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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


Well-known member
Hey guys
CVS has the epi pens two for $109
That's about what I paid 10 yrs ago. I wonder what's the shelf life? Maybe I need a replacment.


In my empire of dirt
so i went to my friends house last night and all the plants are looking great!
the older ones are starting to set flower and there is a definite stink to them, plus they are just about doubling in size each week
here is blanc jacques #1


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and her sister

plus we have the young plants i started, here is a group shot

and a couple close ups:

these are the azure rocket crosses

and this is arids obelisk

we ran out of larger buckets so i went with smaller black 3g buckets
it will be interesting to compare the growth between the green pails and the smaller black ones, especially considering how late in the season they were planted
the plants are doing great with little to no effort needed and im very impressed with these afterthought autos


Active member
Hey Fiddy,
Glad to hear your feeling well and getting back on the bike, that is something I need to do more of, but I did go surfing this morning with my wifes cousin, he is a die hard and goes all the time, it was a lot of fun, small but still fun and the water is around 72, feels wonderful. Going to see The Avett Brothers tonight here in town and in the morning driving to see my big bro in Arizona and see the stones on Monday, really excited.

I meant to say thanks for the link to [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]archive.org, last post.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]what an amazing site, I am going to show it to my brother this weekend he will dig it, it's not only an amazing source for Grateful Dead music, but holy crap there is a ton of cool stuff to explore. :dance013:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And the carnitas recipe, muchas gracias mi amigo![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hope you, the wife and eggo have a great weekend.[/FONT]

Good afternoon rocker.
I'm really looking forward to some surfing soon it's been way too long. The winds usually start to turn out of the east which is what we need for waves here on the west side of the pond. I'm glad you are getting out and seeing some live Music! The stones should be a great show and I hope you have a blast brother!
I'm glad your digging archive.org, you are so right there is a lot of good stuff their.
Have fun tonight!


Active member
happening fellas! its friday

J (the girl) was the last one to fly away and it will sure be different with her gone
in addition to her leaving, we wont be seeing her friends as much, at least i dont think we will
the mrs and some of her friends are really close so im sure they will keep in touch
hope you have a great ride fiddy and enjoy some down time
you have been doing some busy living these past few weeks and im sure you will enjoy your free time
im heading to my friends house later and i iwll post an update on the girls when i can

i hear you rocker, this is when we get san diego back from the kids and tourists
plus the nice weather will still be here; sept and oct are some of my favorite months in san diego
we usually go to the beaches that are off the beaten track, so the crowds dont really bother us too much
i will be glad when the summer traffic returns to normal, is it just my commute or has this year really been bad
glad to see you around and you always have something interesting to say

hope everyone had a great week and is ready for the weekend

Good afternoon pop.
Your so right I didn't even think about how your kids friends that come over become like friends too that will be missed.
If the rain would have held off for another hour I'd have been able to get a ride in this morning but not to be. We got a lot of rain today and it's going to be a few days before the trails open back up. It was pretty cloudy and cool yesterday so we didn't go boating this weekend either. It was nice to get some rest and relaxation in and I feel rejuvenated.

so i went to my friends house last night and all the plants are looking great!
the older ones are starting to set flower and there is a definite stink to them, plus they are just about doubling in size each week
here is blanc jacques #1

and her sister

plus we have the young plants i started, here is a group shot

and a couple close ups:

these are the azure rocket crosses

and this is arids obelisk

we ran out of larger buckets so i went with smaller black 3g buckets
it will be interesting to compare the growth between the green pails and the smaller black ones, especially considering how late in the season they were planted
the plants are doing great with little to no effort needed and im very impressed with these afterthought autos

Your plants are looking great brother! I can't believe how fast they are growing. I'm sure they look even better in person too.
The new reinforcements look great as well. I'm curious to see how the 3 gallon ones do compared to the 5ers. They all look vigorous and it looks like your going to get a nice haul from them.
I hope you had a great weekend man!


Active member
Hey guys
CVS has the epi pens two for $109
That's about what I paid 10 yrs ago. I wonder what's the shelf life? Maybe I need a replacment.
Good afternoon Rodehazrd.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm pretty sure there would be an expiration date on the pens but I have heard that pharmaceuticals have a longer shelf life than advertised to try to sell you more stuff.


In my empire of dirt
Happening fiddy, hope you had a great day brother!
That great that you got to enjoy some down time and just chill over the weekend
Have you been able to sample your recent crops?
Ive been smoking a lot of joints lately but still like to keep a pipe or bong loaded and ready
That’s for the comment on the autos, this is the first time ive grown out afterthought autos and I am very impressed with arids work on these
Nice strong plants with a beautiful structure
The two that are in early flower are already throwing off all kinds of smells and I cant wait to see how they loo this weekend
Me and the mrs will have to get into the pic so that we have something in there for scale, but they are really growing like crazy
Im hoping the smaller ones take to their new home like the first ones did and enjoy the same explosive growth
This weekend is labor day weekend and I cant believe how fast the year is going by
Do you have any plans for the holiday yet?
Hope your week is off to a great start and it just gets better from here!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Good afternoon Baba.
It will be interesting to see how the pack does this year. To be honest I don't want to see them rip through the devision only to be out in the first or second round of playoffs. In my opinion the team hasent been built (or coached) to go deep for a long time. I'm a fan because I grew up here but not a spoiled fan, I was here for all the bad teams in the 80's and I'm a bit disappointed that we've had a coup,e of the best quarterbacks ever to play the game for the last 25+ years and only 2 rings.
However I'm only a casual fan of football and my brewers are my favorite pro team in the state. Football is a fun way to spend Sunday's for a few months but baseball is a true marathon and you can't really argue with the results when the sample size is 162 games.

Baseball isn't my sport, i dont really get into it till the playoffs, but the brewers seem like a fun team. Ryan braun was an mvp some years ago, yelich was mvp last year, and he started off this season on a tear. Plus, how can u not love a team where the mascot goes down a slide into a giant barrel of beer after a home run?
Only 2 rings for the Pack with favre and rodgers? First world problems. Bears fans been waiting 32 yrs for another title, lions and vikes havent won one yet. And look at the colts, won 'only' 1 ring with peyton and luck, who just retired. But ur right, GB hasnt done a good job recently building up that team around #12, plus he's dealt with some injuries in recent years. But theyve got a new coach, and rodgers has a good 4-5 yrs of elite play left in him, theyve got just as good a chance as any other team to win a title in that time frame.


Active member
Happening fiddy, hope you had a great day brother!
That great that you got to enjoy some down time and just chill over the weekend
Have you been able to sample your recent crops?
Ive been smoking a lot of joints lately but still like to keep a pipe or bong loaded and ready
That’s for the comment on the autos, this is the first time ive grown out afterthought autos and I am very impressed with arids work on these
Nice strong plants with a beautiful structure
The two that are in early flower are already throwing off all kinds of smells and I cant wait to see how they loo this weekend
Me and the mrs will have to get into the pic so that we have something in there for scale, but they are really growing like crazy
Im hoping the smaller ones take to their new home like the first ones did and enjoy the same explosive growth
This weekend is labor day weekend and I cant believe how fast the year is going by
Do you have any plans for the holiday yet?
Hope your week is off to a great start and it just gets better from here!

Good afternoon pop.
I'm glad I got some rest this weekend as well brother, I needed it! The last few weeks have been non stop, actually the summer has been pretty busy since early June.
I have been puffing the gorilla bubble a lot the last month or so and I'm really digging her. I'm going to grow her out again next round in about a month. The clones are already getting big in the 6" pots so I'll have to transplant and cut them down to size some. Might even have to start them flowering in the 2x4 under t5's while the current batch finishes in the flower tent. I've been mixing it up with the little bit I've got of the LBLxCW and the last of the granola funk from a few runs ago.
Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer here but I'm betting we get plenty more nice weather in September and October. I don't have any specific plans but there are a few bands I'd like to see and party's I'd like to go to this weekend.
Your right it's going to be 2020 before we know it.
I hope your week is rocking too brother!


Active member
Baseball isn't my sport, i dont really get into it till the playoffs, but the brewers seem like a fun team. Ryan braun was an mvp some years ago, yelich was mvp last year, and he started off this season on a tear. Plus, how can u not love a team where the mascot goes down a slide into a giant barrel of beer after a home run?
Only 2 rings for the Pack with favre and rodgers? First world problems. Bears fans been waiting 32 yrs for another title, lions and vikes havent won one yet. And look at the colts, won 'only' 1 ring with peyton and luck, who just retired. But ur right, GB hasnt done a good job recently building up that team around #12, plus he's dealt with some injuries in recent years. But theyve got a new coach, and rodgers has a good 4-5 yrs of elite play left in him, theyve got just as good a chance as any other team to win a title in that time frame.

Good afternoon Bababooey.
I dig baseball for a number of reasons and tailgating at Miller park on a beautiful summer day is one of them. Brew crew are a fun team to watch for sure, although it's been a rough couple of weeks for them. You are so right that Bernie brewer is a great mascot and we love to see him take the slide.
I was talking to a dude from Minnesota at D&C in Boulder last month and he was saying the same thing about how two rings were way better than none. I get that but if you had 2 of the best QB's to ever play for so many years it seems like a waste. To be honest I was very unhappy about how the team delt with Brett Favre and how arrogant Mike MacArthey or however you spell his name was that it affected my love of the game. That and how big of baby's the athletes have become as well has been a turn off for me. I hope the tams new direction can jumpstart my interist again and I can get to enjoying some games this year.
Enough of my complaining I gotta get back to work!
I hope your having a great day!


In my empire of dirt
im with you baba and dont really follow baseball day to day
its a long season and there are just to many games, plus we dont go out to the ball park like we used to
fiddy has the idea and hits up the park during the season, even if you arent enjoying the gmae on the field the action is just being a part of the crowd
plus they are doing a lot better these past seasons and are making things fun to watch
man, you should have posted some pics of your meat here
even thoe you feel it was your best effort we all like to eat

im glad you got to get some down time in
it sounds like you have been really busy this summer
/so im having some problems with my computer so im saving what i type more frequently
/twice this weekend i had written these long posts, only to have my machine die on me
i forgot about the gorilla bubble you grew out,hope shes smoking really nicely
did you make any hash from the trim or are you just enjoying the flowers?
how many more week do you see your current run going? thats tough when your clones are chomping at the bit to get planted
like you said, once they get in their new containers give them a little trim and they should take off once they get their roots established
my friend at work is heading out to colorado next week and i told him to try everything
maybe he will have a smoke report or two when he gets back

hope everything is going good with our man p'fan
how do you like hotel living brother? living like a rock star
how are the kids doing my man? are they adjusted to all the upheaval of not being home?

tomorrow is wed and we are rolling into the long weekend!


Active member
What's up jungle mates,

Hope everyone is having a great week. I am getting anxious for the 3 day weekend. Haven't even had a 2 day weekend in months. Now, I got a bigger workload, since we had a guy quit. My brother is coming in from Texas, we are going up to the mountains to go fishing. Saturday is free fishing day here in California. Apparently their was a miscommunication , my mom invited the whole family. Either way I will enjoy the fresh mountain air.kids will have fun, and I get to hang with my brother and his wife.

We are still hotel bound, another 1-3 weeks. Grrr. Fucking sucks, but it is what it is.

Hope everyone is having a great week.


Well-known member
Hey packerfan
You and the family are due for a little mtn. Air. Hope they're biting up there and you can forget your troubles however brief it may be. Great idea bring everyone share the love. Get those kids a new perspective too. I hope their school schedule didn't get too far out of kilter


Horse-toothed Jackass
I was talking to a dude from Minnesota at D&C in Boulder last month and he was saying the same thing about how two rings were way better than none. I get that but if you had 2 of the best QB's to ever play for so many years it seems like a waste. To be honest I was very unhappy about how the team delt with Brett Favre and how arrogant Mike MacArthey or however you spell his name was that it affected my love of the game. That and how big of baby's the athletes have become as well has been a turn off for me. I hope the tams new direction can jumpstart my interist again and I can get to enjoying some games this year.
Enough of my complaining I gotta get back to work!
I hope your having a great day!

Ur right that favre and rodgers were/are definitely good enough to win multiple rings with, but even for great QBs multiple championships arent guaranteed. Bradshaw won 4, Montana 4, Aikman 3, now Brady 6. You have to have great coaching and a great team/defense around a great QB to go on those sorts of runs. Marino never won one, neither did Fouts, or Moon. Elway didnt win his till the end of his career.

I know a lot of packers fans werent happy with the favre situation, but im not sure how that could have turned out different, you had an elite QB sitting on the bench for 3 years how much longer could he wait? Even the colts let an all time great in manning go to make room for Luck.

Nice looking plants, Pop! Are you planning on taking clones or are those small ones clones?


Active member
im with you baba and dont really follow baseball day to day
its a long season and there are just to many games, plus we dont go out to the ball park like we used to
fiddy has the idea and hits up the park during the season, even if you arent enjoying the gmae on the field the action is just being a part of the crowd
plus they are doing a lot better these past seasons and are making things fun to watch
man, you should have posted some pics of your meat here
even thoe you feel it was your best effort we all like to eat

im glad you got to get some down time in
it sounds like you have been really busy this summer
/so im having some problems with my computer so im saving what i type more frequently
/twice this weekend i had written these long posts, only to have my machine die on me
i forgot about the gorilla bubble you grew out,hope shes smoking really nicely
did you make any hash from the trim or are you just enjoying the flowers?
how many more week do you see your current run going? thats tough when your clones are chomping at the bit to get planted
like you said, once they get in their new containers give them a little trim and they should take off once they get their roots established
my friend at work is heading out to colorado next week and i told him to try everything
maybe he will have a smoke report or two when he gets back

hope everything is going good with our man p'fan
how do you like hotel living brother? living like a rock star
how are the kids doing my man? are they adjusted to all the upheaval of not being home?

tomorrow is wed and we are rolling into the long weekend!

Good afternoon pop.
It's been a busy summer for sure brother. Looking back I got to go to a lot of concerts and traveled quite a bit, probably more than any other Sumer since I was in my 20's.
I've lost more long posts than I can count on here man. I use an old clapped out iPad and it crashes a lot and sometimes I loose all I've written which as you know sucks. And I'm so slow to type that it takes me forever to remake the post. But I'm too cheap to buy a new one so I just deal with it and preview often.
The gorilla bubble is smoking really nicley. When it's growing it's got the lemon-lime soda scent and keeps that plus gets really skunks after the cure. It's loud and got to be the most potent I've grown. You can smell it a block away if it's in a bag in someone's pocket.
The currant run should go 3 weeks more or so but I've never flowered these cobra lips out and will have to see. I could either finish them under t5's or start the GB's under t5's because they are growing faster than I thought they would, rooted faster too. I will probably pot them up to the big pots early next week.
I hope your buddy has a good time in CO and finds some nice buds. Let us know if he comes across anything special.


Active member
What's up jungle mates,

Hope everyone is having a great week. I am getting anxious for the 3 day weekend. Haven't even had a 2 day weekend in months. Now, I got a bigger workload, since we had a guy quit. My brother is coming in from Texas, we are going up to the mountains to go fishing. Saturday is free fishing day here in California. Apparently their was a miscommunication , my mom invited the whole family. Either way I will enjoy the fresh mountain air.kids will have fun, and I get to hang with my brother and his wife.

We are still hotel bound, another 1-3 weeks. Grrr. Fucking sucks, but it is what it is.

Hope everyone is having a great week.

Good afternoon Pack.
I hear you on the long work weeks, I work every Saturday and I know how the short weekends suck man.
I hope you and your fam have a great time this weekend brother! You all deserve a break.


Active member
Ur right that favre and rodgers were/are definitely good enough to win multiple rings with, but even for great QBs multiple championships arent guaranteed. Bradshaw won 4, Montana 4, Aikman 3, now Brady 6. You have to have great coaching and a great team/defense around a great QB to go on those sorts of runs. Marino never won one, neither did Fouts, or Moon. Elway didnt win his till the end of his career.

I know a lot of packers fans werent happy with the favre situation, but im not sure how that could have turned out different, you had an elite QB sitting on the bench for 3 years how much longer could he wait? Even the colts let an all time great in manning go to make room for Luck.

Nice looking plants, Pop! Are you planning on taking clones or are those small ones clones?
Good afternoon Bababooey.
You are so right that in addition to a great QB you need a great team, coaching, and I'm sure a bit of luck to win big. The pack hasent had the complete package in a long time. We didn't have the personnel or coach to have any kind of a reliable running game in forever. Imagine how good the QB's would have been if we could run the ball. I think that's a big part of why they were so inconsistent from one half to another and had such a hard time protecting a lead.
My problem with the Farve situation is pretty simple. He gave everything he had for his whole career to the team. The packers were a joke before he and Reggie White came to town. He was very conflicted about how long he could play and made things a bit difficult for the team and he was also afraid of being replaced. That was his bad but he is human and allowed to not be perfict. My issue is how the management handled it. They appeared to be ready to move to Rogers which is fine. But to try and pay off Farve to retire before he was sure he wanted to sucks! And to trade him to the jets with that language about not letting him be traded back to the north devision sucks! After all Farve did for Green Bay he should have been given his release and allowed to do what he chose. If Rogers was the futures hat were they so affrade of that they had to make the off season that year a living hell for Favre. Not cool in my opinion. I've been pissed at the bozo's in the front office ever since. Sorry for another tirade but it still bugs me today even all these years later.


Horse-toothed Jackass
That gorilla bubble sounds awesome, Fiddy. You post any pics of the finished buds here? Are they dripping with crystals?

Favre definitely sacrificed his body playing, i remember plenty of times he basically couldnt practice all week because of numerous injuries but would still suit up on sundays. And now he's paying for it, i think in the last year or two he's mentioned his short term memory has been shot. He's only had a few officially diagnosed concussions in his career, but now doctors consider any head hits that 'ring ur bell' or mess up ur vision for a few seconds a micro-concussion, and he's had thousands of them in practice and games. So, hopefully he doesn't get any worse, maybe he should try cbd or cannabis to protect against any further neuro degeneration.

I dont really remember the circumstances of his trade that much, i know at that point he was considering retirement like every off season, so maybe the pack just wanted a firm answer before he was ready to give it? And i could understand why they wouldnt trade him to a division rival, college coaches usually dont allow their players to transfer to another school in their conference.

But ur right, it was a pretty messy divorce there at the end, for an all time great player who made the team relevant again.


Active member
That gorilla bubble sounds awesome, Fiddy. You post any pics of the finished buds here? Are they dripping with crystals?

Favre definitely sacrificed his body playing, i remember plenty of times he basically couldnt practice all week because of numerous injuries but would still suit up on sundays. And now he's paying for it, i think in the last year or two he's mentioned his short term memory has been shot. He's only had a few officially diagnosed concussions in his career, but now doctors consider any head hits that 'ring ur bell' or mess up ur vision for a few seconds a micro-concussion, and he's had thousands of them in practice and games. So, hopefully he doesn't get any worse, maybe he should try cbd or cannabis to protect against any further neuro degeneration.

I dont really remember the circumstances of his trade that much, i know at that point he was considering retirement like every off season, so maybe the pack just wanted a firm answer before he was ready to give it? And i could understand why they wouldnt trade him to a division rival, college coaches usually dont allow their players to transfer to another school in their conference.

But ur right, it was a pretty messy divorce there at the end, for an all time great player who made the team relevant again.

Good afternoon Bababooey.
I didn't take any pics of the finished GB from the last couple runs but I will and I'll post them up when o get a chance. I do however have a couple pics from a year or so ago when I grew out some plants from the same pack of seeds as my keeper. Here have a look they are soooo frosty!

Favre was, and to many of us still is a hero because of how he played and how the team came back to relevance after he came to town. For sure he played hurt a lot and never complained about anything. I remember him getting knocked out and comming out for one play and he put himself right back in the game and threw a TD pass the next play and after the game he said he didn't remember any of it. He was all woozy and you knew he had a bad concussion on that and many other occasions. I'm sad to hear he is having health issues and I too hope he dosent get any worse.
I know they didn't want him in the devision but I think in a case where it's that guy who has done so much for your team you have to give him unconditional release and trust he will end up somewhere else. The divorce was so much messier than it had to be and it devided us fans and weekend the team I believe.
I hope your having a great day...Fiddy.


Active member
Update and pics.

Update and pics.

Greetings friends.

It's been a few days and time for a quick update on the cobra lips I've got flowering. First impression is they are sturdy plants. The colas are getting heavy and they arnt needing nearly as much support as many of the plants I've grown out. With probably at least 3 weeks left they look like they are going to be good yielding girls. I amended the soil with the 6/5/3 Rock powders and have been giving them 40ml of PBP bloom nutes in 3 gallons of RO water (split between the 4 girls) every 3 days. Here are a couple pics from yesterday at lights off.


Good afternoon rocker.
I'm really looking forward to some surfing soon it's been way too long. The winds usually start to turn out of the east which is what we need for waves here on the west side of the pond. I'm glad you are getting out and seeing some live Music! The stones should be a great show and I hope you have a blast brother!
I'm glad your digging archive.org, you are so right there is a lot of good stuff their.
Have fun tonight!

Hi Fiddy,

First off your cobra lips look great, that is going to be a nice harvest, beautiful crop you have.
The Avett Brothers were great, if you have never heard of them, check em out, I call them pop bluegrass, not really a genre but thats what I call them, and the Stones are the stones, it is an event, the music was good but seeing my bro and just hanging together was the high light. It was a foot ball stadium and are seats were far up and back in the corner but we moved up close for the encores. Here are some pics, stage, mini stage, and up close for encores.
