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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


In my empire of dirt
This just in from a friend who is outdoors only. He had this last year it all turns purple to black when the fungus wins. I passed on slonickels advice of brewing actinovate and applying it as a drench in early spring. Well he went to the hydro store and saved a lot of money by just getting myko and using it at transplanting. So here we are again scary part is he had a clone of mine that went straight to flower two months ago and they are smoking this shit. White powder and all.
Reason for this post can anyone identify this mold? He is now spraying with actinovate just mixed not brewed but it keeps raining, and washing it off. One new hole never used before is totally clean with the same strain. He has horses so there's a lot of that being spread around and the farm straddles a small creek.
I'm thinking someone in this jungle has had this happen.

that shit looks crazy
is it possible to get a clearer picture?
/maybe one of the effected area on the plant as well?
it almost sounds like botrytis from your description
/dark mold stuff
try spraying it with some serenade
it works well for most molds and is safe to use around people and animals
/bacillus subtilis is a bacteria that attacks the mold
another thought would be to check the underside of the leaf
are there any mites
sometimes a dark mold will grow on their excretions
/you dident mention pin pricks on the leaf, so im just reaching on this one
but its kind of odd to see grey mold in veg

thats crazy that he would smoke that stuff with the "white powder"
/most likely PM

keep us updated on how this turns out


In my empire of dirt
Good morning pop_rocks.

One plate, coming your way bud. Yep turned out good. I don't like my ribs as tender and fall off the bone but they taste just as good. I ended up making it a pasta salad but was going to make it a potato salad, will do potato next time. The purple thing is an olive, kalamata olive to be more specific but I also had chopped green olives in there too. I like paring blue cheese with the salty green olives. In fact a burger with chopped green olives and blue cheese can be a wonderful thing.

Thanks for the kind words. She is a tough old bird and has been through it all before. She will fight.

I'm not sure if she is ready for a high dose of RSO. She has a very low tolerance and is doing well with just a few puffs for now. We are keeping open options for the future. I was thinking about an edible dose for her but she has very little appetite. We will see how it goes.

Looking forward to getting the next couple days over with and on to the long weekend. Weather forecast for the weekend looks pretty good right now but I have little confidence in forecasts here this time of year. It's weird to look forward to a Friday for me I always seem to work Friday and Saturday so my weekend never starts until sat evening. We had some serious storms last night and a few inches of rain and I'm not even worried about the outdoor plants they have been tough so far. You are so right bud, we got this!

the pasta salad sounds awesome
i like your addition of olives!
blue cheese and olives sounds just right and you bet im going to try that together next time i make a pasta or potato salad

a few puffs can go a long way for someone who isnt a heavy smoker
if she dosent like the idea of edibles, maybe you can make a tincture
a couple drops under the tongue brings relief quickly, but sometimes its hard to work out dosage

cant wait for the weekend guys!
the weather is finally starting to cool off, or maybe im just getting used to the heat
either way, its a long weekend and i cant wait


Active member
Hey folks growing inside I never saw a need for anything larger than five gallon to flower,unless you are lucky enough to have crazy cathedral ceilings or something like that.I'm just curious do any of you folks use NSI nursery containers?They are probably the most common plastic pots in existence at least down here that is for sure.For so many years I vegged and sexed seedplants in the NSI 600's and flowered in the NSI 1200's.There wasn't a whole lot of dirt to add between the two,but I would always score a couple ounces under the 1K's and the 1200's.Switching to the NSI 2000's,the five gallon and the smallest NSI containers that had built in handles, made such an unbelievable difference in my yield it was crazy beautiful!This was inside though,if I ever would find a place outside again to feel even a little confident after being burned more than once my flowering container would be a lot bigger than 5 gal.I was never able to get into flowering the couple times I tried outdoors,damn kids think fat leaves will get you high lol.Anyway,I'm wondering if any of you all use NSI containers?
Good morning Floridian.

I don't think I've heard of those pots. To be honest I don't even know what the brands of pots I am using now. I've been getting them at garden stores, wall mart, and hardware stores so I have a bunch of different kinds because I get a few at a time. I probably have a dozen or so of each size that I have used like 4",6",8", up to the 14" that I flower in. They are all round pots as well. My buddy uses square pots but I've heard the roots all bunch up in the corners so I use round. I'd be interested to try fabric pots sometime.

That sucks your outdoor got jacked. Even more insulting that they didn't even wait until they flowered out to rob them. Stupid kids sounds like something I would have done in Jr. High school.


Active member
Smaller pots. I ran 16 plants in a 4x4. Also if your looking for a keeper take a clone from the seed plant, and run the clone. Clones performance is different than seed plants. I start my seeds under a t5 and then cut 2 clones and keep one and flower 1. Now you have a back-up and you know how it will perform as a clone.
Good morning Packerfan.

I've heard that clones can grow differently than their moms from seed. For the next run I don't think I'll have time to grow from clone. But for future runs the timing migh work well. Let's say I get two plants in flower on my next run and take cuts in case they are great. If I start right when the two go into flower that should give me time to pop seeds and grow the plants out to the point I can get cuts from them, then give them a couple weeks or so to root, then veg them until the flower tent opens up for them.

Have you found flavor can change growing a clone of a seed plant from the seed plant itself or just the structure of the plant? My goal is to select for flavor and quality of buzz first, and yeild second. I have limited space to keep clones, mothers and veg plants but I can get another t5 and make more space pretty easily.

Thanks for the tips bud, I have a lot to learn about plant management as well as keeping the plants happy.


Active member
the pasta salad sounds awesome
i like your addition of olives!
blue cheese and olives sounds just right and you bet im going to try that together next time i make a pasta or potato salad

a few puffs can go a long way for someone who isnt a heavy smoker
if she dosent like the idea of edibles, maybe you can make a tincture
a couple drops under the tongue brings relief quickly, but sometimes its hard to work out dosage

cant wait for the weekend guys!
the weather is finally starting to cool off, or maybe im just getting used to the heat
either way, its a long weekend and i cant wait

Good morning pop_rocks.

One more day at work and then the weekend is here brother. It can't come soon enough. The weather forcast is looking great for this weekend in the northwoods. 24 hours from now I'll be 200 miles north and in the beautiful Nicollet national forest. Can't wait!

Are you doing anything special for your long weekend or just taking it easy? What ever you guys do I hope you have a great time.

How's the outdoor grow going at your buddy's place? Anything interisting going on in your indoor grows?

For now a few puffs is the right dose for my aunt. Maybe we can incorporate some hash into the mix for a little more punch if needed. I like the idea of a tincture instead of a cookie or brownie that she would have a hard time getting down. I still have some larf and other seeded buds to make an extract with if it looks like we will need one. I've heard the initial dose of RSO is a tiny piece the size of a grain of rice or something like that. Time will tell.

It's been a hot week here too. Only high 80's but with very high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter. I think cooler temps on the way tonight and tomorrow then heating up again on Saturday.

Enjoy the weekend bud...Fiddy.


Active member
Fiddynuts, I don't think flavor changes, but yield, structure, vigor, and nutrient demands can change from seed to clone.

I use a t5 in my closet that I use as a cloning area, and seed start. I would still try smaller pots and more plants. This would give you a larger pool to hunt from. I ran 6 different strains in my 4x4 room. Nice to have variety.

I missed the boat keeping clones of my last seed round. I have been smoking on some of bodhis terpanado and it's awesome. Oroblanco was the biggest yeilder of the bunch. Starfighter long bottom leaf was also quite good.definitely going to run the other 5 terpanado in the small room again.


Well-known member
Hey guys we have a winner
Survey Says PM
Outdoors pm can be red green blue or purple. I got this from a hydro store owner. Said safers has a product and another brand too worked well as antifungal. The whole Ohio Valley is full of it a d it's only getting worse, I'm so glad im inside with a window shaker and a dehumidifier if I need it. I may get a painter's jumpsuit and start changing before going in my rooms.
I took cuts of my Larry's except the three I feel sure about being male a d switched to 12/12, they are two weeks in three gallon pots so should have.enough root to make a couple oz each
I'm leaving the males till they really show just to train myself a little better in ID and make sure I'm right.


Active member
Fiddynuts, I don't think flavor changes, but yield, structure, vigor, and nutrient demands can change from seed to clone.

I use a t5 in my closet that I use as a cloning area, and seed start. I would still try smaller pots and more plants. This would give you a larger pool to hunt from. I ran 6 different strains in my 4x4 room. Nice to have variety.

I missed the boat keeping clones of my last seed round. I have been smoking on some of bodhis terpanado and it's awesome. Oroblanco was the biggest yeilder of the bunch. Starfighter long bottom leaf was also quite good.definitely going to run the other 5 terpanado in the small room again.
Good afternoon Packerfan.

I'm glad to hear that flavor stays the same cuz that's my number one goal, to find the skunkiest roadkill weed that reminds me of the skunk of the 80's and early 90's. I won't be scoring any chemdog clones around here so I gotta find it the old fashioned way.

Thinking about adding a second t5 for clones and moms when I start to accumulate them, I've got the space under my basement stairs for that.

Yep I'm thinking about using maybe 10" or 12" pots and doing like 4-6 plants in the 3x3. With such a good chance of finding keepers in bodhi's packs it won't take too long to find some great moms. I just have to keep them from getting so bushy like my girls tend to get. When growing from seed I think I veg too long while waiting for them to show sex and all the transplanting that I do. Once I get growing from clone that shouldn't be a problem.

I've heard great things about the terpanado and the starfighter x LBL. Can't wait to get some more bodhi strains.


Active member
Hey guys we have a winner
Survey Says PM
Outdoors pm can be red green blue or purple. I got this from a hydro store owner. Said safers has a product and another brand too worked well as antifungal. The whole Ohio Valley is full of it a d it's only getting worse, I'm so glad im inside with a window shaker and a dehumidifier if I need it. I may get a painter's jumpsuit and start changing before going in my rooms.
I took cuts of my Larry's except the three I feel sure about being male a d switched to 12/12, they are two weeks in three gallon pots so should have.enough root to make a couple oz each
I'm leaving the males till they really show just to train myself a little better in ID and make sure I'm right.
Good afternoon Rodehazrd.

Glad you got an answer on the fungi. I had no idea that pm could be colorful. I also had heard that it was usually an issue in places where the temps stayed low, like high 60's I think I read a few times. Anyway great detective work and I hope that product work well on the pm.

One of those jump suits sounds like a great idea. I'd get an orange one and put some numbers and dept of corrections on the back so you look like an escaped convict hahaha LOL.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the Larrys flower for you. I'd stashed away some Larry and forgotten about it until a couple weeks ago and now I grab a bud once in a while for a nice change of pace. Tasty.


Active member
Hey Fiddy. Im really glad you took time to watch the link and got to see some of the other seminars he does on Youtube. You can go to his website and sign up for a free coarse. I think there's a link on one of the videos to his site an what not.

Im just in the process of sorting out a mother room. At the moment ive about 4 or 5 verified mothers that I'll keep and out all the ones I listed alot im running for the first time and have a couple of phenos of some of the strains. So ive took cuts off everything labeling them and marking different phenos etc. At the end I'll eliminate the none keeper ones and keep the keepers. Im looking to keep about 10 mothers. Fortunately ive got access to an attic that im gonna convert into a mother room/nursery. I'll use a 250 environment and some t5s for the mums with shelving for the cutting in airoponic heated propogators with T5s above them. I'll keep the mothers on the smaller side too to save space.
Im also gonna set a little area to continue to work on my breeding projects. Ive got a little 1mx1m tent that I'll rig a 250 enviro light with more red in the bulb for flowering up. I only need to put some rooted cuttings in there and flip them with a select male, keeping everything small just to make seeds. I'll put a cut off each of the mothers an make new hybrids out all my elite keepers.
My original hybrid of GSC x Gogi og has already made a name for itself. I was just speaking with my good friend who says its the best weed his had. It blows me away because his an old head in this game like me so I value his opinion. So I plan to make f2s out the f1s going deeper into the genetics and selecting best siblings and then back cross to the best mum. Its a long process but so enjoyable. Growing weed is fun, but growing your own hybrids is on another level.


Active member
Hey Fiddy. Im really glad you took time to watch the link and got to see some of the other seminars he does on Youtube. You can go to his website and sign up for a free coarse. I think there's a link on one of the videos to his site an what not.

Im just in the process of sorting out a mother room. At the moment ive about 4 or 5 verified mothers that I'll keep and out all the ones I listed alot im running for the first time and have a couple of phenos of some of the strains. So ive took cuts off everything labeling them and marking different phenos etc. At the end I'll eliminate the none keeper ones and keep the keepers. Im looking to keep about 10 mothers. Fortunately ive got access to an attic that im gonna convert into a mother room/nursery. I'll use a 250 environment and some t5s for the mums with shelving for the cutting in airoponic heated propogators with T5s above them. I'll keep the mothers on the smaller side too to save space.
Im also gonna set a little area to continue to work on my breeding projects. Ive got a little 1mx1m tent that I'll rig a 250 enviro light with more red in the bulb for flowering up. I only need to put some rooted cuttings in there and flip them with a select male, keeping everything small just to make seeds. I'll put a cut off each of the mothers an make new hybrids out all my elite keepers.
My original hybrid of GSC x Gogi og has already made a name for itself. I was just speaking with my good friend who says its the best weed his had. It blows me away because his an old head in this game like me so I value his opinion. So I plan to make f2s out the f1s going deeper into the genetics and selecting best siblings and then back cross to the best mum. Its a long process but so enjoyable. Growing weed is fun, but growing your own hybrids is on another level.
Yes brother I enjoyed the vids and will be rewatching them for sure. I saw a link to the grow university and will check it out. It's great to have all the info in one place. I read so much here but it's in bits and pieces so I sometimes have a hard time putting it all together. The more I read the more I retain though.

I'm looking forward to having some moms and growing from clone. I have a lot to learn about plant management and plan on starting with just a couple moms or so. Until I can successfully grow out plants every cycle with no problems it probably dosent make sense to get too serious about keeping too much around. But I want to start learning about keeping moms healthy and get more comfortable with getting cuttings to root. The two times I've taken cuts I had most of them root I think I'm 6 rooted of 8 taken. The 2 that didn't came off a plant that was not super happy when I took them. Not bad for my first and second try.

Breeding is something I want to try someday. Right now I'm afrade of pollin because I've lost some grows to seed from hermies. But to make a good cross that no one else has and get to name it would be a great feeling.

You have a close connection to your plants and should be breading for sure. You could be the next bodhi. You rock those girls and really know your shit. With so many people growing these days breeding might be the way to go. The way your plants look I'd be first in line to buy seeds from you.


Well-known member
Hey Jedi
Sounds exciting all those strains coming on.
Let me tell you a question. I tried keeping mothers but 'm y cuts got woody and not as good as just using the lollipop cuttings. I made three rounds off one plant at the most before losing vigor. I would love to grow a mom for 50 cuts at once but haven't yet. I avoided nitrates as I heard thats bad for moms. They weren't bad plants actually some of the best flowers just not good clones.
They were Cali connection 818 headband
Tell us more About aero cloning .


Active member
Hey folks, hope your all good.
Thanks alot Fiddynut for your praise and kind words in recognition of my passion and love for this amazing sacred plant and the work I put into this wonderful craft. It means alot when a fellow grower says these things about me as I feel so much for this plant and have huge dedication in this field. Im continually trying to improve my ability and learn everything I possibly can about every aspect of growing and all there is to know about the plants biology, genetics and history. Im so glad I started growing lol.

The airoponic propogators are the business and the quickest most efficient way of rooting cuttings going. Cuttings are taken as normal being dipped in rooting gel etc then there not put into any medium, instead the stem is clamped in a little clip suspending the cutting above misters which mist the cuttings with a rooting stimulator constantly supplying fresh oxygen. With heat below and a t5 above they root in 7 to 10 with the best root system as there's nothing restricting the growth. You can buy them for around 40 pound for an unheated one that roots around 24, then for one that roots 70 and heated its about 100 pound and also comes with a t5 light in the lid too.
I haven't kept loads of mothers so can't give you the best advice on here about them but I'll tell you what I know.
Mothers do need nitrogen for vegative growth as ultimately thats all its doing. Your best off giving them a balanced feed with a npk ratio of 20 20 20 or equivalent so they get a bit of everything. Also only need to feed them once or twice a week and kept under 18 hours min.
Most plants as they age will toughen their stems becoming woodier. Its best to take cuttings from soft tips as these root easier. Mother plants ideally are renewed every 1 to 2 years depending how productive shes been, keeping the genetics from stagnating due to being under artificial lights for so long.
If you need any tips on how to take cuttings gimme a shout as I have good success and know a couple of tricks.



Active member
Hey folks, hope your all good.
Thanks alot Fiddynut for your praise and kind words in recognition of my passion and love for this amazing sacred plant and the work I put into this wonderful craft. It means alot when a fellow grower says these things about me as I feel so much for this plant and have huge dedication in this field. Im continually trying to improve my ability and learn everything I possibly can about every aspect of growing and all there is to know about the plants biology, genetics and history. Im so glad I started growing lol.

The airoponic propogators are the business and the quickest most efficient way of rooting cuttings going. Cuttings are taken as normal being dipped in rooting gel etc then there not put into any medium, instead the stem is clamped in a little clip suspending the cutting above misters which mist the cuttings with a rooting stimulator constantly supplying fresh oxygen. With heat below and a t5 above they root in 7 to 10 with the best root system as there's nothing restricting the growth. You can buy them for around 40 pound for an unheated one that roots around 24, then for one that roots 70 and heated its about 100 pound and also comes with a t5 light in the lid too.
I haven't kept loads of mothers so can't give you the best advice on here about them but I'll tell you what I know.
Mothers do need nitrogen for vegative growth as ultimately thats all its doing. Your best off giving them a balanced feed with a npk ratio of 20 20 20 or equivalent so they get a bit of everything. Also only need to feed them once or twice a week and kept under 18 hours min.
Most plants as they age will toughen their stems becoming woodier. Its best to take cuttings from soft tips as these root easier. Mother plants ideally are renewed every 1 to 2 years depending how productive shes been, keeping the genetics from stagnating due to being under artificial lights for so long.
If you need any tips on how to take cuttings gimme a shout as I have good success and know a couple of tricks.

Good morning Jedi.

Brother you deserve all that praise and more. Keep up the great work your doing. Your plants speak to your love and connection with them.

The airoponic propagators sound great. I think there is a couple threads here about making one DIY style. Fast and reliable results. Maybe the misting is more effective on cuts from older, more woody moms. Being able to look in and see the roots must be cool, to know how well they are doing. Sounds like they are pretty automated which would allow someone to go away for a couple or a few days while cuts are in there.


Active member
Update and pics

Update and pics

Greetings friends.

I took a few pics before I left for the northwoods on Friday morning. I had watered the Gorilla Bubble to allmost 1/2 gallon runoff again and the ppm's of the runoff dropped to just over 1800. She is finishing soon so will keep watering her to 50% runoff to flush out some of the nutes she no longer needs.

Here are some pics of her.

She has been through a lot but still putting on weight and buds are looking good. I also cut a bottom bud off her so I can get an early sample in a few days. Looking forward to trying her.

Last weekend I did a bubble hash run with the trimmings from the lemon wookie plants. I had one gallon plus one quart ziplock bag of fresh frozen trim. These wookies were very frosty. I did about a 7 minute mix then ran twice through 3 bags, then a few minute more mix and two more passes. Also I let it dry in the Pyrex then scraped it up into chunks with the razor blade but instead ago balling it up right away I let it dry for another day. The hash is much dryer this time and the ball is rock hard. Haven't sampl d it yet but it looks like nice quality.


Active member
Greetings friends.

Good morning from the northwoods of wisco. I'm in the nicolet national forest and having a great time. The weather has been great. We have been taking a lot of boat rides, swimming and of course enjoying plenty of food and drink. It's so nice I think I might have to take an extra day off and stay up here. I miss my plants but I'm glad to have some time away as well.


Active member
Greetings friends.

Good morning from the northwoods of wisco. I'm in the nicolet national forest and having a great time. The weather has been great. We have been taking a lot of boat rides, swimming and of course enjoying plenty of food and drink. It's so nice I think I might have to take an extra day off and stay up here. I miss my plants but I'm glad to have some time away as well.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=69749&pictureid=1764576&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=69749&pictureid=1764575&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Looks like paradise fiddy, spent all day and night helping my buddy trim. Took my dumb ass bro in law, then he put pictures of me and put them on Facebook. Some people have no sense. I still reak of weed. Was kinda paranoid, one of the guys went through a checkpoint, when he went on a cigarette and beer run.no good made it home safe. My mom text me this morning, to lecture me about it. Didn't even know about it till I saw it on Facebook.


Active member
That's so nice Fiddy that lake looks like panfish heaven too.Packer tell me he didn't really post pics of your face and you trimming plants?Nobody can be that careless bro of course nothing will come from it but it damn sure would mess with my head a bit.Too much stuff these days going on for you to really worry about that.Thats major stupid though lol ask him if you can take some nice portraits of him breaking the law lol


Active member
That's so nice Fiddy that lake looks like panfish heaven too.Packer tell me he didn't really post pics of your face and you trimming plants?Nobody can be that careless bro of course nothing will come from it but it damn sure would mess with my head a bit.Too much stuff these days going on for you to really worry about that.Thats major stupid though lol ask him if you can take some nice portraits of him breaking the law lol

Yup, he sure,did. The wife threw a fit . He took the pics down. His stupidity is unreal. Last time I bring his dumb ass.

Of course the wife decides it's a good time to start shot about how I support a family of 5.(being a drug dealer).we got to church and I said unlock the fucking door so I can get the kids out. My son decides to say "unlock the fucking door" lol.

On the good side I sold out of rosin Last night and made 150 bucks trimming. Going to pick up 4 ounces of mendobreath my buddy owes me.my favorite strain, at the moment.

Hope that you are having a great time at the lake.

Pop rocks,Floridian, rodehazard hope you guys are having a nice relaxing Sunday.

Giving the wife the silent treatment, lol turnabout is fair play lol. I may just slap a for sale sign on her Explorer, and tell her to cut expenses be 3 grand a month. Lol

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