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FTA ( free to all ) Summer 16 0z cup Challange


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Dimebagg - Nice!! I wish I pinched more. I have 2 ft of stem and 1 ft of flowering plant.

Good luck to all!!!!


Day 26

Day 26

It is getting less light with her sisters now flowering but she is doing well.
I'll try to get it to fill in.
There should be some frost a little later.


Moved to the mother room where I am flowering everyone. She has more light there.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I started some more.
2 Payote Purple bubba x bubba from cannabiogen
2 Purple Erkel subcool seeds
2 Deep Purple Subcool seeds
2 Sour Bubble Bog
3 Paki citral kush from cannabiogen

John Deere

Active member
It's been awhile since I've updated but here's my girls. The bigger one is in coco and the smaller is in soil. Can't really say the size difference is due to that, though, as they're random bagseeds from my jar.

Some of my leaves aren't looking too good as I found out the hard way that they need to be watered EVERY DAY! :crazy: They sprung back pretty quick and don't seem too much the worse for wear. Haven't checked the trichs in awhile but I'll probably let them get mostly amber before I harvest. They're a tiny bit droopy in the pics, too, because I took them before they got watered tonight.


John Deere

Active member
Thanks, Hank. This has been an interesting grow. It's really opened my eyes to the 12/12 growing style. I don't think I'll switch over to it completely but I am going to keep using it. I've got a pretty good size jar of bagseeds and I should be able to keep a few going all the time. I'm going to use a bit larger containers next time, though, so I don't have to water daily.


"easy growing type"
It's been awhile since I've updated but here's my girls. The bigger one is in coco and the smaller is in soil. Can't really say the size difference is due to that, though, as they're random bagseeds from my jar.

Some of my leaves aren't looking too good as I found out the hard way that they need to be watered EVERY DAY! :crazy: They sprung back pretty quick and don't seem too much the worse for wear. Haven't checked the trichs in awhile but I'll probably let them get mostly amber before I harvest. They're a tiny bit droopy in the pics, too, because I took them before they got watered tonight.

My man John Deere!!! WTF!!!!!!
Dude if you train them they will come!! LoL. Shit John you killed us lol.. ;) Great fucking job bro!!


nice job everyone.....good stuff happening in beer cups in this thread...........
day 6o
strain: LarryDog
watts:600 hps (she actually only got a tiny corner in the farthest spot from the light)
medium:promix bx
container: 16 oz party cup.
nutrients: flora nova grow & bloom,cha ching,big up powder,molasses and KW's secret coktail.........
clone or seed: clone.........

shes in full flush now looking premium





she is going to yeild better than expected at the start of this competion..............I cant wait to see yeild per cup results and she how she measures up ..........


"easy growing type"
Wow everyone is killing it big in here :) It's great to see these plants in their final stages of life..


Active member
Wonderful grows here. I wish my clone would have made it. Props to all the cup growers. Just because i wasn't in this doesn't mean i haven't been watching.

I did start a new Chem D clone in a cup. Mostly to repair my lowered self esteem from killing one during the challenge. :p It has been flowering for about 5 days now. Looks great. Hope to get in on the next cup challenge.

Keep up the good growing.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
just a reminder to u guys that when u have such a small amount to cure u need to get it into your jar still a bit wet. If you leave it on the branch to long it will dry out and there wont be a cure. small things like this is what I forget when I'm growing such smal quantities.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
thanks I like to grow small plants I just get better results growing bigger ones. If I would have used hids and gave her the correct nutrient feedings I would have had a repectable harvest. The only thing thats in favor of small plants is i can grow allot and find my keepers faster these next batch I have gowing are some of the best gear there is. If I find something I will reveg her snd then take clones.