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For longtime habitual smokers ONLY... health?



I guess everyone here is just too knowledgable to google cannabis study 2006.What a bunch of know-it-alls.I'll take what the National Institute on drug abuse says over any of you brainiacs

Avid Fan

like i said ,the guy wants to hear what happened to you as an individual,whether good or bad.
not info read from a study.


O you want individual stories.OK I started out smoking pot and ended up doing heroin.Lif's a bitch.I do wish you'd check out the study done by NIDA,they admitted to being a little surprised and alot disappointed.It didnt turn out as planned.Whats really interesting is the fact that smokers of cigarettes and cannabis had a much less incidence of cancer than people that just used tobacco.That really hurt some NIDA feelings!


Tobacco data shouldn't be assumed to hold true for Cannabis.

Why not?

Cannabis smoke is qualitatively similar to tobacco smoke, although it contains up to twice the concentration of the carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons[/SIZE]

Even if cannabis smoke is healthier then tobacco smoke I rather be safe then sorry. Eating a nutritious diet should be a goal anyways, its just a bonus that it can offset the effects of smoking.


Gene Mangler
No matter what or how you puff, eat good & exercise!

Smoke quality bud! (less does more)

I'd rather suck a fart than smoke a vape...
Seriously, who invented those nasty ass things?

The taste? oh yeah, we're onto something here lol

The smell? aaackk, fuck me.

The rasped out throat the next morning? Oh yeah, the aveoli are luvin you lol

Vape bags?
Oh yeah, we can make this stale nasty shit go on...

& on...

& on...

& on...

Y'all probably pass a 1/2 cleared bong to the next guy too, dontcha? :D

I stick to pure, cool, potent smoke. less does more! :tiphat: 30+


Gene Mangler
To this moldy frog toe who posted on my page. Something wrong with postin up here?

"that was stupid...really stupid...alveoli arent in your throat, additionally - they're in your lungs. and bubbling vape through water takes care of the throat thing. and, nobody in their right mind pases stale vape. pure smoke? such stupidity."

These crackheads with vape bags glued to their face sure aren't vapin' thru water & not stale? fkin puhleeeeease.
No shit they're in yer lungs but since I have no senses in my lungs, nor do you...
The throat is a good enough indicator for me!
Hot air, especially Hot Dry air is as damaging or more so as any tar.

This vape + safe line is pure fear marketing bullshit!

I didn't even mention the most f'd up part (which pro-vapers never mention) & that is...
It turns nice relaxing bud into a fkin crack buzz! Which leads to a certain type of (tweaker) personality that prefers that kinda buzz, the kind I avoid lol
They're easy to ID & avoid tho, it's the wired out crowd gathered around the overloaded electric socket! :D

Smoke Buddy

Ivebeen tokin for over 37 years. I did bong hits every day for about 30 years. I mean big bong hits. I have always been in shape, I cycle, hike and backback. So I had to stop the bong bcause I started getting pain in my lungs. Like aches in the upper back on the sides. Totally my lungs complaining. I was concerned so I went to the doc about 6 years ago and they couldnt see anything on x-rays... but I could feel it. They tested my lung power and told me I am at about 140% of normal so obviously the lungs still work good but now I smoke a pipe and my thing now is take small hits, let em out quik... works just fine except I do miss the sweats and near vomiting that a good bonghit will give ya.. Tried the vap but it gives me an asthmatic condition after a few days of using it. A good friend of mine gets the same wheezy shit after vaping so Im not a vap fan at all. Plus it felt like something was missing vaping... anyhow the fact is your lungs will complain in time just wait and see...



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey OP have you seen "Super High Me" ?
Doug Benson does better physically & mentally while hes smoking....
(he is checked out by doctors while 'sober' and again after hed been smoking)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
look pal,the damage to the hairs on my lungs came from pure weed joints,not tobacco!it was the act of smoking the weed that gave me problems
thats all very well you believe that,but the guy was asking for ppls personal experiences.
its a bit reckless of you to keep shooting down any post that claims there is damage from smoking cannabis.and note i said smoking cannabis,not just having it in your system

long term smoking of any thing that creates tar is bad for those hairs in your lungs. plus the chemicals from the lighter. This is why I almost always smoke through double water filtration and keep the bong fairly clean. It filters out some of that stuff for sure. I like to minimize the tar. I do not think it causes cancer though, like cigarettes. I think it makes it pretty much neutral. I have no problem hiking ten miles in high elevation, so I assume it works, when I used to smoke shwag out of blunts all the time I could take way bigger hits, but my lungs would hurt when I ran. Now I take a little bit smaller hits but they seem to be more effective. I think the water filtration, and weed quality really makes the difference.


May your race always be in your favor
I've been smoking since 1969, The last ten years or more smoking daily I like get up and have a bong hit or two or three with that first cuppa joe. Through out the day I hit a chillen or the bong if I'm not driving, about once an hour or sometime more. Its nice to be retired(disabled vet 100%) Any way forgot what I was saying. I do sometime forget what I was going to get or where I left something, car keys? but other than that not really any problems do have a hack in the A.M. some mornings but not like a tobacco one. I'm 62 and don't plan on slowing down any time soon my older bro is 68 and he isn't lowing down either my wife keeps up with me and can smoke me under on occasion.:smoweed::smoweed: Smoke dope its the only hope for the world situation!


Active member
I starting smoking cigarretes at age -9months thanks to moms having a habit and not knowing any better at the time, I started smoking prompty at 16 and continued till 28, i smoked Cannabis reguraly from 19-28 taking a few months off here and there as i did with the cigs.

Since i have quite cigaretes i have noticed all of the negative effects i felt have down right disappeared. I no longer get super lethargic after the herb high wears off, i can breathe fine, and my body doesn't hurt like it used to......

As for the rest of it, i find it does dull my ability to be social but merely because it makes a lot of shit seems stupid and fruitless, however the things worthwhile in life seem cooler and more interesting, so maybe it just helps me focus my energy. I have not found anything negative aside form missing a a few hangovers and encounters with idiots.

It def makes me horny after i get high and helps set moods etc. It can make my senses too peaked that it seems to lead to over stimulation and potentaily quick release....mind gets wild sometimes!

I am no doctor but for me i have noticed no nasty side effects, aside from the occasional 15 minute nap that is needed, but literally a 15 minute solid sleep and I am back to life 100%. as for not dreaming, i may have agree with that and say, a fucking men, my dreams are nuts and unneeded....scary and useless, just a crazy brain trying to figure out what it needs and doesn't need from a hectic day, i don't need to remember that....

I am however on the vapo tip simply for the fact that i like the high better a lot of times, i will not say that smoking Canna has any negative side effects ever it has however:

-help me detox from a opiate habit and stay off them. ( i did medical detoxes too with Methasatan and some other combos and trust me some Canna is a god send when your ill)
-eat less (crazy i know)
-be kinder to people
-sleep through the night

I also saw it make a family members battle with chemo 100% better, gave them the ability to eat and sleep and eventualy beat that shit! saw it first hand.....

sorry i know this was about smoking it!
long term smoking of any thing that creates tar is bad for those hairs in your lungs. plus the chemicals from the lighter. This is why I almost always smoke through double water filtration and keep the bong fairly clean. It filters out some of that stuff for sure. I like to minimize the tar. I do not think it causes cancer though, like cigarettes. I think it makes it pretty much neutral. I have no problem hiking ten miles in high elevation, so I assume it works, when I used to smoke shwag out of blunts all the time I could take way bigger hits, but my lungs would hurt when I ran. Now I take a little bit smaller hits but they seem to be more effective. I think the water filtration, and weed quality really makes the difference.
Largley myth/insignificant

"Disappointingly, waterpipes performed uniformly worse than the unfiltered joint. The least bad waterpipe, the bong, produced 30% more tar per cannabinoids than the unfiltered joint. Ironically, the pipe with the electric mixer scored by far the worst of any device. This suggests that water filtration is actually counterproductive, apparently because water tends to absorb THC more readily than noxious tars. Like the waterpipes, the cigarette filter also performed worse than the unfiltered joint, by about 30%. Researchers speculate this is because cannabinoids are exceptionally sticky and adhere to other solids. Hence, any filtration system that picks up particulates is likely also to screen out cannabinoids."


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ive been smoking cannibus hard for over 45 years. I still work as a carpenter everyday\. Walk the wall of second story buildings and pride myself in being able to pack lumber with any of the young help we hire. Course this doesnt mean much ... ppl can get sick at any time. I have good genes and both my parents are still healthy at age 85. I still feel like I can work with any young man around and dont feel that cannibus has ever slowed me down physically. In fact give me a little break to puff late in the day and Ill work all you young fellas till you beg to go home :)
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I'm also a 35 year smoker and except for penal shrinkage I havent noticed a thing.In fact I hardly notice my thing.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Damn some of you guys worry too much m8, not that its a bad thing, but to much of it aint good either,,

We all need to remember, we're all not going to live forever, so while you worry much about smoking MJ and your healthy, i say you spark a few and enjoy life :)



New member
I have smoked pot on a regular basis as a part of my life since 1973.
I am a hideaway smoker, and must function each day in the business world with absolutely no detection of my pot smoking. In most places that I conduct business, I need to have a drug screen, and I carry a valid test card at all times. Synthetic urine is a must. I also own stock in Visine (or at least I should).

Pot will clog up your lungs and will absolutely make you more susceptible to catching colds and other illness' like bronchitis. When pot lung hits you, stop smoking and let the medicine work.

Pot also has a definite effect on the memory. I notice it as more a short term memory thing. Names are a big problem with me, and I must be extra aware of a persons name when first hearing it or I will forget...maybe ten minutes later. Forgetting what you are talking about mid sentence can be an issue, a big issue, and usually will only happen when you have the good buzz on...but my experience tells me that this can occur even when not high. I am pretty sure it is a pot thing that causes this.
Many folks make fun of how GW Bush gives speeches, and bumbles around like a dunce that can't speak well...even though the man has degrees from a couple of the best institutions of learning in the world. I have always thought that Bush was simply a victim of pot head syndrome, because the way he talks in public reminds me of the way pot works on myself in similar situations. I can type something out like a pro if I set my mind to it, but speaking it off the cuff is another matter. I connect this attribute with the paranoia factor that pot enhances.

Pot has a definite effect on our motivation. Many weeds cause a melancholy that is pretty much detrimental to ones life, if they let it take control. If one is predisposed to being a lazy fuck, pot can enhance this expression. I find I must fight this or it can be a problem with the way I live my life. Sloth is not a good thing no matter how you slice it.

Pot is addicting, but IMHO only psychologically and not really much physically. Your mind misses it more than your body if you quit. And the effect only last a short period of time.
It is a good thing to stop smoking every once an awhile just to let yourself know that you are indeed in full control. Addictions to tobacco, cocaine, alcohol and the like are entirely other matters and are much harder addictions that needs more than an occasional stop. There is no real controlling of those sorts of addictions without some serious mind work and possibly intervention.

Pot can effect our dreams in a big way. Not so much when using it, but when not using it.
When we stop smoking, for whatever reason, very vivid and colorful dreams, and even nightmares, will take place on a regular basis for a good deal of time...maybe for like a couple of weeks or more after stopping.

There have only been a few times that I have stopped smoking for more than a month at a time, but these times are special in that once you start back, you can get super fucked up real easy...almost like when you first started. Quitting can be a good thing just for the enhanced buzzes that come about when you start back.

Trust me...pot does not effect the libido in a negative way...and I could get a gal pregnant by just showing her my junk.

dude thats really odd, like thats how I am to the T, except I'm to ADD to have thought up all that in one post. That would have taken me years.

AND the dreams when I stop smoking scare me right back to my sacred herb, intense


How about Nick Diaz the "Top ten pound for pound MMA in the world?" Dude smokes his ass off during and after training.
Yeah nick has pretty good cardio considering how much bud he smokes. Jon fitch smokes a fair amount of herb too and he's a cardio machine (also a top-10 welterweight like diaz). But these guys are the exception, not the rule, as it takes a special kind of athlete to dominate like they do, despite having weed habits.

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