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Crazy Composer said:
Yup, I know some American conservatives in real life, smoke and drink with them too. But they admit to me that they will cheat, steal and scrape others' eyes out to get their way... Exactly what I have come to expect from conservatives. Fat smile, bad intention. Very little concept of karma, nay, mocking of karma. Oh, and...... they're ALWAYS correct.

Some of the most simple minded, evil, lying, stealing, hypocritical, dishonest and cheating people that I have come across have been liberals, without any doubt. I don't consider myself a conservative really, I don't like labels and I don't like to be typecast, but I'm definitely not a liberal. There's scumbags on all sides, and for you to only paint one side as being bad, shows that you need to get rid of the tunnel vision which is obviously affecting your judgement.

:joint: :wave:
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Well-known member
Crazy Composer said:
Oh, you saw that tabloid too, eh? Se how fast it works, folks! hahaha

No, I didnt see it and I always thought Tom Cruise was a nut-job. I didnt need a tabloid to tell me that.


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
When I typed this today, I expected two people to show up... you and trouble. hahaha And that's ALL who have showed up so far. hahaha Isn't that something.

Anyway... yeah, there are bastards everywhere. I don't agree with everything hardcore liberals have to say, but I CERTAINLY back away from neo-cons. I'm not saying (anywhere, ever) that liberals are good and conservatives are bad... Just that conservatives are bad. hahaha Well, let's just say... conservatives are (on the whole) stubborn and static, while neo-cons are downright fucking dangerous.

When there's evidence of terrible wrongdoing at the hands of the government, and people say it's just us being paranoid... I call that ignorance, no matter what political tendency you have. And understand, when I say ignorance, I mean it in the nicest way. :)


Well-known member
Crazy Composer said:
When I typed this today, I expected two people to show up... you and trouble. hahaha And that's ALL who have showed up so far. hahaha Isn't that something.

If you think thats something, when I typed the word "truther" on my other post, I expected one person to show-up and you did! :wave:


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Yeah, Tom is a little out there, good for him if it's what makes sense to him, he owes nothing for an explanation. The funny thing is... I know people who think we're bad parents because of how we are with the kids... meanwhile, their kids are snobby, immature beings with no ability to get along with down-to-earth folk, or to stand on their own two feet. (I'm speaking of people I know personally). But these people think we're doing a bad job. My son is 5 years old and goes fishing by himself (on our property, which freaks out the conservative neighbors). The water's only a foot or two deep, but OH MY GOD!!! Haven't you seen the news!!!! There's kids dying out there from drowning!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! (in a robot voice) do as the tube tells us.... do what the tube tells us... be afraid of everything... be afraid of everything...

meanwhile, all the sheltered kids are having trouble dealing with the realities of life. We shelter out kids until they're adults, then they get out there and can't make it on their own. Huh, I wonder why? Gee, I can't figure it out.

So, whatever Tom Cruise is thinking is what he thinks is best for his child. I do what I think is best for my children. I'm raising adults who happen to be children right now. In the ancient societies, boys of 5 or 6 years old would begin to accompany the father on hunts. In our society, the kids are sheltered from all the bad stuff the tv tells them is out there trying to kill your kids. If you believe it, you become more a part of the problem.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Any time I'm associated with the truth, I'm happy. So... if you're trying to insult me, try again. hahaha It's about impossible to insult me, I must warn you. I've been around a while, and have seen and experienced many terrible things... Beautiful things too. :) Name calling used to get me upset... back on the playground. hahaha


holy hell
this shit should piss all of you off... not all Americans are fat and happy

Crazy Composer, the Boston Tea Party was fought for a hell of a lot more than bad tea... Jesus PLEASE learn some US history! Christ!

Gypsy..... that war came and is about to end. We had our big fucking chance and it just didn't happen... for many tragic reasons.

I don't think Ron Paul will live long enough to see the next revolution.


holy hell
Crazy Composer said:
Yeah, Tom is a little out there, good for him if it's what makes sense to him, he owes nothing for an explanation. The funny thing is... I know people who think we're bad parents because of how we are with the kids... meanwhile, their kids are snobby, immature beings with no ability to get along with down-to-earth folk, or to stand on their own two feet. (I'm speaking of people I know personally). But these people think we're doing a bad job. My son is 5 years old and goes fishing by himself (on our property, which freaks out the conservative neighbors). The water's only a foot or two deep, but OH MY GOD!!! Haven't you seen the news!!!! There's kids dying out there from drowning!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! (in a robot voice) do as the tube tells us.... do what the tube tells us... be afraid of everything... be afraid of everything...

meanwhile, all the sheltered kids are having trouble dealing with the realities of life. We shelter out kids until they're adults, then they get out there and can't make it on their own. Huh, I wonder why? Gee, I can't figure it out.

So, whatever Tom Cruise is thinking is what he thinks is best for his child. I do what I think is best for my children. I'm raising adults who happen to be children right now. In the ancient societies, boys of 5 or 6 years old would begin to accompany the father on hunts. In our society, the kids are sheltered from all the bad stuff the tv tells them is out there trying to kill your kids. If you believe it, you become more a part of the problem.

Now... you and I agree that sheeple are part of what is ruining this country.... but the fatalists aren't helping much either. And the "CHANGE!!!" crowd that think Obama is going to make everything better again. well, lets just let the younguns find out for themselves how great Socialism is.

I think once the young, overly idealistic Obama supporters find out how great Obama's health care plan is, it will be a great thing for America.

God... can you imagine the taxes we'll have to pay.....

I still can't believe that all of Obama's supporters haven't figured out that he is covertly pro war. well... pro (Iraq) war..

They will learn. Yes, they will learn that actions speak a hell of a lot louder than "change" rhetoric.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Crazy Composer, the Boston Tea Party was fought for a hell of a lot more than bad tea... Jesus PLEASE learn some US history! Christ!

uhhhhmmmm, dude??? I was joking, and I kinda' figured I didn't need to explain that out. hahahaha I'm well aware of the other reasons for the BTP, it was just humor. PLEASE learn to tell when a fella is playing. ;)


Well-known member
Crazy Composer said:
The 9-11 conspiracy is all but hushed already. Good job conservatives! We're moving further from holding those responsible accountable for this shit. More and more people are called names and heckled by ignorant, loud mouthed conservatives for believing that a few terrorists DIDN'T perpetrate the 9-11 attacks. There's plenty of evidence showing that rogue elements of the US government, and massive corporate interests were involved in making the attacks possible. Don't say it isn't so, you conservative bastards!

Why would you choose to live in a country where you believed that your own government was committing mass murder of it's own citizens - when you are free to leave anytime you feel like it? Why would anyone like yourself choose to raise his children in such a dreadful country?


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Hey, smart guy... Even though there are idiots (everywhere) in the US, it doesn't mean they have to fucking win, alright? Not everyone is bought and sold so easily, like you, bro. People like me are your only fucking hope, man. You have NO CLUE as to what's really happening out there, and that's clear as day.

I've said this to narrow-minded folk before, and here it goes again... AMERICA IS NOT A REGIME, IT'S A LAND. This is a land my ancestors roamed for TENS OF THOUSANDS of years, and just because there are corrupt bastards administrating the laws in this land right now doesn't mean the remaining good folk should leave. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR YOUNG SKULL!!!

The question is really... Why do YOU let them use you as their bullhorn? Eh? You're providing the government with freebie propaganda on our MARIJUANA site. What gives? Are you and gh secret ops or something? hahaha I don't get it. Of everyone on this site, only you two have to piss in every thread trying to expose abuses of power. Why do you need to protect the abusers?

And to suggest that I should leave my native lands because the current, flash-in-the-pan government and their masters are corrupt, is another sign of your immaturity. You're young, aren't you? I only say this because I would NEVER expect to hear this shit from a mature person, never. Now, either you're very young and idealistic still, which I can understand, or you're a goddamn government agent! Which is it? Now the spotlight's on you, let's see what you do with it.


Active member
Crazy Composer said:
Of everyone on this site, only you two have to piss in every thread trying to expose abuses of power. Why do you need to protect the abusers?

Now, either you're very young and idealistic still, which I can understand, or you're a goddamn government agent! Which is it? Now the spotlight's on you, let's see what you do with it.



Well-known member
Crazy Composer said:
Hey, smart guy... Even though there are idiots (everywhere) in the US, it doesn't mean they have to fucking win, alright? Not everyone is bought and sold so easily, like you, bro. People like me are your only fucking hope, man. You have NO CLUE as to what's really happening out there, and that's clear as day.

I've said this to narrow-minded folk before, and here it goes again... AMERICA IS NOT A REGIME, IT'S A LAND. This is a land my ancestors roamed for TENS OF THOUSANDS of years, and just because there are corrupt bastards administrating the laws in this land right now doesn't mean the remaining good folk should leave. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR YOUNG SKULL!!!

The question is really... Why do YOU let them use you as their bullhorn? Eh? You're providing the government with freebie propaganda on our MARIJUANA site. What gives? Are you and gh secret ops or something? hahaha I don't get it. Of everyone on this site, only you two have to piss in every thread trying to expose abuses of power. Why do you need to protect the abusers?

And to suggest that I should leave my native lands because the current, flash-in-the-pan government and their masters are corrupt, is another sign of your immaturity. You're young, aren't you? I only say this because I would NEVER expect to hear this shit from a mature person, never. Now, either you're very young and idealistic still, which I can understand, or you're a goddamn government agent! Which is it? Now the spotlight's on you, let's see what you do with it.

All you have done is throw another childish outburst and avoid the question. Again, like most of your post in this thread you are wildly off-topic, intentionally inflammatory, historically selective, frequently inaccurate, tremendously biased, and essentially point-less.

I never suggested that you leave the country. I'm just interested in knowing why you would live in a country where you believe that your own government was committing mass murder of its of it's own citizens - when you have the right to leave anytime you fell like it? And why would you choose to raise your own children in such a dreadful country?

CC, are you capable of having an adult conversation without all the childish name calling? :wave:

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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
CC, are you even capable of having an adult conversation without all the childish name calling?

Funny to read this from you of all people. HAVE A POINT WHEN YOU ARGUE!!! Where did I call you a name? I mean, I remember being called a "truther", but I don't remember calling names myself. Mysterious accusation... perhaps out of sheer frustration at not winning an argument? HAVE A POINT WHEN YOU ARGUE.

And for your mental health know this... pro-government ideas are going to be unpopular on marijuana discussion boards. If you want to openly hoorah the same people who tear apart the lives of people like you'll find on this site, then be prepared for some friction. Eh?

Now, how about your age? Early 20's, I guess. Maybe even younger. I can't imagine someone with 30+ years, living in the US, who would still believe the US government is well-meaning.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

......all of these political tags just seem to divide humanity......Like religions people seem to want to feel like they are a part of something that has a set of beliefs and doctrines that they want or need to live by....

.....I'm none of these.......I'm a Human Being.....a Human Being that has never voted because I believe that there is no real democracy.........plus I have never met or known a politician that I could have voted for........All you see of politicians is what the media wants you to see of them or not as the case may be.....

To me Taxes are basically a racket to pay for thousands of beurocrats and politicians to make laws that don't often really help humanity........help destroy and divide us many times more like...... with all of their pointless wars and laws.......but if we don't pay the taxes then we might get thrown in jail where we the tax payers have to pay for ourselves to be there....with our taxes...

Our taxes pay for the racketeers to feel safe because they have enormous military and police security to protect them from the rest of humanity that might not agree with the way they run things..........so that they can sleep safely in their beds at night....and because they own most of the media they can at anytime convince most of the people of some threat that they have to use their might and more taxes to attack....

The sooner we remove the borders ... geographically around what we think are OUR countries......and realize that this is OUR world.........and start to work together as ONE people on this planet and not divide ourselves constantly thru politics, religion and ethnic backgrounds.......the sooner this world and all humanity will start to evolve........

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
^^^ First things first, we need to wake up to what's happening before we can go anywhere. And those with tight eyes need to be countered lest they convince others to close their eyes too.


Well-known member
Crazy Composer said:
And for your mental health know this... pro-government ideas are going to be unpopular on marijuana discussion boards. If you want to openly hoorah the same people who tear apart the lives of people like you'll find on this site, then be prepared for some friction. Eh?

So, according to you anyone that does not believe in your delusional 9/11 conspircy theory is now pro-government and anti-weed? Interseting? Your example is one of many reasons why I dont care for 9/11 thuthers. Anyone, that may disagree with them is automatically labled as a government agent or sympathizer.

CC, You see anyone can become a 9/11 thuther. It doesnt require any truth, talent, skill, facts, or education. All it takes is an internet connection, hate for others, and a boatload of gullibilty. Tuthers are not interested in the truth, only thier own selfish agenda. They sit around jacking each other off and tell themselves what great aspirants of truth they are just like you have already done several times on this thread about yourself. Yeah Right! Just give me my fries and go away Conspiracy Boy.

CC, Unlike yourself, I just dont believe the pot-hole in the street in front of my house is a government conspircy aginst me. :wave:

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