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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


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Rodehazrd , the seeds i am poping are for indoor, but no i have not timed it with the full moon.

Here's a list of what I am going to start.

Cannaventure -lvtk =Las Vegas lemon skunk x Triangle kush.

Cannaventure- pure ghost og

Bodhi- cherry sunshine = sunshinedaydream x fat cherry

Bodhi - tepanado = strawberry milk x (og x sour diesel)
From clone

Black Triangle


It's going to be epic

What's up guys. I am over here trying to plan the next grow. Got my calender out. Going to pop seeds in a couple weeks. Waiting till midnight to see if I can get an Amazon prime day deal on the cycle timer and the sump pump. I am going to automate the feed on the stadium. Probably going to cost about 400 bucks but that's a fair trade off for not having to spend 45 minutes hand watering everynigjt,plus the yield should go up with multifeeds, the best way to run coco.
Good morning Packerfan.

Those sound like exciting strains. Can't wait to here how they do for you. Please post up some pics when you can. I love pics LOL.

I've heard that the multi feeds daily are what make coco superior to soil. Something about all those dry and wet cycles make them grow like crazy. I've seen it takes a little dialing in to get the drippers timed right but once you do it's really nice. I'd love to have my watering automatic someday one less thing for me to screw up hahaha.

A lot of people still use moon cycles for their indoor grows. I've popped beans on a full moon which you arnt suppose to do and had them all come up but a lot of people say moon cycles make a difference. That many people could be wrong but maybe not and it couldn't hurt.


Active member
Hey rode, I always wondered what the rock dust was used for. I have always used bagged soil. I am doing some veggies this year. I So i got a load of compost, mixed it with some native dirt, some sunshine #4 and a couple bricks of coco and some perilite. They kinda took a beating from th e heat. Now thgey are blowing up. I have 3 100 gallon smart pots. One is empty going to transplant some strawberries, and a massive tomato plant that is in a 5 gallon bucket into it soon as the wife gets sometime to help. Kinda irritated me she starts this whole thing but now she doesn't have ti.e to work on it. Lol women drive me nuts. I used some life plus from hydroponicresearch shits blowing up now.

Fiddynuts, I love monster colas. I have grown a few strains that produce hulk Hogan arms. I grew Jamacian dream that had 2.5 ft colas every where. Most of the og s don't really cola up for me so I usually top or lst. I got a bit of mold on the Jamaican s . I helped my helper trim his crop of black triangle it had some crazy bud rot a few branches were completely hollowed out, couldn't see it till I started trimming.


Active member
Hey rode, I always wondered what the rock dust was used for. I have always used bagged soil. I am doing some veggies this year. I So i got a load of compost, mixed it with some native dirt, some sunshine #4 and a couple bricks of coco and some perilite. They kinda took a beating from th e heat. Now thgey are blowing up. I have 3 100 gallon smart pots. One is empty going to transplant some strawberries, and a massive tomato plant that is in a 5 gallon bucket into it soon as the wife gets sometime to help. Kinda irritated me she starts this whole thing but now she doesn't have ti.e to work on it. Lol women drive me nuts. I used some life plus from hydroponicresearch shits blowing up now.

Fiddynuts, I love monster colas. I have grown a few strains that produce hulk Hogan arms. I grew Jamacian dream that had 2.5 ft colas every where. Most of the og s don't really cola up for me so I usually top or lst. I got a bit of mold on the Jamaican s . I helped my helper trim his crop of black triangle it had some crazy bud rot a few branches were completely hollowed out, couldn't see it till I started trimming.
Yep Packerfan check out this thread about high brix from budrunner. I don't hint if you put the right stuff in your soil you don't need to add the stuff from the bottle.

Lots of great stuff there. Just using the rock powders in your bagged soil is suppose to do wonders to give the plants what they need and it also buffers the soil nicely.

Yes big club sized colas are sexy for sure. The only time I got a little bud rot was my first grow. I had all kinds of deficiencies and flowered them really long. It was just a small part of the biggest densest one and I didn't see it until the trim. I have a better dehuy now and haven't managed to grow as big of colas.


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Update and pics

Update and pics

Greetings friends.

Time for a quick update this morning. My Gorilla Bubble continues to suck the nutes out of her older leaves but newer and sugar leaves still ok. I've been watering to 50% runoff with a light nute mix last couple waterings and the runoff has been yellow and ppm's are going up to just over 3000 on it. She may be done in a couple weeks so I'm just going to stay the course and keep watering to plenty of runoff with her. Her buds are looking good and swelling nicely.

My first outdoor project is moving along nicely. The plants have been in the ground for 2 weeks now and are doing well. I top dressed with a bunch of EWC and some fresh happy frog last weekend. I probably need to get some P and K in there and I'm thinking of just using tiger bloom for that. I've heard organics can attract critters so I was thinking that synthetic nutes would be better for these girls. Any ideas on how to keep outdoor plants fed guys? I don't want to overdue it with the nutes again so I've held off on feeding them.
Here are a couple pics of the youngsters.

I did manage to find some time to do some BBQ last weekend too. I did ribs, chicken, corn, and made a blue cheese pasta salad with green onion, olives and tomatoes. It was nice to relax and do some cooking. I over cooked the ribs a little so they were kind of fall off the bone style.


Well-known member
Hey Guys Rodehazrd here.
Fiddy I'm sad to hear of aunties tumors returning she's lucky to have a caring nephew to bring her some bud. You ever do Rick Simpson Oil?
I'm wanting to try some extracts but still haven't gotten off the old ass.
For the fungus gnats that gnat nix is a good cure. Its some kind of recycled glass. I put an inch or so on top of the soil in a couple weeks no gnats. I let the pots dry out before harvest and just cut the stem and pour the stuff off the top for reuse.

I think I'm going to have to try bodhi gear Everyone speaks highly of it.
Well the Larrys are finally showing some hormones I think I may have 6 males of the 9 Here are pix of the ones showing
first up is L2 the tallest one and second most vigor at week one. I label them in order of how I feel they start off. the others look just alike almost at this point even the runt has caught up, it may be one of the few girls.


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In my empire of dirt
oh man, fiddy
pass a plate this way!
that looks like some seriously good eating!
is that a pasta salad at the 6' or potato salad?
/is the purple thing a grape?

im really sorry to hear about the fams health issue
that is serious stuff and know that we are all sending you our best,brother
she is lucky that you have access to a good supply or medicine and im glad she is open to letting you help her
im curious about the rick simpson oil too
i think packfan' is our resident extract guru

i have had too many problems with outdoor soil indoors
mind you,brother, i have compost piles outside that are pure gold!
we have been composting for years and i use the natural soil in our vegtable garden
but when it comes to indoors, i havent been so lucky
the bugs ive brought into the house run the gamut of pests
/the last time i used my own compost inside, we had an outbreak of rolly pollys and pincher bugs that almost drove the mrs to the edge
without the natural predators they just got out of control
/also the flock of chickens outside does a great job keeping the bugs in check
if i was growing outside i wouldent have a problem
but the mrs is a bit of a neat freak, esp when it comes to bugs
indoors they just seem to take over so i bake my soils and dont take any chances
its that or going back to hydro

hope everyone is have a great week and enjoying their summer
only a couple more days in this work week left
we got this !

rode, i think you have a few guys trying to crash your party there brother
the second to last looks like a girl for sure but i think those others might be dudes
whats your take on this?


Active member
Damn fiddynuts that's some good looking bbq. I love me some ribs. Outdoor is looking nice and healthy.

@ rode, might be in agreement with pop a couple boys possibly, they can fool ya. Have taken a clone and black em out for a week or,so they should show what they are.I usually just check em every day. That waste valuable space though.

Me I'm just getting ready for next round. Doing stuff around the house, getting back to work mode. Wifey is bitching I need to go back to work. Need to start looking soon. Lol. I am not tripping bills are paid. Got some stuff ordered for the drip system. Gotta get some pic and mock it up soon. Just need drippers stakes and tubing. I may have to run an outlet since the pump only has a 10 ft. Cord. Going to start cleaning out the room this week.

What's up pop rocks weeks going well, my wife would lose her mind if I brought bugs in the house like that lol. Sounds like you got a pretty good size yard for dago. If you have room for a garden.


Well-known member
Thanks Pops
yeah I have hope for that one but think the other four will get the chop this week, I don't have a space issue but no point to keeping them.
that first one looked like a banana I see sometimes in late flower on the headbands seemed strange as a preflower. Im not often starting seeds and sorting out the males so I don't have a lot of skill on this part I just don't feel confident yet popping reg seeds. I worked with a friend outdoors and we made a couple ounces of ak47 f1s. I also have a backlog of ufo's from the attitude and inherited seeds from a Late friend. This will be a summer of searching for keepers and managing clones. Hopefully by fall Im running a Larry or something I love and cloning it a lot.

One of the kids brought in a bud this week from a grower. It tasted like eating a dryer sheet. Nice buzz but strange flavor. Almost bubblegum but not. Made me want some real Indiana Bubble Gum.

Did Floridian post lately and I missed it I hope Mom is on the mend. and he's doing well.

Packer Fan
what timer are you choosing? I need to upgrade from the free one that came with my light. I have used some Altronix timers with relays scattered around for my fans but want one to run two lights. and be simple for others to use.


Well-known member
This just in from a friend who is outdoors only. He had this last year it all turns purple to black when the fungus wins. I passed on slonickels advice of brewing actinovate and applying it as a drench in early spring. Well he went to the hydro store and saved a lot of money by just getting myko and using it at transplanting. So here we are again scary part is he had a clone of mine that went straight to flower two months ago and they are smoking this shit. White powder and all.
Reason for this post can anyone identify this mold? He is now spraying with actinovate just mixed not brewed but it keeps raining, and washing it off. One new hole never used before is totally clean with the same strain. He has horses so there's a lot of that being spread around and the farm straddles a small creek.
I'm thinking someone in this jungle has had this happen.


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Active member
Hey rode, I got a blueprint bct-1. It's pretty cool , i can feed down to 5 second, I will post more about it once things are cooking


Well-known member
Thanks PF
Im looking for more current but thats a nice rig for fans and the pump you will use, thanks for the reply.


Active member
Hey Guys Rodehazrd here.
Fiddy I'm sad to hear of aunties tumors returning she's lucky to have a caring nephew to bring her some bud. You ever do Rick Simpson Oil?
I'm wanting to try some extracts but still haven't gotten off the old ass.
For the fungus gnats that gnat nix is a good cure. Its some kind of recycled glass. I put an inch or so on top of the soil in a couple weeks no gnats. I let the pots dry out before harvest and just cut the stem and pour the stuff off the top for reuse.

I think I'm going to have to try bodhi gear Everyone speaks highly of it.
Well the Larrys are finally showing some hormones I think I may have 6 males of the 9 Here are pix of the ones showing
first up is L2 the tallest one and second most vigor at week one. I label them in order of how I feel they start off. the others look just alike almost at this point even the runt has caught up, it may be one of the few girls.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

The auntie is as tough as they come. She has been battling this on and off for many years. She has been given months to live multiple times only to prove them wrong. It's been a couple years since her last fight so she is strong and she seems to be taking it well.

Funny you mention the RSO I was just reading on that a couple days ago. I spoke with her about more concerned meds and she seemed unsure about them. For now she is happy to have a puff or two and it helps her upset stomach and some other symptoms. I will keep an open dialogue with her on other forms of medicating as she goes through treatment.

Yes I've heard great things in several threads about the gnatnix. It seems like my mosquito dunks are getting less effective as of late and I'd like to use another approach. Will get some ordered soon for my next grow. The shutdown in a couple weeks should help as well. I have no soil anywhere in my basement other than my one GB and the 3 pots with autos that will be going to my bros in a week or so.

I recomend bodhi strains for sure. I'll be running through a couple packs of his stuff on the next few grows so you can get a better look at some of them here. There are a couple bodhi threads here but the most active is the bodhi seeds info exchange thread: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=62677

I'm with the others the 4th pic looks lady like and others looking manish.


Active member
Thanks PF
Im looking for more current but thats a nice rig for fans and the pump you will use, thanks for the reply.

Are you looking for an environmental controller. I used to have a really nice co2 controller from titan. They have so.e environmental controller that can manage everything temps, humidity, lights and co2. I think you need power expander for the a.c. and lights.their are some crazy cool arduino controllers that control and dose your nutes. My ballast are cloud compatible with a little Wi-Fi thingy. I am not very computer friendly so I don't bother. Lol


Active member
oh man, fiddy
pass a plate this way!
that looks like some seriously good eating!
is that a pasta salad at the 6' or potato salad?
/is the purple thing a grape?

im really sorry to hear about the fams health issue
that is serious stuff and know that we are all sending you our best,brother
she is lucky that you have access to a good supply or medicine and im glad she is open to letting you help her
im curious about the rick simpson oil too
i think packfan' is our resident extract guru

i have had too many problems with outdoor soil indoors
mind you,brother, i have compost piles outside that are pure gold!
we have been composting for years and i use the natural soil in our vegtable garden
but when it comes to indoors, i havent been so lucky
the bugs ive brought into the house run the gamut of pests
/the last time i used my own compost inside, we had an outbreak of rolly pollys and pincher bugs that almost drove the mrs to the edge
without the natural predators they just got out of control
/also the flock of chickens outside does a great job keeping the bugs in check
if i was growing outside i wouldent have a problem
but the mrs is a bit of a neat freak, esp when it comes to bugs
indoors they just seem to take over so i bake my soils and dont take any chances
its that or going back to hydro

hope everyone is have a great week and enjoying their summer
only a couple more days in this work week left
we got this !

rode, i think you have a few guys trying to crash your party there brother
the second to last looks like a girl for sure but i think those others might be dudes
whats your take on this?
Good morning pop_rocks.

One plate, coming your way bud. Yep turned out good. I don't like my ribs as tender and fall off the bone but they taste just as good. I ended up making it a pasta salad but was going to make it a potato salad, will do potato next time. The purple thing is an olive, kalamata olive to be more specific but I also had chopped green olives in there too. I like paring blue cheese with the salty green olives. In fact a burger with chopped green olives and blue cheese can be a wonderful thing.

Thanks for the kind words. She is a tough old bird and has been through it all before. She will fight.

I'm not sure if she is ready for a high dose of RSO. She has a very low tolerance and is doing well with just a few puffs for now. We are keeping open options for the future. I was thinking about an edible dose for her but she has very little appetite. We will see how it goes.

Looking forward to getting the next couple days over with and on to the long weekend. Weather forecast for the weekend looks pretty good right now but I have little confidence in forecasts here this time of year. It's weird to look forward to a Friday for me I always seem to work Friday and Saturday so my weekend never starts until sat evening. We had some serious storms last night and a few inches of rain and I'm not even worried about the outdoor plants they have been tough so far. You are so right bud, we got this!


Active member
This just in from a friend who is outdoors only. He had this last year it all turns purple to black when the fungus wins. I passed on slonickels advice of brewing actinovate and applying it as a drench in early spring. Well he went to the hydro store and saved a lot of money by just getting myko and using it at transplanting. So here we are again scary part is he had a clone of mine that went straight to flower two months ago and they are smoking this shit. White powder and all.
Reason for this post can anyone identify this mold? He is now spraying with actinovate just mixed not brewed but it keeps raining, and washing it off. One new hole never used before is totally clean with the same strain. He has horses so there's a lot of that being spread around and the farm straddles a small creek.
I'm thinking someone in this jungle has had this happen.
Good afternoon Rodehazrd.

Damn that's ugly. No idea what that is but it dosent look good. Maybe try the infirmary.


Active member
Good morning Jedi.

Thanks again for the link, I watched that vid and a couple others by the same guy yesterday. I will rewatch them with a notebook and pen again before I start my next run of plants.

Hey Fiddy and gang. Im glad you watched the video as its full of valuable info. The man doing the seminar is on his game and knows his stuff amd What I like is he gives it for free.

Im glad you pulled the trigger on some Bodhi seeds. You can't go wrong with his work and from what ive seen and read your always to find a keeper or two in a pack of beans.
Im gonna get something new from bodhi but there's no rush as ive got so many different strains at the moment. Im looking at space monkey and granola funk. Im dying to try the glue as not been fortunate yet.
Im always about if you want any advice on anything so just pm for what ever an I'll reply asap.


Active member
Good morning Jedi.

Thanks again for the link, I watched that vid and a couple others by the same guy yesterday. I will rewatch them with a notebook and pen again before I start my next run of plants.

Hey Fiddy and gang. Im glad you watched the video as its full of valuable info. The man doing the seminar is on his game and knows his stuff amd What I like is he gives it for free.

Im glad you pulled the trigger on some Bodhi seeds. You can't go wrong with his work and from what ive seen and read your always to find a keeper or two in a pack of beans.
Im gonna get something new from bodhi but there's no rush as ive got so many different strains at the moment. Im looking at space monkey and granola funk. Im dying to try the glue as not been fortunate yet.
Im always about if you want any advice on anything so just pm for what ever an I'll reply asap.
Good afternoon Jedi.

You are right that guy knows his shit. Lots of great info in that vid and his others. In fact there is too much to comprehend all at once, hence the notepad and pen for the second go around with them. I live in a state right next to Michigan where he does the vids so maybe I could even go to one of his talks sometime.

Yes I'm so glad to have some packs of bodhi's seeds. The lemon wookie I grew went great. I've heard great things about space monkey and I have a pack of granola funk. I will be growing the granola funk next but I'm taking a short break first to get some stuff done around the house. I'll be popping GF seeds in a couple weeks. Let's hope I can put some of my new knowledge to use and grow them properly. I'll post plenty of pics during the grow.

I've not tried the glue either but the gorilla bubble I'm finishing in the next few weeks has the gg4 mom (I think it's the mom) and is really frosty. She is a lemon lime scent and not too stinky in flower. Looking forward to giving her a try soon. I'm eyeing up a sample bud to cut a little early and give a try.

I can imagine that adding new genetics to what you have must be challenging, at least space wise. Your mother room must be like 5 times the size of my flower room.

Thanks again for sharing your wisdom with me and offering help to a new guy like me...Fiddy.


Active member


Greetings friends.

I hav been watering my GB with light nutes to a 50% runoff 4 times in the last week plus. I he first three waterings the runoff ppm kept rising from 2600 to 2800 to 3020. This morning I watered to same runoff and the ppm dropped quite a bit to around 2200. I think I'm starting to flush some of the stuff out. She is looking to finish in a couple weeks or so and my thoughts are to keep up what I'm doing for at least another week then start to go even lighter on the nutes. Many of the leaves are dried up and sucked clean of their green color. I have been taking them off as they look to be of no use to the plants anymore. The buds are swelling nicely the last few days. I think she is going to yeild pretty nicely.

So I'm allmost at the end with the GB and I'll be handing over the autos that are in my veg tent to my bro. I'm going to put my t5 light in my spare bedroom closet to get the next batch going in a couple weeks or so. The flower tent will come down until I get my plumbing fixed.

I've been wondering about the best way to find keepers from the next packs of seeds I run. My 3x3 tent is small and I want to do a pheno hunt but if I just grow 2 plants at a time it will take me a year to get through a pack or so beans. I've been thinking that I could do a hunt and grow smaller plants while going through the genetics. Maybe use smaller pots and flip them early. I need to get some yeild from the hunt to keep me in buds. Anyone have experience with growing smaller plants? What do you guys think about doing something like I'm thinking about? Any other ideas?

Once I find some keepers I'm really looking forward to growing them from clone. I will try to do 2 plants per run in the tent.


Active member
Hey folks growing inside I never saw a need for anything larger than five gallon to flower,unless you are lucky enough to have crazy cathedral ceilings or something like that.I'm just curious do any of you folks use NSI nursery containers?They are probably the most common plastic pots in existence at least down here that is for sure.For so many years I vegged and sexed seedplants in the NSI 600's and flowered in the NSI 1200's.There wasn't a whole lot of dirt to add between the two,but I would always score a couple ounces under the 1K's and the 1200's.Switching to the NSI 2000's,the five gallon and the smallest NSI containers that had built in handles, made such an unbelievable difference in my yield it was crazy beautiful!This was inside though,if I ever would find a place outside again to feel even a little confident after being burned more than once my flowering container would be a lot bigger than 5 gal.I was never able to get into flowering the couple times I tried outdoors,damn kids think fat leaves will get you high lol.Anyway,I'm wondering if any of you all use NSI containers?


Active member
Smaller pots. I ran 16 plants in a 4x4. Also if your looking for a keeper take a clone from the seed plant, and run the clone. Clones performance is different than seed plants. I start my seeds under a t5 and then cut 2 clones and keep one and flower 1. Now you have a back-up and you know how it will perform as a clone.

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