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"Free To Tax"


Well-known member
FrankRizzo said:
Prove me wrong?[QUOTE/]

FrankRizzo said:
Show me the law that states we must pay federal income tax[QUOTE/]

FrankRizzo said:
I find it interesting that you are so quick to take the government's side. [QUOTE/]

Frank, your the one that requested the correct information and than you rudely dont accept it. I only provided you with the information you asked for regarding the laws that state we must pay federal income tax that proved you wrong at you own request.

And I find it interesting that you are so quick to believe anything you read on some demented, delusional conspiracy web-site.

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trouble said:
By your own admission your scources "Fudged thier Numbers" to try and sell an idea. Knowningly passing along false information for the sole purpose of misleading others. Dont you find that highly hypocritical considering thats exactly what thier accusing the government of doing?

hrmm. except the difference is my lies dont perpetuate hate, violence and greed.

everyone talks about change. i hear it from hilary, i hear it from obama, even that old hard headed mccain is saying change. but thats NEVER going to happend. we will NEVER see free health care. we will continue to be this war mongering country regardless which ever puppet is installed to be the face of america.

ill show you change.

pullout from iraq
slash military spending
beef up homeland security
get rid of patriot act
lower taxes
divert funding toward education
legalize sale/use of cannabis
increase penalties on hard drug use/sales


Well-known member
Gypsy Nirvana said:
What gets me is that the American War of Independance seems to have happened due to the British imposing taxes on the people in what was then their colony.....

Gypsy, I would have to disagree that the British imposing taxes on the colonies was the main cause of the American War of Independence? The Stamp Act of 1765 or the Tea Act of 1773.

Clearly, if taxes were the main cause of the American Revololution, the war would have started much sooner than it did. And one would think that the Founding Fathers would have thought to list "imposing taxes" much higher up the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence.

When the Second Continental Congress listed their specific grievances in the Declaration of Independance, they listed "imposing taxes on us without consent" as #17.

After the French & Indian War the British extended their merchantilistic polices on trade resrtictions and econmic control over the Colonies. They underminded the authority of Colonial Assemblies, imposed Martial Law in New England and threatened to do it eleswhere. By the late 1770's, it was clear that the British no longer respected the tradition of America self-governance.

Taxes were only a small part of a much larger problem.

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Listen to me jerky
Trouble- I'm am sorry if I came off rudely to you. I was just try to present some of the information for my side of the story. Since you found that information to be a "demented, delusional conspiracy" I will stop wasting your time. I honestly do not feel you really answered my questions to the degree I was hoping for. That is not here nor here. I know you will think I'm nuts for saying that, but I know nothing I will say will change your opinion. I respect your view on the subject and will close my mouth. I'm again sorry for coming off rudely, that is not my intention.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Another way to look at taxes is paying for protection......protection from those that tax you.....

.....many organized crime syndicates engage in what is known as 'Protection Rackets'......they do this by taxing businesses/people and if the owners of these businesses don't pay then they are penalized/brutalized in some way or another......

Governments...(legal syndicates) do pretty much the same thing......if taxes are not paid then the people are penalized/incarcerated and possibly brutalized there.....too...



Listen to me jerky
Even if we do as they say and pay all of their taxes I feel they still penalize/incarcerate and brutalize us. I don't really see an end to it, not matter how much we turn over to them it will never be enough. Our government loses some absurd amount of money every year, something like a trillion dollars. (That may not be the exact amount, but its a lot of dough) It just goes *poof* into thin air. No sane business could function if they just "misplaced" an amount equal to that. I guess the point I was ultimately try to make is that we need to investigate these people running the show more. They make it soo complicated that the average person (someone like me) can't do that, and they know it. Personally I see the disproportion of wealth getting so one sided that it has gotten me thinking in the last few weeks. I think trouble misunderstood me just a bit. My intention was just to bring some information I had found to the table. I'm not trying to totally convince anyone that I'm 100% right. More I just would like to see people looking into things one their own, getting the answers for themselves. Maybe that will happen, more than likely it won't and we will go on living our "happy" little lives.

Dr. Buzz

In before the lock :)

I think that when we live in a country, it is the duty of it's citizens to pay taxes. I do believe however, that the US government is very wasteful in it's spending and the media and government want us to pay more and get less and be happy about it. Is it too much to ask for an honest government that isn't rife with thieves? Isn't there a way to fix our healthcare system that doesn't include growing the government by leaps and bounds? Can't we keep our population safe without all of the secret police? (department of Homeland Security) Can't we have a government that isn't in so much debt?
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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
This is exactly what I tell people when we're talking about government corruption. A government is nothing more than the reigning #1 mafia in the land. There are different levels of corruption in governments, the US is as bad as any. It may APPEAR the US isn't as bad as some, but that's because the US is better at hiding their activities than most governments.

Gypsy Nirvana said:
Another way to look at taxes is paying for protection......protection from those that tax you.....

.....many organized crime syndicates engage in what is known as 'Protection Rackets'......they do this by taxing businesses/people and if the owners of these businesses don't pay then they are penalized/brutalized in some way or another......

Governments...(legal syndicates) do pretty much the same thing......if taxes are not paid then the people are penalized/incarcerated and possibly brutalized there.....too...

Dr. Buzz said:
Can't we have a government that isn't in so much debt?

As long as our government continues to borrow monies from the federal bank at interest to pay off its debt with monies previously borrowed at interest from the federal bank (and no, federal bank is not part of Govt.) our country will always be slaves to debt. and as citizen taxpayers, we will always be slaves to our corrupt goverment. and their corrupt friends.
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Active member
damn, some of you need to watch money masters. is that guy full of fiction too, greenhead?

creature from jeykll island. most powerful bankers in the world, secret meeting on rich only island, drafted federal reserve, voted it in during christmas. snakes.

all recessions are man made. wealth always transferred.

george carlin said it best...

Forget the politicians, they’re irrelevant.

Politicians are put there to give you that idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, and they’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, and the City Halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear.

They’ve got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want—they don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest. You know something, they don’t want people that are smart enough to sit around their kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.

And now they’re coming for your social security money.

They want your fucking retirement money; they want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later because they own this fucking place. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!

edit: btw, federal reserve is the biggest scam ever.
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Well-known member
dbuzz said:
damn, some of you need to watch money masters. is that guy full of fiction too, greenhead?

What about Money Masters? I watched it and found it to be nothing more than 3 1/2 hours of just another lame truther conspiracy theory film about how the "Evil Jews" are controling the world. Maybe I missed something in the film? Please, share with me what you found so enlightening about Money Masters?

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when the bankers owned it, you know, (take a left when you enter the isle and check out the houses) it was a private place. but it was the original prison in ga 1st

heres why taxes really sux. pay out ur nose. do exactly what gov wants. what do you get? thrown in jail for growing a weed, so wheres the freedom?

iv kids n schools that are under funded, no music, no after school activities? but billions going to iraq. think i can do better w/MY money.


Well-known member
The_Leader said:
when the bankers owned it, you know, (take a left when you enter the isle and check out the houses)

That was like in 1886 when the Vanderbilts and others bought the Island. I thought he might be refering to something more recent?

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now thats funny...jekyll aint been happening since the drunk capt took out the only bridge...lol

i know the history because my kin were in that prison. u talk about lifetime crime family...

edit...is the island still dirty? i was thinking u go straight and end up at the conv center. that place was the bomb back in the day. jaycees anyone? last i was there? OO maybe. place looked bad.
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Well-known member
The_Leader said:
now thats funny...jekyll aint been happening since the drunk capt took out the only bridge...lol

jaycees anyone? last i was there? OO maybe. place looked bad.

Do you mean SeaJay's at the marina?

Jeykll is a little slow for my taste. I'm not really into birdwatching and loggerhead turtles nesting.

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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
"Truther"! hahaha I think you've called me that before. Conservatives on pot sites are a funny thing. No matter where they go, THEY know what's really up, and everyone else is wrong wrong wrong. Oh yeah, listen to the folks who say the US government's not that bad, that's a GREAT idea! That way you can feel all warm and fuzzy, even as the walls crumble all around you.

Let me tell you folks, when one of the sheep is winking at you, and urging you to come back to the pen, just SAY NO! These sheep are cunning. They'll act like they are SO SURE that all these conspiracies are nothing more than theories, not real conspiracies. They'll talk with gusto about how it's fair that the farmer gets to shave all your hair off once or twice a year since he's the one who feeds you. They'll childishly refer to the brave, black sheep as fools and truthers.

People like these make it possible, nay, COMFORTABLE for our masters to continue to fuck us deeply. The 9-11 conspiracy is all but hushed already. Good job conservatives! We're moving further from holding those responsible accountable for this shit. More and more people are called names and heckled by ignorant, loud mouthed conservatives for believing that a few terrorists DIDN'T perpetrate the 9-11 attacks. There's plenty of evidence showing that rogue elements of the US government, and massive corporate interests were involved in making the attacks possible. Don't say it isn't so, you conservative bastards! I know you think you're right (that's the nature of the conservative beast), but stop thinking that, so maybe you'll have a chance to be turned on to some truth some time.

The Federal Reserve IS a criminal organization, NOT of the people, NOT for the people. The US government is a hostage of the bankers. We've even had ex presidents come out and say so!

All is NOT peachy, folks. The media puts such a fine sheen on all the atrocities going on all around you that you simply can't see what's really happening. The more commercial television you watch (cable, satellite with commercials), the more easily you are convinced of what they're saying. The programming is sneaky, but its there all the time. My family has been away from commercial television for more than a year. When I DO see commercial television programming, it makes me sick. Being away from it's influence for this long gives a person a good perspective on the situation. The methods are amazingly devious. They are corralling you into the pens they want you in when you watch commercial tv. And what pisses me off the most about it is... THEY MAKE YOU PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE TO BRAINWASH YOU.

It used to piss me off to see my young son playing on the floor, while a commercial was playing on the tube over his head. These bastards spend BILLIONS every year on advertising, and they KNOW how to make your brain react, even if you're not paying attention. To see my boy marinating in the juices sent through the tube by corporate America, was to watch them prep my son for the raping they were intending to give him when he had money later in life. BASTARDS!

The other day the wife and I were in a grocery store and saw a blatant example of the brainwashing forced on us daily... It comes in small but powerful packages. We were standing in the check-out line and saw the cover of one of the tabloid mags in the rack. It's headline was about Tom Cruise and how he doesn't let his kid have McDonald's, no tv, no pharmaceutical drugs, only herbals, etc. We couldn't believe our eyes! They might as well have been talking about how WE raise our kids. You see, you don't even have to buy the tabloid to be brainwashed. The headline said something like "They've gone too far". So if you're a regular American at the checkout line, and you see this, your opinions of herbal medicines have just been diminished somewhat, you think McDonald's is a little better than before reading how crazy it is NOT to eat McDonald's, and you love your tv that much more. UNBELIEVABLE. But this shit is happening EVERYWHERE, and is the reason we have conservatives! hehehe people who are SOOOOOOOO sure our taxes are justified, and our politicians are trying to help.

Now all my kids are allowed to watch are DVDs WE buy for them. Mostly nature documentaries and morally sound movies with no subversive BS thrown in. That means very little Disney. ;) The kids can play video games... only on the Wii, and ONLY games where you have to be standing to play. It is against the rules of my house to play any video game you can sit to play.

I guess I'm just crazy, like Tom Cruise is. Rules that keep their minds their own. Let the conservatives scream and shout about how us black sheep are truthers, and paranoid conspiracy theorists. I care only because there are many folks who might be led down the path of ignorance because these conservatives have the biggest mouths you'll ever run into. (see: Rush Limbaugh)

For the record, I hate no one. I understand how deeply brainwashed conservatives are, and that it's not their fault. It's just terribly annoying and disappointing to see cultural ignorance spread so voraciously with words.

ICMAg is for everyone who loves cannabis, but it's surprising to see conservatives spending time here. Damn surprising. The very nature of conservatism in this country (and many others) makes it amazing to see any of them here. Even more amazing to see them squaring off against the great majority of us in the pot communities who are the polar opposite of conservative. But such is the nature of the beast.

Take care of your own and try to enlighten whoever has ears for the truth. cc
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Active member
Crazy Composer said:
ICMAg is for everyone who loves cannabis, but it's surprising to see conservatives spending time here. Damn surprising.

Brainwashed liberals, troofers and other sorts of outcasts from society do not have a monopoly on the cannabis plant nor do they represent any cannabis movement.

Anybody who has been around the block and has any real world experience knows that cannabis is smoked and enjoyed by all sorts of people.

:joint: :wave:

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Yup, I know some American conservatives in real life, smoke and drink with them too. But they admit to me that they will cheat, steal and scrape others' eyes out to get their way... Exactly what I have come to expect from conservatives. Fat smile, bad intention. Very little concept of karma, nay, mocking of karma. Oh, and...... they're ALWAYS correct.


Well-known member
Crazy Composer said:
I'm just crazy, like Tom Cruise is.

Atleast we can agree on one thing! :wave:


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