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Fusarium or verticillium?


Well-known member
Coming from experience

Coming from experience

Wow, so it is Fusarium - Bummer, sorry to hear that.
But it's not Oxysporum, right?

I think I mentioned on the 1st page that Donald Rummsfeld worked on weaponizing F. Oxysporum into 3 new super species (Oxy cannabis, Oxy Coca, Oxy Poppy).
If it's not Oxysporum then you don't have the weaponized one like I got hit with.
Though your symptoms nearly mimic mine; except mine started dying hardcore 5 days after symptoms showed (so week 3/4 "deficiencies" then week 5 wilted; week 6 dead or on fire in the backyard)

You will read a lot about how Fusarium ends growers' careers. That was true. And you're right, the spores are now everywhere. But don't worry. RetroGrow is on point about getting your plant defenses up. Read up on Living Organic Soil - it is the next iteration of ROLS. Those guys really know how to get every singe possible beneficial organism into the soil and onto the plant.
The other route of attack is industrial strength Hydrogen Peroxide - Something at least 30% H2O2. Now this stuff can be hard to get because some dumbasses try to make explosives with it but we are just killing spores. Now it's expensive in quantity so also grab a couple bottles of medical grade H2O2 - something like 3%, though the stronger the better. Get your skin covered in clothing, a dust mask and GOGGLES THAT SEAL TIGHTLY - this shit WILL blind you - then add some of your industrial H2O2 to your Medical H202 and spray your grow room and equipment. No need to toss anything (except your soil, unless you want to bake/steam it).

I got hit HARD by weaponized Oxy and it was like watching my dog die. I thought I was fucked and could never grow again.
Now I have nice healthy plants -- You MUST get the beneficial organisms booming like crazy.
For soil I recommend Coco, Peat, and Humus/Compost and all that aerated with Pumice -- Perlite sucks dead moose c*ck and causes problems in soil (you'll notice how much better the roots colonize with pumice compare to perlite; plus you notice how you get that layer of perlite near the bottom of your container while the layer below it is soil devoid of perlite - this causes anaerobic conditions leading to Fusarium, so Pumice kicks ass)


-EDIT- also, never let your soil/roots get cold. Cold + Wet = bad fungi (fusarium). I have a propane space heater (MR. Buddy Jr) and I keep my roots at 78-85.... Many would say this is too warm, I say theu must have never walked into a grow devastated by Fusarium ;)
Wow, so it is Fusarium - Bummer, sorry to hear that.
But it's not Oxysporum, right?

I think I mentioned on the 1st page that Donald Rummsfeld worked on weaponizing F. Oxysporum into 3 new super species (Oxy cannabis, Oxy Coca, Oxy Poppy).
If it's not Oxysporum then you don't have the weaponized one like I got hit with.
Though your symptoms nearly mimic mine; except mine started dying hardcore 5 days after symptoms showed (so week 3/4 "deficiencies" then week 5 wilted; week 6 dead or on fire in the backyard)

You will read a lot about how Fusarium ends growers' careers. That was true. And you're right, the spores are now everywhere. But don't worry. RetroGrow is on point about getting your plant defenses up. Read up on Living Organic Soil - it is the next iteration of ROLS. Those guys really know how to get every singe possible beneficial organism into the soil and onto the plant.
The other route of attack is industrial strength Hydrogen Peroxide - Something at least 30% H2O2. Now this stuff can be hard to get because some dumbasses try to make explosives with it but we are just killing spores. Now it's expensive in quantity so also grab a couple bottles of medical grade H2O2 - something like 3%, though the stronger the better. Get your skin covered in clothing, a dust mask and GOGGLES THAT SEAL TIGHTLY - this shit WILL blind you - then add some of your industrial H2O2 to your Medical H202 and spray your grow room and equipment. No need to toss anything (except your soil, unless you want to bake/steam it).

I got hit HARD by weaponized Oxy and it was like watching my dog die. I thought I was fucked and could never grow again.
Now I have nice healthy plants -- You MUST get the beneficial organisms booming like crazy.
For soil I recommend Coco, Peat, and Humus/Compost and all that aerated with Pumice -- Perlite sucks dead moose c*ck and causes problems in soil (you'll notice how much better the roots colonize with pumice compare to perlite; plus you notice how you get that layer of perlite near the bottom of your container while the layer below it is soil devoid of perlite - this causes anaerobic conditions leading to Fusarium, so Pumice kicks ass)


-EDIT- also, never let your soil/roots get cold. Cold + Wet = bad fungi (fusarium). I have a propane space heater (MR. Buddy Jr) and I keep my roots at 78-85.... Many would say this is too warm, I say theu must have never walked into a grow devastated by Fusarium ;)

I'm loving it! good to see you, my friend!!:dance013:


Active member
Wow, so it is Fusarium - Bummer, sorry to hear that.
But it's not Oxysporum, right?

I think I mentioned on the 1st page that Donald Rummsfeld worked on weaponizing F. Oxysporum into 3 new super species (Oxy cannabis, Oxy Coca, Oxy Poppy).
If it's not Oxysporum then you don't have the weaponized one like I got hit with.
Though your symptoms nearly mimic mine; except mine started dying hardcore 5 days after symptoms showed (so week 3/4 "deficiencies" then week 5 wilted; week 6 dead or on fire in the backyard)

You will read a lot about how Fusarium ends growers' careers. That was true. And you're right, the spores are now everywhere. But don't worry. RetroGrow is on point about getting your plant defenses up. Read up on Living Organic Soil - it is the next iteration of ROLS. Those guys really know how to get every singe possible beneficial organism into the soil and onto the plant.
The other route of attack is industrial strength Hydrogen Peroxide - Something at least 30% H2O2. Now this stuff can be hard to get because some dumbasses try to make explosives with it but we are just killing spores. Now it's expensive in quantity so also grab a couple bottles of medical grade H2O2 - something like 3%, though the stronger the better. Get your skin covered in clothing, a dust mask and GOGGLES THAT SEAL TIGHTLY - this shit WILL blind you - then add some of your industrial H2O2 to your Medical H202 and spray your grow room and equipment. No need to toss anything (except your soil, unless you want to bake/steam it).

I got hit HARD by weaponized Oxy and it was like watching my dog die. I thought I was fucked and could never grow again.
Now I have nice healthy plants -- You MUST get the beneficial organisms booming like crazy.
For soil I recommend Coco, Peat, and Humus/Compost and all that aerated with Pumice -- Perlite sucks dead moose c*ck and causes problems in soil (you'll notice how much better the roots colonize with pumice compare to perlite; plus you notice how you get that layer of perlite near the bottom of your container while the layer below it is soil devoid of perlite - this causes anaerobic conditions leading to Fusarium, so Pumice kicks ass)


-EDIT- also, never let your soil/roots get cold. Cold + Wet = bad fungi (fusarium). I have a propane space heater (MR. Buddy Jr) and I keep my roots at 78-85.... Many would say this is too warm, I say theu must have never walked into a grow devastated by Fusarium ;)

Thanks for your tips bro. It did test as the fusarium. Oxysporum that's specific to cannabis..fuck the govt.

I'm going to do what you guys say with the teas and beneficials, chitosan or aspirin, and just be as clean as possible for now on in the grow room.

Going to have to stop growing the long flowering diesel and give that gorilla glue a try...looks like quite the holy grail.

I'll keep this thread updated with my next grow to see what kind of progress I can make dealing with the fusarium.


Active member
About "weaponized" fusarium. It's not actually out there. It was banned by the Florida congress when they first tried to introduce it. Since then, it is contained (supposedly) in one company, and is not allowed to be released. It's illegal. That said, the DEA has been known to make their own laws. I seriously doubt that you had weaponized fusarium, as that would be actionable since it's illegal. Fusarium oxysporum is not weaponized fusarium. Weaponized fusarium is Fusarium sporotrichoides. This was used by the Russians in the 1930s and caused mass casualties. It was banned in 1972 as a biological weapon. Fusarium oxysporum is however, dangerous to many crops, and it is contagious to humans. If you're immune system is compromised, it can be deadly. Breathe in the spores, and they are in your lungs. I would use a breathing mask if working with infected plants. I would burn the plants, and dispose of the soil, or compost it and heat it to 140F by solarization, but that sounds like a lot of trouble, so I just would not use soil to begin with, but if it has to be soil, start over and inoculate the soil with bennies and keep the aspirin going with each watering.


Well-known member
I was in a prohibition state when I got the Fusarium. And I'm a medical patient, so I needed the meds
Yup, I smoked the Fusarium infected buds. (And I have asthma). Luckilly, all I got were mild ear infections that went away after a couple months.
I would never do that again, but with my back if I don't have meds I end up in a dark place where I don't wan't to keep going; so at the time it seemed worth it to smoke the Fusarium.

Yes, weaponized Fusarium was banned in the early 70's but the DEA/CIA kept using it (in the Americas and Middle East; some say Asia as well).

Outlaw, best of luck conquering this. It is beatable, so dont be discouraged.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I started a thread a while ago asking about fusarium getting passed on to clones because it is systemic. In cases where the mother plant is heavily infected practical experience has now taught me that the clones will be infected despite new soil!

However it could also be from spores present on the exterior of the leaves!


Active member
Ive had some new clones growing that I picked up about 7 days ago. Upon arrival they were doused in actinovate and planted in 1/2g pots of soil watered with actinovate. They don't look so good in the last couple of days. They appear to show signs of overwatering because of the curled down twisted leaves.

They were planted in a sterilized grow tent that I cleaned top to bottom with 10% bleach solution. Time will tell if they are infected but I feel as though they are. Im going to use subdue maxx on them and after that watering I will start using many Beneficial's including root shield.

I picked up my outdoor babies over the weekend and they are now in the tent as well. I would hate to bring fusarium up to my land where ive got lots of money in nice organic soil waiting to be planted in. It would be a huge loss to not be able to grow outdoors in that soil anymore. I have no where else to veg clones to get them big for the outdoor season. Ive thought about just picking up clones in june, and planting them small to avoid possible fusarium transfer from my home.

So from my understanding- the spores are everywhere, but wait for a host and proper conditions to get into plant. Once the plant is infected with fusarium there is no chance of winning the battle? Or do the compost tea's and beneficial bacteria fight it off to the point that the infection doesn't matter and the plant can grow until harvest?

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The beneficials coat the roots and prevent attachment and colonization by the fusarium. As far as I know, once the fungus has penetrated into the roots there is no going back.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
The beneficials coat the roots and prevent attachment and colonization by the fusarium. As far as I know, once the fungus has penetrated into the roots there is no going back.
I hate the thought of losing my favorite cut. If I self the plant do you think the seeds will be free of disease, I have never heard of fusarium passed on to seeds?


Active member
The beneficials coat the roots and prevent attachment and colonization by the fusarium. As far as I know, once the fungus has penetrated into the roots there is no going back.

Makes sense...

I guess what ill do is just sacrafice a couple plants and send them to the lab before I go ahead and put them outside in june.

I have read a couple horror stories about fusarium ending growers careers. I have been pretty stressed lately dealing with this nightmare and trying my best to stay optimistic!


Active member
I hate the thought of losing my favorite cut. If I self the plant do you think the seeds will be free of disease, I have never heard of fusarium passed on to seeds?

Fusarium can be passed on through seeds. (EDIT- Sorry for the mis information- spores can be on outside of shells only- not inside seeds)

Tissue cultures work too.
Last edited:


Active member
I hate the thought of losing my favorite cut. If I self the plant do you think the seeds will be free of disease, I have never heard of fusarium passed on to seeds?

Fusarium doesn't penetrate the seeds, but spores can be on the outside of seeds. This can be remedied by soaking the seeds in Actinovate, Mycostop, or OG Biowar, etc.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Ive had some new clones growing that I picked up about 7 days ago. Upon arrival they were doused in actinovate and planted in 1/2g pots of soil watered with actinovate...

... Im going to use subdue maxx on them and after that watering I will start using many Beneficial's including root shield.

RootShield is a Trichoderma fungus. Actinovate is a Streptomyces bacteria that kills fungus. Some of the products mentioned in this thread may not work well together.


Active member
My fusarium issues began while growing in coco.

Yes. You can get it anywhere. However you had flood tables, if I'm not mistaken. I use Hempy buckets and never get anything. Rez is very small, and plants drink it up daily. I replace rez daily, with tap water.

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