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Florida Growers Thread: Reloaded-ed



all i done was put it on a sheet of paper and kept it in a cool place (main house) for a couple days and just used a pocket knife to move it around a couple times then sealed it up and placed the paper in a baggie with rice and in the crisper it went till needed.

yes dubi say's clones will take a couple weeks off the bloom time as well



Well-known member

here is the OG FAQ and towards the bottom of the page there is info regarding collecting / storing pollen.

ill have to get around the auto blocker b/c the link was censored last time i posted it.




dropped 6 malawi (fruity pheno's) and plan to bust some of bodhi gte x's i have for a 12/12 grow outdoors. i have a genius thai f'2 , lemon zinger x gte , sour princess x gte i think these are what i will go with for the winter run. thinking about the gg 4 x gte as well. there might be some good cross's to be made outta some of these

I didn't even have to go in front of a judge that night. Cop was being all "professional" while his other cop buddies were around. But once it was me and him, I realized how good he was being to me. Called out to me and asked what day and time was good for me for court. That's when i realized I wasn't gonna have to go in front of a judge(even though all night he told me it would be up to the judge weather or not I went to jail that night, while he was around other cops) .

He didn't even count the plants. Just gave me a ticket for unlawfully growing cannabis. Which in my state, they can give you just that charge and that's it, or they can wait for the weed to dry and then charge with the dry weight. Seeing the way things went that night, I'm hoping just for the charge i initially got and nothing else.

Older guy I know got the same charge last summer with 70 ,four foot tall plants(outdoor) and he got his shit reduced down to a traffic infraction with a fine. And that dude has a felony for sales!!

Thanks for the update and the info! Sorry to hear about all of that. Any idea how you got busted so we can learn from it?


Well-known member
I wish this state was that lenient. Hell I got a felony for a half o cuz I kept 2 varieties on different jars. I also got charged with manufacturing for organic ferts and some ducting. No seeds or plants. Fuck the cops in this state.



i second that man. manufacturing organic ferts what the fuck is that crap. i guess people with horses and a pile of poop mixed with left over alfalfa hay would fall under that bullshit. i guess i need to clean it up before they hit me with some shit. crazy ain't it.



Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the update and the info! Sorry to hear about all of that. Any idea how you got busted so we can learn from it?

Yeah, I got busted because the cops were doing shit they shouldn't be. They were serving an arrest warrant for my wife's son. Nobody was home, so the pigs decided to walk around my house(which the back end of my house is "landlocked" ) you need to be on my property to even get to the shed i had it in. I'm sure they will have an excuse that they thought someone was going out a back window(even though there was no where to escape from) .

It was a humid day and the state trooper said he could smell it when he got close to my shed. I never worried about the little bit of smell that escaped because of the location of the grow being in a place that was only accessible from entering and walking thru my property.

Myself, my wife, and our two girls never do anything that would warrant a visit from the police. Plus my front door is quite a ways away from the grow, so even if cops came to the door, they wouldn't suspect anything. (no smell until your on top of the grow).

It was by pure luck on their end that they got me. On my end, they would have found it regardless of the smell. They were poking around cause we weren't home when they got here.

So my advice would be, if you have a step-child that is a giant fucking loser, and in and out of jail,. Make sure they change their address when they move out. So when they get in trouble, your house isn't the first place they go looking.

There's alot more to the story. If you (Chasing Green ) want the whole story, shoot me a pm.


New member
Is this a real strain??

Hey fellas, I smoked this shit called UFO about 4 years ago, that was supposed to be from Florida. I'm pretty sure he said Gainesville. It was 25 a gram, I looked at him with disgust, and told him I couldn't believe he's trying to rip me. He understood, sold me on it, and when I smoked it, it was totally worth it. Here's the little report I put in another thread:

UFO - This shit is number one, and also the weirdest weed I've ever smoked. Could only get a gram of it. but the dude assured me it was named UFO for a reason: it was spooky. I sat down to smoke it with my buddy, who I didn't mention the supposed effects too. Well, I was feeling what was described, thinking it was a placebo, but my buddy says, "what the hell is this bro? this is some weird shit..." he drones on, about how he couldn't explain it, but that it was like some X-files shit. I don't recall either of us having any visual trippy effects though. I wish I could smoke it again...


Well-known member
I wish this state was that lenient. Hell I got a felony for a half o cuz I kept 2 varieties on different jars...

the ole poss w/ intent to sell......next time if you want to separate multiple kinds of kind and its under 20 gms use ONE long piece of seran wrap put the first strain down, wrap like a burrito and then put the next strain down and repeat.

multiple strains all separated in one package.

the poss wits is for those slinging dime bags of pot but it also suck for those not aware of the the law and get caught up.



600 watter is doing a Great job

600 watter is doing a Great job

the ole poss w/ intent to sell......next time if you want to separate multiple kinds of kind and its under 20 gms use ONE long piece of seran wrap put the first strain down, wrap like a burrito and then put the next strain down and repeat.

multiple strains all separated in one package.

the poss wits is for those slinging dime bags of pot but it also suck for those not aware of the the law and get caught up.


Interesting idea. Would this also work with a vac seal? Multiple compartments in the same sheet of vac seal material?


Well-known member

i would think so but it depends upon if leo would consider it bagged separately.

poss cannabis less than 20 gms but bagged in individual bags or containers it is assumed you are bagging them to sell and charged w/ felony wits.

would the individual sealed areas be considered separate even if connected? thats tricky and id suggest that question get answered by a criminal defense attny to be sure.

King Kong (glue cheese) DWC, I also have Florida gold, blue dream(yep that's right), and another King Kong. I'll try to group shot later


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Bug Scissor Hand
Interesting idea. Would this also work with a vac seal? Multiple compartments in the same sheet of vac seal material?

i would think that would be mutiple bags ,so ide say its a no no.
but u could seprate the buds then vac in same pack.


i would think that would be mutiple bags ,so ide say its a no no.
but u could seprate the buds then vac in same pack.

i think that's how i would do it. squeeze each first then do them all in one as a layer



support your local surfboard builder...
these fucking fishes around here...ill tell ya,just irresponsible as ever,drinkin beers and swimmin around....
:biggrin: fall mullet run has started up..


Well-known member
I ended up getting manufacturing dropped but had to plea to poss w intent and did a year probation. They wouldnt reduce that charge and Im pretty sure its cuz a co-worker got popped and snitched. I think she also thought I was getting from my supervisor cuz his place got the knock and talk and they said they got a tip he had a grow op but he didnt. This was years ago so no worries now. Im so glad that ordeal is over with.
On another note have you guys seen the mantis shrimp around yet? My son caught 1 on the beach a few weeks ago. Same kind we caught a few months ago in the lagoon. These arent native are they? I never seen them before this year.
Last pic was of the front left King Kong, back left also. Front right bucket is FL gold, back right is blue dream.

Freebies in coco
Black skull Coco l far back left is diesel matic from
Back right Heavyweight seeds, money bush
Front heavyweight, fast and vast auto
right delicious seeds, la diva auto


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Hey guys, here's some updated pictures from the garden. They're loving the new enviornment. I also wanted to bring to everyone's attention a new additive (new to me) that I started using at the advice of a very trusted friend called Terpinator. I have run the same strain, Kosher Tangie, multiple times now. Last time was the first time using Terpinator. I thought I saw an increase in yield in terms of trichs, since it pressed (rosintech) at 20% instead of a previous 16-18%.

This time I upped the dosage. The bottle says 10-30ml throughout. I use 10ml at the start of week 3 and raise it 5ml per week from there until reaching 25ml and then slowly dropping it back down. This time around, you can see the results below. I find that I can take better photos lower on the plant due to the HPS, so the bud below is literally the lowest branch on the plant, and look at those trichs! The whole group shot shows the iron deficiency that I've been battling since I put a double dose of Dolomite Lime in my soil this round by accident... from being high, let's be honest here.

Kosher Tangie just finishing week 5:

Kosher Tangie Lower Bud Closeup: