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Friends who vomit.


We have what is called a "whitie" where you go completely pale and start feeling really really shit. Sometimes leads to puking. Although I generally feel that a whitie is caused by alcohol or the tobaco that people arent used to.
Generally if the herb is good I can smoke myself silly (like an ounce with friends) and not get anywhere near vomiting.
(smoking an ounce is quite a lot to me but im sure there are fellow stoners out there who have that for breakfast)

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i've seen people puke off true sativas.
the onset of anxiety and the racyness can take u over if your not expecting it.
always funny how they puke, then are scared the cops are coming for em.
paranoia is a bitch


Active member
grape blunts bring me near or to puking,everytime, but thats because i hate grape flavor with a passion, and kottonmouth combined with dry gritty grape koolaid flavor and feeling in my mouth, bleghh
Man, if you bong it up and you haven't puked, you haven't smoked lol.

See, my saying is "If you bong it up and you haven't shit yourself coughing out a lung, you ahven't smoked!"


grape blunts bring me near or to puking,everytime, but thats because i hate grape flavor with a passion, and kottonmouth combined with dry gritty grape koolaid flavor and feeling in my mouth, bleghh

wait, you actually get a taste in your mouth when smoking flavoured blunts? I don't get any taste at all once i light em. I smoke em because they stink you up less than un-flavoured blunts.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Sure I have gotten over-amped and sickly...one time in particular right in the middle of a Led Zepplin concert. But I have never puked. Although I can easily see others vomiting when the over amp comes on.
However, for two people to be sick at the same time...I don't buy it. It was not a bowl of pot that did that. Not to two folks in the same instance at the same time. Nope.
If it did, I want a sack of that!

enter sandman

Active member
...i so love these threads when I'm high...because I laugh my ass off until my ribs hurt. I guess vomiting is a bad thing, but I always break down (uncontrollable laughter) whenever I witness someone in that unfortunate episode. You guys keep me laughing so thank you...


cant stop wont stop
The funniest hurl I've ever seen was with the guys in the band many years ago, smoking with one friend having his first bong. Mid toke through a glass bong he let the contents of his stomach out and didn't take the bong away from his mouth, so it didn't get on the floor he said later, but not knowing how the bong works.

Sitting in a circle on the floor opposite him, I see the bong fill up with vomit and the rest of us were rolling around the floor laughing at this point. Then a high pressure spray of crusty bong water and fresh vomit sprays out of the stem in a steady stream. We ended up covered in this shit, we tried to run but were paralised from laughing.

Nastiest shit i've ever smelt.

But damn funny to see.

holy shit man that story had me ROLLLIN"!!!
gotta love puke stories i gotta few..

man the weed ones arent nearly as entertaing so..

this time about 5 or 6 of us were trippin on some AMAZING acid, a buddy of mine made the realization that you cant taste alcohol while trippin bawls -
so whats this fool do??! takes a 1.75L to the dome.. im talkin like a straight 10 second pull chuggin' style!! he's sittin there thinkin he's hard core but his body's not havin' it lmao! the mothafucka grabs a shirt or some shit to cover his face and just ralphs that shit everywhere!! its fuckin sprayin in all sorts a directions due to his genius homemade puking apparatus.. aftermath was a fat shirtless guy sittin in a sittin in a pool of nastiness with easy-cheese vomit dangling from his goatee.. rofl man keep in mind we we're all PEAKING on bout 4 hits of acid each.. hahah
ahhh wtf


Active member
When i was like 18 my friend and i bought 7 bags of very decent bud. We smoked all 7 that night but on bag 5 i had to stop on a side street cuz i got cold sweats and i puked 2 small times. After that i was fine. That was the only time that's ever happened to me.

Pot is great for relieving nausea. Only problem is with the amount taken, strain basis and all that shit.

If you take a minor amount of an indica, it could seriously reduce nausea. However if you take a huge amount of some strong sativa strain then it could have a lil bit of an adverse effect.

I too am quite suprised being with seasoned smokers though.


Active member
See, my saying is "If you bong it up and you haven't shit yourself coughing out a lung, you ahven't smoked!"


wait, you actually get a taste in your mouth when smoking flavoured blunts? I don't get any taste at all once i light em. I smoke em because they stink you up less than un-flavoured blunts.
yeah, not a strong but more of an aftertaste like when you eat something a while back, then you get thirsty and u can taste it in the back of your throat, but the grape just gets to me man, cant stand it
Sure I have gotten over-amped and sickly...one time in particular right in the middle of a Led Zepplin concert. But I have never puked. Although I can easily see others vomiting when the over amp comes on.
However, for two people to be sick at the same time...I don't buy it. It was not a bowl of pot that did that. Not to two folks in the same instance at the same time. Nope.
If it did, I want a sack of that!

lol what if they were both really lightweights, and it was a chain reaction, one saw the other dry heave and saw chunks and lost her lunch too, or what if his wife showed em somethin nasty and items flew

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I puked a little bit one time when I packed a bong hit into my lungs with a "whip it" It was worth it.


i was smoking with a friend when we were about 16.. we were taking gravity bong rips in his kitchen and after his third one he looked at me like he was really confused, he then lost almost all color in his face.. after about 10 seconds of looking like he was dieing he grabbed the pale of water we were using for gravity bong's and topped it off with a whole bunch of puke :\
he puked 3 times in the pale.. after he chugged some water and relaxed for a bit.. he was fine in less than an hour.. he was a daily smoker at the time so i dont think inexperience was a factor

D Rock

I grew out some Northern Lights that was gifted to me and I smoked a blunt with a guy who isnt a regular smoker and he threw up, I thought it might be from the tobacco wrapper though. I have personally never thrown up from toking.


Active member
When I was still relatively "new", I once smoked some really good stuff that made me feel like puking... The only time i've puked was when tequila was mixed into the mix, lol.


Freedom Fighter
It was like...'74...I'm not positive...but I went to the Long Beach Arena, and saw Blue Oyster Cult, Ted Nugent, and Kansas...I smoked my ass off...and ended up puking...(I was 14) and I held my shirt in front of my mouth...and somehow missed...and puked all over the guy in front of me-- Good times!!


When I was a teen, my friends and I were hanging out at a closed golf course (Rancho Palos Verdes). We were taking bong hits and I had one of my first Guinness stouts. I just finished it and I had a coughing fit. The next thing I knew, I had a black stream shoot out of my mouth like a fountain.

I was so bummed since I wasn't drunk yet and I just emptied my stomach:mad:
but it was pretty funny and we laughed for a long time. So I think it was the coughing that made me ralph, not the weed.


Haha...I used to have a warehouse. Invited a buddy over to smoke one night...had a fridge there too so there was one guinness in there and a burrito from taco bell that was a week old. We smoked a few bowls of his OG and my NL, he gets this funny look on his face and says "ehhh, I don't feel good. Imma head out..." The next day he calls me and says "Dude, I'm sorry I think I might've puked on your front lawn..." Front lawn??? Man you weren't at my house yesterday fool, you just left a massive pile of yack on the driveway in front of my place of business. Lightweight. Then again, it's quite possible that the burrito is the culprit here.

The closest I've come is from smoking some way too potent cheeb when I had quit for about 6 months prior. Kinda felt like heat stroke for a minute, sat down, then it passed.

Now cigarettes...gotten the dry heaves from those several times in my life. Ugh.


Whe I was 16 my uncle gave me some weed, I've told him that i only smoke hash( shitty Marrocan) and that weed was not strong enough for me. He laughed and warned me, I didn't listen.
So on a school free after noon I went to the ice rink, hockey practice was a couple hours away. I put my bags and sticks in the dressing room and rolled a joint.
I hit twice and started to have this cold sweat all over my body, I was completely whitied out and started to get real paranoid.
I ran in to the woods and puked. everything was ok for like 5 minutes, then the cold sweat was back, i spent about an hour or so in the woods. Then, still sweating, decided to get home.
There's a really step mountain railway from the rink, woods area down to the city. I sat in still tripping, paranoid, sweating, and in my head I could hear AC DC's highway to hell.
the urge to vomit got bigger and bigger.
I was at the door waiting for it to open, it opened and I puked, I almost hit an old lady waiting to get in.
This was my first time smoking weed, since then I listen when more experienced people tell me something.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
The only times I ever got close to getting sick from weed was when I donated blood without eating, then smoked a big fatty and thought I was gonna die. Only other times, drinking was the problem....

Im reading the puking thread with a tremendous hangover....makes me want to puke. I love rum, but it's a dirty liquer:)

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