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Friends who vomit.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
I call it overtoke. Happened 3-4 times out of many thousands, but very memorable. I've always been able to smoke and smoke and get less high if anything.

But once in a while I broke through and went to another (unpleasant) level for no apparent reason. Always by smoking an unfamiliar batch of weed for the first time, a decent amount smoked quickly say 4 quick bong hits. Maybe there is just a certain cannabinoid profile that takes some getting used to.

It's very popular to bash people for breaking through, and the bashers are asshats. It's like a panic attack, it's imaginary or you're a pansy until it happens to you.


I've seen people puke from smoking. I've also felt like puking from toking aswell.

Seems to me it happens when you take a huge rip, and then swallow some on accident. Afterwords it feels like a rock in your chest that you can't get out. It's like you need to have a huge burp but you can't.

Then 20-30 minutes later I'll burp up a little cloud of smoke and the pain is gone.


Old story about a chiky hits so hard on the pipe, starts to cough then hurls guts into Jimmie's open guitar case laying beside her. A brand new '69 goldtop Les Paul is now swimming in alcoholic puke. Lacquer hates alcohol and stomach acid. Jimmie hates chiky. He worked a whole year for tht guitar (16 yr kids dont make much)
Barely got that chiky out of that basement alive.
All's well that ends well. Music shop guy has mojo with Gibson rep and gets guitar refinished. Poor Jim gotta teach 10-12 yr olds guitar lessons fer 3 months ...lol

The correct moral of the story is...?

A) Do not drink and smoke with underage girls,

B) Always protect your guitar.

Yes...B is correct.


ive seen my friend be instantly sick from doing a bong, the bowl was packed as hard as i could put in the bud, i wanted to test him...

anyway, he creamed the bong for what seemed like ages, he took in half the smoke, chocked and instantly threw up into the bong, then topped it off by grabbing a lampshade thinking it was a bowl and puking straight through it!!! onto his trousers!!! I LAUGH EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT, THIS WAS A YEAR AGO!!!

the same friend came to another friends, he did a bong, my other friend will do bongs through the dirtyest water and it doesnt faze him, well anyhoo, my puking friend got a mouthfull of the dirty brownmess...

once again instantly vomitted.

my god my sides hurt now..


My little pony.. my little pony
I was going to ask if they had been drinking. I have seen many people get drunk, and then smoke some good weed, get the spins and vomit....

Pretty much what I was thinking. I grew a homebrew strain in the early 90's that would send you to the ozone as long as you were sober but if you were anywhere from tipsy to drunk and about 50% of them would totally churl.

I saved a bunch of it to deal with a douchy roommate that had a bad habit of bringing friends home after bar close to party when I had to get up for work in a few hours. They would crank the stereo and I would come out with a couple bowls of this shit and it was like clockwork. I could finish the bowls and go back to bed and 5-10 minutes later would listen to people try and run to the bathroom. One girl blew chunks so hard she explodo-shit her pants at the same time.

It only took three seperate times for them to clean up puke before they stopped bringing drunks home from the bar during the week.


cant stop wont stop
here's another one.. kinda embarassing.\
anyways livin in tha phx valley my main diet was mexiweed, Micky's 40's and ranch corn nuts.. rollin around maybe on my 2nd or third 40oz and it was at the dead bottom like 2 inches or so left.. had been sittin therre in the 110 degree car for like a half hour.. had some mad cottton mouth so i slammed the rest of that boiling hot flat micky's..
instant Nastiness. told my bro to get off tha next interchange immeadiately.. but it was too late :D

corn nuts and malt liquor spewed all over tha dash of my buddy's Jeep. worst part was tryin to clean that shit out the air vents!!! took me a couple hours to get it decent but it still wasnt tha same for a few days.. lol his fam was flyin in that same day, had to pick'm up in a vomit smelling ride..

ROFL ahhhh Memories!!!
I have a friend that i know from another dude. He pukes when he gets oto high. Not like gut wrenching puke. He just has to puke a mouthful of puke then he feels okay?

Never met anyone like him or anything like that he's the first i've seen. It's a weird site for sure, dunno why it happens tho
The only times I ever got close to getting sick from weed was when I donated blood without eating, then smoked a big fatty and thought I was gonna die. Only other times, drinking was the problem....

Im reading the puking thread with a tremendous hangover....makes me want to puke. I love rum, but it's a dirty liquer:)

So post-donation it was too much for you? Damn, that makes me want to donate blood. I could probably use the $17 or whatever it is they give you.


ICMag Donor
Heavy story,, pehaps they all had the same bug!

Here's a few tips for friends of friends who vomit when smoking ganja!

- Don't let them smoke too much. (i.e don't let them smoke at all)!

- Let them roll their own doobie,, (much of it is psychological)!

- Tell them to chill the f-down before getting all hyper and hitting the trail (much nervousness is related to anticipation, not the actual effect of the cannabis)

- Make sure they eat something ,, preferably sweet first (not a whole pecan pie ! unless you want to see it again later!)

- Ask the dude/duddess that pukes , why-t-f they smoke dope to begin with if it makes them sick!

- If they have anorexic issues ,, tell them to go see a doctor/specialist!

Hope this helps


Active member
Weird part is, she liked for me to bust nuts in her mouth. And she swallowed.

So...WTF...you'll drink cum but throw up on weed smoke? WTF.

i'm still rolling.