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Fridgidaire mini fridge demo and construction

dont give me credit just yet lol. il either use a sawzall or a matobo saw to do the cutting. the metal is thin but pretty rigid the way theyv gotit installed. im going to use 3"s in the back and make a light trap so the air will flow easier and not tax the fan as much as the darkroom vent plus il use the light trap to house the wireing for the light and tubeing for the dwc air stones. good idea about premeasureing it. thatl be the first thing i do when i jump back onit.
iv got a question regaurding measuring the nutes. which is the more important or acurate ppm or ec? just wanting to know so i know which meter to get.


weed fiend
The way I understand it, ppm is a variant of the standard EC. Depending on the meter, ppm has a .5 or a .7 multiplier. In other words, 1.0 EC is the equivalent of 500ppm or ~430 ppm depending on the meter. If your meter uses 1382 calibration solution, it's a .5. If it uses 1500 calibration solution, it's a .7. One opinion here says that a ppm scale is worthless when you compare different readings with others as you don't know whether they have .5 or .7. If you don't do all that stuff, ppm is fine to gauge nutrient strength, IMHO.

I like the muffler idea. I don't think you'll get as massive a whoosh sound when the fan is installed as compared to it running uninstalled.


weed fiend
Only when I describe it, lol. If you're a hair splitter, get a ppm meter. If you're anal about splitting hairs, go EC.
can't wait to see this pan out. subscribed.

I dont think you mentioned but how much was it?
hey thanx eddie.saw they are both the same price at 220.99

Only when I describe it, lol. If you're a hair splitter, get a ppm meter. If you're anal about splitting hairs, go EC.
lol im pretty anal but im new to this so im not really sure if the EC is more accurate at the same price would it not be the better buy? and ya i want some kind of continuous meter but im not positive that i want to spend that much right now. il probably wait a month before i get it. im going to order the 150w digi ballast sometimme this week along with the air pumps. im going to need them before i can install the MDF so that i can install the wireing as neat and orderly as possible.


weed fiend
Sounds like a good plan. I'd go EC. Don't buy an expensive one, save your money for the pH meter. Once you get an idea of your mix, you'll know ballpark EC based on pH. If you're pH goes down, add back water. If pH goes up, add back nutes. You'll use the EC meter very little after a month or so..

A cheap way to avoid expensive yet temperamental pH meters is a drop kit, especially if you have only one res. They're accurate as long as you're not color blind or have difficulty with color shades.

The paint reflects well, cleans easy and is pretty durable. I'd do something a little more permanent for the floor. Dragging the res across a damp painted floor will damage the paint and make repaints a pain in the ass to prep. Just my 2c.
the meter i mentioned earlier was a tri-meter. is that too much for a tri-meter?

are all the continuous metersa tempermental? i havent yet decided on the res just yet. i found some small tubs that seems like they would be good for single plants and are small enough to fit up to four in the fridge.

after checking oout some of the cabs here on icmag i believe that im going to try drawer slides. they look like they make working on the girls easy, especially since im thinking of scrogn. thanx for the2c is always apreciated. hopefully one day il have the experience to give some good advice.


weed fiend
If you're going continuous meter, consider a single res. You won't have the convenience of continuous if you have to swap probes from res to res for readings. Another thing I would surely do is not put too much into my suggestions, lol.

Pipedream has a good dwc system with multiple buckets. He OPs the 150HPS club. Give his setup a look if you're interested. Looks really sweet. Even if his setup is different than yours, you might get an idea or two of the minor details.


plasma cutter for metal

plasma cutter for metal

there was a guy on here at one time that used large metal cabinets for his chambers. he tried everything to cut the metal in a manner that was satisfactory and not all jagged and fucked up. ultimately after much agitation he bought a plasma cutter to do his metal work. plasma cutters are expensive to buy, so id say it is worth a call to the tool rental store to see how much it would be to rent one for the weekend. after you try to cut the first hole in that metal you will see what i mean.:joint:
well shit man i saw this thread and had to say something cuz i read the whole thing and i was like damn.... wtf this guy in using a fridge.... and then i was like ok thats pretty sweet, then i saw the drug test thing and was like fuck hes fucked... but gj on passing :-D happy to hear that!! and i will be watchin' this thread closely!!!!


the fridge iscoming along nicely. props on that

also props on the drug tests but in the future i reccomend you keep one of these on hand

i kept one in the house then entire time i was on probation. you need to be clean for 2 days for it to work. it starts working in 1 hour and lasts for 5
If you're going continuous meter, consider a single res. You won't have the convenience of continuous if you have to swap probes from res to res for readings. Another thing I would surely do is not put too much into my suggestions, lol.

Pipedream has a good dwc system with multiple buckets. He OPs the 150HPS club. Give his setup a look if you're interested. Looks really sweet. Even if his setup is different than yours, you might get an idea or two of the minor details.

hey DB thanx for the tip. iv skimmed thru pipedreams thread a lil but il definitely go thru it alot closer. i kept getting side traked with all the links in his sig. lol
Not at the moment but food for thought for the furture


there was a guy on here at one time that used large metal cabinets for his chambers. he tried everything to cut the metal in a manner that was satisfactory and not all jagged and fucked up. ultimately after much agitation he bought a plasma cutter to do his metal work. plasma cutters are expensive to buy, so id say it is worth a call to the tool rental store to see how much it would be to rent one for the weekend. after you try to cut the first hole in that metal you will see what i mean.:joint:

ya i know just what you mean it can be a pain but i do alot of fabrication fin my line of work and iv got a motabo grinder that il use waffer discs to cut with. a lil more control and a neater cleaner cut. thanx for takeing the time to offer up the advice.

well shit man i saw this thread and had to say something cuz i read the whole thing and i was like damn.... wtf this guy in using a fridge.... and then i was like ok thats pretty sweet, then i saw the drug test thing and was like fuck hes fucked... but gj on passing :-D happy to hear that!! and i will be watchin' this thread closely!!!!

hey blackmajik lol thanx bro

the fridge iscoming along nicely. props on that

also props on the drug tests but in the future i reccomend you keep one of these on hand

i kept one in the house then entire time i was on probation. you need to be clean for 2 days for it to work. it starts working in 1 hour and lasts for 5

hey zero thanx for the props and the dietary suplement drink(lol) advice. how many times did you use it? and each time was with good results?


weed fiend
there was a guy on here at one time that used large metal cabinets for his chambers. he tried everything to cut the metal in a manner that was satisfactory and not all jagged and fucked up. ultimately after much agitation he bought a plasma cutter to do his metal work. plasma cutters are expensive to buy, so id say it is worth a call to the tool rental store to see how much it would be to rent one for the weekend. after you try to cut the first hole in that metal you will see what i mean.:joint:

A sawz all would work for most everything except the skin. If you have to cut the thin stuff, curved snips and a file (in the right hands) would work. Especially if you're gonna use a collar or whatever to attach a fan or ducting, you won't see the hole.
hey phr3d0m good to see you again. funny that you should ask that i just finished working on the panisonic whisper fan. i cut a good portion of the houseing off so it doesnt take up so much space. iv got pics but im haveing trouble getting the thumbnails to drag to the post. as soon as i can get it figured out il havem posted. if anyone knows what im doing wrong please let me know.
panisonic whisper fan

panisonic whisper fan

ok it took me a while but i had to copy and paste them. heres a few pics of the fan after i cut the back of off the houseing and reatatched it to the fan.

the third pic is showing the bottom of the fan that will be exhausting the entire fridge(flower and utility). the second pic shows the top of the fan. the sheet metal is required to "cap" the fan off on the top. without it its open ended on top and bottom.

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