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~Fitness thread~


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
got the ultimate cleanse today from vitamin shop. they honored the internet price, got it for $13.56 or something close to that. never tried a cleansing before, lets see what happens!

another 90 minutes on the elliptical today........:dance013:


Garden Nymph
So they honored the online price? Damn it! Lol I should've asked. Some establishments can be pretty rude if you ask for the online sales price.

Oh well, I started taking it a couple of hours ago. Nothing yet.....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
ive taken 3 doses so far, everything is normal, not sure if its doing anything........the free sample of sleeping pills they give away with the cleanse works good! havent been able to sleep right for over a week, these did the job....


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Have had sleep issues all my life... Awhile back it was effecting me so bad I finally asked my physician. Got a prescription for generic ambien, literally $5 a bottle.... Awesome.

It has changed my life. I can feel my "bad nights" ahead a time and pop 1/2 or 1 pill. Out within 1/2 hour, no side affects. I don't take them every night, but when I need them, they are there.


colon "cleansing" is a farse, there is absolutely no benefit to "cleansing" enemas, it is actually potentially bad for you

discharging mucus isn't good.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
colon "cleansing" is a farse, there is absolutely no benefit to "cleansing" enemas, it is actually potentially bad for you

discharging mucus isn't good.

thats funny, because my doctor and personal trainer say the exact opposite......wonder who could be right :chin:


stone fool
My diet has begun, first day, of six months of only 1200 calories per day. This first week is going to feel bad, when you are older, weigh loss sucks all the energy out of ya. It helps to know what to expect. A little bit anyway. Only 5 months and 29 days left to diet.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
My diet has begun, first day, of six months of only 1200 calories per day. This first week is going to feel bad, when you are older, weigh loss sucks all the energy out of ya. It helps to know what to expect. A little bit anyway. Only 5 months and 29 days left to diet.

I sounds like you have planned and probably know what you are doing, and I don't know anything about your situation. BUT....

1200 calories is pretty low and expecting to be happy while maintaining six straight months of that seems unrealistic to me...

Good luck though and I hope it works for ya!


Active member
1200 calories is pretty tough to handle for some people... i'd figure out your daily caloric intake needs and maybe shoot for 600-800 below that at first. But if you can do the 1200 right away more power to you.. best to ease into it though if you're really out of shape..


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
F-in rockin on the cleanse and clean diet. Signed up at the Y today...the one closest has a pool, bonus!! Grabbed some ProNos isolate protein. Still let myself have a 7-up yesterday...but I'm not pissed at myself, it was Sunday.

Did some ear candles the other day....my ears were so full of shit I can't believe I could still hear anything. Being good about taking enzymes and fiber before I eat and a multivitamin. Could be drinking a little more water, but coffee and tea are actually acceptable sources of water for cleansing.

Stomach is flattening out already....energy level isn't too bad, appetite is decreasing.


Garden Nymph
I also have a decrease in appetite. I think I was a little more energetic when I woke up this morning..warn't so sluggish.


thats funny, because my doctor and personal trainer say the exact opposite......wonder who could be right :chin:

Personal doctors also often say medical cannabis has no benefits, so what does that tell you? And personal trainers, great source for science.

How about you go talk to a gastroenterologist and see what they say. Gastroenterology is the study of the digestive system, I think those doctors are a tad more qualified.

There is a reason every website you find that says it is good for you also wants to sell you a product.

People with IBS, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, and the likes shit mucus. Why would you want the symptom of a serious condition. It is not natural. The purpose of mucus is to line to PROTECT. If you clear out all the mucus you will be MORE SUSCEPTIBLE to toxins, you aren't clearing them out.

If you need to shit mucus, your body will naturally do it.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I just bought some herbal detox tea. 2 cups a day is supposed to help your body release toxins..... Its by yogi if anyone is interested. Im going to try it tonight


Hey KK, my mom gave me some of that a few months ago. I only had a cup or 2. I don't know if it did anything but it tasted good.

I started day one of my 30day shred yesterday, with my broken toe and all. Wasn't too bad. Trying to keep off my toe made me do my squats and jumping jacks the right way. So it worked out and so did I. lol
The hubby woke up with me this morning so I waked and baked instead of working out. One day in and I'm already cheating. But that's o.k. because I didn't get to eat til' 3pm yesterday. I don't mean to starve myself, there is just so much stuff to be done and when I find the time to eat, I have no appetite unless I'm stoned.
Actually, I'm starving right now, but I have no interest to eat. Nothing sounds good. This is probably a good time to drink a protein shake or something. But, don't have any. I'll smoke another one and hopefully that will make me eat something.

I too heard that colon cleaning really isn't good for you. I really don't like anything that isn't natural. I'd rather eat fruit that take a laxative. I have a pretty balanced diet when I do eat and don't have that problem. What goes in today, comes out tomorrow. If you wanna know how fast your metabolism is working just eat some corn for dinner. :bigeye:

Happy smoking all.


Day 2 - done.
Made roast chicken for dinner. It smells good. Gonna go make the veges and probably mashed potatoes.

Hope all is well.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I'm pretty much just trying to stay active. I clean in spurts, I organize in spurts, I eat randomly through the day instead of just gorging myself. I allowed myself some chips today...I've even stopped drinking coffee & drink a lot more tea to keep myself hydrated. This past weekend I spent thursday, friday, and sunday moving stuff... I'm so glad its over with....
This purple haze I'm smoking really makes me feel good. Maybe I should just get high & exercise lol....


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
The Ultimate Cleanse arrived yesterday and I waited until this morning to start...

On my third day of "ultra healthy" eating. Which has included cutting out ALL caffeine, that hasn't been fun...

I am excercising and waiting around for my mucous covered shit, so I've got that going for me...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
The Ultimate Cleanse arrived yesterday and I waited until this morning to start...

On my third day of "ultra healthy" eating. Which has included cutting out ALL caffeine, that hasn't been fun...

I am excercising and waiting around for my mucous covered shit, so I've got that going for me...

ya, im on the forth day. day one and two aren't anything different. then, holy shit batman! peeing out the ass! had to go buy some "wet ones".....

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