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for all you "all nighters" out there....


cant stop wont stop
i dont think anyone on here that lives where weed is outlawed is goin to post their real pic,i was just bein a smart ass! and as far as i see it,they aint no such thing as an ugly woman. just borderline ugly! its kinda comfy under this fat lady!
food! mc d's! im there! mcchicken is some lickin chicken!

have you seen dkmonk i think her nanme is.. i think she posts her real pick for some reason,, maybe we should introduce her to yummybud.


theres another person on here with an actual pic I was kinda shocked..


fuck, ive been smoking on and off all night & cannot get stoned!!! wtf!!!!!


I should enjoy the silence.... everyone else is sleeping here, just only me and my lonesome right now...


hey kaotik,i raised five of them al by my lone and my last is now 18,girl, and that silence yer talkin bout is wonderful aint it!?


YES it is absolutely beautiful. Mind you I love being around ppl, but sometimes I just want to kick back, chill, and smoke when its peaceful, especially because my 2 year old is now at that whiny stage, I f*ckin hate it
glad I found this thread I am hardcore Insomniac.... I am ussually tending to the garden, on ICmag and a few other forums, and getting my drink and smoke one... Ohh and a few hours of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 every night.

I am a night owl I guess...



yep yep! no rest for the wicked! im just glad the wierd dreams have stopped! when i first started growin i had so many problems with the smell i was parinoid for the first time in my life! i even dreamed a rambo mouse came in and ate all my plants! a little guy he was,with a headband and muscels and a big army knife! it was wierd as hell!
now all i dream about is BIG fat ladies! for real! i dont even know why. all the girlz i kick it with are no more than 110 lbs.i even wake up horny as hell after i have those fat lady dreamz! wtf!!!


more cushion for the pushin lol

its only 8, not quite late night, but I also was up at 3:30 this morning.. well first it was 12 then 2 then 330.. WHAT ZEE FARCK~!?
and now my kid is running through the house being a complete little brat, and I want to really clobber him over the head so he goes to sleep. LOL ok not really but damn its like FALL ASLEEP ALREADY.


more cushion for the pushin lol

its only 8, not quite late night, but I also was up at 3:30 this morning.. well first it was 12 then 2 then 330.. WHAT ZEE FARCK~!?
and now my kid is running through the house being a complete little brat, and I want to really clobber him over the head so he goes to sleep. LOL ok not really but damn its like FALL ASLEEP ALREADY.
lol quite the chaotic creation he is:D


trust me on this one........if one day,god forbid,he wasnt there to drive you crazy anymore you would die inside and never be the same. i used to get so mad at my son for his stupid,irresponsable shit! now i just wish i could hold him and i cant because he died. enjoy even the crazy times cuz it dont last forever.
ok,enuf.....callin all fat ladies!


damn! im hornier than a three balled billy goat! growin weed has turned me into a hermit i think. wtf!! whats everyone doin?


New member
UP Late too

UP Late too

Ok..Check this out: GROWRADIO
NEW INTERNET RADIO station didicated to the cultivation and use of medicinal MJ. they broadcast late nights too.
Click Listen on the Page


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I want to eat honey nut cheerios but, we are out of MILK! dont ya hate when ya REEALLY want something and ya just cant have it.. So i ask myself how does it feel to want.. Now i punch myself for being a smartass.. nah im just stoeneded and well want my honey nut cheerios/// peace.



I actually didnt stay up late or anything.. it was kinda a rough night... glad I didnt have bad dreams, I dont remember them at all.....I didnt stay up last night but hope all you night owls had a great night


man,i am beat up from workin 7 days a week!!! i need sum good r and r. i think im gunna play hookey this weekend,fuck em!


we have a smoke shop in town and until last week all they sold was cigs and such,but when i went in to get smokes i saw a whole line of herb accessories!! they are getting in vapes today and they go from thirty dollars and up! now i aint never used a vaporizer but from what i hear they are off the hook! thinkin i might give it a shot! anyone here vape? howz the buzz compared to smokin a joint? does it last longer? c'mon folks,give me the skinny!!