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"Free To Tax"


Active member
Since the 9-11 troofer also believes that he is conversing with government agents on this forum, I might as well entertain myself and play what he accuses me of:


CC, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or puff can and will be held against you in the World Court of Cannabis. You are hereby under arrest for the crime of falsely accusing other potsmokers who do not agree with your strange and untruthful views of being government agents. You will be sentenced to 15 days solitary confinement without being allowed any form of THC consumption whatsoever, including joints, blunts, bongs, pipes, vaporizers, roaches and even scissor hash. You will also be forced to listen to nonstop speeches by famous neocons which will be broadcast 12-7 on your cell intercom system. Additional programming will be provided by Fox News for the other remaining hours of the day. After this brief incarceration period, you will be placed on probation for a period of 1 year, and any other further infractions, wild accusations and loony conspiracy theories will result in you being shipped off to Dubai, with microscopic traces of cannabis on your shoes.

:wave: :joint:
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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
BTW, the government agent thing was a quote from a counter culture book/movie. You might not know it because us counter culture types are totally out of it, and I'm sure you don't want to join us... If you knew this book/movie, you'd know it was a facetious bit of word play. This has become imbecilic.

Agree to disagree, is where it's at.
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Bud Meister

They love to do "good things" with our hard earned money.

I will say I did not pay income tax while I was in Afghanistan. Made a big difference in my take home pay.


I find it hard to believe people still get their news from TV. look outside man, thats were its at. the media gets paid to read a script that has been preapproved by our government we only get what they want us to get and think what they want use to think, TV will rotten your brain! only pot will grow back the brain cells lol peace


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