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Florida to drug test Welfare recipiients.

Is this what they mean by gov't out of our lives...

It just so happens that Gov. Scott owns a drug testing company...wonder who has that contract..wink..wink...


New member
what the hell is are people in the states who have a medical marijuana licends going to do if they get assistance because they cant work because of the medical illness that they are perscribed the mmj for??


with the american economy about to collapse, people will be looking to save money any way they can---personal households and governments, federal and state. in my opinion welfare should be reserved for people in an immediate crisis, but only for a short period of time, and subject to repayment. the other two groups who would qualify for welfare are those who are physically and/or mentally unable to provide for themselves---these two groups would be treated much better than they are now.

what started out as a compassionate system to provide basic needs for people has turned into a "free lunch" for a lot of deadbeats. babies born to a welfare mother will not only grow up in the system, but will probably stay in the system for their entire lives. this is not what was intended. of course these women will have more children who will be raised in the system. and on and on it goes.

this is not the kind of corruption and abuse that should be dealt with in a slow way. it hurts much more pealing the bandaid off slowly; ripping it off quickly is the least painful. people will have to depend on their family, church, social group, etc. i don't like bums and i don't like welfare abusers.

1. short period of time to get adjusted, obtain job, etc---subject to repayment;
2. mentally unable to provide for self;
3. physically unable to provide for self....

and before i get accused of being racist, i know that 70+ cents out of every welfare dollar goes to whites and non-blacks. don't even try that shit with me. the welfare system is broken and must be rooted out as we know it.

one of the most serious problems with the system is its administration. the social workers and counselors look for reasons to approve applicants. why wouldn't they? the larger the system becomes, the more job security they have, and more chance of promotion. so the people running the system have absolutely no motivation to cut people off from it.

finally, i have no problem with piss testing welfare recipients. i am subject to random piss tests, why shouldn't they be as well? i would take it a step further and require all federal, state, county, municiple employees to be tested as well---especially the cops and judges. when the rights of these bastards begin to fade, when their personal rights are abused, their precious bodily fluids examined, you'll see piss tests abandoned completely and marijuana legalized.

actually i hate piss tests...always have. i don't think they should exist. but if you want to test me in order for me to maintain my job, then, yes, everyone should be tested as well.


Active member
Yes, go after the poor people! Make sure they use the measly few dollars they get on food. While big corporations who make billions in profit get tax refund checks worth millions.
Has anybody actually read the fine print on this law? If so then you'd realize it's just a sham. The state isn't going to save one single penny. If a person tests psotive then the cash bennies can be allotted to someone else close to the family.
This is just how our government wants us; fighting over pittance while the government slowly infringes on our rights as individuals.
Case in point;
I remember when the state of NJ enacted "meagans law", where all sex offenders had to register and give DNA. Yeah, great idea. Right?
Well now in NJ you have to give your DNA for ANY violent crime committed. And next up is that they're trying to make it so anyone convicted of a felony has to register. Where does it end?
So to all those who think this is a great idea, it will only be a matter of time until they come up with a way of piss testing everyone and taking something away from everyone...
Give them an inch and they will soon take it ALL:ying:
in cali you have to give dna just for being charged with a crime.they took my dna for dv . the case was dropped but they got my dna


New member
I want to first off say: Rick Scott should not make money from pill mills or the drug testing.

This is not going to stop welfare overload, just make him some extra money for next election... Floridians know how to work the system! they wont let the mothers collecting welfare have any drugs or lay off just before the test...


New member
It all is a matter of perception. Which side of the fence are you on? You work, scotts not so bad, you do not work scotts a bum. Shit, taxes go up, welfare and unemployment goes up and Scott is the bad guy? He was elected on these promises. He said he was going to do it, along with having public (re: govt) workers contribute to their own retirement. They dont like that either, and there is more to come. Drug testing for people who should be spending what little money they have on necessities for themselves and their children, not drugs, seems, to me, just. You do realize that the money is YOUR tax money. the unemployment mess was created by the Fed Gvt and thier corruption of the free market. Fanny & Freddy and the like. Paying for oversite that never happens. Not the states govenors. Some have gotten too happy with the 'free lunch'.
This was a post typed earlier and their was so much WRONG with it I had to comment.(I don't know how to put the "comment" up in italics and in green but had to cut and paste it in this quick reply.) Here it goes................. It all is a matter of perception. Which side of the fence are you on? You work, scotts not so bad, you do not work scotts a bum. Shit, taxes go up, welfare and unemployment goes up and Scott is the bad guy? He was elected on these promises. He said he was going to do it, along with having public (re: govt) workers contribute to their own retirement. They dont like that either, and there is more to come. Drug testing for people who should be spending what little money they have on necessities for themselves and their children, not drugs, seems, to me, just. You do realize that the money is YOUR tax money. the unemployment mess was created by the Fed Gvt and thier corruption of the free market. Fanny & Freddy and the like. Paying for oversite that never happens. Not the states govenors. Some have gotten too happy with the 'free lunch'. My reply ......I work and I and any thinking American SHOULD think Scotts an ASSHOLE. He's clearly violating these peoples rights. A violation of the right to privacy, a violation of a search without a warrant, and their being accused of a crime without ANY SUSPICION , OR even the hint of guilt. NO snook i disagree we cant let people be drug tested all "willie nillie" , what's next? Drug test social security recipients ? ALL those disabled people on MEDICAL MARIJUANA?(and retirees)Do you really want to go there?(100's of 1000's of people HOMELESS and without means of support, OVERNIGHT!) Remember it IS against federal law.Its not just a "people with jobs" "people without jobs" type of thing, It's a matter of the government being at war with their own people. And anyway Scott or the Governor before him already TRIED this, I've read about it, they DRUG TESTED 54,000 welfare recipients(Like these people are driving BMW's and stocking away swiss bank accounts?) and I can't remember exactly but it was either 43 or 23 people showed up hot for illegal drugs, so you can see these programs are dismal failures to say the least. And If I remember my reading ,something about his wife owning the major drug testing labs in FLA. or if not his wife, a major funding buddy or friend. NO SNOOK this has STINK written all over it weather you work or not, and the state NOT ONLY WONT save money but it will COST the state money in the long run(tax payers , not scott),paying for all those drug tests (that the vast majority show up clean), the only one who will make out on this whole deal is the DRUG TESTING LABS. ...............thanx , murray PS if this has snooks message in here twice forgive me I"m just learning.


Active member
...and at the end of the day we are slaves, we have been slaves through out history, and every slave has a master, and the masters create systems (civilization, religions, political parties, borders, etc.) to keep us working, and when the people finally stop working and revolt, the masters use their mass murder weapons against the slaves and subdue them back into slavery and the cycle starts over again.

Hugh Manatee

New member
The Mountain West flavor.

The Mountain West flavor.


I think the most telling line in this is the last line;
"DWS has no way of knowing for sure how many in that group — largely made up of people failing to register for tests or failing to show up for screening — were abusing drugs or alcohol, Dunn added." DWS has NO WAY OF KNOWING.

They know enough to know that their political agenda is working, though. I'm sure their motivation is their constituency, how could it NOT be? The question is, "Who is their constituency?" Who are they working for?

I've seen countless articles and statements along these lines; "In fact, people who use marijuana over the long term report less life satisfaction, poorer education, and job achievement, and more interpersonal problems compared to people who do not use
marijuana." <http://teens.drugabuse.gov/drug-facts/marijuana>

Allow me:
  • If marijuana were legal, the stigma and negative opinions of the uninformed or willfully ignorant would eventually fade.
  • Scientific funding and further analysis from governing bodies would increase immediately, thereby giving legitimacy to their results.
  • Pre-employment drug screening wouldn't play a part in my job search and options.
  • This would increase my life satisfaction because my hobby/therapy/medicine wouldn't interfere with my unrelated employment.
  • Free more time for furthering education as a direct result of the option of a better/higher paying position.
  • I believe, In time and devoid of social stigma, interpersonal interaction with consumers and abstainers improves. (See Civil Rights).
I hope these 2 cents from my pocket are worth spending.


New member
Its not so much about weed guys there is a huge level of prescription pain pills being abused. its a problem in florida right now and this seems like a good way to keep those people who just wanna sit around and collect services from milking the state for the reasorces that are there for people who really need it. I dont think the main goal for the law is the keep people from getting stoned. Its simply to help control the masses of people who are screwing the tax payers. most of the people collecting theses services have the capabilities to work and function. I also this this will be a good insentive for functional stones and drug users to get off the dole and back to work.


Active member
Its not so much about weed guys there is a huge level of prescription pain pills being abused. its a problem in florida right now and this seems like a good way to keep those people who just wanna sit around and collect services from milking the state for the reasorces that are there for people who really need it. I dont think the main goal for the law is the keep people from getting stoned. Its simply to help control the masses of people who are screwing the tax payers. most of the people collecting theses services have the capabilities to work and function. I also this this will be a good insentive for functional stones and drug users to get off the dole and back to work.

Most illegal drugs can be purged from the system within 72 hours except for weed.

In any event, the suggestion that the state is going to "save" drug users by throwing them onto the street is a moral and political calculation that is an offensive non sequitur to many. At the very least, you should be cognizant that the social values this policy represents are peculiar to America in general -- and to the South in particular.

Jericho Mile

Who the hell pays for all this testing? Is its benefiting anyone other than...the company doing the testing? Does it solve one single problem?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Aaaand news just in, this ridiculous policy has actually cost more money than it was supposed to save....Nice work puritans.


Aaaand news just in, this ridiculous policy has actually cost more money than it was supposed to save....Nice work puritans.
Say it isn't so!!! I'm shocked simply shock...... Naw not really. Test the testers and the state workers. Randomly and often. Terminate on the first sign. That would actually do some good


New member

If I have to take a piss in a cup to get a job and piss in a cup to keep a job so that the gov can tax me to give the money to others...

Then the folks on welfare should have to piss in a cup to receive the same money I had to piss in a cup to make...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard

If I have to take a piss in a cup to get a job and piss in a cup to keep a job so that the gov can tax me to give the money to others...

Then the folks on welfare should have to piss in a cup to receive the same money I had to piss in a cup to make...

Alternatively, you could refuse to surrender your dignity, and not work for firms who demand you hand over your fluids.


Alternatively, you could refuse to surrender your dignity, and not work for firms who demand you hand over your fluids.

McDonald's and TacoBell are hardly hiring now days with the influx of fresh outta high schooler's, anything better be prepped to piss (Or if you lucky mouth raped by the prego q-tip.)...

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