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For those TRAITORS who think cannabis should be taxed


Active member
You keep saying similar things, but does it have any reliance to what most of the rest of us want? I want to be able to smoke on my porch. I'd like to grow hemp for fiber, perhaps take a stroll to the grocery store and buy some decent buds.
How about smoking in front of city hall? I did just that Monday night. After a meeting with city officials and those interested in the drafting of a permanent ordinance. I rolled the joint during the meeting, held it in my hand as I spoke. I was burning it when the head of code enforcement (there is a law against smoking weed in public in our city code) came up and talked to me about how I did a great job speaking and that at first look he really likes the ordinanace that I drafted up which he would have to enforce. While we spoke I was smoking they fatty I rolled during the meeting. A copy of said ordinance can be found here http://www.california-cannabis.com/ordinace.doc

While you might not be able to take a walk to the grocery store, you will be able to find dispenaries within a given 2000 foot range. Easy enough to walk in and purchase buds.

You can do most of that with Proposition 215, though not if you don't have a medical issue.
All use is medical so under Proposition 215 you can do that. Really how lazy are people? $100-$150 and the 30 minutes to see the doctor is much better than $50 an ounce, and cheaper in the long run and goes to the very people who have stood up to prove that weed isn't harmful and that it is the best natural substance known to man.

A lot of the passion that got your Proposition 215 voted in was compassion for people with medical related ailments.

A lot of what got Proposition 215 voted in were the Californian's who already knew that weed prohibition was bullshit and knew very well that it was thinly disguesed legalization as claimed by the opponents of prop 215.

Not too many people are going to vote for me being able to get high, just because i think its neat.

We already did, now get your ass to the doctor.


Skrappie, I have a different opinion on that. My opinion is that we approved "Medical Marijuana" because most people saw it as a first step toward full legalization. A Trojan Horse if you will from which we could later expand. And I also think it worked.

After 13 years of MMJ, I think you will agree that the vast majority of card holding "patients" are, well, let's just say not terminal. Weed is mainstream, which was the point all along. Consequently, I also believe that the majority of people will indeed vote for you to be able to get high just because you think it's neat.

Blue Dot

My opinion is that we approved "Medical Marijuana" because most people saw it as a first step toward full legalization. A Trojan Horse if you will from which we could later expand. And I also think it worked.

I actually never even considered that angle when I voted for it in 1996.

I just thought I was helping sick people.


I actually never even considered that angle when I voted for it in 1996.

I just thought I was helping sick people.

I lived in Maine in 1996, so I couldn't vote for or against. Honestly, I'd have to say that I'd have voted in favor of Prop 215 because it was a thinly veiled attempt to legalize cannabis. Not exactly for that reason--I was 21 in 1996--but something having to do with getting high. Actually, it was probably in 1996 that I began to learn about the medicinal properties of the plant. Before that, I just like how it felt when I got high.


ICMag Donor
While you might not be able to take a walk to the grocery store, you will be able to find dispenaries within a given 2000 foot range. Easy enough to walk in and purchase buds.

What good does that do for people that aren't medical? Aren't you being hypocritical?

I get a kick out of this. You're all for telling people to shoot down making pot legal for everyone, if there's a 50 dollar tax or they are traitors, but what about you and the others that think 215 is such a godsend.

Isn't it also being a traitor to you if someone paid the fees for the certificate? What about the taxes being paid? What about the huge permit fees for the dispensory owners. City fees? In your own words, wouldn't they all be traitors? It's not free from payments to the Government. Far from it....

Seems to me the only ones trying to get legalization shot down are those that have more to gain with it staying illegal....


ICMag Donor
Yeah awareness that taxation is wrong, the money will just be used to lockup other people. Awareness that government regulation and control of cannabis is a violation of every human beings right to liberty. Thinking that paying taxes and allowing the government to regulate our plants in order to gain "recognition/protection/security" with LEO is Anti American.


I believe the Government regulates and controls Prop 215.

"Thinking that paying heavy fees for permits and allowing the government to regulate our plants in order to gain "recognition/protection/security" with LEO is Anti American."

There's something to think about.......

Don't get me wrong. Prop 215 is a wonderful thing for med patients in Cali. But it's not free. There's plenty of charges along the way.
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Active member
What good does that do for people that aren't medical? Aren't you being hypocritical?
Thats a moot point because all marijuana use is medical. Why do you smoke pot?

I get a kick out of this. You're all for telling people to shoot down making pot legal for everyone, if there's a 50 dollar tax or they are traitors, but what about you and the others that think 215 is such a godsend.
Because it was already made legal for everyone without excise taxes.

Isn't it also being a traitor to you if someone paid the fees for the certificate?
No because the doctors haven't been sending people to prison, taking away their homes, stealing their money, taking away their children, and otherwise raising hell. Infact it was the doctors and nurses that were on the frontlines before dispensaries.

What about the taxes being paid?
All the taxes currently being paid (besides the bullshit one in Oakland) are the ones required by law already and are NOT cannabis specific taxes.
What about the huge permit fees for the dispensory owners.
Oakland is the exception to the rule with their crazy fee. And those can easily be challenged in court using the prop 215 fiscal analysis.
City fees?
The same ones required of ALL business regardless of nature, not cannabis specific.

In your own words, wouldn't they all be traitors? It's not free from payments to the Government. Far from it....
We aren't talking about Cannabis specific taxes. Why should we be subject to extra remittence when for 70 years they have been stealing from us? We have already paid enough taxes with all the destruction caused by the drug warriors.

Seems to me the only ones trying to get legalization shot down are those that have more to gain with it staying illegal....

Nobody is trying to shoot down legalization. Do you live here in Cailfornia? Then you really don't understand. Infact you say I am against Legalization yet on Monday the City of Sacramento held a meeting for input on a permanent ordinance regarding medical marijuana and what us stakeholders would like in it. During that meeting I submitted a proposed ordinance which would give our city the best weed laws in the world. And guess what the city officials in attendance liked it. You can find it attached. In the words of one Councilwoman, Lets get it all legalized here. She was talking about adding sections to the city code to specifically allow our businesses. Which she claims the lack of is the only thing that makes us illegal, several lawyers disagree with her contention.
Now the ordinance which I proposed is fully state law compliant. No worris about the city getting sued, no worries about not being able to do business, no worries about the cops busting you for growing to much or for engaging in breeding projects.

The proposed ordinance is attached and can be found at http://www.california-cannabis.com/ordinance.doc


  • ordinance.doc
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Active member
I believe the Government regulates and controls Prop 215.


Because what really is happening is that the state is powerless to actually do any regulation according to prop 215.

http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215analysis.htm said:
This measure amends state law to allow persons to grow or possess marijuana for medical use when recommended by a physician. The measure provides for the use of marijuana when a physician has determined that the person's health would benefit from its use in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or ''any other illness for which marijuana provides relief." The physician's recommendation may be oral or written. No prescriptions or other record-keeping is required by the measure.
The measure also allows caregivers to grow and possess marijuana for a person for whom the marijuana is recommended. The measure states that no physician shall be punished for having recommended marijuana for medical purposes. Furthermore, the measure specifies that it is not intended to overrule any law that prohibits the use of marijuana for nonmedical purposes.

Because the measure specifies that growing and possessing marijuana is restricted to medical uses when recommended by a physician, and does not change other legal prohibitions on marijuana, this measure would probably have no significant state or local fiscal effect.
Note where it says nonmedical purposes is the joke because it's easy to prove all use is medicinal.


ICMag Donor
Genius, explain to us who passed Prop 215 and made it legal under California State Law?

If you don't know I can tell you. It's the same ones that can vote to take it away or revoke your permits and certificates if you break their laws....

And I know more people that are recreational users than I do people that use it for illnesses...


ICMag Donor
Seeings you are protected from Leo by Prop 215, and the fees that you've paid, don't you think you're pretty much a hypocrite calling someone a coward because they choose to pay their fee in a diffrent manner so they can be legal and stay out of jail?

You might better give it up....
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Active member
Genius, explain to us who passed Prop 215 and made it legal under California State Law?
The voters of the state of California because of ballot initiative not because of the politicians who failed to act back then and thus 215 became the act of last resort.
If you don't know I can tell you. It's the same ones that can vote to take it away or revoke your permits and certificates if you break their laws....
The odds of a ballot initiative even getting qualified to remove prop 215 are non existant. Realy reaching for straws now aren't you JJ.. ANd if they take away those pieces of paperwork... so fucking what! They can't take away my physicians reccomendation, and they can't send me to jail/prison or fine me for anything weed related. Sounds like legalization to me.
And I know more people that are recreational users than I do people that use it for illnesses...

And thats the problem. It is people identifying themselves as one or the other when in reality we are all both. EVERYONE that smokes pot can get a doctors reccomendation in California. Sorry for those medisnobs that want to feel special but the law wasn't written to be exclusive it was meant to encompass everyone hence the part in 215 "for any other illness for which marijuana provides relief". The reason most people are afriad to admit their use is medical is because it means admitting they are sick. Most people have trouble admitting weakness, which is something we all have.


Active member
Seeings you are protected from Leo by Prop 215, and the fees that you've paid, don't you think you're pretty much a hypocrite calling someone a coward because they choose to pay their fee in a diffrent manner so they can be legal and stay out of jail?

You might better give it up....

No because the issue is about adding additional fee's. A specific tax attached to the weed itself. They don't tax Echinachea by the pound. They only do this with HARMFUL substances. You know Tobacco and Alcohol.

Why should I give it up? I enjoy making you look like a clown. :dueling:


ICMag Donor
At least you finally admit you're regulated by the Government.

How does that quote go again Ace?

I think I remember you making a post months back that you had started some kind of weed business along with being a 215 patient. If I recall you said that you had to pay fees to a few Govt agencies to get them completed and you had to fill out all kinds of personal paperwork, lmao. It's not free and it's Govt regulated. Does that make you a coward to have willingly paid all of those fees? Or is it different when it's you that stays out of jail and can legally smoke and grow?
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Fuck Tax's on marijuana and FUCK the FEDS

Fuck Tax's on marijuana and FUCK the FEDS


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