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For All The New Outdoor Growers

New outdoor grower here, thought i'd post some pics of my plant last season






New member
light deprivation greenhouses?

light deprivation greenhouses?

Does anybody on here have experience with light deprivation greenhouses? I have an opportunity to do an outdoor grow this season and would like to try to get 3 crops instead of one. I am thinking 20 gallon pots and 16 square feet (4x4) for each plant. I am in southern Colorado with great southern exposure.

Organic joe

Thanks for this awesome thread

I'm getting ready to order mandala#1 and pineapple express I'm going to veg them indoors then move them out side about the first of may...
I have three different spots picked out for them to finish there cycle all three locations are by different creeks I'm going to dig my holes about ten foot away from the creek in hopes of not having to go water them often
I have access to bulk leaf compost, mushroom compost and organic black top soil to fill the holes in with I figure I'll have to add dolomite lime in the mix but between the two composts and black top soil will I have enough nutrients to last until harvest if not what should I add bone, blood meal and kelp?
What ratios should I use with the ingredients I have at hand
I'm trying to stay away from the bone, blood meal and kelp as I dont really have the funds to buy the seeds but still want a good crop any help is greatly appreciated thanks in advance
Stay safe
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Plant n Prosper

The Simplest Rule For Moon Planting...

The moon planting rule says to plant crops that produce above the ground
during the increasing light of the moon (from new moon to full moon) and to plant
crops that produce below the ground during the decreasing light of the moon
(from full moon to new moon).

A More Detailed Set of Moon Planting Rules...

New Moon To Full Moon:
Sow, Transplant, bud and graft.

Full Moon To New Moon:
Plow, Cultivate, weed and reap.

New Moon To First Quarter:
Good for Planting above-ground crops with outside seeds,
flowering annuals.

First Quarter To Full Moon:
Good for planting above ground crops with inside seeds.

Full Moon To Last Quarter:
Good for planting root crops, bulbs, biennials, and perennials.

Last Quarter To New Moon:
Do Not Plant

Moon Planting Examples...

A list of when and what to plant.

First quarter planting, or the time from the new moon to about half-full.
Plant annuals with above-ground yields, particularly leafy plants which produce
their seed outside the fruit.

1st Qtr. Examples:

asparagus cabbage, celery, endive, and spinach.
Second quarter planting, or the time from the half-full to the full moon.
Plant annuals that have above-ground yields which are
vining and produce seed inside the fruit.

2nd Qtr. Examples:

beans, peas, peppers, squash, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Third quarter planting, or from the full moon to half-full.
Plant biennials, perennials, bulb and root crops. Crops which are planted
one season the produce yields the following year, trees, and shrubs.

3rd Qtr. Examples:

onions, potatoes, rhubarb, grapes, winter wheat, and berries.

Fourth quarter planting, or from half-full to new moon.

4th Qtr. Examples:

pull weeds, cultivate, destroy pests, and turn sod.

Moon Planting Wise Tales...

Plant potatoes during the "dark of the moon" is an old adage.

Plant your seeds within 48 hours before a full moon.

Do not plant on the day of the New Moon or Full Moon.

So plant cannabis outside on the new moon? Is that correct?


New member
deer repellent

deer repellent

Hey gaiusmarius

the movie dochollywood showed that human urine will scare deer.
I read in another thread that you take a plastic bottle and poke
holes in the bottom and place some cloth material inside the
bottle, then urinate in the bottle. Hang the bottle near your
grow area and refill when need to pee.
The holes allow the smell to scare the deer and other animals
that eat plants. I can't remember the thread but cheap and easy.


I pay only minor attention to dtm.

The frost guide is just that a guide....seasons change.

One almost sure guide for me is to see when volunteer garden varieties come up....a 4 inch tomato plant is an indicator of soil that is warm enough for sowing or perhaps transplant with care.


$$ ALONE $$
Hidden sour, crouching diesel

Beautiful spot! I love little spots like this that noone walks in, but is close to the city, if not in the city itself. :biggrin:

I use autos in these spots, or tie down the tops and grow them sideways.

I cant believe rabbits or deer didnt eat them down to nothing. I dont see any fencing?


Beautiful spot! I love little spots like this that noone walks in, but is close to the city, if not in the city itself. :biggrin:

I use autos in these spots, or tie down the tops and grow them sideways.

I cant believe rabbits or deer didnt eat them down to nothing. I dont see any fencing?

Yeah, I used to do all my growing like this before I was legal..it's all about selection :) this spot was about 30yards away from a outdoor gun range,hence the no need for fencing, etc.. wasn't a deer or a rabbit around for a mile, lol..peace


Well-known member
I was going to start a new thread but I think this will fit well here:

Does anyone growing in Western WA OD not deal with PM?
I recently emmigrated from NY and there isnt much PM out there. But here in. WA it seems like EVERYONE has it.
So is it possible to not get it from nature without doing much of any preventatives ?
Just wanted to double check...

We should not use cell phones to take pics, right ? Something about people can use the pic file to find them ?

Instead, a regular digital camera is what we want to use ?

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