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Florida to drug test Welfare recipiients.


Active member
the man who introduced this bill owns a drug testing company and signed over the company to his wife before doing so.

hahahaha! what? hahahahahaha!
if ggovenment is pushing something
then you can believe that the thing they pushin is gonna help the guys
in government and the freinds of the guys in government.

its never to add to freedom
its just to put money
the right pockets.
the right pockets=their own pockets and they homies pockets.

I'm on the fence about this. Most Americans have to take a drug test just to get a job and make money so the government has money to give to people on welfare. So if the working force has to submit to a drug test why not a welfare recipient? I dont want our money to go to some cracked out person who thinks they are entitled to everything. That's part of the problem. People think they are entitled to everything. No one wants to work for it anymore. On the other hand I can see how its an intrusion on your privacy.


Active member
If anyone believes this is about saving the state money they are very gullible, This is all about lining pockets at the expense of freedom


Fuck that! What's next , drug test for unemployment? Drug test to get your drivers license renewed?


Florida gave up on luring seniors to the state a while back. Taxing them out of coastal properties to make room for younger professionals. Seniors save money younger people have so called disposable income and thus spend more and pay more sales taxes. This latest move is not about getting poor people off drugs its about forcing them to move to other states. What they haven't quite figured out yet is how to provide employment for these free spending professionals. Corporations wont move to Florida unless they have a work force that will work for less money than where they are based at the moment.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I love this. If you have money for drugs than you don't need taxpayer's money for food, diapers, abortions, etc. Sucks if you smoke pot, but it's a good motivator stop sitting on your ass and having so many fucking kids. The high will be much better.
I agree, if you are getting money from the State, don't be spending it on weed.
Of course I would go a step further, and just get rid of welfare all together, no need for testing.


Active member
Good they should drug test people who are on government aid...You can't afford your basic necessities but you can spend your money on pot / drugs fuck that shit - you wanna play around support yourself. Like the rest of us HAVE to.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
With a little devious planning, someone can beat the test, with the exception of some cannabis consumers.
Sorry, but most people on Welfare lack that 'devious planning'.
I mean I met people that grew weed, while they were getting foodstamps!?!
People will milk the system, either at the gov level or the personal, but as long as the system is there, it will be milked.
All the while, people are fed, but not taught to fish.
There is a reason the Democrats like the Welfare system.
"Vote for us, or the nasy Publicans gonna take away all your free money, and then your fucked. Because you are dependent on us feeding you, we don't want you to be self sustaining, we could lose your vote."


What about the 60" flat screen,cable access or their kids X-Box?

Where is the line?

Trust me, I agree there are abusers as with any government-run program...How do you 'weed' those out without harming valid recipients?

A thought just came to mind, I remember reading a study they did abroad about unemployment statistics.What they found was when the length of time of benefits shortened, people actually found work sooner.

It may seem like a cut and dry issue, I think it's slightly more complex.


Game Bred
What about the 60" flat screen,cable access or their kids X-Box?

Where is the line?

Trust me, I agree there are abusers as with any government-run program...How do you 'weed' those out without harming valid recipients?
the ol' slippery slope fallacy....

in this instance you can simply weed out the abusers with a simple urinalysis.

got the cocaine in your system?
sorry buddy no ebt card for you!
use that hustle you got for hookin up to hook up a cheese sammich on your own.
why should the government subsidies you self destructive choices?

this is simply common sense.

choose twixt your high or your welfare...
pretty "cut and dry"


Still Learning
Yes, private sector. Retail business owner. I live, first hand, with many employees that want 3 months work, just enough time for me to have to pay them unemployment, and then turn into unreliable, "I do it this way", I'm sick, high on pills, go ahead and fire me employees. They may have been raised in the environment and now expect it but as an employer it isnt a fun situation. So I say, if you arent contributing, tax wise, and want the taxpayer money, free and clear, pee in the cup.


That's the type of thinking that got us into some of this mess...let's throw worse money after bad.

You think the abusers get caught this way?
They'll be the ONLY ones still collecting, save a few maybe.

My concern is for real med patients and folks that are actually socially conscious.

Doing any hard shit gets you tossed, but cannabis gets caught in the mix.

I'm just putting it out there, but it's a whole shitload smelling like the thought police BS(exaggerating a tad)

I don't think it's all that difficult to see both sides no matter which outcome you may prefer. :ying:

the ol' slippery slope fallacy....

in this instance you can simply weed out the abusers with a simple urinalysis.

got the cocaine in your system?
sorry buddy no ebt card for you!
use that hustle you got for hookin up to hook up a cheese sammich on your own.
why should the government subsidies you self destructive choices?

this is simply common sense.

choose twixt your high or your welfare...
pretty "cut and dry"


Game Bred
That's the type of thinking that got us into some of this mess...let's throw worse money after bad.

You think the abusers get caught this way?
They'll be the ONLY ones still collecting, save a few maybe.
wait so non drug users will somehow test positive and be thrown off the teat while users will be the only ones left?

I don't think it's all that difficult to see both sides no matter which outcome you may prefer. :ying:

i think there is only one outcome we all prefer...
drug users not being subsidized by the state?
i really can't see the other side on this one?
i mean is it the contention of some that those on welfare should be using those benefits on drugs?


Listen brother, I'm not here to argue with you today, the weeeed it's just too good,sun is shining and the garden is full. :ying:

We see things how we choose to and it's OK to disagree :tiphat:

We can pick it up another time when I have a wild-hair up my ass :wave:


alot of old farts chiming in about their tax money and lazy "other people" sittin on welfare doing drugs. this is just a big corrupt distraction so you won't look at the real criminals. but you'll sit here talking about the how terrible the little guy is for usin his pittance on whatever the cheapest way to escape their shitty surroundings mentally. all the while you sit here on a marijuana growing website forum...


Active member
With Florida's high unemployment the loss of those funds will mean a huge spike in crime and child abuse. I wonder how much money the good Governor and his palls invested in testing labs before this law went into effect. Florida is thinking saving billions for the state while they make money testing. With the long growing season Florida should be going the other way and promoting Cannabis production, commercialization and taxation. But I suppose it is easier to deal with crime and homeless people than it is to tell Washington to kiss their arse and deal with all of the new jobs and revenue in the state.

That made me laugh.. The whole world doesn't revolve around this plant man nor does the vast majority of the population have the same perspective, especially Florida. Your talking about one of the most conservative states with some of the harshest penalties at that, in regards to Cannabis possession and cultivation.. Dream on brotha. :tiphat:


Game Bred
Listen brother, I'm not here to argue with you today, the weeeed it's just too good,sun is shining and the garden is full. :ying:

We see things how we choose to and it's OK to disagree :tiphat:

We can pick it up another time when I have a wild-hair up my ass :wave:
no problem!

not really rguing per se just discussing.
it is sunny as shit out there!!!
maybe put the boat out on the lake later:tiphat:

Guest 18340

Yes, go after the poor people! Make sure they use the measly few dollars they get on food. While big corporations who make billions in profit get tax refund checks worth millions.
Has anybody actually read the fine print on this law? If so then you'd realize it's just a sham. The state isn't going to save one single penny. If a person tests psotive then the cash bennies can be allotted to someone else close to the family.
This is just how our government wants us; fighting over pittance while the government slowly infringes on our rights as individuals.
Case in point;
I remember when the state of NJ enacted "meagans law", where all sex offenders had to register and give DNA. Yeah, great idea. Right?
Well now in NJ you have to give your DNA for ANY violent crime committed. And next up is that they're trying to make it so anyone convicted of a felony has to register. Where does it end?
So to all those who think this is a great idea, it will only be a matter of time until they come up with a way of piss testing everyone and taking something away from everyone...
Give them an inch and they will soon take it ALL:ying: