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weed fiend
Never heard of those club papers disco will have to try them out. OCBs, orange zigs, and smoking blues I like also.

Club papers come in single and double wide. As ROOTWISE already mentioned, these papers don't need gum and stick better than any gummed wrap I've tried in 35 years. If I had a dime for every gummed spliff that came unstuck....

They leave virtually no-ash-at-all. Don't take my word for it, compare Club to yer favorite wrap:

Light one of each (empty of course) and toss into the air. You will become a Club fan instantly!


zig zag ultra thin 1 1/4
orange zigzag 1 1/4 slow burners
blue rizla

the ultra thins are amazing. best papers ever!


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Im a 1.25 Raw man myself, like rizla silvers and smoking blacks too

Raws are great papers though


european ganja growers



Hell yeh :woohoo::woohoo: or the silver ones

keep it green


Lammen Gorthaur
Whatever's on sale. I don't marry the papers, just roll them and burn them. Call me crazy, but that's how I roll... ;)


I ordered a 40 assorted pack of different brands of rolling papers a while ago so Ive got to try a few brands. F those clear ones or flavored ones - I specified I wanted just "normal" packs.

Raw are awesome.

Club Carre - the ones without gum are awesome. Just make sure you tear off a good part of the paper so it sticks well.

Jobs I don't like.

Elements are nice.

Pure hemp never burned well for me.

Jokers are the standard to buy at a gas station.

Zig zag are meh.

I got one pink pack of some brand I don't remember that were really nice.

All in all, Raw or Club Carre. 1.25 and sometimes 1.0. Too much paper isn't fun.


Registered Cannabis User
Bambu original burn very nice, and blues for the spliffs of course, but i always run out before i can make a yearly trip back to get more.


Elite Growers Club
Guys does anyone remember back around the mid 90's when Joker had Rice papers......sometime they switched from using rice paper before 2000 I think......I used to love the Joker 1/1-4 rice papers...they were very thin......I don't like the Joker's since they stopped using rice paper..........What's the best gummed rice paper? Are the Bambu Rice papers thin.....please help......I've been looking for a good paper for years....Joker's 1/1/4 made of rice........90's the best paper ever.......White pack.......

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