 600 x 2 / LEP 300 test grow

easi theherbalisor, my boy biggs directed me over here, loving the tent bro, just how i like it, nice full even canopy, anyway the reason he told me bout this thread was i just invested in a gavita pro 1000, im liking what i see from the 600s your using and can only imagine what this can do, and your defo right too, the plasma looks to make them stocky as a mofo lol after seeing this thread im defo gonna get a plasma or 2, i'll look forward to ya updates bro

peace out


Well-known member
Thanks guys...

You another happy gavita user. Add the LEP to your setup and you'll be laughing, 2 LEP and a 1000 pro in the middle is what I had planned. Will try that at some point. Starting with just one LEP in veg moving to two half way thru veg, then at flower turn the 1000 on to 600 for a few weeks, crank up slowly to 750 then upto 1000 for a few weeks and down again at the end.

The light levels in there and really I mean spread seam allot better than with the blockbusters. With the blockbusters I did notice growth drop off at the edges of the tent. Not so with these shades. Amazing really for such a small shade, well in comparison.


Well-known member
Many thanks Herbalizor for this great review, and you know how to grow!
Very useful cause i'm moving to a gavita pro model, but i have some questions...
I was wondering if in the Pro 600w model (400v) the bulb will heat more than a normal 600w 230v. Did you noticed that?
At 18inch what's the temperature on the canopy?
I will mount one 600w 400v in a 1meter x 1meter x 2meter tent, and i'm afraid of high temperatures. What do you think?


Well-known member

Well this is a 1.5 m tent with 2 open 600s and the LEP. 800 cmh extract and 325 in. Big oscillator and temps run at about 27-29 at canopy. Really good. Only about 8 deg above ambient.

So, I think you'll be fine. At the end of the day I can run an open 400w in a dr 80, they are only 160 high. So you will be fine.


Well-known member

Well this is a 1.5 m tent with 2 open 600s and the LEP. 800 cmh extract and 325 in. Big oscillator and temps run at about 27-29 at canopy. Really good. Only about 8 deg above ambient.

So, I think you'll be fine. At the end of the day I can run an open 400w in a dr 80, they are only 160 high. So you will be fine.

I'll keep in mind your words.
You've been very useful thanks.

Tagged! let's see how they will be :D


That is a great grow you are doing here.:jump:
Here is a movie i got on somebody doing the same combination.


^^I hope they did some sun protection on their arms to protect themselves for the UV-B concentration, although it is good for Vitamin D production.:D

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Well-known member
Thanks guys.... Interesting vid although can I ask you to remove it for risk it offends the powers that be.

Ok, day 17 flower update.

They have been getting a wee bit of cal mag to sort out the chem d and it has pretty much done the trick.

They will also be moving to full stregth Sup Potash and Headmasta from day 21.

I will also be tackling putting in the support net during the week. Not looking forward to that.












roll it large

Good luck on the netting mate rather you than me lol but wow hasnt it all come on a treat superb canopy too man esp with all the different strains going at once,i think your gunna get a big haul of top quality smoke there pal



Hey herbs my friend, the grow is looking great as others have said a nice even canopy as well, the netting is going to be a right barsteward to put over that lot mate, are you going to be tying it to the poles in the corners? or hanging a screen the same size as the room then lowering it down over the canopy?
haha yes yes bro, they look sick, only day 17 and the flowers are big, do you put them in 36hrs darkness before you put the lights on? they're so lush green too, do you spray anything on them at all, have you ever tried essence from plant magic, i didn't do it this time round cos it would have took me forever lol its good stuff tho bro



Well-known member
Thanks gus. Net going in tonight, got my flatmate coming over to help net the beasts.

Going to remove the front 6 plant. Gingerly walk on the flood and drain table without breaking it. Tie the net to the poles at the back. Lower over plants, not really doing bending and was thinking of going halfway down the colas to perhaps a 3rd the way down as they still have a little more height to achieve.

Then place in next 3 plant, lower net onto them, then last 3 plants. Ensuring I have them in the right order, but knowing me I'll put the quick finishers at the back by mistake and will end up pushing the kq to 77 days. Lol. Let's hope not.

I def think I should be on for a big harvest. Plants re quite mature and big for their age, chem d and kq are pretty much fully colad up at day 22.

HB, I haven't done 36 dark for ages. I used to do at beginning and end. But see no real difference apart from perhaps slight wired plant deficiencies when using 36 dark to initiate flower.

And I don't really foliar. If I see pm in the neighbourhood I will give them a preventative systhane fungus fighter spray if in veg. I do have some essense to combats LSF if it crops up. I just never remember to get the essense brewing. Did buy a dedicated sprayer for it tho yesterday as figured sharing the systhane sprayer would be counter productive as it would kill the essense,.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
another great grow bredren...ill be looking forward to seeing how it ends up yieldwise compared to some of your previous runs. The way things lookin now ill be saving my money to get one of those LEP 300 for veg and supplement bloom as well! Good vibez


Herb, I've just looked back over the thread and remembered you were only growing 9 plants.... The canopy is crazy considering you haven't scrogged..... Great training there mate, how often were you training them and how long did it take per session?

You must spread more reputation before giving it to the canopy guru again :D


Well-known member
Thanks chaps... Makin a man blush here... Lol. Canopy guru, dunno about that. But tanks..

Yeah get saving for an LEP, you'll never look back.

Shhhh, I keep forgetting its only 9 also. Prob did the heaviest training in veg, after a few weeks from topping I tied all leaders down and made them bsh. But in flower up until around day 21 I went round either just pinching stems or bending where ness. Only 15 mins max a day. Wasn't really a lot of lower canopy stuff to remove as its all at top level.

Got the net in yesterday, was quite therapeutic really. Took an hour there abouts. Used the large mesh pea nettin, gotta be a good average of 2-3 colas per square.

If this carries on at this rate I'll be more than happy. Just hate tents fr lack of ceiling. I wold really like to raise the lamps a further 10 inches, well mainly plasma, but next grow I'll build my own 2x1m by 2.5m high cab so I can scrog a couple to 4 plants per 600. And have better ceiling heights.

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