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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


Well-known member
Hey cannared welcome to the jungle.
l am glad to find another bangi lover. I have tried other sativas but haven't done them well. I put some Alcapulco gold pollen on one of My bangis last year and put the seeds in water yesterday. My hope is the bangi shortens her flowering time enough to run it at 38. I hit another one with Oaxaca zippolite and got lots of nice looking seeds. Only got a few of the AG. I'll post whatever happens here in the jungle. I'm too ADD to do a thread of my own.


In my empire of dirt
You seem a bit taken aback with my Bangi. I do usually show my mistakes but this proves the saying " even a blind hog finds an a acorn if he roots long enough".
I finally quit trying to make her be like other plants and let her be yellow. Sticky Sat and Thai Bliss helped me understand chlorophyll comes in colors. Bangi has yellow. When we see red or purple we're pleased but yellow scares us for obvious reasons. That's been my issue keeping bangi happy. When she's dark green she's sick.

ya lost me there brother, im not getting what this is supposed to mean
we all make mistakes and i thought the plants were looking ok


Active member
Well gentlemen,

I am officially living in a hotel for the next 2-4 weeks. Cut a bunch of clones lastnight and killed the seed plants also. I guess next round will be more smaller plants.


In my empire of dirt
hopefully this doesnt throw the kids schedule off to much, when do they start school?
where are the pets?
hey brother, make the best of it and think of it as a family vacation of sorts
hopefully the hotel has a pool and free breakfast
/hang in there p'man;you know i got you covered if you need anything bruh


Well-known member
ya lost me there brother, im not getting what this is supposed to mean
we all make mistakes and i thought the plants were looking ok

You did say they were nice pop I just thought you were surprised at how well they are considering the mite attack and then I used to strong a mix of the neem too I think that's what caused the distorted growth now. I got it on some pineapple express clones and they curled right up where it hit them too. I used 2 tsp per liter where before I used 1. Bottle called for 1.5. Just another sign sometimes less gets you more. I did read the instructions first just didn't have the sense to follow them.


Active member
Greetings friends.

Wow I've been gone a few days and so much has happened here. I feel kind of bad for not being around during what looks like one busy weekend.

It's going to take me a minute to go through the last 3 or so pages since I've been gone but I will get caught up tonigh.

Thanks for the nice comments about the cobra lips plants that I put up last week. And also welcome to a couple of new faces around here.

@Packerfan. That is some crazy shit about the neighbors you got. I hope that life out of a suitcase treats you ok for the next couple weeks. I'm sure it's not ideal but the time should move by quickly and you'll be back home soon.

All went well with my trip up north and bringing the boat home. That is untill Monday when we took the boat out and within about a half hour a huge hornet or bee found me out in the middle of the lake and stung the shit out of me. A few minutes after that I got all itchy and my lips swelled way up and got hives all over my whole body. I didn't feel like my throat was swelling shut so I didn't go to the ER but I did suffer for the next 36 or so hours with itching and exhaustion. I've been stung plenty of times and never had a reaction before so not sure why now. I'm feeling back to normal today and I hope I never have an experience like that again.


Well gentlemen,

I am officially living in a hotel for the next 2-4 weeks. Cut a bunch of clones lastnight and killed the seed plants also. I guess next round will be more smaller plants.

Be well my friend, such a crazy story and situation to live through, hang tough. Just glad you are all safe and hopefully that kid can get some help and the rest of the folks can heal from it all.


In my empire of dirt
no worries rhode
they look like they have bounced back nicely
its hard to tell how a plant will react to being sprayed but i agree that less is more
also when you apply a tonic to outdoor plants, some of the juice gets washed off or weathers away, so its a better practice to apply more frequently but in lighter doses
dont even get me started on time of day to apply
keep it up my man, they are really looking nice

that sucks fiddy! i hope youre feeling better
man, ive been stung or bitten by all of gods creatures but it never really bothered me that much until recently
last summer i stepped on a bee and it caused my foot to swell up
mrsChicky thought i was having a reaction so she gave me some benadryl or something like that
man, that stuff knocked me on my ass and i spent the better part of a day in some weird fog
i never had alergies growing up but i guess you can develope them as you get older
hope eveyrhint else went well and its good to have you back brother
yeah a lot has happened in the past few days


Well-known member
Sorry about the hornet Fiddy there's strange things going all over.
Like pop said you can develop a reaction for sure. We have a great uncle in our family was a bee charmer for his whole life. Got stung somewhat regularly working his hives. One day he got a single sting on the hand and died within an hour. You just never know.
At least the boat ran well. Glad you're on the mend.
I keep an eppy pen all the time just because of that. :tiphat:


Active member
no worries rhode
they look like they have bounced back nicely
its hard to tell how a plant will react to being sprayed but i agree that less is more
also when you apply a tonic to outdoor plants, some of the juice gets washed off or weathers away, so its a better practice to apply more frequently but in lighter doses
dont even get me started on time of day to apply
keep it up my man, they are really looking nice

that sucks fiddy! i hope youre feeling better
man, ive been stung or bitten by all of gods creatures but it never really bothered me that much until recently
last summer i stepped on a bee and it caused my foot to swell up
mrsChicky thought i was having a reaction so she gave me some benadryl or something like that
man, that stuff knocked me on my ass and i spent the better part of a day in some weird fog
i never had alergies growing up but i guess you can develope them as you get older
hope eveyrhint else went well and its good to have you back brother
yeah a lot has happened in the past few days

Good afternoon pop.
That sure did suck brother. I've never had anything like that before and I hope I never do again. I've read that people can be fine with stings for their whole life untill they get a little too much venom, and then they have a 30-60% chance of having a reaction next time they get stung. I'm going to hope I'm not in that boat. I've always felt like I'm way stronger than a little bug but now I feel a lot less confident.
I took some Benadryl and your right that shit makes me drowsy and like I'm in a fog for sure.
All went well and your right I missed a lot here while I was away for just a few days. That shows that this thread is way bigger than me and it's you guys that make it what it is!


Active member
Sorry about the hornet Fiddy there's strange things going all over.
Like pop said you can develop a reaction for sure. We have a great uncle in our family was a bee charmer for his whole life. Got stung somewhat regularly working his hives. One day he got a single sting on the hand and died within an hour. You just never know.
At least the boat ran well. Glad you're on the mend.
I keep an eppy pen all the time just because of that. :tiphat:

Good afternoon Rodehazrd.
Right! It's kind of like a cumulative effect of the poison or something and if I do get stung again I'm goin to be ready to get to the ER of need be.
That story about your great uncle is a great example of how weird the human body can be about toxins.


Good afternoon pop.
That sure did suck brother. I've never had anything like that before and I hope I never do again. I've read that people can be fine with stings for their whole life untill they get a little too much venom, and then they have a 30-60% chance of having a reaction next time they get stung. I'm going to hope I'm not in that boat. I've always felt like I'm way stronger than a little bug but now I feel a lot less confident.
I took some Benadryl and your right that shit makes me drowsy and like I'm in a fog for sure.
All went well and your right I missed a lot here while I was away for just a few days. That shows that this thread is way bigger than me and it's you guys that make it what it is!

WOW Fiddy, what a bummer glad you are on the mend, and yes Benadryl is a sleep aid for sure, lol. My step son would have reactions to nuts and stuff all the time so we always had Benadryl on hand, it definitely helps, but will knock you out. Silver lining to your story is you guys now have a party boat, how cool is that. Cruising a lake is so cool, being a so cal boy I only learned to love lake life recently, My inlaws have a cottage on a lake and that is my happy place now.
Hope the rest of your week is boring :)


It's weird I have a high tolerance to most drugs. I can take 2 Benadryl and be fine for allergies. But twice now if I take one after a bee sting, I get trashed!. I don't really drink, bit that's how it compares. Slurs my words, and I feel like I'm walking on mattresses.

Weird that it only happens when I get stung.

You might look into getting one of those six hundred dollar EpiPen. That prick raised the price so he could buy that only copy in existence Wu Tang CD.

But if it's worse next time, you may need it.


In my empire of dirt
happening fiddy!hope you had a great day my man
got any plans for the weekend?
the mrs left for the airport and her and the girl are flying out to pa tonight
this morning it was super dark and foggy when i woke up; you could almost feel a touch of fall in the air
can you believe that next weekend is labor day?
its all of us brother that make the jungle what it is and i cant wait to see how our group grows
weve seen a lots of new faces and i hope some of them stick around; it would be cool if some of our old friend came around more often too

keep kicking ass guys, tomorrow its friday!


happening fiddy!hope you had a great day my man
got any plans for the weekend?
the mrs left for the airport and her and the girl are flying out to pa tonight
this morning it was super dark and foggy when i woke up; you could almost feel a touch of fall in the air
can you believe that next weekend is labor day?
its all of us brother that make the jungle what it is and i cant wait to see how our group grows
weve seen a lots of new faces and i hope some of them stick around; it would be cool if some of our old friend came around more often too

keep kicking ass guys, tomorrow its friday!
No ......
don’t say fall, but I know what you mean though, it was drizzling rain here this AM near the coast, and windy like Santa Ana winds, just not warm from the east. I’ve been counting on a warm Sept-Oct so I can Enjoy the beach in the evening in the evening, after all the tourist and students clear out. That’s when I enjoy summer in our neck of the woods :biggrin:
I am trying to be a more consistent contributor, this is a great group, no doubt.
My weekend plans are heading across the desert to go see the Stones with my older brother, Rocker needs to go rock.
Anyway, hope you all have a good week-end, I am sure there will great food made and shared, so have fun one everyone.


Active member
WOW Fiddy, what a bummer glad you are on the mend, and yes Benadryl is a sleep aid for sure, lol. My step son would have reactions to nuts and stuff all the time so we always had Benadryl on hand, it definitely helps, but will knock you out. Silver lining to your story is you guys now have a party boat, how cool is that. Cruising a lake is so cool, being a so cal boy I only learned to love lake life recently, My inlaws have a cottage on a lake and that is my happy place now.
Hope the rest of your week is boring :)

Good afternoon rocker.
I'm feeling back to my self last couple days so it's all good. I'm the type that usually dosent even take an aspirin if I get a head ache or anything, never any cold medicine or anything so I'm probably sensitive to that type of shit. My wife takes Benadryl as a sleep aid when she switches shifts or does a double shift and has to get to bed early.
You are so right, we've got a party boat and that's a great thing. Now that we're all set up we can be in the water in about 1/2 an hour and out burning gas. We just have to be a little careful down here as there are a lot of DNR and other water cops and don't want to get into trouble or any boat DUI's.
I hear you about the lake being a happy place, I've always felt much happier when out on the water!
I hope your week is finishing strong and all is well with you and yours!


Active member
It's weird I have a high tolerance to most drugs. I can take 2 Benadryl and be fine for allergies. But twice now if I take one after a bee sting, I get trashed!. I don't really drink, bit that's how it compares. Slurs my words, and I feel like I'm walking on mattresses.

Weird that it only happens when I get stung.

You might look into getting one of those six hundred dollar EpiPen. That prick raised the price so he could buy that only copy in existence Wu Tang CD.

But if it's worse next time, you may need it.

Good afternoon CannaRed.
Maybe it's some interaction with the Benadryl and the venom or something. It's weird I only took a couple right after the sting and I was still exhausted more than 24 hours after taking any of it. Oh well I feel great again and hope to stay that way.
I don't usually go to far away from civilization so I'm not going to get an Epipen at this time. I'm hoping this is a one time deal but if I have another reaction then i will probably go to the ER and I'm sure they will give me one.
Your right that dick cranked up the price of something that saves lives and that sucks. I hope there is some bad shit coming his way, karma is a bitch.


Active member
happening fiddy!hope you had a great day my man
got any plans for the weekend?
the mrs left for the airport and her and the girl are flying out to pa tonight
this morning it was super dark and foggy when i woke up; you could almost feel a touch of fall in the air
can you believe that next weekend is labor day?
its all of us brother that make the jungle what it is and i cant wait to see how our group grows
weve seen a lots of new faces and i hope some of them stick around; it would be cool if some of our old friend came around more often too

keep kicking ass guys, tomorrow its friday!

Good afternoon pop.
Not sure what's going on this weekend. If it's nice on Sunday I'll probably be on the water. I had a great bike ride yesterday and hope to start riding again every two days as the trails stay open. I need some rest and relaxation as well the last coup,e weekends have been busy. After this week I've got the next 3 Monday's off so I'll be making the most of it.
It's got to be strange sending a kid off cross country to school. After all that time taking care of her and driving her around and everything it's got to be kind of quiet when they leave. I hope all goes well at school and she becomes the best woman she can be. And I hope you and your Mrs get to enjoy more time together doing what the both of you want to do.
I hear you on the weather. Just last night a cold front came through and it got down to mid 50's overnight. It's great sleeping weather and gave me a taste of fall for sure. The weather changes a lot here between the last day of August and the first day of October but September is always one of the nicest months. Looking forward to Labor Day!
I'm with you it's great to see new and old faces here in the jungle!
I hope your week is finishing nicely and you have a great weekend coming up!


Hey Fiddy,
Glad to hear your feeling well and getting back on the bike, that is something I need to do more of, but I did go surfing this morning with my wifes cousin, he is a die hard and goes all the time, it was a lot of fun, small but still fun and the water is around 72, feels wonderful. Going to see The Avett Brothers tonight here in town and in the morning driving to see my big bro in Arizona and see the stones on Monday, really excited.

I meant to say thanks for the link to [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]archive.org, last post.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]what an amazing site, I am going to show it to my brother this weekend he will dig it, it's not only an amazing source for Grateful Dead music, but holy crap there is a ton of cool stuff to explore. :dance013:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And the carnitas recipe, muchas gracias mi amigo![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hope you, the wife and eggo have a great weekend.[/FONT]
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In my empire of dirt
happening fellas! its friday

J (the girl) was the last one to fly away and it will sure be different with her gone
in addition to her leaving, we wont be seeing her friends as much, at least i dont think we will
the mrs and some of her friends are really close so im sure they will keep in touch
hope you have a great ride fiddy and enjoy some down time
you have been doing some busy living these past few weeks and im sure you will enjoy your free time
im heading to my friends house later and i iwll post an update on the girls when i can

i hear you rocker, this is when we get san diego back from the kids and tourists
plus the nice weather will still be here; sept and oct are some of my favorite months in san diego
we usually go to the beaches that are off the beaten track, so the crowds dont really bother us too much
i will be glad when the summer traffic returns to normal, is it just my commute or has this year really been bad
glad to see you around and you always have something interesting to say

hope everyone had a great week and is ready for the weekend

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