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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


In my empire of dirt
i hear you rode, money is not worth seriously hurting another person over
but with rippers, you never know what you are going to get
the neighborhood teen snatching your plant from the back yard is one thing, but i have heard stories of much worse

you got that right about them taking your property
its been legal for medicinal here in ca, for years now
(is it legal for medicinal where you live,rode?)
but there are places here in san diego county that still ban dispensaries or sale of mj
but instead of going hard on the owners,(they still get charged), they actually go after the landlords too
/so that if you rent to a dispensary you could be in something deep
its supposed to be fully legal here in ca, by what, next year?
but some people will fight it tooth and nail to not have weed sold in their area


Active member
Thanks guys!

Thanks guys!

Greetings friends.

@pop_rocks @ Rodehazrd @ Floridian @ Packerfan @ Jedi @ Vanilla Phoenix

Thanks a lot guys the discussions we've had in this thread are helping me learn how to grow better all the time. You guys make this thread and icmag a great place. I just want to let you guys know how much I appreciate your wisdom, experience, and opinions. You guys rock!!!


Active member
Yeah I think 2 of the 4 cities in my little area want to ban all growing , sales, don't think they can ban consumption. I was reading another thread, said the first recreational marijuana is available in Nevada for 80 and 8th, and 400 an oz. Lol that's a joke.

Did my calender going to start popping seeds on the 29 th of this month.

We go to the mountains for new years so I need to be done trimming and have the 2nd round veg in by December 15th or so. Don't want to leave a huge crop unattended.
Good morning Packerfan.

Those prices are crazy. And I doubt quality is great on the buds.

The market should still be wide open for well grown buds at a decent price. Maybe not for the masses but for the people who have been puffing for a long time. Kind of Like the craft beer verses Miller or Budweiser.

Sounds like you have a good plan for your next two rounds.


Active member
Hey Fiddynut, hope your good mate. Im doing good.
I read before that your nutrient knowledge needed some improvemnt, as what to use when and how much of and what each nutrient actually does. Recently ive been brushing up on my horticultural knowledge as trying raise my game. So ive been watching some very informative videos by an expert bontanist called Healy smith. https://youtu.be/DFgwWEnCa5k
This video is a must watch if your looking to gain expert information.
He explains all about the nutrients and even has videos just about nutrients and their roles etc.
Whats very interesting about the nutrients is how to use certain ones with nutrients that chelate and make them more soluble and readily available. For instance if you use amino acids with Cal then it helps to chelate it and allows instead of 1 ionic bond to pass it allows thousands improving the vascular system and allowing other nutrients to be up taken easier. Also Calcium aids in making stronger stems and shorter nodes, so its worth using. Magnesium is what helps the plant to keep green aiding the chlorofil production.
He explains how most nutrient companies don't tailor their nutrient regime to the plants true requirements, as theres more stages than veg, bloom and flush etc. If you know what the plant requires and when then you can spoon feed your plants amendments as and when they need it. For instance very young seedlings and cuttings benefit from added P as this helps in root growth. So youd just add a bit extra to your veg feed. P is the energy for the plant and stored as phosphate bonds being used as needed. As well as root growth it stimulates bud sites. So in early bloom add a bit to help make more sites. After this any added extra other than the base nutes is a waste. Only need to add some potassium peak bloom as K aids in flower development.
Its about tailoring the feed to the plants growing schedule.

Ive been rocking the DWC for awhile now, im in early bloom. Id advice you to have a look at trying DWC as the rate of growth is off the chart. Ive got some GSC in soil next to some in DWC which were cut from the soil plants. The DWC cookies have surpassed them in height, the stem are fatter and the leaves a nearly twice the size, no Joke, with more fingers. If you master the feeding in hydro you can in fact get a better product. I used to think soil all the way for quality but since understanding hydro a bit ive realized its down to the skill of the garderner. Watch the vids an listen to what the experts are doing with comercal farming hydroponically.
Good morning Jedi.

I am well brother and glad to hear that you are too.

I'm glad to hear that your grow is going great.

Hay guys take a look at Jedi's albums for some serious bud porn and some really great examples of how to grow beautiful plants. You won't be disappointed trust me.

Yes I still have a lot to learn about nutes and how, when , which ones to use. I want to learn the things you are talking about in your post, not just how to use one line of nutes but the actual science behind it all. I want to be able to grow using diffrent styles of growing too. My first year has been focused on basic growing in soil and I'm getting more confident and learning more each grow. Once I get comfortable just growing out plants and keeping them happy and healthy I'd love to try other style like coco, DWC , ect. Nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life experimenting and mastering methods.

I've read how important Ca is in plant health and strength and that is why I was pushing a lot of cal/mag in this grow. The GB has a reputation for having floppy stems and I've heard needs lots of Ca. With only one girl under my light right now I was pushing her hard and had to learn the hard way about that. I also have read about how things like humic and fulvic acid chelate and allow better uptake. I have very basic knowledge about this but need to learn more about these things.

Thank you for posting the link to the video. I will watch it this weekend. Im Looking forward to learning more. We can talk more once I've watched it.

I'm really glad to here you are loving the DWC. I know how much love you put into your plants and I can hardly believe you could improve apon what you had been doing but it sounds like you have. Keep up the good work mate...Fiddy.


Active member
Hey guys
I took a pix of my tubs
I decided to clean the bottoms and rework the media with some new rock powders. worm castings and cow manure. I have a small garden cart holds about 120 gal of soil so i dumped the tubs added my goodies mixed it up and soaked it down with bushdocktor. I covered it up good and will use it in 4 weeks when the larrys are ready to flower.
I put two 4 inch sanitary tees in the bottom with a big air stone. cut a hole the size of my net pot and thats it pack the pot with rock wool its ready, they sit on movers dollys for transport from veg to flower. I fill with six inches of water in bottom and feed from the top, I could do a sight guage for water level but I just slip a yard stick down the side to see.
I will do two plants per tub of the larry im preparing for six of the nine be girls. I think i see two guys in there now.
the other two plants will go in 7 gal pots as they are odd strains fruity chronic juice by delicious blue tag and cotton candy cane by emerald triangle red tag.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

I really like the looks of those tubs. Your young plants are looking good! I'm really looking forward to seeing those Larrys in flower for you. Have you been reamending your soil for long? How do you know how much of what to put back into it? Very interesting. Your set up is looking great and I can tell you are putting in the work.


Active member
whats happening fiddy!
we made it to the weekend,brother!

i hear you about tasting often when cooking
i will also go by smell
if it smells right it will usually taste right
the classic recipie calls for bacon but she never adds it in
also she serves it cold
its pretty good but i like the creamier potato salads myslef
short week for me too next week
me and the mrs are taking friday off together, just to enjoy the summer
is your lady going to be joining you at the cabin?

sounds like your temps are good
maybe you are right that the heat stress coupled wiht another problem is the cause
i agree that the effected leafs might be goners, but keep an eye on the new growth
Good afternoon pop_rocks.

Yes we made it brother. What a nice weekend we are having, sunny and about 80ish. I have to go to a birthday party for my one year old nephew today at my moms house. My step sister and the baby are I. Town for a week or so. They live in Oakland as well. I'd rather go disc golfing but maybe I can get a game in this evening. Going to do some disc tomorrow and a hash run from the lemon wookie trimmings. Also on the schedule for tomorrow is some BBQ. I'm doing ribs, chicken, and some beans on the smoker. Maybe I'll do a blue cheese potato salad as well.

Yes I think I have what they call flavor memory. I can sort of taste in my head how I want something to turn out. Then I taste and add spices and herbs until it tastes how I want it to. I can usually eat something at a restaurant and then duplicate it at home with my memory of the flavors.

That's interesting I've never had a cold German style potato salad but I bet it's good. I like cold salads in summer to balance the heat from the main dish. In the winter I like the hot sides a lot more.

That's cool you guys have a nice long weekend to spend together next week. I love taking time off and not having a bunch of plans and a schedule that I feel like I have to follow. Just time to do whatever you guys feel like doing, enjoying the nice weather.

Looks like my wife and Rufus will be joining me at the cabin next weekend. My bro and his wife and 6 year old daughter will be there too. The wife works fri night so she will drive up with the dog after work or in the morning. I'm hoping for nice weather.

Yes I think my temps are reasonable. Looking back now I see I was pushing her too hard. I was thinking that with so much light she would be needing more of the nutes. Maybe the hermies hav to do with all the nutes I was pushing on her. I'm going to start taking leaves off her once she has sucked all the nutes from them. I guess I'll be getting a little more light to the buds for the last couple weeks of this grow. All the sugar leaves are still looking great.

Have a great weekend bud and thanks for all the good sharing this week this thread has been popping...Fiddy.


Active member
outta rep, but high fives all around fellas!!
Sorry guys I don't rep you nearly enough. I think I have to start reping in other threads every time I try to rep any of you it says I have to spread some rep around before giving it to you guys. I'll work on that...Fiddy.


Active member
Thanks for the props Fiddy.
Its the speed of growth and yield that has vastly improved from soil growing and if done correctly its able to have better stronger buds than soil grown. Your putting the plant into overdrive and this can include resin and terpen production. Its not as easy and takes alot of skill with what you feed, when and how. Its much easier to over feed hydro plants as they're constantly exposed to the feed. Too high levels of certain elements can hinder production.
When you've got some spare time watch the video. Its filmed in a grow shop in America an is a seminar on all aspects of growing, from light to nutrients.

Ive got some really interesting plants going at the moment. Got nearly 20 strains with some im really excited about. I'll post pics an give u a holla. Ive got things like Do-si-dos, purple star dawg, holy grail kush, strawberry sour diesel x star dawg x sour tangie, king Casey x sour tangie, psychosis x sour tangie, couple of hazes, blueberry gum, choc mint og, animal cookies x afghan kush, gogi og f2s, gsc and a few of my cross's. So very lucky at the mo with genetics, I'll be doing some breeding to with my own males from my cross's.
Also got the josh D og that im vegging and a couple of things coming like Khalifa kush and Santa maria og and hopefully GG#4.

Keep up the good work


In my empire of dirt
that sounds like quite a spread you got there,jedi
the force must be strong with you, brother!
do you have a separate grow area away from your home?

that is awesome that your wife is bringing the dog along to the cabin!
i bet this is s fun time to be there with the summer days and warm nights
do you have a fire pit at the cabin?
hqappy birthday to your nephew,i hope you have fun at the party
just think,man
in a few years you might be playing disk golf with this guy when he comes out to visit!

thanks for the shout out,fiddy
its fun to share and learn with you guys!


Well-known member
Hey Fiddy
On how I know how much of what to add. Im still working that out.
so far after three grows in a tub I turn it out and add 25% more peat 25% more happy frog and one cup per five gallons of my rock powder mix (6 parts calcytic lime 5 parts soft rock phoshate and 3 parts gypsum) and as much worm castings as I have. If it still feels dense I add perlite. seems the more perlite the better.'
I got a nice worm farm for fathers day so next time I should have my own.
this last batch im using black kow manure instead of HF. I seems to be hotter but the larrys dont mind much and was 2 dollars a bag at walleys mart. I got a fresh batch of fungus gnats with it so I went to the gnat nix,
on no particular schedule I start over with new pro mix bx as a base and dump the old stuff in the tomato garden. I have not had a time when I thought the mix got bad or worn out but just reading about how it breaks down makes me think I should change it. although some of my very best efforts have been the third crop in a tub.
I plan to feed the Larrys half the fish strength I used before.
Pop Rocks suggested I could use less that the 4 oz per gal I have been going with at week two and four of flower. I think its good advice Pop, could be I cure my curling of young leaves I often see. I plan to go 2 oz per gal in weeks 246 then just water for the last 4,
Fiddy Im not topping any of these new strains til i see how dense they grow for me. Do you think I should top the Larrys? I don't have a headroom issue so I was thinking just grow a big single cola to take to our annual fall gathering of the Handsome Man Gardeners Society. If I let them get 30 " before flip they should stay under 5 feet eh?


In my empire of dirt
like rode, i let me sences guide me when making my soil
when adding coco to my mix i kind of go by feel too
/there is this fluffy feeling it will get once you have added just the right amount
not too dence, not too light, kind of clumps up when you squeeze it but still falls apart easily
im still trying to working out the perfect mix

that cow manure sounds dank, esp at that price!
i gave up on most bagged manures because they would often come with added "extras" i dident bargain for
things like grass and weeds, as well as the odd critters that thrive indoors
one thing you can try is baking the mix before use
place the bags of soil under a clear tarp or someplace enclosed and let it sit in the sun
that stuff will heat up and in a few days just about anything living in it will be cooked to a crisp
just add any living amendments back in before use (such as mycorrhizal fungi)
i think fiddy also had success with mosquito dunks to control insects

its been super hot here
feels like honolulu outside wiht the humidity hovering around 80%
maybe we will get some thunder storms later in the week but that rare being so close to the coast
hope everyones week is off to a great start


Well-known member
Yeah pops I always expect bugs when i buy soil.happy frog ocean forest always get gnats. This stuff comes with omri stickers so it's mostly manure. And after four weeks in the tub with my microbeasties it's eaten up pretty good I hope.


Active member
What's up guys. I am over here trying to plan the next grow. Got my calender out. Going to pop seeds in a couple weeks. Waiting till midnight to see if I can get an Amazon prime day deal on the cycle timer and the sump pump. I am going to automate the feed on the stadium. Probably going to cost about 400 bucks but that's a fair trade off for not having to spend 45 minutes hand watering everynigjt,plus the yield should go up with multifeeds, the best way to run coco.


Well-known member
Hey packerfan
Do you pay attention to moon signs when planting?
Dubi of Ace suggest it is good I haven't grown out enough seeds to say one way or the other. I know outdoors the rains seem to come in early phases.
I usually plant in the fruitful signs near the newmoon.
Dubi likes Libra to start in, I tried his bangi that way but as they say "compared to what" it grew I liked it but never thought I grew it well.
Growing up Granddaddy always planted by the signs. Of course not only moon signs. Best signs were fields not muddy and the old tractor was running.


Well-known member
Pop Rocks
I must say we differ in our approach to media. I dig the muck from under trees and any decomposing stuff I find and add it to the soil. The wood lice and such don't seem to be a problem and I think I get a diverse population of microbes.
Am I mistaken in that train of thought.
What other bugs did you have? What damage did it cause.
Stay cool


Active member
Thanks for the props Fiddy.
Its the speed of growth and yield that has vastly improved from soil growing and if done correctly its able to have better stronger buds than soil grown. Your putting the plant into overdrive and this can include resin and terpen production. Its not as easy and takes alot of skill with what you feed, when and how. Its much easier to over feed hydro plants as they're constantly exposed to the feed. Too high levels of certain elements can hinder production.
When you've got some spare time watch the video. Its filmed in a grow shop in America an is a seminar on all aspects of growing, from light to nutrients.

Ive got some really interesting plants going at the moment. Got nearly 20 strains with some im really excited about. I'll post pics an give u a holla. Ive got things like Do-si-dos, purple star dawg, holy grail kush, strawberry sour diesel x star dawg x sour tangie, king Casey x sour tangie, psychosis x sour tangie, couple of hazes, blueberry gum, choc mint og, animal cookies x afghan kush, gogi og f2s, gsc and a few of my cross's. So very lucky at the mo with genetics, I'll be doing some breeding to with my own males from my cross's.
Also got the josh D og that im vegging and a couple of things coming like Khalifa kush and Santa maria og and hopefully GG#4.

Keep up the good work
Good morning Jedi.

Thanks again for the link, I watched that vid and a couple others by the same guy yesterday. I will rewatch them with a notebook and pen again before I start my next run of plants.

Some of what I heard was like a great review of the things I've learned by browsing the forums here on icmag over the last year or so. But instead of little bits and pieces scattered over many threads the vids did a great job of summarizing it all in one place. That makes it easier for me to reference.

Many other aspects of the lecture were new to me. The "spoon feeding" of plants and adding of single nutrients to your base nutes really interests me. Boosting levels right when the plant needs them sounds awesome. The guy doing the lecture seems really like he really knows his shit. The ideas on the amino acids and opening calcium channels sound like something to explore for sure.

I've been thinking about finding ways to add micro nutes early in my grows. In the first few weeks I transplant often and don't think I need a lot of the N, P, or K that's in the grow nute bottle. But the iron and other trace elements, acids to chelate, and calcium should be there for early development and I'm missing out on that by not feeding because I don't want to burn them. This has me thinking about adding some "starter nutes" to my system, as well as the humic or fulvic acid.

Another great thing I take away from the vid is when the guy was explaining that plants don't just take what they need from the soil, that they absorb everything. His explanation of how the plant might have to spend over 25% of its energy converting nitrites if it was getting more N than it needed. I'm guessing that waisted energy means less yield and lower quality for sure. Another great example of less is more.

One of the most interesting topics was of the turning on of the genes with hormones and other compounds. I had come across some interesting articals and threads here on icmag a few months back on this as well. Being able to slow vertical growth and promote branching by manipulating the plants hormones are some very interesting things. And it sounds like some are doing a lot more than that with the plants latley, taking that science to a now level. A lot of that stuff is pretty advanced for me and I often don't completely understand what I read or hear but it's interesting none the less.

It sounds like you are having a great time with all those killer strains. Man you must need a lot of room just for the mothers.

I think it was you who recommended I get some bodhi gear a few months back and thanks again for that. Before this grow I grew his lemon wookie and it was great. The plants didn't give me any trouble and I loved the terp profile of 3/4 phenos. Stupid me made a huge rookie mistake and used an old bulb on that grow so it wasn't all it could have been but it was nice and next time I grow it it will be better. I have a couple more packs of his gear and will stick with that next few grows.

Thanks again for sharing brother. Keep up the great work you are doing with your plants. You have a wonderful connection with them. I can't wait to see more pics of your beautiful lady's...Fiddy.


Active member
that sounds like quite a spread you got there,jedi
the force must be strong with you, brother!
do you have a separate grow area away from your home?

that is awesome that your wife is bringing the dog along to the cabin!
i bet this is s fun time to be there with the summer days and warm nights
do you have a fire pit at the cabin?
hqappy birthday to your nephew,i hope you have fun at the party
just think,man
in a few years you might be playing disk golf with this guy when he comes out to visit!

thanks for the shout out,fiddy
its fun to share and learn with you guys!
Good morning pop_rocks.

Yep I've been at work for 20 minutes now and already can't wait for the weekend to get here. This 3 day week should fly by. The wife is driving up with Rufus fri night so it should be a great weekend. I just have to hope the weather cooperates with us and the bugs arnt too bad. The bugs up north can be fierce this time of year. I'm hoping for warm temps and sun so we can swim and booze cruise on the boat all weekend. Th cabin is under a high canopy of trees so it always stays cooler under that. I'll get pics of the place and lake and post them when I get back. We have a nice big fire pit on the beach but the water is high this year and it was part way under water last time I was up. The level drops throughout the summer so it should be dry by now. It had been a very dry spring and there was a fire ban in effect when we were up putting the pier in back in May so we will see if fires are ok now or not.

The birthday party was fun and it was nice to see my step sis who lives in Oakland again. Her kid is huge for a 1 year old. They are nice I don't know them very well she has lived out of town for most of the 10 years or so since we first met. It was good to see my mom as well I don't get to see her much these days. I could defenatly see him playing som disc golf when he gets older.

Got some bad news at the party though. My aunt has more growing tumors on her liver again. I've been giving her some ganja for mess for her upset stomach and she is going to need more as she goes through chemotherapy again. She has had it on and off for many years ago and it's a miracle she is still with us. The outdoor auto grow is for meds for her. Looks like she is going to need plenty before they are done though. I hoarded a couple ounces of the autos I grew a couple rounds ago and have been giving her some every week or two. She is going to get the surgery and chemo soon so I'll have to step it up and help more with the plants too.


Active member
Rodehazrd , the seeds i am poping are for indoor, but no i have not timed it with the full moon.

Here's a list of what I am going to start.

Cannaventure -lvtk =Las Vegas lemon skunk x Triangle kush.

Cannaventure- pure ghost og

Bodhi- cherry sunshine = sunshinedaydream x fat cherry

Bodhi - tepanado = strawberry milk x (og x sour diesel)
From clone

Black Triangle


It's going to be epic


Active member
Hey Fiddy
On how I know how much of what to add. Im still working that out.
so far after three grows in a tub I turn it out and add 25% more peat 25% more happy frog and one cup per five gallons of my rock powder mix (6 parts calcytic lime 5 parts soft rock phoshate and 3 parts gypsum) and as much worm castings as I have. If it still feels dense I add perlite. seems the more perlite the better.'
I got a nice worm farm for fathers day so next time I should have my own.
this last batch im using black kow manure instead of HF. I seems to be hotter but the larrys dont mind much and was 2 dollars a bag at walleys mart. I got a fresh batch of fungus gnats with it so I went to the gnat nix,
on no particular schedule I start over with new pro mix bx as a base and dump the old stuff in the tomato garden. I have not had a time when I thought the mix got bad or worn out but just reading about how it breaks down makes me think I should change it. although some of my very best efforts have been the third crop in a tub.
I plan to feed the Larrys half the fish strength I used before.
Pop Rocks suggested I could use less that the 4 oz per gal I have been going with at week two and four of flower. I think its good advice Pop, could be I cure my curling of young leaves I often see. I plan to go 2 oz per gal in weeks 246 then just water for the last 4,
Fiddy Im not topping any of these new strains til i see how dense they grow for me. Do you think I should top the Larrys? I don't have a headroom issue so I was thinking just grow a big single cola to take to our annual fall gathering of the Handsome Man Gardeners Society. If I let them get 30 " before flip they should stay under 5 feet eh?
Good morning Rodehazrd.

So I keep hearing in my head that line from the high brix thread that basically said that if you just add the rock powders to whatever you are growing in you will see significant improvement in yield and brix levels. I probably wouldn't need cal/mag if I just did that. In the vids I just watched the guy was talking about how sometimes plants have a hard time with Ca uptake. He was saying that humic acid and amino acids can help open those channels and instead of one ion at a time they can take thousands of Ca ions in at a time. Might be something really simple that could really boost yeild and make for stronger and healthier plants that are even more resistant to pests and other stressors. It just makes the Ca and other nutes more available to the plant.

A worm farm sounds great. Do you keep worms in your grow tubs too?

I've been doing battle with the gnats too latley. I've be n able to keep them mostly under control with sprinkling mosquito dunks on top of the soil then watering in. But I can never wipe them out completely. The hey are in the soil I buy and maybe in my floor drain traps too. I don't like them at all and was convinced they were root aphids in my first grow. I might try a soil cover like the gnat nix sometime.

If I remember correctly I had topped my Larrys early than topped them again to get cuttings from. Even with a lot of tops they were making nice colas so I'm guessing they would make a monster single one. The only thing I worry about with huge colas is mold and bud rot. If your RH is good go for it. Big colas are sexy for sure. My Larrys stretched about 250% I think.

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