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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


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happening fiddy!
having a great day and just enjoying the good life!
it looks like the rain is over but we got a good soaking earlier today
literally bruh! me and the mrs got up early and went for a nice fun walk and on the way back went to eat breakfast
when we were leaving the resturant it was a light drizzle at best so we took the long way home on foot
at one point she has her hood up and is still talking about how shes getting wet
luckily she had brought her rain coat so she was covered
i wasnt so lucky but it wasnt that bad until like the last few blocks home and i just changed into dry clothes and was fine
glad to hear you got to enjoy a nice bike ride before the storms
we call those conditions hero dirt because your bike just sort of sticks to the trail and you ride like a champ
how did the legs feel after this ride?
isnt that crazy that ap and big throw friss too? ive seen guys playing a game like football at the park where we ride bikes that uses a disc too; so there is disc golf, ultimate frisbee and this football game
what cant you do with one of those things?!? cant wait to get back into it hopefully and would appreciate any tips or ideas any of you guys might have on the topic
hope you all had a great day

Good afternoon pop_rocks.
I'm glad you had a great day and enjoyed yourself! Sometimes I wish we could celebrate our bdays once a month, everyone could use an excuse to take some time for themselves and live the good life. A nice breakfast out sounds like a great way to get the party started so to speak. I don't often get a big breakfast but when I do I love those old fashioned diner type places where you get a big pile of food. The wife and I are taking her mom to brunch on Sunday since we didn't get to see her on Mother's Day and I'm already thinking about the chicken and waffles.
It dosent sound like you guys let the rain dampen your spirits any. I never mind getting wet on the way home but on the way to do something is a diffrent story. After all this rain I think we both deserve some really nice summer weather brother.
Hero dirt is a great name for it. I felt like I could throw that bike into the berms with reckless abandon. I'm glad I got a couple rides in this week and hopefully we won't get too much rain and I'll be able to get back out there next week. My legs felt pretty good after the ride but I can tell that I have some work to do before I'm back to where I was last fall. The elliptical seems to work diffrent muscles and I need to focus on my calfs more.
It's great that a lot of us like to throw the disc. I think there is something about a flying disc that attracts people and dogs, we are drawn to it.
I hope your week is finishing strong brother!


In my empire of dirt
so my man at work brought in a few discs for me to check out over the weekend
man, these are not your grandpaws frisbees thats for sure!
there are different sizes and weights, plus some have more of a contour to them
plus he showed me this series of numbers printed on the disc, distance, right/left inclination and there was soemthign else there too...
for instance, the driver says: 11|6|5|1
i think the first number was distance and one of the other number sets was meant to be read together, say a 5|5 would travel straight where a 5|1 would veer to one side or the toher
they are rad and i think we are going to have a lot of fun throwing these things
the other cool thing is, he lent me a good half dozen of them so we could go out and each throw them one direction, fetch them and then toss them back the other way
i think we dont take enough time off work as a society and it is probably a big contributor to stress and other bad things
i get a ton of pto at work and still burn through it pretty fast, i tihnk i only have a couple vaca days on the books right now and even less sick time
it dosent take much for me to take a day off and sometimes i just take a day off for me
hope you enjoy your family breakfast and time with your mil this weekend
its the weekend brother!


Active member
so my man at work brought in a few discs for me to check out over the weekend
man, these are not your grandpaws frisbees thats for sure!
there are different sizes and weights, plus some have more of a contour to them
plus he showed me this series of numbers printed on the disc, distance, right/left inclination and there was soemthign else there too...
for instance, the driver says: 11|6|5|1
i think the first number was distance and one of the other number sets was meant to be read together, say a 5|5 would travel straight where a 5|1 would veer to one side or the toher
they are rad and i think we are going to have a lot of fun throwing these things
the other cool thing is, he lent me a good half dozen of them so we could go out and each throw them one direction, fetch them and then toss them back the other way
i think we dont take enough time off work as a society and it is probably a big contributor to stress and other bad things
i get a ton of pto at work and still burn through it pretty fast, i tihnk i only have a couple vaca days on the books right now and even less sick time
it dosent take much for me to take a day off and sometimes i just take a day off for me
hope you enjoy your family breakfast and time with your mil this weekend
its the weekend brother!
Good afternoon pop_rocks.
I hope you had a great weekend! Did you get to toss some discs around? That is cool your buddy brought some discs for you to try out. Your right they are nothing like frisbees, except the shape of them. Disc technology has changed a lot in the time I've been playing. When I first started discs (not putters) were classified as long range or medium range and then as stable/understable/overstable. Now they rate speed, how quickly it will start to turn and how much it will turn. In addition some company's make the same disc in several diffrent types of plastic which changes how it feels and flys. I don't get too concerned about all of that but I do find that the slower midrange discs fly about as far as the long range and are more accurate for me, which means I'm not able to throw the distance driver as fast as it wants to be thrown. But I love short courses with a lot of obstacles so that works for me. Then there are all the different ways to throw. I don't throw overhand or sidearm much and I've never been able to "tomahawk" accurately either.
Your right that we don't take as much time off as we should. I don't get much time off so I need to maximize what I do get and manage my days off. But my job is usually pretty fun and not nearly as stressful as some. My wife works at a hospital and gets a lot of PTO.
Brunch with the MIL went well. I had biscuits and gravy which is one of my favorites. Other than that the weekend was fairly uneventful. We were tempted to go to a music festival called jam for jam but with all the rain it would have been really muddy. Jam for jam is a cool event to raise money for Jamaicans in need. Had the weather been better we would have gone and gotten to try the shrooms that we scored a couple weeks ago. Maybe next year.
I hope you had a great weekend!


In my empire of dirt
happening brother!
glad to hear you had a good breakfast with the mil, i love me some biscuits and gravy too
a really good biscuit is a thing of beauty
that sucks about the rain but you can do much about it
we got rained out this weekend too
we were busy on sat and had friends over in the evening so we dident get out to the park
sunday was all about the rain so we stayed inside and watched movies and ate fried chicken
but the discs were a hit and the mrs seems very interested in tossing them around
i will have to check out the different throwing styles and i repeated what you said about not trying to throw too hard at first
maybe we will get a chance to throw them this week but i think the next chance we get will be this saturday
im sure my friend wont mind if i hang on to them for a little while longer
do you ahve next monday off?
we are going to go to a friends house for bbq on sunday because the mrs is going to the year end gymnastics banquet and we might grill out on sat
hope your week is off to a great start my man


Active member
happening brother!
glad to hear you had a good breakfast with the mil, i love me some biscuits and gravy too
a really good biscuit is a thing of beauty
that sucks about the rain but you can do much about it
we got rained out this weekend too
we were busy on sat and had friends over in the evening so we dident get out to the park
sunday was all about the rain so we stayed inside and watched movies and ate fried chicken
but the discs were a hit and the mrs seems very interested in tossing them around
i will have to check out the different throwing styles and i repeated what you said about not trying to throw too hard at first
maybe we will get a chance to throw them this week but i think the next chance we get will be this saturday
im sure my friend wont mind if i hang on to them for a little while longer
do you ahve next monday off?
we are going to go to a friends house for bbq on sunday because the mrs is going to the year end gymnastics banquet and we might grill out on sat
hope your week is off to a great start my man
Good afternoon pop_rocks.
You are so right about a great biscuit being a thing of beauty. A guy at work made some home made biscuits with jalapeños and cheddar cheese and brought them in and they were one of the best things I've ever eaten. Simple and delicious. I have to make some soon and get the recipe dialed in.
This has to be one of the wettest springs ever here and from how it sounds out by you as well. Like you said though, just gotta live with it and make the best you can. I'm thinking about getting some fancy new rain gear if this keeps up. All this rain is going to make for a bumper crop of mosquitos once it warms up enough to start them hatching.
That's too bad that you didn't get to throw the discs last weekend but it sounds like you guys are ready when the weather starts to cooperate with you.
I've got Sunday and Monday off this weekend and I'm not sure what activities I'm going to get into. I'd like to sample those shrooms that we got so that I can get an idea of how powerful they are. Not sure if that will be on the agenda this weekend or not. We are only like 3 weeks away from the dead shows at wrigley and then just a couple more untill we head to Colorado for the send off shows in Boulder. I'm getting excited and ready to party it up.
Since Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer it would be appropriate to fire up that grill as much as possable.


In my empire of dirt
those cheese and jalapeno biscuits sound awesome!
it took a while for the mrs to get her recipe right but she makes some first class biscuits now
one of the things that made a difference was using butter milk and the self rising flour
at first she would put lemon juice in the milk but they come out way more consistent using the real thing
yeah im bumbed that we dident get to throw last weekend but i still have the gear so maybe we will get a chance to have some fun this weekend
its just me and the mrs for the most part so i might roust her out of bed early one day
im down with grilling too and will be cooking something up this saturday
we are heading out to my buddies house this sunday and she has this banquet to attend on monday
i was noticing all the standing water around the house too and need to start tipping barrels we are planning to keep
i have a few barrels i collect rain water in and i will have to treat those but the rest of the water gets poured on the plants
hope you find a chance to try out your new snacks something this weekend
would you rather take them earlier in the day and just let it wear off or do you take them at night and just end the trip by going to bed?
hope everyone is doing well and having a great year so far
can you believe its almost the "unofficial" start of summer?!?
times flying brother!


Active member
those cheese and jalapeno biscuits sound awesome!
it took a while for the mrs to get her recipe right but she makes some first class biscuits now
one of the things that made a difference was using butter milk and the self rising flour
at first she would put lemon juice in the milk but they come out way more consistent using the real thing
yeah im bumbed that we dident get to throw last weekend but i still have the gear so maybe we will get a chance to have some fun this weekend
its just me and the mrs for the most part so i might roust her out of bed early one day
im down with grilling too and will be cooking something up this saturday
we are heading out to my buddies house this sunday and she has this banquet to attend on monday
i was noticing all the standing water around the house too and need to start tipping barrels we are planning to keep
i have a few barrels i collect rain water in and i will have to treat those but the rest of the water gets poured on the plants
hope you find a chance to try out your new snacks something this weekend
would you rather take them earlier in the day and just let it wear off or do you take them at night and just end the trip by going to bed?
hope everyone is doing well and having a great year so far
can you believe its almost the "unofficial" start of summer?!?
times flying brother!
Good afternoon pop_rocks.
If I remember correctly one of the important things with biscuits is cutting in cold butter and not over mixing. You are right that lemon juice will sour milk and give it the flavor but the consistency of buttermilk is very diffrent than milk. It's very viscous and sticky. That's why it's so good for soaking anything that you want to bread or flour and deep fry. I love buttermilk as an ingredient but never got into drinking it straight like some people I know. Now I'm hungry and really craving some biscuits.
That's great that you collect rain water. I've been thinking about getting some rain barrels and using them on the garden. I'm probably going to plant some tomatoes and peppers in the next couple weeks and that would be perfict to use rain water. I don't mind using RO in my indoor grow but I don't think that's an option for an outdoor garden, I can only make so much RO per day.
We'll see if I get to try the Scooby snacks this weekend. If I'm going to a concert or hanging out at home I usually trip at night or well into the night anyway. If I'm doing a nature trip I love to do it during the day. The visuals are better during the day and the warm sun feels so good.
You are right that time is flying. 2019 is almost half over in the blink of an eye.


In my empire of dirt
yeah i would not bother using ro water outdoors unless you really love your garden
normal water is fine, or if you are worried about chlorine you can fill up some 5g buckets and let them sit over night to off gas
tomatoes are a great plant to grow yourself because you will totally be able to taste the difference and it only take a couple plants for you to be in tomatoes all summer
what varieties will you be growing
i found it dosent really pay to grow out just the regular ones; during season you can get them so cheap at the farmers market that its not really worth your time/resources
but if you can get your hands on some nice heirloom ones its awesome
we are growing these black cherry tomatoes that are really good, plus this hybrid of a yellow cherry tomato
at the end of each season i get tired of messing with the plants at some point so i just chop them all and stomp them into the ground so the next year we have "volunteers" pop up in the same spot
we also have these awesome yellow roma tomatoes that i hope will show this year
/i like them because they are way less acidic than a normal tomato
otherwise grow some beefsteak or bigboy ( i think it was that name) these things are freaking huge!
one thing i like to do is turn in a bunch of coffee grounds where i plant tomatoes, its loosens up the soil and provides some acidity and N
hopefully you will get to sample your dog treats soon man and they are the best!
i cant wait to hear all about it
kick ass my man!


Well-known member
Hey Pop
I grew Heirloom tomatoes last year and they did fair Copa did well. This year I back to my favorite the better boy. Baseball size and delicious. They will split in a wet season but the flavor is worth it. Hybrids are so much easier to grow. Saving seeds is nice but the hybrids do so much better for me. I do still crave the old cherry tomatoes my aunt grew. The new grape size and all the ones I've tried dont have that sweet flavor. I would love to put some out this year but the ones I grew last year sucked on flavor. I have a new spot ready if I do come across one but not very hopeful.


Active member
yeah i would not bother using ro water outdoors unless you really love your garden
normal water is fine, or if you are worried about chlorine you can fill up some 5g buckets and let them sit over night to off gas
tomatoes are a great plant to grow yourself because you will totally be able to taste the difference and it only take a couple plants for you to be in tomatoes all summer
what varieties will you be growing
i found it dosent really pay to grow out just the regular ones; during season you can get them so cheap at the farmers market that its not really worth your time/resources
but if you can get your hands on some nice heirloom ones its awesome
we are growing these black cherry tomatoes that are really good, plus this hybrid of a yellow cherry tomato
at the end of each season i get tired of messing with the plants at some point so i just chop them all and stomp them into the ground so the next year we have "volunteers" pop up in the same spot
we also have these awesome yellow roma tomatoes that i hope will show this year
/i like them because they are way less acidic than a normal tomato
otherwise grow some beefsteak or bigboy ( i think it was that name) these things are freaking huge!
one thing i like to do is turn in a bunch of coffee grounds where i plant tomatoes, its loosens up the soil and provides some acidity and N
hopefully you will get to sample your dog treats soon man and they are the best!
i cant wait to hear all about it
kick ass my man!

Good afternoon pop_rocks.
For sure RO would be a waist outside. I have a private well so no chlorine but my water has a lot of iron and Ca in it. My wife's indoor plants don't like our water but I don't know if tomatoes in the ground would be as picky. Thanks for the tip on using coffee grounds!
I want to grow some cherry and grape varieties as they seem to finish early and would give me some snacks pretty quickly. And defenatly some heirloom varieties as well. I guess it will depend on what I can find at the garden store. Maybe I'll put this planting on my list for this weekend.
Time for a jungle update.


Active member
Update and pics.

Update and pics.

Greetings friends.
It's been a while since we had an update so here goes.
I recently finished up the grow of 3 plants that came from some freebie seeds I got a couple years ago. They were 2x cookie wreck X LBL and 1x bubba kush X LBL. The BK cross was lacking much scent during the grow but has cured out to be pretty good. Not as loud as most of the stuff I grow but not bad and nice and frosty. The first CW cross is cured and has a nice flavor and the second is just about cured and I'll know soon how good it is. It smells the best of the three. I had some issues with these plants and flipped them too early so my yeild was pretty low. I'll get some pics of the buds and put up a smoke report when I can.

In the flower tent now at about 4 weeks or so is my second run of the gorilla bubble bx1f1. I have 4 plants all cut from the same mom and they seem to be doing well. Buds are stacking and she is getting frosty. If these girls put on some weight I'll be in great shape in about a month when they are ready for the chop.

In my veg tent right now are my 2 cobra lips moms and my gorilla bubble mom. Last week I took cuts of the 2 cobra lips plants and I'll be running these for the first time on the next flower run (if they root). I excited to run the CL's as they are a strong chem cross and I love me some chem. I only got 2 CL ladys from the 6 seeds I planted, they are similar but one is a bit bushier. Stay tuned for updates on these girls.


Active member
I just bought a water filter that screws on to the house, removes the chlorine and chlorimine. I got it on Amazon for 30 bucks. I have pretty good water, but the chlorine and chlorimine screw up the benificials.


In my empire of dirt
very nice garden fiddy! both your flowering plants and veg are looking great
the clone tub seems to really be working out for you
so are there two cobra lips rooting and the rest are gorilla bubble cuts?
they look very nice up top and im sure they are poppin roots like mad!
way to go brother, you have really improved your cloning technique
those look like some frosty tops and i cant wait to hear how you like them
have you done any rubbin on the stems yet? hows the smell?
you should be able to find a few nice plants at the garden store to start with
maybe you could grow out a few and see which is your favorite and then save a few fruit from those for next year
my mom gets her seed from a catalog so she has a lot of choices and i just grab what ever looks good from her to grow at home
that sounds like a fun project and with the ground being wet it should still be soft enough to till
are you growing anythign else out besides the tomatoes and peppers

the large tomatoes are fun because people will oooh and ahhh over your large fruit, plus being home grown fresh they taste really good compared to what you get in the store
fresh fruit and veg are easy to grow and so much more flavorful than what you get in the market , i hope your new spot works out for you


Well-known member
Thanks Pop
I move the tomatoes each year thinking is to lose some pests. Although its always those big damn moths leaving their eggs that really tear me up each year. Neem did not help last year and I got it on early too. I had to pick big green worms twice a day last year and still had some skinned spots. I may have to go with nets or something, to control it this year. Whatever I need to do it soon.:tiphat:


Active member
I just bought a water filter that screws on to the house, removes the chlorine and chlorimine. I got it on Amazon for 30 bucks. I have pretty good water, but the chlorine and chlorimine screw up the benificials.
Good afternoon Packerfan.
That sounds like a great product!

very nice garden fiddy! both your flowering plants and veg are looking great
the clone tub seems to really be working out for you
so are there two cobra lips rooting and the rest are gorilla bubble cuts?
they look very nice up top and im sure they are poppin roots like mad!
way to go brother, you have really improved your cloning technique
those look like some frosty tops and i cant wait to hear how you like them
have you done any rubbin on the stems yet? hows the smell?
you should be able to find a few nice plants at the garden store to start with
maybe you could grow out a few and see which is your favorite and then save a few fruit from those for next year
my mom gets her seed from a catalog so she has a lot of choices and i just grab what ever looks good from her to grow at home
that sounds like a fun project and with the ground being wet it should still be soft enough to till
are you growing anythign else out besides the tomatoes and peppers

the large tomatoes are fun because people will oooh and ahhh over your large fruit, plus being home grown fresh they taste really good compared to what you get in the store
fresh fruit and veg are easy to grow and so much more flavorful than what you get in the market , i hope your new spot works out for you

Good afternoon pop_rocks.
Thanks brother! I think I'm getting back on track in the jungle and should see some nice results soon. The quality has been great but yeild was way down for the last two runs and too much down time in between runs.
In the cloner are about 5 or 6 cuts each of gorilla bubble and each cobra lips. I need 2 of each CL for the next flower run and any extras can be new moms or compost. The GB usually takes a good couple weeks to get roots from and this is the first go with the CL so we will see how easy they root.
The GB is the girl with the lemon lime soda scent and taste. She is nice and potent and I can't wait to get some more of her in jars. Too early to tell on the CL's.
I didn't start soon enough to get seeds going but maybe next year. I'll have to see what's at the garden store but there are usually a good selection of heirloom and non GMO plants. I'm sure I'll do tomatoes and peppers but not sure what else. If I see something else interisting maybe I'll give it a shot.
I hope you had a great week and have a lot of good stuff comming up this long weekend brother!

Thanks Pop
I move the tomatoes each year thinking is to lose some pests. Although its always those big damn moths leaving their eggs that really tear me up each year. Neem did not help last year and I got it on early too. I had to pick big green worms twice a day last year and still had some skinned spots. I may have to go with nets or something, to control it this year. Whatever I need to do it soon.:tiphat:
I have read that you should rotate your tomato crops due to pests. I can see where worms would reek havoc on Tomatoes. I hope you find a solution and have a great crop this year!


Active member
Thanks Pop
I move the tomatoes each year thinking is to lose some pests. Although its always those big damn moths leaving their eggs that really tear me up each year. Neem did not help last year and I got it on early too. I had to pick big green worms twice a day last year and still had some skinned spots. I may have to go with nets or something, to control it this year. Whatever I need to do it soon.:tiphat:

I had a problem with the stupid horn worms, bacillus thurogenisis(probably a wrong spelling) also known as BTI, helps some. Might be worth a shot. The worms killed my jalapeno pepper plants.


mama tried
hi guys. i soil mixed the veggie garden beginning of april. curious to see how well everything grows this summer. got maters and in green house they are jamming. jut started micro green. i will be growing alittle of everything this year


Well-known member
hi guys. i soil mixed the veggie garden beginning of april. curious to see how well everything grows this summer. got maters and in green house they are jamming. jut started micro green. i will be growing alittle of everything this year

Hey BigSmooth
I love my microgreens. I sow patches between my basil and tyme and cilantro in the kitchen bed, its nice to have a full crop in two weeks. I honestly havent done very well growing greens so this quick success is nice for me. We like the spicy mix best. There's a guy around here plants on burlap grows it up 3-4 inches and sells it to hang in a walkin cooler. Chef cuts as he needs it and he compost's the stumps. :tiphat:


In my empire of dirt
that is a brilliant idea that guy has growing the greens on a section of burlap!
in a cool spot and maybe mist it wiht some water, it would stay fresh for a while
i agree with p'fan, try out the bt
its a bacteria that gets inside the worms and dries them out, but it dosent harm any other insects and is safe to use around people and pets
nets work good for birds but somehow moths will find a way in and neem seems to wash off really fast outdoors
were the lower yeilds compared to the same plant fiddy?
maybe it was the temps that slowed growth? did you change up your feeding schedule?
lemon lime soda sounds like a nice smoke and i hope you enjoy the end results
so do you ahve nay plans for the weekend?
im hoping we can get out and toss some discs around this weekend
what ever you are up to i hope you have a great time and enjoy the time off