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Flowers for the Ladies

thanks . :redface:

yep the wild are very beautiful !


thanks doobieduck for moving post ;)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wow this is the first time i peeked in here awesome pics everyone... Are they mostly photo's from personal or from interent or both? Either way great pics.. peace.



Kallen ~ those two pictures are like candy for my eyes. visually stimulating to look at. my eyes get this glossed over numbing feeling when i stare down the green trail. great job capturing the moment! :ying:


Thank u all :D The Forrest is an ancient monument forest and the picture whit the stone is a Dolmen, 1 out of 6 be side thats there is 72 Barrows....They use em to tell others that we are here u can not farm n hunt here and to funerals 4 leaders/chiefs/kings .
Hc Andersen been there a few times he write some of hes adventures in that forrest...

Mrsevlme beautyfull flowers i like the 3 last very much and the great looking bush on the first look like a "syrene?" crossed whit a Hibiscus :D awesome


I went out this morning. I saw a big, fat bumblebee, but he was too fast. How do you get the animals to stay still, Kal? ;)
It was raining this morning so I figured there would be some good bugs out. This is the only thing I could get, so far. And some pics of the GFxBB.
I wanted to go to school for photography but the classes were full for 2 semesters. Then, life happened and I went on to other things. This thread has renewed my interest. Thank you Kal especially. Your pics are inspirational. If only I could be as good as you. I should probably start by getting a camera with more than 3 pixels. :biglaugh:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Kallen you captured that lighting nicely..wonderful. Mrs. E you're doing well for 3 pixels..you're making an effort and that is appriciated as are your images.....DD


every new year evening i eat theese snails 4 apetaisers :D they are tasty whit a garlic bread :D
MrsE go 4 it mam u are already doing a great job ,i always smoke a fatty when im hunting potiental photo wictims then i sneak up on the supject and then i just take lots of shots of each potion im in ...i dont step around 4 new position i bend my body wich remind me that if u out 4 a great cam Nikon p90 have a screen u can twist and turn as u like then u can be apple to get some nice angels whit out breaking a bone :D
Anyways pixels aint all imagenation is the primary thing imo and a good photo shop pogram as well ....:D
And 4 last thank u 4 the kind words i grown 10 inch larger when i read it :D

DD Thank u champ , u r tha mang :D


The first 2 are actually weeds that are growing in my backyard. The blue one is the other bush that attracts butterflies. I got the moth to sit still for a second. I think that is a forget-me-not, but I'm not sure. All the flowers and plants in my yard were there when we moved in, so I don't know the names of all them.
I tried to take a picture of the ladies but they came out blurry. I'm getting too close. It's hard to tell how they come out on the camera when I'm outside, or inside for that matter. There is a bad glare on my screen.

Mother Nature does all the work. I just pushed a button.


Forget me not or for glem mig ej (danish ) was my gran mum favorite flower but damn i cant remember how it looks :( anyways thoose pics are Wonderfull mrsE so are ya flowers ;)

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