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Gas is gonna go through the roof.....


weed fiend
Blueshark, one of the articles that explains subsidies won't even attempt to explain Ag welfare, lol. I take it that some industries face market forces that render business here today and gone tomorrow, w/o fault of management. Possibly a case of good policy gone bad and too many lobbyists lining up.

It's just my opinion but I'd like to see renewable energy get a leg up these days. I'd like to have several solar panels and a nano battery. We've got a few companies running their ops with similar stuff. I just don't want to pay 3x for green because it never gets to full production.

If we had enough renewables going on, we could keep our gas toys.


Active member
You know, there are times when I even wonder why I care to pay attention about things that go on in the world. Its not like I have the power to really do anything about it on a worldly scale.
However, when many voices come together, it is like a chorus and CANNOT be ignored. Just by virtue of the fact that all of us are discussing this and many other points on this forum gives me hope for the future. I am certain that things we post about are talked about with others in our OWN personal lives and it mushrooms from there.
I am very appreciative of the interaction between us all on these forums...because it means we CARE about the world around us.
We may not always agree (the Founding Fathers didn't) on the course of action to take, but when we are talking about it, ideas come forth that may end with a great solution previously hidden from view.
Thanks to all of you for sharing ideas....remember, WE are the answer. If we fail to care, then all is truely lost.

Be safe this New Year...

Great post... I'm always a little disappointed when a good heated political thread gets shut down. It's important that we argue these things out amongst ourselves... I know it makes me think & do more research about the issues.

Disco, You're right. Big Gov't. shouldn't subsidize anything. Oil, banks, insurance/investment co's and car manufacturing.... No business using MY tax dollar for their own ends. All of these have plenty of markup on their goods/services and if they mismanage their way to bankruptcy, so be it. Maybe the next one won't make the same mistakes. If they know that there is no REAL consequence for there stupidity, why should they change?

Reading you guys talking about this reminded me of a radio show I heard the other night (I don't remember who...), anyways, he was talking about tax credits really being disguised expenditures. Accordingly, when you add up all these government expenditures (tax credits... both for business & personal). It's the biggest portion of the budget, bigger than defense, bigger than medicare & bigger than social security. We spend more on tax credits than anything else, why in the world did we send money to exxon/mobile last year???

So... I hate to agree with Ronald Reagan, but thinking about it this way... I guess government does spend too much... (on tax credits... oh, there's a lot of other places we could save money... but l'm sure we'll all have some disagreements to hammer out... although I think we can all agree to disband the DEA)

... but what the guy was saying was that by is numbers (I don't have any links or math to back me up here... just something to think about), we could more than balance the budget just by cutting out spending on tax credits.

Sorry this doesn't relate to oil...


You know, there are times when I even wonder why I care to pay attention about things that go on in the world. Its not like I have the power to really do anything about it on a worldly scale.
However, when many voices come together, it is like a chorus and CANNOT be ignored. Just by virtue of the fact that all of us are discussing this and many other points on this forum gives me hope for the future. I am certain that things we post about are talked about with others in our OWN personal lives and it mushrooms from there.
I am very appreciative of the interaction between us all on these forums...because it means we CARE about the world around us.
We may not always agree (the Founding Fathers didn't) on the course of action to take, but when we are talking about it, ideas come forth that may end with a great solution previously hidden from view.
Thanks to all of you for sharing ideas....remember, WE are the answer. If we fail to care, then all is truely lost.

Be safe this New Year...

We can do something significant and it's really simple and barely costs anything. Go out and buy an ounce of silver. Physical silver. It'll cost you about $34. If enough people did this GoldmanSucks would go bankrupt. That would be a good start! Go and do it! What do you have to lose? 34 pieces of paper that Ben Bernanke creates out of thin air whenever he feels like it, but you have an ounce of a precious metal that there is a limited supply of in the world and that has had value ever since the first caveman picked up a pretty rock and traded it to someone else for something of value. Tell all of your friends to do it also and we can take back financial control of our country.


Active member
Greensub, yes, when you think about an expenditure or a credit both will take a bite out of Gov't. coffers....But I will wait for another forum about taxes for that point of veiw. Suffice it to say that if everybody paid the same percentage with NO loopholes/credits then perhaps they wouldn't need to add Fed tax and piggy-back State tax to a gallon of fuel...

Robbie, that would add to the security of someones personal assets and its something everyone could afford. For that matter, any semi-precious metal would do (to hoard, anyway). Copper, silver, bronze, brass, etc...

Anyone remember the tax they were thinking about in regard to how far you drive to work? Glad that got shot down in short order. Gas is bad enough...I'm paying 60-70 cents more than this time last year, but inflation is flat??? They must think we are stupid

Hey D.C., Jedi mind-tricks don't work on me....


Active member
Your conversation with Disco just made me think of it... I agree, (something for a different thread)

as someone who's dirt poor right now... I wonder how inflation will affect me, I don't drive much right now (for now... I use to have a two hour commute), but it's gonna drive up the cost of just about everything else (that has to be transported anyway). Now would be a great time for me to take on some debt and buy a house, (hopefully the next year or so).
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Your conversation with Disco just made me think of it... I agree, (something for a different thread)

as someone who's dirt poor right now... I wonder how inflation will affect me, I don't drive much right now (for now... I use to have a two hour commute), but it's gonna drive up the cost of just about everything else (that has to be transported anyway). Now would be a great time for me to take on some debt and buy a house, (hopefully the next year or so).

Inflation of oil will up the price of everything. Doesn't matter if you ride a bike and hug a tree. You will feel the pain. Plastics, medicine, just about everything has oil in it.

There is a reason why energy and food and cotton, etc isn't included in the CPI. The CPI will become known as one of the largest farces in history IMO. It hides inflation. It's the same reason MSM uses the U3 unemployment number rather than the U6 or the real number. It's a deceptive tacit. Joesph Goebbels would be proud.

Now if you want to get into housing. I would wait. Prices are dropping and will continue to do. Even the Case Shiller index, as of this month, (another deceptive figure) points toward double dip decline. In other words, IMO, wait a bit longer until we bottom.

Land and silver baby.
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Active member
Thanks for reminding me about the double dip... I forgot I'd just heard about that the other day (with the talk about inflation, I was thinking of interest rates), I won't be in a position to buy for awhile, so that's good news for me I guess.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Interest rates are probably going to go up and home prices down. Bernanke is all in on ZIRP (0% interest policy). How long can he hold it is another point of debate That's what is going on right now.

Most of our (US) personal equity is tied into our homes. I believe it's somewhere around twice the % of our personal equity in the Wall Street Casino. Housing still has to reset to the "new normal". Homes are not meant to be fiat currency banks.

Save your money and you'll be able to get something at a good price.


Active member
That's what I'm hoping... just thinking of interest costs too, I guess I can minimize that with a high down and short terms.


Active member
yea i thought i was buying property at rock bottom last december...my house went from being 600 in the bubble..bought at 340..went to 390 and dropped to 330....so lost 60k in the last year. fucking housing!!!

my buddies in 600 on a house that is probably only worth the same as mine...he bought during the bubble...im just lucky i bought during recession..


Active member
I need to talk to my sister more, she's a state regulator in the housing industry... I remember her talking about the shit hitting the fan (well not in such colorful language), it wasn't good though. I haven't talked to her about it recently.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

It's only a matter of time until OPEC trades in euros. If the dollar keeps falling it'll be permanent. More industry and/or nations may go the way of of the euro afterward.

They're already working on it. At least according to this story.

The demise of the dollar

In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading



Active member
Interesting news story, definitely something to keep a watch on. I wonder if this will be enough to get the chinese to decouple their currency from ours and allow it to rise... that at least would be useful.


weed fiend
maybe through dumb luck I'll time the market perfectly (ya... right)

My sister bought a restored house in metro Atl in 1990 for $92,000. She listed for $325,000 in 2001, sold for $275,000 in 2002. I bet it wouldn't get $180,000 today. Problem is, the same devaluation that she avoided with her old place happened with her current one, lol.


Active member
2018 is the deadline....looks like they been talkin about this out in the "open" for over a year now....guess wool
have to wait and see....so much is changing in the world that it wouldnt surprise me.....
High fuel prices hit the poor first and hardest.

Bolivia Fuel Riots

The old woman makes a good point at the end. "As fuel prices increase my money becomes worthless."
keep on Bolivian people:good:...out numbering the powers that be and even making them up wages....


Well-known member
not a solution for everybody, but did see this cool(in a survivalist kind of way) show on Discovery with the wood burning truck
not a new idea, basically it's a natural gas generator put on the back of a truck
toss in some wood(or almost any organic matter), and you get a stream of low grade natural gas
there used to be quite a number back in world war II, not a luxury vehicle, but it did work

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