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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
life is a two way street and its not just the cops who need to change
when was it ok act like a punk and the cry mama when you get your mouth slapped?
i see a lot of kids wanting "respect" but not willing to earn it
the easiest way to get respect is to give it
treat me right and its all good, get out of line and dont be surprised when you find yourself on your ass with a pocket full of teeth
/sorry for the rant brothers, just getting fed up with some of this shit im hearing

like you shine, i just want to live in peace
have a safe place for me and the ol' lady
/kids are pretty much grown up now but i still want them to be safe too
thats great that you look after your brother sunshine; family should always look after family

i agree fiddy that people should look out for each other
we have a neighbor who looks after the neighborhood and hes a really good guy
retired, he hangs out in his garage most of the day and just keeps an eye on things
he putters around the yard with his wife and just enjoys his life
but once i went outside to see him and some door to door salesman going at it
the neighbor dident want this guy on his property and the salesman just would not let it go and walk away
/we convinced him he was better off leaving

fiddy makes a good point about how the protests are safer during the day, doh'
she is just speaking her conscience im sure but we would hate for her to get caught up in the shit
even if you arent one of the people causing trouble its way too easy to get swept up in the mob
social media is for weak minded people who need others to validate their opinions for the most part and a great place for stupid to grow
/its like an vicious cycle where you are only listening to people who share your views so you think they are right

again, sorry for the rant guys
im just shaking my fist at clouds
/clouds of hash smoke


Active member
Greetings friends.
I haven't done a jungle update in a long time and won't be doing one today either but there will be one coming soon. I thought I might have had a possable security issue a few weeks ago and have been pretty quiet about the grow and haven't posted pics since. I think I was just being overly cautious so its time to start sharing again soon. How's that for a tease?

@Sunshineinabag. When I joined icmag I was just hoping to get through my first grow and learn as much as I could. I haven't ever been on a forum before and never had web based friends either. But right away when I created my first thread pop_rocks was there to help me through that first grow and keep me from doing anything stupid to my plants. Over the last few years there have been a lot of good people I've had contact here. I've learned a lot about growing but also about other life lessons here and I'm grateful for that. Your right there are some great people here!
The world seems like it's more screwed up than ever to me too. I was talking with my mom a couple days ago and she was telling me how much this reminds her of the riots and unrest of the 60's. I just hope some good comes of this.
I've had to turn the news off the last couple days. I can't stand feeling overwhelmed with this and listening to what sounds like the same thing over and over again.

@pop_rocks. Your so right that mutual respect is the only way forward. A lot of people are quick to talk shit but can't back it up. I think that comes from all the interaction online and the lack of consequences for bad behavior. I'm a very laid back person that will cut someone a lot of slack but, like you, when a someone crosses a line and the situation calls for it I will punch a fool in the face.
Every neighborhood and block should have the sense to look out for one another. Like the old guy in your neighborhood. Keep your eyes open and if something dosent look or feel right check it out. Get to know your neighbors and talk with them about security and safety if possable. When I was a kid everyone in my neighborhood knew each other and watched out for everyone else. i think that in a lot of cases we can get back to knowing our neighbors and will be much better for it.
Keep those clouds rolling brother!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i remember those first days too fiddynut!
it was fun having someone to share knowledge with and you seemed to appreciate the advice
some days we just talked about this and that and how our days went too
/remember ukie?!?
i think of you as a friend and you are stuck with me like it or not
yeah we are lucky to live in a nice neighborhood
but even when we lived in bad parts of town my mom always made sure we knew right from wrong
one thng the mrs brought up the other day was how the kids (not our, but in general) have been out of the classroom for so long and when they come back there is going to be a gap between the ones who have parents who value education and those who dont spend much time with their kids helping out with school work during covid
/some kids will have a lot of catching up to do
we might make some more candy this weekend, ill let you know how it goes
so ive been working on this tootsie roll of hash i made the other week
im back to rolling it out flat and then either rolling the pancake into a cylinder or just laying it in the bowl
hope you are heading towards a great weekend my man!


Active member
@pop_rocks I don't usually ever use social media anymore but to get some more grow help honestly, meet some fellow minded people. But I keep my page private and am a critic when it comes to who is allowed to follow me and who isn't. My girl was safe today and so was my local protest. I didn't participate myself but there was a few who tried to rial it up, oddly enough all the people who were arrested are from out of state?? Those candies sound great, and so does that hash roll!! Haha.

@Fiddy Glad you feel safe again Fiddy can't wait to see the jungle!!

Hope everyones week is going well and they are staying safe.


Active member
Oh my gosh guys..........I complained to my lifelong buddy about no potent edibles.... Be careful if you get these omfg my dik is officially knocked in the durt

Oh and please have a good day. Know that I preciate ya!


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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
oh shit man, that looks like a fat bag of candy you got there shine!
how many do you take at once
i am really cautious when i eat weed, i can smoke all day but for some reason eatables realy kick my ass sometimes
the mrs on the other hand chews candy and is fine; she gets kind of goofy but thats nothing new
/i on the other hand have to take a pot nap to get right
this is your day brother, kick ass!

im glad your local protests were peaceful; i do believe there is an organised element trying its best to stir up shit
/people who dont care about the man killed or you or me, they just want to further their agenda
you ever make hash doh? is it available in your area
ill try and get some pics of the candy when we make them, they are pretty good


Active member
Greetings friends.
Happy Friday! I'm ready for the weekend and I hope y'all are too. I got a good ride in this morning before work and I feel great.

@pop_rocks. It dosent seem like it but it was just about 4 years ago that we met here. I had read a lot before starting that first grow but had no practical experience to draw from. I needed advice and someone to tell me to just chill and let the plants grow. Your guidance defenatly helped make that first harvest a success. I sure do remember Ukie.
You make a great point about right and wrong being the same no matter which side of town you live on.
You make a great point about the education gap that has to be developing. My niece is very lucky, her moms dad is a retired school teacher and he is acting as her teacher since schools were closed. Some parients don't care enough to step into that role and others probably just aren't up to it. Public education is not doing very well to begin with and this is going to make it that much harder.
Candy sounds great and so does that hash roll. I need to get to making some hash soon.
I hope your week is finishing on a high note!

@DoloDankness. I'm glad your lady was safe and got to participate and have her voice heard. It's too bad that some people had to come from out of state and cause trouble. I'm usually a pretty private person too but being on icmag has gotten me to branch out a bit.

@Sunshineinabag. Those look good. I'm not one to eat candy often but sometimes I get a craving for sour stuff. Im kind of a light weight with edibles. Like pop I can smoke all day but if I eat too much it puts me out for the count. I do like to take some when comming down from a trip on acid or shrooms.


Active member
Greetings friends!
It's update time. It's been a while so let's get to it. I've got 4 plants from 3 diffrent moms in my flower tent. I started the moms from seed in January and I'm just growing out the clones for the first time now. They are Blue dot X Irene f2's. One is a runt but she is budding up nicely as are the others. They are pretty loud for being only a month into flower. They are getting some early frost as well. This grow has been pretty easy so far. I'm in about 50/50 happy frog/ocean forest plus perlite and the 6/5/3 Rock powders that I amend with. I feed pure blend pro nutrients at about half the recommended dose. Here are some pics of the ladys.


Active member
oh shit man, that looks like a fat bag of candy you got there shine!
how many do you take at once
i am really cautious when i eat weed, i can smoke all day but for some reason eatables realy kick my ass sometimes
the mrs on the other hand chews candy and is fine; she gets kind of goofy but thats nothing new
/i on the other hand have to take a pot nap to get right
this is your day brother, kick ass!

im glad your local protests were peaceful; i do believe there is an organised element trying its best to stir up shit
/people who dont care about the man killed or you or me, they just want to further their agenda
you ever make hash doh? is it available in your area
ill try and get some pics of the candy when we make them, they are pretty good

I've only made bubble one time and Ive tried making rosin before without too much luck. The bubble I made wasn't good either. Had some off brand bags that didnt really do what they were supposed to do. Came out with some really brown hash, too dry, didnt taste good. Just rookie mistakes lol. I do wanna make more bubble this round with trim and some larf. The local dispensaries carry live resin and shatter, stuff like that. Some people consider that hash, but if you mean like Temple Ball style hash, then no it's not around here but I wish it was. LOL.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
wow man, time flies!
you have really leveled up as a grower fiddy and i cant wait to see whats next from you brother!
the plants look great and liek doh' said, they are stacking nice
your niece is super lucky to have someone there to help her learn
/ but even if you dont understand the material i think any adult can help instruct at home
thats awesome you are able to hit up the trails and get in a good ride
my buddy is getting a new bmx bike, a pk ripper on 27.5 wheels
it looks like a larger version of the old dirt jump bikes we all grew up on
its a fixie, but looks like fun

" i ate one and was fine so i had another"
classic last words shine! ive been there man you know it
now i will eat a half candy and then toke up and drink
/oh you know im gon'drank
but thats it for the candies
on a rare occasion i might have a whole candy but then its pretty much netflix* and chill for me
/time to break out the popcorn and celery and peanut butter

after we get a good harvest under your belt, we can talk about what to do with the larf/ trim
/who knows, you might want to smoke it the first run through
but one day dolodank you will be pulling down fat harvest of weed and have plenty to experiment with
i usually make ice hash
i know our man p'fan makes a mean rosen; maybe he can share some ideas with you when the time is right

hope everyone is enjoying their day and lets her from some of you goons that havent said hello in a while!
be safe everyone and enjoy your weekend!

*actually ive been watching a lot of little rascles on dvd


Active member
Greetings friends.
Happy Monday. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
I had a nice day on the water on Saturday. On Sunday I went for a mountan bike ride and had a little crash and broke my bike. I was near the end of the ride and didn't get hurt at all. I did break the derailleur hanger off so I had to coast/walk back to the lot. I've got a couple new ones on order and I'm glad I've got a back up bike to ride.

@DoloDankness. Thanks! I expect a lot of swell to them and can't wait to see how big and frosty they get.
I've had mixed results making bubble. I've read that it's easy to over process it and that can take away from the flavor. Even on my better batches it's always tasted bland to me. I think that a lot of the terps are water soluble and get washd away.
Next time Packerfan shows up we can ask him about his rosin method. I think he makes bubble first and then makes rosin out of that.

@Sunshineinabag. Those must be some ass kickers. I can feel the effects of edibles for a day or so sometimes. Oddly enough I feel that after an edible high I don't get as high smoking for a day or so too.

@pop_rocks. For sure I'm enjoying the grows and not stressing as much as those first couple. I'd say that it's been pretty smooth sailing since about the fifth grow. New genetics always make things a little interesting so I'm keeping a close eye on them this grow.
She is lucky to have a real teacher as her grandfather. She spends a lot of time with him anyway so it just works out nicely. Your right that a committed parient should be able to help school their kid even if they don't understand the material very well. The teachers have been made available to email or whatever and help with that part I bet. I hear that a lot of kids come back after summer break having forgotten much of what they had to learn the last year and the first few weeks of the year is a lot of catch up anyway so maybe it won't be so bad.
Yep I've seen those BMX style bikes at some of the mountain bike trails where they have down hill and pump courses. Big wheels and front suspention must make them a lot of fun. I use to jump the shit out of my BMX bikes back in the day but the landing were harsh. Must be nice these days!


Active member
Damn Fiddy that sucks you wrecked! At least you were able to walk it off. Hmm I never really actually thought of that, terps being water soluble. I am down to try some rosin tech though lol. I hung out with my girl most of the weekend, we went to my aunt's house to go swimming. Today I actually got out too, was able to go to the local court down the street with some friends to play a little basketball.

The plants are doing exceptionally well, and I'm starting to tie the branches out for more bushiness. Did a light defoliation as well, just to uncover some light to more growth tips. Hope everyone had a good weekend, will be posting some more pics up on my thread this week. Might drop a few pics in here just to show everyone the progress.

@pop_rocks you're probably right I will want to smoke it. LOL. I haven't had candies that put my dick in the dirt like you're saying yours does. Sounds like a fun time haha.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that sucks fiddy that you snapped the derailer hanger on the bike
hopefully the crash wasnt too bad
what derailer did you order?
i think the bike my buddy is getting would be good for a pump track, but the closest one is all the down off the 8 from what i hear
the bmx bike he is getting does not have front suspension either so it would be pretty rough to ride on the trails until he gets used to it
you make a great point about how a lot of the terpenes are water soluble and are lot in the wash
dry sift would be the way to go if you want top flavor, plus its easier to set up and you could even just shake out a few grams worth of trim

hope you and the girl had a great weekend doh'
swimming is always a good time
im really careful with the candies but the mrs loves them
hope your week is off to a great start and the plants keep doing well


Active member
Greetings friends.
Something very rare is happening in wisco today. For the 4th time since they started keeping records a named tropical storm is making it all the way here. Cristobal is just about here and looking to bring us some rain and wind. We get our share of storms and tornados here but almost never does the path of a named storm come this far north in the center of the country. Haha who said that tropical storms are just for the east cost.

@DoloDankness. My little crash was pretty mellow I must have just hit something just right to damage my bike. The parts were just a few bucks and I should be back on her by the end of the week.
I've read that most terps are water soluble so even if you don't over process your product (by over mixing) a lot of the flavor goes with the ice water. I've seen people use dry ice and screens like the ones in bubble bags but never tried it. I love the idea of rosin but haven't had the time or the motivation to get the supplies to give it a try.
Sounds like you had a nice weekend and got to get some fresh air and exercise.
I have to get back to your thread and check your plants but feel free to post up pics here we all love pics of our favorite plants!

@pop_rocks. It was a light crash and in the same place as I went down a couple weeks ago. It's a blind tight right between two trees with two big rocks to navigate. It's after a climb so your not carrying much speed and you have to hop the rocks because if you try to go between you will case it and possably damage your front sprocket. Just a tricky technical section. I think the derailleur is ok and the hanger is replaceable. The hanger is specific to the bike and it's a pain in the ass to figure out which one you need. There are a lot of diffrent styles and also a lot of manufacturers to sort through to get one that works. Once I get it I can test and make sure everything else is working.
The bike your buddy is getting sounds great. My first couple mountain bikes didn't have front suspension either but the trails today are a lot more technical and wicked.
I would defenatly like to try to make some dry sift sometime. Getting the full flavor would be great. Also I've been paranoid about using water ever since I made a hash ball the didn't dry all the way and got all moldy on me.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i see what you did, it wasnt the derailer itself, just the part that attaches it to the bike
that sucks but like you said but its a simple fix
sounds like a fun trail section
i hear you about how the trails today are a lot more challenging, plus we like to ride them faster
thats crazy about the tropical storm, we are having weird weather out here on the west coast too with 20mph winds and hot temps
/gotta love the santa anas
we have a camping trip planned in a few weeks up in the mountains and i cant wait
the first dry sift i made was with a piece of high thread count linen
i hear the finest hash back in the day was called zero/zero (0/0) corresponding to the thread count of the fabric they would use
the finer the weave only lets the best heads fall through
you can also use a silk screen to sift too, or even buy one of the kits available
its super easy to make and a lot of fun to smoke!


Active member
@Fiddy Lol, you're lucky you don't have to deal with those storms, my town is notorious for potholes after summer. There's even a restaurant named 'The Sinkhole'. Lmao. It floods pretty bad in the town so that's why we have so many sinkholes. And the temperature ranges are so drastic where I live (can go from -10F in the winter to over 100F in the summer). Im glad your crash was light. Thanks for stopping in on my thread btw Fiddy means a lot! Im gonna throw a few pics in at the end of this post!

@pop_rocks That sounds fun bro I hope you have fun camping! Are you going to a park or just tough it out some where in the mountains with a tent? Hmm so its a dry sift basically? Sounds dank.



Active member
Greetings friends.

@pop_rocks. Yep just the piece that attaches to the frame by the rear axle. I'm use to looking at parts diagrams for bikes and other power sports and it's easy to find the right part as long as you know year and model it is. Bicycles are a diffrent story as far as finding the right parts. I hope I got the right one and I'll know in a day or two when I try to install it. It is a fun and challenging part of the trail and I need to remember where it is so that I can avoid future crashes in the same spot. Your right that in addition to the trails being more challenging we ride a lot faster these days. Bikes have come a long way.
It's been hot here too. We got a break over the weekend but it was in the 80's and up to 90 last week and has been this week so far too. We are suppose to cool down for the weekend which should make for some nice riding weather. I do remember the fall Santa Anna winds from my days in NorCal.
I glad your getting to do another camping trip soon. When it's hot there in summer it must be really nice to get up into that cool thin mountain air.
I will have to look into a dry sift set up. I've seen things like cigar boxes with screens but I'm sure there are many diffrent set ups. I already like to dry my larf and trim so I would just need to pick up or DIY some type of set up. It's been too long since I had anything good to go on top of a bowl.
I hope your week is going well.

@DoloDankness. For sure those storms can dump some rain in a hurry. Around here our storms mostly come out of the west and have a single front line so it was wierd seeing and feeling the wind and rain come in bands. The south push meant it was a warm rain too while ours is usually a cooler rain. We get quite the range of temps here too including usually a few days in the winter where it can linger at those 20-30 degree below zero days. We usually get a couple of those really cold streaks for a few days and that's the kind of cold that I really don't care for. We use to hit some 100 degree days every summer but haven't gotten quite that hot in a number of years, global warming or whatever.
Those plants look really happy and vigorous. Can't wait to see them budding up!