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First foray into organics


Well-known member
DSD- She has a faint strawberry aroma to her with a hint of skunkiness. Nice dense buds and good trich coverage. She is starting to foxtail a bit and seems to like being a little more away from the light. She loos like she has a bit longer to go than the ChemSour#1 and the PD but maybe a little less than the ChemSour#2.






Well-known member
Purple Dream - Roch hard buds on this once and great frostiness. The smell is really picking up on her this week. Strong fruity/astringent aroma that almost makes your eyes water. She looks pretty close to being done as well. She also drinks the least amount of all the plants in the tent. She was also what seemed to be the most prolific rooter. She was trying to bust roots through the fabric pots much more-so than the others.






Well-known member
ChemSour x SSCDH f2 #2 - She is fattening up nice and has impressive frost. Very sinister "im gonna mess you up" type of look to this one. The aroma is really something too. A real fruity sourness to it that makes you want to go back for a second whiff. I did pick a couple nanners off this one the other day but Im not sweating anything. Ive had a bit of a battle with high temps in the tent the last week or so and she definitely looks worthy of picking off a few nannas without getting bent out of shape about it. She also looks like she will finish last so far. That does create a dilemma for me in the sense that I dont have a separate drying area and kind of need them all to come down at the same time. I think 9 weeks is going to be the sweet spot where I dont chop these way too early and dont chop the others way too late. I have to keep stealth in mind and cannot wait to get setup with a separate drying spot.






Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Frosty frosty fans. Should make for great trim (not to leave unmentioned those beauty buds). Easy Bake looks a little strong on the nitrogen. Are you planning to recycle to soil? Had similar issues with CC style mix, second run is looking much better than the first (though I've pulled out all the stops on treating them like shit).


Well-known member
Tasty Girls B

Tasty Girls B

The tent looks like its getting closer to the last chapter.Your pictures came out great.You have beautiful models to shoot.:)
Im coming close to finishing my first run with re amended soil.
It worked out perfect.I think one of the upswing is the ag lime has fully reacted with the soil.I did not get the littlest hint of cal/mag deficiency.I started to use a local WC too.


Well-known member
Would it be better to just dig a hole to plant a new clone in or take the soil out of the pot and break it up to remove as much root mass as possible?


Well-known member
Would it be better to just dig a hole to plant a new clone in or take the soil out of the pot and break it up to remove as much root mass as possible?

Take it out of pot on a tarp clean out root ball. Then add 20% EWC or so.
Then add all your amendments with the exception of lime.

Muad' Dib

Active member
What an update Bmac1, congratulations, good job.

Mate, if you are going to reuse the soil, keep in mind that the substrate will be demineralized at the end of the current flo, might be a good idea add some chelates or a product like GHE Mineral Magic, that could help to regenerate it.


Muad' Dib

Active member
Hey... I would add Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo and B.

I used to bought products to feed the aquarium plants, there are N, P, K and also chelates , Just buy a sachet of microelements in the aquarium shop, ask for a mix of chelates in powder, it is very cheap.

Mineral magic works very well also, and you can add a bit of compost and humus too.


heady blunts

prescription blunts
no till baby! just cut a hole around the old stump big enough to drop a new plant in!

I like to chop and put a new plant in on the same day. keep that soil hoonin' as DHF might say if he was a soil nerd.

if you're in a shit mix you can still avoid dumping and remixing soil by doing the above plus top dressing. just pull back your mulch layer, lay down your amendments, top that with a layer of EWC, and replace the mulch.

if you wanna do no till but you don't have a plant ready for several weeks you can sow a quick cover crop to keep the container populated with roots and the soil biology active.


Active member
Im planning on doing what heady blunts said. No till all the way:) do you think the high N is strain specific or from the easy bake? And if it is from the easy bake what would someone recommend to add in to even out the nitrogen?

Muad' Dib

Active member
Hey mates I really don't want to start a discussion but imo there is no way doing nothing for reuse the soil.

Old roots, as Ph-Patrol has well said, must to be removed because it is going to rot in a few days after chop the plant and the fungi and mold are going to appear, nothing good on it.

Also there are many P and K residues in salt form, wich is not good for a young plant. I would clean it before doing nothing with that soil.

So, here is a technical question... I mean, you can know the quantity of salts measuring the EC of the soil, just water the pots and collect the remaining water from below (percolation), if the EC is about 0'8ms or more, then clean the soil with some enzymes.

Keep in mind that not only the water but also the soil EC limits you to feed the plants.

On the other hand, the most part of microelements will be consumed by the current plant so might be a good idea to regenerate that soil.

Hope this helps



Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Im planning on doing what heady blunts said. No till all the way:) do you think the high N is strain specific or from the easy bake? And if it is from the easy bake what would someone recommend to add in to even out the nitrogen?

Some strains would handle it better than others. Mextiza likes to claw if I don't give the customary two shakes leaving the can.

Anything with a high carbon:nitrogen ratio, ex. wood chips, leaf litter, biochar. How much? Beats me. I'm sure if one had a soil analysis to work with, a reasonable guesstimate could be reached.

Choosing a low N compost for the first round would be wise, if possible. I want to say Bmac1 only used vermicast as a humus input, but my memory is sketchy and he's clearly the person to answer that.

Biochar is typically used at 5 to 10 percent, as with wood chips. Composted leaf litter/mould can be used at a rate of up to 1/3 of a mix, but if uncomposted and used to tie up N, closer to biochar rates.

Stepping out of my knowledge comfort zone (easy enough to do). I've only tried to do this once, and can say less than 5% uncomposted wood chips (tilled in mulch), in the mix I used (half recycled, half new, both amended CC style originally), showed claw in veg, but outgrew in the first few weeks of flower in six gallons.

Ideally someone with more experience chimes in on the whole matter. I get rambling with too much caffanicotine, and have this odd habit of thinking very highly of my opinion.