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Fridgidaire mini fridge demo and construction



I would just stick with building a DWC system for now. It's cheap, easy, and little can go wrong. Once you've got a few more grows under your belt and your fridge dialed in then you can play around with more complex growing methods.
i finally settled on the ventilation. i chose to pass on the whisper fan and use that on the next mini fridge build. instead ill be useing 2 dayton 115v 29 cfm axial fans in the mother/clone room and 2 dayton 115v 41 cfm axial fans in the flower room. iv been thinking real hard about going with the 150w HPS after seeing KolorBlinds and idontsmokes threads with their mini fridge builds. id like to try a cool tube since the cfm of the fans is so low and theyl also be pulling air in through a darkroom vent. itl be an 8"x8" so hopefully thatl ease up on stressing the fans. idk well have to see


With those circular bulbs do you know how to wire them? I've never really messed with them so I don't know much about them. Do they have an internal ballast?

Also where did you get your fans from and could possibly provide a link? I wanna see specific specs on those fans as I'm currently looking for fans for my next build.



weed fiend
With those circular bulbs do you know how to wire them? I've never really messed with them so I don't know much about them. Do they have an internal ballast?


The ones I've seen online and hardware store are medium screw base. They're also T-12. With the screw base, the ballast would probably be internal.

Although these might not be as bright as CFLs, the light dispersion is probably better due to the larger diameter. You'll probably have more usable headroom with the circtube because it isn't as tall as medium CFLs.
sweet thanx that saved me some time looking around. iyo would those be enough light for the mom/clones?

will the mom smell enough to require a scrubber? i think it will but id like some experienced advice


weed fiend
I think I saw a 22 watter that's 1100 lumens. I can only offer opinion but I think it would keep mother growth slow to medium and would be just fine for rooting clones and raising small seedlings. But that's just me. Hard to tell about the smell. I'd have a contingency in mind if it turns out you need it down the road.


you should of looked for a fridge without that floor step up design that cuts the useable with any kind of ease floor space in half:smoker:
il be removeing that "hump" and be installing MDF board. i plan on getting the most space availeable. as soon as i drain the freon lines il be tareing into the fridge with a sawzall. fun fun. hopefully itl workk keep dropping in il be posting pics of the demo.
hey sorry i didnt see you earlier Disco. i think the slow growth with the mother would be just what im looking for in the small space of the freezer. i pm'd FreezerBoy earlier to get his advice on the ventilation and i added the queston about the freezer scrubber. as soon as i get it figured out im going to start getting all the fans and scrubber materials together.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Hey Blackie, you caught me out of town. I've never tried multiple fans so, I've no idea if you have 41 or 82 or some other CFM rating at the end of the day. Ventilation 101, Understanding air flow would be the places to start.

A 76 cfm axial was sufficient to cool my 250 CMH but, could only handle a odorsock style filter. With low smell plants, this was OK. With a stinker, it was overpowered at day 3 of 12/12. It may be that SugarBear's MicroScrubber could work. If you try it, I'd suggest having plenty of carbon on hand. I'd imagine such a small unit would require frequent changes.

Looks like a fun build. I'll come back for a re-read when my Jet-Lag wears off.
sorry man hope you had a good trip and thanx for your time and advice Freezey. il comb through the links and see what i can find. iv looked through vent 101 and i believe i remember something about two fans side by side helping out.


pics pics pics yur demo needs more pics lol

looks good man , have you checked out phresh filers? reall small and work great.
on a bad note demo/construction on the fridge may come to a hault. my smokeing is very limited due to my job and the damn randoms. that being said i was on vacation last week and smoked a lil friday, saturday, and wednesday. i drank water and cranberry juice all weekend, just incase they were to random me when i goot back. well guess what? first thing this morning i was stareing at a damn cup. i drank two bottles of water, one bottle of water, and one bottle of gatorade, and also peed three times before i actualy dropped. i passsedd the initial on site but it gets sent to the lab. im sweating pretty hard. if i fail i must leave town for work. so everybody keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. anyone have an idea on if il pass the lab? my pee was very faint yellow.
lol ya i have limited time to work on it. but i promise this weekend i will be doing some more demo and il take some more pics. i hope to have it just about gutted. if i pass my piss test il also be ordering some parts and il get pics posted of those when i recieve them for yall to check out.
o and no cant say that iv heard of the phresh filters before. can you tell me about them or maybe post a link so i can peepem out?


weed fiend
Crossing my fingers for ya Black Sheep. A buddy works for the county and has random tests. His physician knows he puffs and recommended he keep it to every 3rd day. Not trying to build false hopes but I always wondered if this doctor was legit with his assumption. Good luck!