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For those TRAITORS who think cannabis should be taxed

Or maybe they are to honest to fake an illness.

Thank you JJ! I believe lieing to be a poor practice as it means you must continue to lie and even make up more lies to cover up your initial lie that you are "sick". So your ill huh? What symptoms, how often, is it improvin or worstening, when did it start, can you continue to work or is disability in your future? You can see it is a slippery slope and once the lies begin it is then a difficult choice to stop lieing and come clean or keep lieing indefinetly. Do you remember being a kid and faking sick to play hooky? Didint you ever actually kinda feel sick after all that faking and lieing to mom and dad. Forget that noise!

People stop being so guilt ridden and paralyzed by fear and start loving and forgiving yourself. A person who loves themself will not take abuse or fall prey to fear tactics and intimidation. A person who loves themself also does not need to lie about who they are, and also dosent need to tell all of their private buisness either. I am a loving individual who does not attack but will allways defend.

It is time for two edged sword of truth to come out. One side cuts the chains of ignorance and and the delivers swift justice to the unjust.

There are things at work as I speak that may have the potential to change the world. But it will be up to people to make their choices.

Those in charge do not want people to love them self, they use misinformation, and spread lies and hate. Those that spread hate are the unclean who can not be happy unless causing suffering to others (think bully in HS) they live to cause pain they get off on it.

Cannabis users are but one niche group of people choosen by the bullies to throw hate at (stoner, druggy, burnout) It is no different than sexist, racist and anti-gay innorant bigots have been doing for 10,000 years. Now here we are all being equally hated by the ignorant hatefilled cannabist bigots arguing with one another about the details rather than acting to stop the abuse we collectively endure. This "caught up in the details" is a divide and conquer method. If we can put aside the details and rally together just like all the other groups who have overcome discrimination we will succede as they have.

end rant

In the Unceasing Light of God's Unconditional Love,
yea and your a dumb shill for the goverment what are you a public servant.tell you what since you feel so strongly about paying taxes send arnold a buck everytime you smoke a joint.pot smoking tool for the gov take your taxes and go f urself.

Yeah but you're anti taxes period. You are piggy backing on the marijuana cause to push a wider agenda that you obviously have. And you have a problem with paying taxes.

Okay, dont pay taxes or whatever man, I dont give a shit. Don't drag down the marijuana cause though by trying to bundle the two.


Patient Grower
...or think they don't qualify. Regardless, Prop 215 will still be the law of the land regardless of whether the CCI and/or the Lee initiative pass or fail.


Okay, dont pay taxes or whatever man, I dont give a shit. Don't drag down the marijuana cause though by trying to bundle the two.

you know what's even more asinine about your comment is your gross assumption that you have any legitimicy equating taxes with cannabis.you
are entitled to your opine,but that and a no vote is all your going to get out of me.no. I pay taxes, yes I don't like to pay taxes,throwing good money after bad would sum up my thoughts on almost all goverment.
but maybe this thought eludes you as i have stated before I have no desire to aid the general fund so some fat self entitled bureaucrat can pad their worthless salary some more? and on the backside of pot smokers?no no no no no!what do you think of when you think of a public employee union?
i think of this fat lazy ugly ass fing bitch,who is a public servant has a bad attitude,lies,and she is supposed to do what to better my life ?I have no problem explaining to this particular individual that she is beyond worthless,couldn't save herself let alone anyone else because she is morbidly obese.now thats what I think of when I see public employee unions,a bunch of people concerned with their senority,not their job. next question?


Okay, dont pay taxes or whatever man, I dont give a shit. Don't drag down the marijuana cause though by trying to bundle the two.

you know what's even more asinine about your comment is your gross assumption that you have any legitimicy equating taxes with cannabis.you
are entitled to your opine,but that and a no vote is all your going to get out of me.no. I pay taxes, yes I don't like to pay taxes,throwing good money after bad would sum up my thoughts on almost all goverment.
but maybe this thought eludes you as i have stated before I have no desire to aid the general fund so some fat self entitled bureaucrat can pad their worthless salary some more? and on the backside of pot smokers?no no no no no!what do you think of when you think of a public employee union?
i think of this fat lazy ugly ass fing bitch,who is a public servant has a bad attitude,lies,and she is supposed to do what to better my life ?I have no problem explaining to this particular individual that she is beyond worthless,couldn't save herself let alone anyone else because she is morbidly obese.now thats what I think of when I see public employee unions,a bunch of people concerned with their senority,not their job. next question?

Hating on fat people is the same as hating on stoners, gays, blacks, whatever. Maybe you should try to stop being such a bigot before you worry about paying taxes on pot you could grow in your house for free.


Patient Grower
but maybe this thought eludes you as i have stated before I have no desire to ...

Why in blazes would you think the world gives a crap what you want or don't want? No, it hasn't eluded my that your position is self serving claptrap. What's eluded you is that what you want or don't want is fucking irrelevant. I want quality buds growing by the side of the road free for the picking, and a blowjob from Angelina Jolie. It doesn't fucking matter though, I'm not likely to get either one.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Once they figure out how to make money from it it WILL be legal. Why you ask? Because in 1992 my company delivered equipment to a warehouse in Arizona. This equipment was to be used to plant, harvest,process and package mj cigarettes. The bill was paid by: RJ Reynolds.

Our government is corrupt DUH and the only way anything will get done is if they get paid plain and simple. It pains me to no end to type these words but that is how it works. The drug company's have 2 lobbyist for every Us senator on the hill 2 I said. One makes the deal and the other pays it.

Our tax dollars pay on average 32,000 a year for a normal prisoner and 58,000 for lifers. In other words it is a business plain and simple and in some cases has nothing to do with laws or morale's but the all mighty dollar.

I posted this little tid bit years ago on these boards and got laughed at,and said then that when they figure out how to profit from it it WILL BE LEGAL. Now here we are years later and we are that much closer to realization BUT there is a major problem with it.

MJ will cure (as estimated) 1/2 of all diseases that make the drug companys the trillions of dollars they make every year to line their fat pockets with.

Sorry all but that sentence says it all imo. It will never happen the way we want it to unless we pay out the ass for it. The drug companys will NEVER I MEAN NEVER allow it to happen and why you ask do they have so much influence? Because they pay out the ass for it.


California sets the trends for all the US. Fashion may come from New York but look back at the laws that started in Cali and years later moved east. Cali is broke and MJ might be the only way to save it. MONEY MONEY MONEY is the root of all evil but in OUR case if and WHEN the taxing of MJ in Cali saves the state it might years later save us all.

My Penny
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Active member
Thank you JJ! I believe lieing to be a poor practice as it means you must continue to lie and even make up more lies to cover up your initial lie that you are "sick". So your ill huh? What symptoms, how often, is it improvin or worstening, when did it start, can you continue to work or is disability in your future? You can see it is a slippery slope and once the lies begin it is then a difficult choice to stop lieing and come clean or keep lieing indefinetly. Do you remember being a kid and faking sick to play hooky? Didint you ever actually kinda feel sick after all that faking and lieing to mom and dad. Forget that noise!

People... stop being so guilt ridden and paralyzed by fear and start loving and forgiving yourself. A person who loves themself will not take abuse or fall prey to fear tactics and intimidation. A person who loves themself also does not need to lie about who they are, and also dosent need to tell all of their private buisness either. I am a loving individual who does not attack but will allways defend.

It is time for two edged sword of truth to come out. One side cuts the chains of ignorance and and the delivers swift justice to the unjust.

There are things at work as I speak that may have the potential to change the world. But it will be up to people to make their choices.

Those in charge do not want people to love them self, they use misinformation, and spread lies and hate. Those that spread hate are the unclean who can not be happy unless causing suffering to others (think bully in HS) they live to cause pain they get off on it.

Cannabis users are but one niche group of people chosen by the bullies to throw hate at (stoner, druggy, burnout) It is no different than sexist, racist and anti-gay innorant bigots have been doing for 10,000 years. Now here we are all being equally hated by the ignorant hatefilled cannabist bigots arguing with one another about the details rather than acting to stop the abuse we collectively endure. This "caught up in the details" is a divide and conquer method. If we can put aside the details and rally together just like all the other groups who have overcome discrimination we will succede as they have.

end rant

Too many people are stunted from their full potential because of what they 'believe' to be the truth about themselves. If you don't love yourself, something is wrong with your actions and your way of thinking; you cannot separate the two. When you have the correct information and are open to understanding it, your life will improve dramatically and, over time, you will find that you do indeed love yourself.

Life is good. :D


Active member
Why in blazes would you think the world gives a crap what you want or don't want? No, it hasn't eluded my that your position is self serving claptrap. What's eluded you is that what you want or don't want is fucking irrelevant. I want quality buds growing by the side of the road free for the picking, and a blowjob from Angelina Jolie. It doesn't fucking matter though, I'm not likely to get either one.

Well, if he's a registered voter, then of course it matters what he wants; just like it matters what you want if you are a registered voter. Neither of you have opions that are exclusive to yourself - we are all representative of the many various opinions that are prevalent among voters.

The CCI provisions about where the taxes are to go are a pay off to the public employee unions, who spend tremendous amounts of money on advertising and other PR stuff to influence elections. If the public employee unions think that they are in for new tax revenues, they will be influenced to use their resources to influence the election.

This is kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. The writers of CCI were smart to try to get the unions on their side. Sadly, the end result will be a total waste of billions of dollars in new tax revenues.



Once they figure out how to make money from it it WILL be legal.
Well I think that is part of the issue. The problem is they can not control the market like they can for alcohol and tobacco. Sure you can grow tobacco but you'd have to grow a lot to satisfy your yearly habit. You are allowed to brew beer and make wine but most don't want to deal with the hassle so they go into the store and pay many times more than what it would cost to do it themselves. You can get a license from BATF for like $65 last time I checked to distill up to 10,000 proof gallons of alcohol per year for fuel use...just make the still out of silver solder...lol.

Canna is like a tomato in that it is easy to grow, you can grow it almost anywhere and a few plants will easily satisfy virtually any smokers requirements for the year. They will never be able to control production and distribution if fully legalized and any government agency will probably make as much money in taxes as they do off tomatoes...probably more because of the volume of consumption and the fact that many still would not grow their own just like most don't grow tomatoes even thought people eat them regularly. Full on legalization, or whatever, would cause prices to drop dramatically and tax revenues would be reduced per sale but the volume of sales may make up for that loss as it would probably be as heavily taxed as tobacco so maybe the tomato analogy is not a good one here.

mr.wags is 100% correct and that is why people should vote for lee's initiative. The ONLY way it will ever be fully legal like everyone wants is if the elite control the market thats how it is with everything in america. greed runs everything and if you cant see that as true i pity you.


mr.wags is 100% correct and that is why people should vote for lee's initiative. The ONLY way it will ever be fully legal like everyone wants is if the elite control the market thats how it is with everything in america. greed runs everything and if you cant see that as true i pity you.



Hating on fat people is the same as hating on stoners, gays, blacks, whatever. Maybe you should try to stop being such a bigot before you worry about paying taxes on pot you could grow in your house for free.

you got it all wrong I am disgusted with this particular leo because she is the epitome of what I see wrong with goverment,coupled with the fact she is a leo,a bitch,and being fat as well represents a dereliction in duty to where she would have to save someone?I myself am overweight,I excercise in all water environment conditions,never wear a wetsuit.I have saved more lives from drowning than I can remember on beaches with/ without a lifeguard,ive swam with whales,and have seen waves you could tell your grandchildren about from the beach let alone in the water.
so yes I am prejudiced in judging someone who has no ability or physical qualifications for the potential demands her job might entail.
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Hating on fat people is the same as hating on stoners, gays, blacks, whatever. Maybe you should try to stop being such a bigot before you worry about paying taxes on pot you could grow in your house for free.

Sound like something I said to you in another thread. Im glad to hear you say it. We need to spread an atmosphere of love, tollerance and acceptance.
Too many people are stunted from their full potential because of what they 'believe' to be the truth about themselves. If you don't love yourself, something is wrong with your actions and your way of thinking; you cannot separate the two. When you have the correct information and are open to understanding it, your life will improve dramatically and, over time, you will find that you do indeed love yourself.

Life is good. :D

Yes if you dont love your self there is a blockage because love is the natural free flowing energy we all are ment to give and recieve. If someone has un forgiven past expirence, weither done to or by themself, that will hold back the flow of love. So to love fully requires one to forgive fully, it is easier to start by forgiving yourself then work on forgiving others action toward you. Revenge, anger and hate are also negative emotions that will hold back the love. Its quite simple to understand but everyone is responsible for their own happyiness, unhappiness, joy, bliss or depression, its your life and your choice.


Sound like something I said to you in another thread. Im glad to hear you say it. We need to spread an atmosphere of love, tollerance and acceptance.

Yes if you dont love your self there is a blockage because love is the natural free flowing energy we all are ment to give and recieve. If someone has un forgiven past expirence, weither done to or by themself, that will hold back the flow of love. So to love fully requires one to forgive fully, it is easier to start by forgiving yourself then work on forgiving others action toward you. Revenge, anger and hate are also negative emotions that will hold back the love. Its quite simple to understand but everyone is responsible for their own happyiness, unhappiness, joy, bliss or depression, its your life and your choice.

what you said to me in the other thread was that we should pass off trying to legalize state to state and just push for federal legalization because bigots will be bigots regardless (paraphrasing)....

I kindly disagree. I know plenty of people who have changed their feelings on Cannabis when presented with the truth. =)
what you said was that we should pass off trying to legalize state to state and just push for federal legalization because bigots will be bigots regardless (paraphrasing)....

I kindly disagree. I know plenty of people who have changed their feelings on Cannabis when presented with the truth. =)

Wow we cant seem to agree on a thing...haha. :dueling:
Your right about my first point being that a united front will harbor support of more citizens. Dont abandon state to state approach just dont forget about us in the draco states we dont want to wait 20 years. And of course people can change when provided factual information on the contrary, still some will never change.

In this case I was refering to the fact that we stated that hate toward a group of people based on their weight, race, sex ectera is not cool nothing more nothing less.


Wow we cant seem to agree on a thing...haha. :dueling:
Your right about my first point being that a united front will harbor support of more citizens. Dont abandon state to state approach just dont forget about us in the draco states we dont want to wait 20 years. And of course people can change when provided factual information on the contrary, still some will never change.

In this case I was refering to the fact that we stated that hate toward a group of people based on their weight, race, sex ectera is not cool nothing more nothing less.

Ahh I misunderstood you. I can agree on that. Hate is a waste of time, regardless of what it is toward. If more people spent their time focusing on more productive things we would all be better off.

And disagreements are fine in my book, debates are great. Blind arguments with out using an open mind are what irk me, so far you and I don't seem to have that problem =)
Ahh I misunderstood you. I can agree on that. Hate is a waste of time, regardless of what it is toward. If more people spent their time focusing on more productive things we would all be better off.

And disagreements are fine in my book, debates are great. Blind arguments with out using an open mind are what irk me, so far you and I don't seem to have that problem =)

I like you!