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farmerlions first greenhouse grow


Microbial Repositories
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Just stuff

Just stuff

China Yunnan in front and the Oaxacan in rear
Right side
Queen Mother
Orient Express x NepJam
Thank you for stopping by my friends. Enjoy the warm weather your getting. Peace
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:yoinks: Some serious fat buds building up Farmerlion!You're taking good care of those girls and they will reward you.That Guawi is a beast.Maybe borrow some machinery from work to help you transfer that 45 gal pouch :biggrin:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey Syd, I drug it to the door then picked it up and carried it outside. Now I'm sore and rethinking my actions.(Dumbass farmer) Oh well the girls have some more room now for light and the heat disperses better I think. I did make sure the Guawi had a little more room and better light. I have high hopes for her to finish well. The effects sound outstanding and I would really like to blow some friends minds. Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Well I've been fighting a different pain in the ass. The main power source coming into my house has a bad spot in it somewhere. I started digging and found a bad spot. Drove to town bought what I needed for repairs. Turned off power made repaid and it still isn't fixed fully. I have better voltage but not full power. I may end up running new lines and having to trench 250' and connect both ends again. So I guess I'm just venting in disgust. Good news is the sun came out yesterday. It was sunny today and supposed to be sunny the next couple of days. Some of the branches are starting to hangout to the sides. May have to heat my home with buds if I can't get shit fixed soon. Peace
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Active member
Prayers for a speedy solution and more tranquil times ahead. Big up for being a hands on gardener and electrician! Happy growing!!!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi farmerlion :)

Sounds like you have been busy with all the work in the greenhouse. It's not easy to feed properly all the plants when you have so many different strains growing in the same place, each one with different feeding requirements, but i think they are improving and gaining again the healthy green color they should have, especially in the tops ;)
I don't think you will be able to recover the color of the older yellowish leaves, so just make sure you are dealing now and onwards in the right PH range and keep feeding them highly with NPK and micronutrients, as they are big and they are more or less around mid flowering when they need more nutrients. The drop of temps usually make the plants less thirsty as you are experiencing, and brings the autumn colors shown in the more colorful strains.

The Nepal Jam x Kali China is showing the expected stretchy colorful columnar structure that is common in both Nepal Jam and Kali China parental plants involved in this latest version of this F1, both are very colorful expressions of Nepal Jam and Kali China.

The pure China Yunnan leans also towards the colorful chinese hashplant expressions, which are usually the best ones regarding finished product.

The Malawi x Mapetit is very appealing, showing very nice sativa dominant traits, looks like the yield is going to be very nice on this one, as usual with the Malawi hybrids.

I'm surprised the Orient Express x Nepal Jam hasn't produced so much as i expected, they were amazing yielders in the outdoor tests last season, guess they have been a bit underfeeded, as anything with Orient Express in its genetics need very high levels of nutrients in flowering.

The Queen Mother and Oaxacan are doing very well too.

Wish the yield and quality of the outcome of your harvest will be on a par with all the efforts and enthusiasm that you have put in this grow.

A big hug friend! :huggg:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Thank you ULMW and dubi. I got all my trenching done, lines in and power back to full again. It rained the whole time of course. I cut my phone line in the process. I spliced that all back together. I have contact with the outside world again. Today is still overcast and some rain. The girls are doing better. The next three days are supposed to be sunny. Heater is on 24 hours a day now. Text girls had a feeding last night. Just (pk) I will give temptress another Thursday with npk. Getting busy at work again. The girls will gain weight better with some sun. They are to tall to hang lights now. Crew is ready to work. Will do pics when I can. Peace


Active member
Lord a Mercy ! When it rains it pours! Repairing one ting to get tribulations with the next. Mighty tests but hats off to you FarmerLion and your even mightier skills!
Am inspired by your handy work skills n ability to sort electrics, heat and run a monster greenhouse full of TLC plants. Big up yahself Star! Hoping the remaining weeks are smooth and times work out for the better as you bring in your harvest. God bless and Happy growing!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Thank you ULMW, your thoughts and prayers are powerful and effective. The sun is shining for the moment. God Bless. Have a moment of time at work to say thank you. I'm bringing fiber optics to the house now for better internet, phone and tv. Not me but phone company. The girls will appreciate the sun today. They would be better off without a month of extreme overcast and smoke filled skies. I'm glad none the less. For conditions they have done very well. I don't smoke or sale. In the end it's given to those that need it and a few friends. Peace
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey all, it's been a while

Hey all, it's been a while

I hope you all are well. The simple fact that these plants are alive is a great testament to the quality of genetics at Ace and their vendors. Through several adversities and my oversights aka (mistakes). These plants are still flowering and growing. With better weather I'm sure the plants would have more weight on for buds. The nutrient screw up is all on me. So please don't judge the genetics for my short comings as a grower. S here are the girls.
Orient Express x NepJam
Malawi pink hair x MaPettit
Blurry Peyote Purple
Purple Mexican
Zamaldelica x Kali China.


Microbial Repositories
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Angola x Kali China
Right side of greenhouse
Left side of greenhouse
Orient Express x NepJam Peace
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Microbial Repositories
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more updates

more updates

Queen Mother
Malawi pink hair x MaPettit
Golden Tiger
Peyote Purple


Microbial Repositories
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More updates

More updates

NepJam x Kali China
China Yunnan, I did have a another plant as China Yunnan in another post. I may have mislabeled a photo.
Michoacán Cream
:tiphat: Peace
I hope you all have a great week. Thank you for stopping by and checking things out.


Well-known member
Filling out very nice in spite of fall colors, greenhouse is doing its thing. I know about the weather, until this week it was rainy and dark days, cold nights, kept things small for me girls. No worries, smells great, as I imagine your dream palace does;)


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
DeepWaterDude, The learning curve of greenhouse/outdoor growing. Is all I expected it to be. I had hoped I would've been able to curb more beforehand. None the less I have learned and will be more prepared for future grows. Yes the aromas are incredible. Even my minimal sense of smell could pick up the floral bouquet. I'm hoping at least the balance of October is sunny. I can provide heat but not sunshine. Peace


Well-known member
It's the Malawi x Ma Petit that's got me going;) Among many others, Oaxacan, for ex.

I just found out night temps are going to plummet 20 degrees starting tomorrow, I think. Daytime, low 60s, nighttime, low 30s. Not good for my little clones. Y know, I may bring that Malawi inside and get some frost cloth for the chair scrogs. Wish I had your heat;)


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Thanks guy's for the kind words. I did think about bringing a couple inside. But that would defeat the purpose of learning witch strains I can finish. I knew the Acapulco wasn't going to finish before January. I really needed the space. Today is sunny, God Bless. The girls will appreciate the sun today and gain weight. Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Just Buds

Just Buds

I didn't write down the name of each plant pictures are from. I didn't try to find the frosty ones for the thread. These are just buds. Even with poor weather and a grower that screws up a little to often. This is what I have so far. Peace


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