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Feds Threaten State Dispensaries Nationwide


And that's the point ...

And that's the point ...

This is the crux here ...with so many police dept's running on empty & having to lay-off large numbers of officers extracting every dollar they can out of apprehending & proscecution of usually minor offenders finances what is one of the largest growing businesses in the US which is the prison systems . We all know the statistics of jail populations & drugs with MJ accounting for the majority .

Funny thing also , is the crime & violent crime rate in Los Angleles has been going down every year in the last 6yrs to the lowest levels in 40yrs . This at a time when economic hardship would dictate there would be a trendency for crime to increase not decrease and they have no explanation for it . Certainly we could say then , that the proliferation of Medical marijuana dispensaries (up in the 100's ) in the last 6yrs had no ill effects ? <G

Also with jobless rates so high in the US , housing markets & building at all time lows, rising oil/energy , commodities & wholesale costs, plus the challenge to America's position as the leading producer in the world (China just surpassed the US as largest producer of goods ) ...the subject of legalizing & regulating MJ is farther down on the list of issues people want to think about . Plus there's always a flight to conservitive stances during times like these ...and under this umbrella of conservatism the Fed's get to play at whatever games they choose which has all to do with chasing the money .

And that's the point ... an underground economy that provides jobs & income and medication that is outside the purview and control of the government and their crony corporate friends is anathema to the Federal Police State. The underground economy will not be tolerated -- that is the crux of what is happening right now with the continued DEA raids in MMJ States under the Obama regime.
[Read about Gen. Smedley Butler and the "Businessman's Revolt",
and google "Operation Paperclip" -- we have become what we fought in WW2.]

The NY Federal Reserve, the TBTF|TBTJ Banksters and the Wall Street Mobsters have been busy strip-mining the USA and Western World's economies for nearly 70 years, with the collusion of what passes for "our" Federal government. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the US Dollar has devalued by 98%. Free trade isn't free, or fair. Globalization is destroying democracy.
[Pick up and read Naomi Klein's expose book "Shock Doctrine".]

This private for-profit Central Bank has funded both sides in 2 World Wars, not unlike what their predecessors the Rothchild's international banking cartel has done in the previous 200+ years. A Central Bank that was ostensibly set up to control inflation has been busy creating economic booms & busts through the expansion & contraction of the money supply and credit, for their own profit.
[Google "The Money Masters" && "The Secret of Oz" movies, and watch them.]

A tactic used by the Mafia in buying thriving companies, stripping them of assets, and then leaving the bankrupt empty shell to collapse has been adopted wholesale by the Wall Street Mobsters. The financial power of the Federal Reserve has corrupted every level of government, and they are untouchable. They will no more submit to a thorough and public audit than the CIA and NSA would. In 1961 at the time of the Bay of Pigs Fiasco, the CIA owned over 200 USA shell companies to conceal their domestic infrastructure supporting illegal overseas conflicts -- now that number must be in the 1,000's.
[Google "Operation Northwoods", "Operation Mockingbird", "Operation Ajax", and "COINTELPRO" -- "our" Federal government destroying USA democracy from the inside.]

Privatized profits and socialized risks.
War is peace.
Slavery is freedom.
Ignorance is strength.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
All of this straight out of the social novel "1984", which turned out to be a blueprint for operation of government instead of a work of fiction. George Orwell was not so much a novelist as a modern day Nostradamos.

Please forgive my rant ... :)


Madrus Rose

post 69
Quoted for truth. Marijuana is medicine. It's obviously helpful for a number of conditions....and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg. That being said, people do act like total assclowns running around flaunting it in the aforementioned ways Ponde described. They make a total gigantic motherf*cking joke of the "medicine" premise when it's portrayed in that way. Very easy to get the wrong idea.. :tiphat:

* Just posting on another thread ---> " Realistic Ideas to End the War on Drugs" that don't think proving the medical aspects of cannabis and its legalization/decriminalization it on that criteria is really necessary at all ...will just repost my post again here .

Personally think that Bill Maher's got it best in the post that like alcohol & the repealing of prohibition by Rosevelt ...just because Americans like to drink ...and now Americans love Pot . There's no need to put a label of "medical" or not to it at all . If people want to injest an herb thru any means that's relatively harmless , & recreational , they should have the right to do so without having their doors broken down & being jailed .
Simple as that...

I do remember AIDS & the great need for stimulating appetite of later stage victims back when the movement was younger ...that was all i needed to feel about the medical aspect for in San Francisco the AIDS thing was full blown & very sad amongs gays . No-one has to prove though that Pot doesn't help in giving almost anyone the munchies & usually lightens the heart !! ;)

(and doesn't kill brain cells by the millions per joint , like one oz of Alcohol does )

Let's also remember how AIDS surfaced rapidly as an epidemic and was first viewed as a "Homosexual Disease" and stigmatized when Jerry Falwell labeled it as the Wrath of God visited on homosexuals & Ronald Reagan sat there & did nothing again & again at the beginning ...while he earned votes from the religious right & being tough on Russians & tough on crime ! But was impotent when it came to recognizing & funding research to one of the worst epidemics to rise up & plague mankind .

" Ronald Reagan's AIDS Legacy / Silence equals death "

" As America remembers the life of Ronald Reagan, it must never forget his shameful abdication of leadership in the fight against AIDS. History may ultimately judge his presidency by the thousands who have and will die of AIDS.

Following discovery of the first cases in 1981, it soon became clear a national health crisis was developing. But President Reagan's response was "halting and ineffective," according to his biographer Lou Cannon. Those infected initially with this mysterious disease -- all gay men -- found themselves targeted with an unprecedented level of mean-spirited hostility.

significant source of Reagan's support came from the newly identified religious right and the Moral Majority, a political-action group founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. AIDS became the tool, and gay men the target, for the politics of fear, hate and discrimination. Falwell said "AIDS is the wrath of God upon homosexuals." Reagan's communications director Pat Buchanan argued that AIDS is "nature's revenge on gay men."

But back to ending Prohibition ....it pretty much took out the BlackMarket , rampant corruption of elected officials & decreased violence in every following decade since the repeal . Now the drug laws have fueled another rise of violence , overloaded prisons , stigmatization of peoples lives & huge Black Markets ...for an herb that there's been not one documented death from . And its cousin Hemp that has literally 100's of proven industrial uses as a cash crop for its fibre , oil & nutrition greater than almost any other plant known to man .

(And hemp still deemed a class 1 "Controlled Substance" , also illegal to grow due to the sheer idiocy & hysterical system , you can forget proving the medical )

Yet the very revenues taken in by the taxation of Alcohol & Tobacco after ending prohibition now helps to fund health awareness & health education programs all across the US in every state . Use of Pot among teens has increased while alcohol consumption has decreased ....in part perhaps of stricter DUI laws but also in part because young peeps are making perhaps better health choices here too & finally are realizing the danger's of overuse/abuse of alcohol which cost the state of Virginia alone $1Bil a yr ...the same in every other state too.

For me the medical aspect of legalization is Ok , but not as important as just ending Prohibition & the realistic approach of decriminalizing both Hemp & Pot , taking them off the schedule 1 class of controlled substances and from there just simply treat it like Alcohol & Tobacco thru laws governing regulation & taxation .

And thats the one thing the Feds are happiest at & do best --->regulate & tax !

For from every corner of academia & studies/research done ,
prohibition was a complete failure in every aspect .

It is as simple as that ...

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
and just days ago obama stated that legalizing MJ is a worthwhile debate.

You don't mean to suggest he speaks out of both sides of his mouth, eh?

A wolf in sheep's clothing. Maybe he'll get another Nobel Peace Prize if he really ramps this up. 3 international wars + Pakistan and Yemen drone mini-wars, and maybe cranking up the heat on the drug war. That's quite the resume.
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May your race always be in your favor
Seems to me that everyone is upset cause the gov lied to us. It's time to grow the fuck up. If people want the laws changed then it will be done on a state by state level, just like prohibition was repealed back in the 30's. It was the state by state action then that cause the end of prohibition.

So what's the answer, VOTE GET INVOLVED, call your congress person and Senator. Email and call the White house, you can leave comments and talk to a live person when you do it. Tell your elected reps, how you will vote.. for or against them depending on their stand.
Just bitching on the icmag is good for the soul, but bitching at the politicians is better for the brain.

So what I'm saying is get involved, vote be active, also when calling your elected officials and the white house, remember to be respectful and polite as you get more bees with honey than with vinegar and polite people get listened to more.
If your not willing to get involved to change the system then don't BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!:2cents::smoweed:


Active member
The government is made up of people just like you and I.
People who will try to make the most of any situation for themselves, people who will show favor to their family members over strangers.
And people who if they think they can get away with something, will try.
It's just people.
Someone offered you a million dollars to do something that goes against your principles, you probably would, same as the people in government.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I was planning on moving to a med state this summer so I can get "legit" but I'm beginning to think that's the same thing as painting a target on my back for the feds.
I think the better plan would be to stay where we are are now, and keep doing things low and quiet, business as usual basically.


Can't say this surprises me at all. It's disappointing but the DEA and feds are just going to keep it up.

The real change will come when over half of the states in the US change their policy on MMJ and decriminalization. Then and only then will the feds have to submit to the people. Until then, they will keep controlling us because power is what they feed on.


It appears as though they Feds are going to bust some heads. I have been hearing rumblings from a couple of different sources that the Feds are going to really go after outside grows this year in Cali and that they are going to make "examples" of high profile clubs in the state as well. We have only had 3 years of democrats in office and yet the political is already swinging back heavily to the right. Plus I don't think that the government likes that Mexico is taking about legalizing drugs. As to the states standing up to the Feds. Not going to happen. First off there was a civil war and the Feds very clearly have sway over the states. Secondly the police forces that are in these states have a lot of cops that can't stand medical laws. These cops that are looking at lay offs and shortages in money. They will take the federal money that the Feds will bring when doing all these operations because we all know that its really about money and there nothing like that federal tit to suckle off of. I am not saying that this is right but I think that the next year we are going to see a lot of actions against medical MJ.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Quoted for truth. Marijuana is medicine. It's obviously helpful for a number of conditions....and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg. That being said, people do act like total assclowns running around flaunting it in the aforementioned ways Ponde described. They make a total gigantic motherf*cking joke of the "medicine" premise when it's portrayed in that way. Very easy to get the wrong idea.

If it's a medicine, treat it as such. If you say it's medicine, yet display it as a recreational drug....you're begging for misinterpretation and mischaracterization on a gross scale.

It's a very fine line to walk sometimes, and it's easy to get carried away. The entire public view of MMJ is fragile at best, and needs to be tended in such a way as to nurture the development of the public consciousness.....not hamper it.

In other words: WAVY GRAVY should not be the spokesperson for MMJ. You get my drift? It should always be some cat in a wheelchair stating how much it's impacted their life in a positive light. It shouldn't be the bleary eyed slacker with the tie-dyed shirt and long beard that has "anxiety", and some nominal pain on their way to the next Phish show. Capiche? How obvious should that be?

Got NO problems with recreational use. It should however definitely be distanced to a much greater degree from MMJ use to properly distinguish the actual medicinal benefit....and not detract from it.

By doing that in the short term, you've ensured long term success in both medicinal and recreational arenas. :tiphat:

Medicinal and recreational marijuana are the exact same.

The line you are trying to draw shouldn't be there in the first place.

It seems tie dyes are not welcomed in our own culture anymore....

You can't be a bigot and expect the world to be any different.


Fundamentally, I completely agree that medicinal and recreational usage are the same thing. Look at my avatar... Ginsberg in a sandwich sign. Cannabis is a wellness tonic, a true staple of life. Any restriction on free access to the herb is basically telling God to shove it. But that's the world we live in. They're calling evil good and good evil all over Babylon town...

Hippies have been loathed in certain parts of our country since about the time Furthur rolled into Millbrook... and in some places that ain't changed a bit. There are little pockets scattered around our country where the people are generally more tolerant and open-minded, and then there's the vast majority of the rest of the country, where tolerant and open-minded people try to either stay in the house or get up enough scratch to get to one of those little pockets.

Those non-pocket people in the majority who don't like hippies also don't like pot very much. Hippies and herb have been associated in 'straight' culture since Life Magazine showed the world what was going on in San Francisco, and have continued to be associated.

Thus the need for more 'straights' and 'squares' to step up and represent the MMJ movement, and the necessity for certain elements of the overall herb culture to use some discretion. Ever driven a VW bus covered in Dead/Phish stickers across country? I did when I was 18. A lot of people honked and waved, sure. But more than once I hightailed it out of a gas station well before I was filled up when a crew of locals queued up and started muttering about the 'fuck'n hippie'.

Reality requires discretion...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Thus the need for more 'straights' and 'squares' to step up and represent the MMJ movement, and the necessity for certain elements of the overall herb culture to use some discretion. Ever driven a VW bus covered in Dead/Phish stickers across country? I did when I was 18. A lot of people honked and waved, sure. But more than once I hightailed it out of a gas station well before I was filled up when a crew of locals queued up and started muttering about the 'fuck'n hippie'.

Reality requires discretion...

Would you rather people honk and wave or mutter?

I'm simply stating that once we start dividing ourselves, pigeon holing each other, and finding fault with each other we have lost.

I have more respect for individuals who don't hide in their closet than I do for one that thinks they have to disguise their beliefs.

Someone putting it out there in their actions on the front lines deserve respect and not derision.... whether or not they are wearing tie dye.

There were more revolutionary minds a few decades ago.

Now it seems like everyone wants to get into line and cut their hair.

Shhh... be discreet.... blend in and hide.... we're about to make a difference.

Reality is subjective.
Time to kick the Feds completely out of the states.
Sheriffs must be called on to enforce state laws, and require all feds to register and get permissions before operating anywhere in their jurisdiction. Then they deny them, blanket style. That's how we do it. The Feds have gone too far, and now it's time for them to leave.
What do you do when you're guests get roudy, rude, lacking respect, manners, and decency?


There is a bill in the Montana State Senate that would force federal agents to get written permission from the local sheriff before executing any federal warrants. If the feds failed to do so, said federal agent could be arrested for kidnapping if anyone was arrested or even brought up on murder charges were anyone to be killed.

It was stated the bill was trying to avoid another Waco or Ruby Ridge type incident. Its implications for caregivers are obvious. Not sure how far this bill made it...but damn it sure would be nice.

Does this mean I'm gonna have to vote Palin in 2012??? Rather be fucked by her than Obama...what a fuckin piece of shit. What has he done but ruin our country???

Madrus Rose

post 69
Here's the rub & the ruse ....in an economy that's been hit hard with property values fallen , rising energy & wholesale costs with unemployment at record highs the tendency for Americans to run towards any conservative platform & their programs that address the immediate material & financial concerns ( along with the homeland security )has tended to leave the cause of MMJ far down on the list of most average citizen's priorities.

Prolly in these fragile economic times championing the cause of legalizing Hemp as an added great cash crop to aid in generating revs for the country should be right along side any MMJ initiative , thats something that's always escaped me when looking at MJ activism . Why is Hemp left off the platform ?

The pattern for everyone of these latest dispensary raids since prop 19 failed has seen the Feds emphasizing siezing of asssets, inventories & large bank acct's & they've been pretty free about publicizing these all along . The light they're trying to shine on the subject of Dispensaries is more than successfully impressing the average person that these operations are generating very large amounts of cash . Several millions of cash alone in the Montana raids alone ...giving an impression of abuse & their just raking in fast quick dollars . And many conservatives will see it as exactly that & nothing else .

Most people aren't saavy enough to see the obvious or make the connection that the very outdated laws the Feds try to enforce also assure these higher profits , people will just see a dispensary as license for some to make large profits at a time when everyone's tightening their belts & not in the mood to be easy or tolerant of this . Though what big liquor chain , tobacco company or Drug Company isn't making large profits too , until the drug patent/trademark runs out & a drug goes generic .

Fine with the Feds for now to keep laws as they are which makes it fairly simple to prosecute Dispensaries ( if u go that route of MMJ, they still don't recognize ) for making huge profits while taking the deduction for the cost of inventory which in effect is an admission of buying large amounts of illegal controlled material . This prolly ends up in the Supreme Court soon would imagine, for millions of dollars are on the line with the Feds looking to collect nearly 25% more revenues if that deduction for costs of medicine is denied .
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The consensus of higher thinkers is that they are not going to sell out and support vice for money. At some point you reach critical mass and the wave of pressure pushes them to accept it. Kind of like states that get a lottery. At some point they realize they would be crazy not to embrace the revenue that bordering states are enjoying. Takes longer for the fed to do anything because they are too big and made up of conservative body that closely matches the liberal in sheer numbers.


I see a conservative backlash... people who got caught up in the TP got sold into stylized fiscal conservatism, in reality it was another bunch of social conservative fanatics exacting revenge on liberal ideals. Look at the people who wrote the memo, none of them are worth a shit in the legal world. They are trying to make a name for them selves. Lots of trying to shut down a directive they disagree with. Looks like Boner and anal spew ( santorum), but with guns.


Not to be willfully argumentative & disagreeable ...

Not to be willfully argumentative & disagreeable ...

Seems to me that everyone is upset cause the gov lied to us. It's time to grow the fuck up. If people want the laws changed then it will be done on a state by state level, just like prohibition was repealed back in the 30's. It was the state by state action then that cause the end of prohibition.

So what's the answer, VOTE GET INVOLVED, call your congress person and Senator. Email and call the White house, you can leave comments and talk to a live person when you do it. Tell your elected reps, how you will vote.. for or against them depending on their stand.
Just bitching on the icmag is good for the soul, but bitching at the politicians is better for the brain.

So what I'm saying is get involved, vote be active, also when calling your elected officials and the white house, remember to be respectful and polite as you get more bees with honey than with vinegar and polite people get listened to more.
If your not willing to get involved to change the system then don't BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!:2cents::smoweed:

Not to be willfully argumentative & disagreeable ... PearleMae, but that is exactly what cannabis activists have been doing at the State level. These fascists don't care one whit about State laws, voter referendums, or majority votes in State legislatures. And it isn't just a matter of Federal jack-booted goose-stepping fascists doing anything within their power to circumvent the will of the people -- the very same thing is happening at the municipal, county, and state level as well, in MMJ-legal States.

FWIW, there was a coup-de-tat in the Federal government, or rather several. The first was in the 1960's, with every freedom-loving populist with some political power were assassinated, starting with JFK. The second was subsequent to the anointing of Village Idiot GW Bush as President by the Extreme Court, and 9/11/2001. The Orwellian-named "Patriot Act" was passed by Congress, including a majority of both Democrats & Republicans.

Then in 2002, a majority of both parties in Congress passed the HAVA (Help America Vote Our Way Act) which made non-trackable, untraceable, easily hacked electronic voting machines practically ubiquitous. No longer would political incumbents lose their seats in Congress to a populist uprising, by design. Just so long as the corporate-owned MSM published fake polls that would dishearten the political opposition, and the election vote tabulations are in concordance, no populist political group can protest too convincingly. The rest, as they say, is history.

Voting in opposition to political prohibitionists may feel good, and may even have some modest positive results, but the truth is that the crony corporations and their minions in both political parties run the USA just exactly the way the corporations want. Vast numbers of people in the streets, with the example set by freedom-loving Egyptians, might work or may evoke an overwhelming repressive response like is happening now in Bahrain, Syria, and even Libya. Don't think the latter could not happen here -- it already has to a lesser extent to protestors in Minnesota (convention), Pittsburgh (G-8), Seattle (WB & IMF), and these coordinated DEA raids. A large chunk of the money spent in the War on|of Terror is being spent domestically -- equipping municipalities with military hardware, and on building a network of 1,700 Federal Fusion Centers across the country in preparation for martial law.

To hurt the crony corporations that run this country, we'll need to hit them in their pocket-books -- with general strikes and financial embargoes of the products & services They make their money from. But with a Federal kill-switch on the Internet, and|or vast domestic spying operations, how do you see such a political movement organizing effectively? As a last resort before a general insurrection, I can foresee military-style SWAT raids such as the DEA engage in being met with equal force by an informed and organized populous.

Voting, and writing letters to Congress-critters and whichever President is nominally in charge, will not obtain the results that we seek, imvho.



Active member
what would the president have to do with any of this, are people still honestly that fucking retarded that they actually believe the president makes any decisions or actual changes to our system. they are nothing more than a pawn for idiots to focus and blame everything on, while the kings sit back and keep rapping everyone in sight.

whats absolutely absurd is they allow these dispensaries to be opened period but have the ability to shut them down immediately prosecuting all those involved.

we as people of this moronic society really need to do more, together. i dont know how many times ive used libya as an example of whats to come for america, im tired of how this country is run and id glady throw away my life if it means my kids or others can live in a world full of decency and actual common sense, not filth, greed, selflessness and a society of people that are so disconnected from what they actually can achieve.

dont forget people we will always outnumber those who think they control us, all it takes is for everyone to make a stand and it will change, i promise that.


Active member
im speaking of america, i know in some places the presidents actually do have that much control and power but america has always had a hidden side to it, that no one really seems to ever mention. america is far more secretive at using this control and power so it isnt nearly as easy to point a finger, they make it so all the fingers are pointed in the wrong directions, further prolonging their rule and deception.


Active member
and no this will be my last comment on this matter as its almost pointless unless everyone actually plans on doing something drastic about all of this.

i would never in all my life degrade my morality for any amount of money, to a degree i understand what your saying but people shouldnt be so pathetic and fearful. i hate to say this but sometimes thousands of people have to die for someone to finally notice any movement to do anything about it. take slavery and the holocaust for instance, no one gave a shit but when they saw first hand the damage and the suffering of the people who tried and lost their lives to make a change for the future of others, they fucking did it without question and made the change for a better world, its sad it has to come to such extremes but people are just that demented.

i love you all and truly hope we all see the same light as this world has so many problems that could be easily solved if we just fight together, it cant be done alone or by sitting around smoking pot and talking about it on forums. no offense, its a start but its not effecting this real issue in any sense at all.