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First time grower with SILS on micro grow


Just newbin
I cant add more than 5 pics, grrrrr


But the pistils are way bigger, part of it its because since she is less bushy, the bud site receive more light and they grow faster

Overall they seem happy with the feeding yesterday.
Good growth, im happy
Im going to cut the 2 bigger top leafs of the older one to give more light to bud sites, its not going, i already did it, just didnt take pics of her after it kkkk


Just newbin
Day 5 auto blue amnesia xxl and transplant success

Day 5 auto blue amnesia xxl and transplant success

This is auto at day 5

Helthy green on both the older leafs and on the new growth

Again, no noticeable stretch.

I reach the conclusion that my transplant was a success

No stretch, no discolouration on any kind anywhere

The first set seems to be the same size as yesterday but, the second set is a bit tiny bigger, and that tells me that my first transplant was a success.
For some of you this can be something trivial, but for me, im in the sky kkkkkk

See ya later guys


Active member
Amnesia xxl is growing fast!

The skunk will grow the second set of leaves a little bit retorted but don't worry, it's normal after a transplant so young.

The twisted fingers on some leaves on the big plant, in my personal opinion, is a signal that there is something wrong localized in some part of the root sistem, probably LITTLE bit too cold.
But don't worry...like womans some cannabis plants can be pickly. :biglaugh:
She is growing good!

You are doing fine!

PS i've read all the tread but i don't understand one thing: the 2 bigger plants are auto or photo?



Well-known member
I reach the conclusion that my transplant was a success
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No stretch, no discolouration on any kind anywhere
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The first set seems to be the same size as yesterday but, the second set is a bit tiny bigger, and that tells me that my first transplant was a success.
For some of you this can be something trivial, but for me, im in the sky kkkkkk

That's awesome you're learning lots of skills.

Your plants have made a great recovery !!

Did you get anywhere with that light fixture you want to make ?


Just newbin
Amnesia xxl is growing fast!

The skunk will grow the second set of leaves a little bit retorted but don't worry, it's normal after a transplant so young.

The twisted fingers on some leaves on the big plant, in my personal opinion, is a signal that there is something wrong localized in some part of the root sistem, probably LITTLE bit too cold.
But don't worry...like womans some cannabis plants can be pickly. :biglaugh:
She is growing good!

You are doing fine!

PS i've read all the tread but i don't understand one thing: the 2 bigger plants are auto or photo?

Thee older ones are autofem skittles from advanced seeds.
Thank you for reading the entire thread :)

Cold soil its impossible, the soil never dropped a temp of 18c but i dont care about the deformed finger.
I know cold soil, some unbalanced ph in some part of the soil, and a lot of other things can deform them but it was just that finger, it was born and will die that way kkkkk


Just newbin
That's awesome you're learning lots of skills.

Your plants have made a great recovery !!

Did you get anywhere with that light fixture you want to make ?

Are you talking about the diy quantum with sils like you did? If thats it then no, not for now, maybe in the future.


Well-known member
Are you talking about the diy quantum with sils like you did? If thats it then no, not for now, maybe in the future.

Yeah, that's what I meant.

Make sure you post some pictures when you work on it.
I'm curious about what you come up with.


Well-known member
..., and a lot of other things can deform them but it was just that finger, it was born and will die that way kkkkk

I've heard that Autos can be more inclined to get twisted up leaves.
Weird genetic mutations.

I've seen a lot of warped leaves in my plants.

I wonder if the flickering light from the SILs makes them get dizzy? Lol


Well-known member
I've heard that Autos can be more inclined to get twisted up leaves.
Weird genetic mutations.

I've seen a lot of warped leaves in my plants.

I wonder if the flickering light from the SILs makes them get dizzy? Lol

This is my closet plant right now...

It's got something freaky going on. Lol

It's like siamese twin leaves or something ? Lol

It's interesting how the buldge in the leaf seems to be compensated by a smaller secondary leaf beside it on that side.

That adjacent secondary leaf is the smallest of the four.
I figure that my plant is still well balanced. Lol


Just newbin
This is my closet plant right now...

It's got something freaky going on. Lol

It's like siamese twin leaves or something ? Lol

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/90FddHcy/20210108-185816.jpg]View Image[/url]

It's interesting how the buldge in the leaf seems to be compensated by a smaller secondary leaf beside it on that side.

That adjacent secondary leaf is the smallest of the four.
I figure that my plant is still well balanced. Lol

Extra tissue to get extra light kkkkk


Just newbin
I've heard that Autos can be more inclined to get twisted up leaves.
Weird genetic mutations.

I've seen a lot of warped leaves in my plants.

I wonder if the flickering light from the SILs makes them get dizzy? Lol

Will do it dont worry.
What you mean by the flickering?because the way led diodes emit light?

On a side note, right now in my country there has been really cold days end frezing nights, really dry days, when my towells are dry the rh drops to 25/30%, but the temps have been stable


Well-known member
What you mean by the flickering?because the way led diodes emit light?

Yes, they flash on and off 60 times a second.

The pictures that I take under the SILs have lines in them because of how the flashing reacts with my camera.

My LED strips are smooth DC and don't flash. It's easier to take a better picture.

I remember way back when there was a children's cartoon playing on TV in Japan and the characters on the screen were flashing on and off.

The kids were having seizures.

They had to stop the flashing cartoons. Lol

On a side note, right now in my country there has been really cold days end frezing nights, really dry days, when my towells are dry the rh drops to 25/30%, but the temps have been stable

I don't mind growing in low RH.

My plants might transpire more so I water down my nutes a bit.

I like growing in the winter.
We've got the same weather here in Ontario right now. +2C° to -7C° at night outside.

Summer growing means bugs and mold.


Just newbin
Yes, they flash on and off 60 times a second.

The pictures that I take under the SILs have lines in them because of how the flashing reacts with my camera.

My LED strips are smooth DC and don't flash. It's easier to take a better picture.

I remember way back when there was a children's cartoon playing on TV in Japan and the characters on the screen were flashing on and off.

The kids were having seizures.

They had to stop the flashing cartoons. Lol

I don't mind growing in low RH.

My plants might transpire more so I water down my nutes a bit.

I like growing in the winter.
We've got the same weather here in Ontario right now. +2C° to -7C° at night outside.

Summer growing means bugs and mold.
Our summers are pretty dry. We have a good weather to grow outdoor.

Dunno about the flickering, i dont remember to see any similar situation that was atributed to the flickering, or any situation among the grows i saw from some growers here.


Well-known member
Dunno about the flickering, i dont remember to see any similar situation that was atributed to the flickering, or any situation among the grows i saw from some growers here.

It probably doesn't make any difference.

I just don't like when my pictures are full of lines.


Just newbin
Auto / Photo

Auto / Photo

So, day 6 since the auto broke the soil

She growed in heigth double the size she was on the second day, i can see the fingers from each second set leaf


Shes is perfect right know, beautifull lime green new growth and darker green on the older growth, do you guys agree?

For you guys thats been here around longer than i do, i should see a jump in growth in the second week if everything is good in growth conditions (temps, rh, soil moisture, lights, etc) right?
Also, with the clipper lighter for comparision, do you guys agree that she is getting a normal growth speed wise and size overall?or do you think that she is lacking on something?

Now, the photo on the 3rd day after transplant

She is not perfect in growth speed yet, but the first set look a bit bigger and a minimal to almost non existing growth of the second set, maybe still putting root growth instead.

Overall picture from above


Just newbin


The older ones are going good


Very perky, good healthy growth rate



Those pistils are almost non existing in lower branches due to so close internodal spacing and small heigth..


Just newbin


The main stem, 2~4 nodes down from the cannopy, is very soft and bendy, overall all the main stain is like that but much more on that zone..it bends really easy, so easy that i just bend them once 90 degrees and with just one push they become like this





Lets see what they do..i know that they will perk up again but still, this is fun and is good to learn

Now i have this question, its normal to the stem be so bendy, kinda of rubery, just one bend and it gets 90 degrees with so ease?
i know it differ from strain to strain and some envirenmental conditions, im keeping my rh kind of high with good ventilation but i dont know..the aloe exctract dont have silica in it, wich would make them more bendy and not so prone to break(at least the label composition dont mention it)

Also, i think i will need to gave them more light in the near future, ill wait and see

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Active member
The main stem, 2~4 nodes down from the cannopy, is very soft and bendy, overall all the main stain is like that but much more on that zone..it bends really easy, so easy that i just bend them once 90 degrees and with just one push they become like this
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Lets see what they do..i know that they will perk up again but still, this is fun and is good to learn

Now i have this question, its normal to the stem be so bendy, kinda of rubery, just one bend and it gets 90 degrees with so ease?
i know it differ from strain to strain and some envirenmental conditions, im keeping my rh kind of high with good ventilation but i dont know..the aloe exctract dont have silica in it, wich would make them more bendy and not so prone to break(at least the label composition dont mention it)

Also, i think i will need to gave them more light in the near future, ill wait and see


Man...if in some hours the leaves and the branches start pointing to the lights that mean the plant is alive...and if she is alive don't worry if stem is soft...better! Much simple LST on her..lol i'm tipsy

She is a lil bit overfeeded because the cold (20°C) but i give a fu@k:


The objective of the mission is one and only one: STINKY STRONG HARVEST


Well-known member
Now i have this question, its normal to the stem be so bendy, kinda of rubery, just one bend and it gets 90 degrees with so ease?

I think that's normal.
They're really growing right now.
It's all soft new growth.
They're kinda top heavy now too.

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