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Friends who vomit.


My latest crop is just nicely cured and the wife and I have been smoking it up like there's no tomorrow.Now we are not the selfish type so Friday we invite a couple of friends over for a bit of smoking .Now all of these people have smoked with us before so no novice smokers.Well I popped down to the shops for some more eats and when I got back one of the girls is vomiting in the garden.I get inside and another is vomiting in the bathroom.What the fuck caused this ?The weed is the best I have grown all year just a few puffs has most people smiling their heads off.Why do other people vomit.Now some of my friends are to scared to smoke with us.


Man did it occur to you they may have hit the pipe in between your social hits of erb?I'm just saying bro nothing surprises me especially a couple people slipping away for a couple hits of crack or freebase.Sweating and vomiting/dry heaves are a dead givaway lol.Were they lookin around on the counters and floor for little white pieces lol?Hands on knees are a dead givaway picking through the carpet lol


one time me and a buddy were blazing in his new car... breaking it in, ya know.... well all of a sudden he starts dry heaving and then blows chunks everywhere, all up in the car. I'm talk-in chocolate milk and jack n the box taco puke...lol... iv never seen anything like it.... he said he had a hot flash and instantly became nauseous..lol


I have seen people throw up from either taking a big hit from a piece or bong and swallowing it, or getting way to high and feeling neasues. :smoker:


happened to a friend of mine too we were smoking some decent pot, and we really don't know if he ever smoked.. after inhaling just 3 times he started trowing up, me and my other friend in the other hand found that really funny while the girls were worried about him we had to move from there because he was getting paranoied because of us laughing... i kinda feel guilty now, but at that moment we were way too high to find something that didn't look funny... best thing would be to talk to your friend and tell them that they might hitted it too hard XD


Man I guess I can honestly say that could be true in my case 25 years ago maybe,I do seem to have very few recollections of blowing chunks only because of erb.But most of the time schrooms LSD or pCP was also involved.Although I puked on great erb under the wrong circumstances on an occasion or two.


Only seen it myself once, with a girl i was dating..

(Rated X!)

Anyway, i had this acrylic bong (my first one, hush!) and it hit just fine. I smoked out of it for months...well this girl i was dating was NOT a smoker, and the weed was iffy quality (midgrade). Anyway, huge bong hits always fuck me up no matter what as long as it's not dirt...

So i hit it...

Then i pass it to her...she doesn't know how to use it (noob smoker) so i teach her...she takes this MASSIVE hit, torches the ENTIRE bowl, not just the side like most people, the ENTIRE thing and takes the whole hit in..

She exhales, and she went from chatty kathy to signaling with her finger that something is about to come out of her mouth. Like 4 times. Then i realized...ran....grabbed the garbage can...and she barfed everywhere! So nasty.

Weird part is, she liked for me to bust nuts in her mouth. And she swallowed.

So...WTF...you'll drink cum but throw up on weed smoke? WTF.


Man I guess I can honestly say that could be true in my case 25 years ago maybe,I do seem to have very few recollections of blowing chunks only because of erb.But most of the time schrooms LSD or pCP was also involved.Although I puked on great erb under the wrong circumstances on an occasion or two.
I trew up only once when smoked with absint instead of water, when i start feeling nausea i just stop smoking for 10-15 mins n drink some water.


The only time I ever ralphed was when a big ol' resin chunk came loose from my piece and went straight to the dangly thing in the back of your throat and stuck fast, couldn't get it loose in time. Instantly caused me to blow chunks in the trash can to get it loose.
However, I do have a friend that every time he rips a bong, he ends up spewing after his first hit. Thing is, he loves the bong more than any other method. We all know he is going to puke, no matter what, small hit, giant hit, so we make him smoke outside in the corner of our yard. Don't know what it is. Some people will go through anything to get that quality bong rip. We all think its hilarious, including him. We even keep around a cheaper bong he uses in case he involuntarily drops or chunks it mid-puke. RIDICULOUS- I KNOW.
As far as coming home and two girls were spewing, I'm gonna guess there is something else going on there- were they drinking previously? Maybe they got the spinny's or something........


ICMag Donor
I was going to ask if they had been drinking. I have seen many people get drunk, and then smoke some good weed, get the spins and vomit....


i have seen someone puke off weed but it was because of shitty drying/curing that person did which led to some mold in the curing stage.

i do agree with the fact there might have been some alcohol or drugs involved to get 2 different people (not novice) to puke around the same time. i do know you can get pretty nausuas and sick from lack of water. ive have experienced this when i was younger and a buddy of mine were bmx biking all day and smoking with no water and got pretty sick and pale from dehydration...my friend made me chug as much of a gallon of poland spring as i could....5 mins later puked and felt great!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If there is only one light on in a dark room, and you smoke great sativa, the really visual kind; it can make a person puke. I dont know why, but it is true. That is the only time I have ever seen people puke from weed that wernt drinking or doing some other drugs.


I'm very familiar with people throwing up after smoking.

It's also happened to me.

Sometimes you just start feeling sick if you're too high. Also, mixing alcohol with smoking a ton of really good weed/hash causes this a lot too.

Personally this happens to me when I take major hits and if maybe I accidentally swallow smoke. I would get super dizzy and hot and feel sick.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

yeah, mixing high octane bud and novice smokers
can often result in the technicolor yawn routine.......



Woman generally have less fat for thc to metabolize. Makes complete and perfect sense. :abduct:
women generally have more fat% than men actually. anyways i have never puked from bud/hash either smoked or eaten only thing i have puked from is too much alcohol or 1 time with too much shroom tea at least thats all i can think of.


These stories have me laughing my ass off here! Fuckin A!

I puked up a lung once....thats different than a gut heave, but it certainly wasn't any less gross. There was a gas-mask bowl being passed around at this party...I put the mask on (bowl was at the end of about a 2 ft long air hosey thing), took what I thought was a nice hit...about 3 seconds later I began to feel the mother of all smoke expansions happen deep in my chest...I ripped the fucking mask off my face and let RIP with THE MOST GARGANTUAN HACK! ever heard...followed by another...the third HACK! pulled the most disgusting phlemmy substance out of my lungs, dropping into a viscous puddle at my feet. Seriously, it was way to heavy to get projected.

I was very embarrassed, there were about 20 people in this room (kitchen), and I immediately went to clean it up. Only problem was, that shit looked so fucking gross it made puke for real, right next to the original shit.

Luckily, there was an off duty nurses aid in the room, and she said she would do it because it was nothing to her. That might be the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me.