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Friends who vomit.


Woman generally have less fat for thc to metabolize. Makes complete and perfect sense. :abduct:

Obviously you don't live around my area. Most of the girls around here have thighs bigger than my waist, could smoke all your dope, clean out your fridge (and wallet) and then want to hit your ATM and go out drinking.

h^2 O

never puked from cannabis. If I feel like I'm going to barf (drinking too much, whatever) I take a big hit and the nausea is gone. That's what cannabis does. That's why people doing chemo etc use it, to stop them from puking all the time.
Sounds like the girls were up to something other than cannabis. Do you think they could be anorexic? What are the chances that two girls in the same place end up going outside into a garden and vomiting at the same time? "Oh my God I feel so fat, let's go puke really quick."


I'm surprised more people haven't thrown up smoking.

I won't ever forget one day smoking with a friend of mine, I smoked with him out of a Roor on about 5 different kinds of weed pretty fresh from harvest, and while driving he started getting real thirsty and drank a lot of water. He said he started feeling dizzy then next thing you know, he's puking up water all over his lap and all over his car.

I think its just something that happens to people sometimes.


Be that as it may, I've seen plenty of people get the spins and end up not feeling too well, then throwing up.

Nice flip of my post though you made your point very clear ^____^ .


Active member
Was there a rat i8n it? Sometimes when theres a dead rat in your bong water it'l get bloated and clog up. This usually causes the rat to lodge in the water chamber part of the bong and form a hermetic seal. Sometimes when ya get a real good hit and the rat is bloated and lodged in the bong it will "pull" up the bong and it could actually become injested. This could sometimes cause a "gag reaction" sometimes and can lead to pukin. Just be carefull and clean your bongs out fluently and ya autta be allrite! --There ya go! Yer welcome!



sometimes get I nauseous if I smoke a lot before eating or drinking anything in the morning

but thats just weird. people use weed to curb nausea


Active member
i have puked a little before from hitting the bong too hard, the power of excessive coughing just causes the stomach to throw up


Registered Pothead
Hitting the bong too hard? Only time I've ever seen anyone puke from weed...
Same. Also if you have any animals i bet you there was a nice piece of hair in that bowl. I am super paranoid of smoking around people who have hairy ass animals. I have a dog and three cats and i dont pet them unless i know i wont smoke a bowl for a while. Wash your hands or run the lighter flame across your finger tips.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I saw a naked picture of Janet Reno one time, and I puked for a good hour. I thought I was gonna need an I.V. to revive me. that was the worst thanksgiving ever......
is he kidding? eh, eh?


Active member
damn zeppelin just the mere mention of that has conjured nasty mental images that i wholely regret, now i need a good couple hours to myself on youporn to absolve this.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Go to youtube and search for babies spitting up. I think it's similar to what some pot smokers get. Basically you're full mom gives you another spoon of rice to top you off and the excess flows out.

No fact here just an opinion.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'd make damn sure that the old lady wasn't hitting that crack tube with those two while you were gone. If she was, help her the best you can to get away from it forever.
If satan exists on earth, he is riding around in a tube full of that smoke.


Like nokturnal said on the first page: If you havent puked from weed you havent smoked...

well I am careful about connecting puking with hard drugs.. Ive smoked with all kinds of junkies and they are about as hard as it gets.. Theyll rip 3 bowls in a row if i give em..

I believe it has to do with not knowing how to smoke.. gets smoke in your belly.. and your hurling. Other than that just a huge weed dose on a day after some good drinking will be enough to get the garbage can filled up too.

I used to smoke a lot of street hash and i had to mix that with tobacco.. Then rip that through a 10 inch bong.. I probly hurled at least once a week smoking daily.. Usually when i pack some monster bowl and forget to pause half way through :D



The funniest hurl I've ever seen was with the guys in the band many years ago, smoking with one friend having his first bong. Mid toke through a glass bong he let the contents of his stomach out and didn't take the bong away from his mouth, so it didn't get on the floor he said later, but not knowing how the bong works.

Sitting in a circle on the floor opposite him, I see the bong fill up with vomit and the rest of us were rolling around the floor laughing at this point. Then a high pressure spray of crusty bong water and fresh vomit sprays out of the stem in a steady stream. We ended up covered in this shit, we tried to run but were paralised from laughing.

Nastiest shit i've ever smelt.

But damn funny to see.


It's just they hit the bong so hard they started coughing, and coughing until they puked. It happens sometimes...

Funniest puke story I ever saw was these kids on an amusement park ride called the Spyder... One got to puking, then it started a chain reaction, puke was flying through the air.... Children were screaming..... Parents were running into the puke area.... LOL. Super funny. The guy running the ride made sure they all got their money's worth, and wouldn't stop the ride....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
if you cant handle them smoke or not a seasoned smoker it can slow you down to were you get dizzy... that can lead to barfing... some people cant handle it..

Weedman Herb

Basically you're full mom gives you another spoon of rice to top you off and the excess flows out.
Does mom top you off on a regular basis? Thanks for the laugh ... What I visualized while reading your post was a small child with a gas pump nozzle inserted in its mouth ... bubbling over ...

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