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farmerlions first greenhouse grow


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Golden Tigers Clearer pictures

Golden Tigers Clearer pictures

The Golden Tigers starting to flower. Peace


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Two other ladies

Two other ladies

The Michoacán Cream's

These are the Zamaldelica x Kali China's. I just put stakes in for both the Zamaldelica's and the Michoacán's. They had grown into the side of the greenhouse. From soil top they are all 6 1/2' to 7' tall.

While putting in the stakes I did feel a couple bug bites. Hurry up Lady Bugs! I think the bugs are the down hill slope of life, but I want the help them with grower assisted suicide! Peace :tiphat:

Samuel Caldwell

Well-known member
I love your double stem China Yunnan! I'm glad she's doing so well for you. I'm not sure I've ever seen a double stem plant where both side are so different and yet both are doing so well! Very cool! Have you run her before? How's she smoke?

Have you grown Queen Mother before? She sounds interesting but I can't find much info on her around here.

Thanks, fl!


Active member
Looking awesome ! Lovely vibrance your plants are expressing. I do believe they are very happy!
Nice to see the photos , many Thanks. Happy growing!


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Samuel Caldwell, I haven't grown out either before. I don't smoke so I couldn't give you any information on that. Since it's from Ace I'm sure it's top notch.

ULMW, Now that almost all the plants are flowering. I will be able to update bud structure and growth. I hope to see them all through the end of flowering. I don't know if I can with all strains or not. This experience is an opportunity to learn at many levels. Peace


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Sept 3rd flowering update

Sept 3rd flowering update

Hello my friends, One plant was removed from the grow today. I had been waiting for the Acapulco Gold to declare sex. One is female and one was male. The male was quickly culled and removed from the greenhouse. There was several sets of nanners developed on this plant. While I didn't see any that had opened it's always possible. I had been busy the last couple days. Only being around to water after sundown and before sun up. The Zamaldelica x Kali China and the Malawi x Kali China are still on the edge of flowering. Both are very Sativa dominant and a later flowering Phenotype. Here is some pictures of some that are in flowering with clusters and buds.
China Yunnan
China Yunnan
This is a picture of both meristems, both are in flowering and producing nicely. Peace :tiphat:


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Sept 3rd flowering update

Sept 3rd flowering update

Purple Mexican
Destroyer Colombia Phenotype
Destroyer Thai phenotype
Queen Mother
Queen Mother Peace


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Flowering Ladies

Flowering Ladies

Orient Express x NepJam
Orient Express x NepJam
Golden Tiger
Golden Tiger
Peace :tiphat:


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More Ladies

More Ladies

Lilly x MaPettit
Lilly x MaPettit
NepJam x Kali China
NepJam x Kali China Peace:tiphat:


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Some more ladies

Some more ladies

Peyote Purple
Peyote Purple
Malawi pink hair x MaPettit
Malawi pink hair x MaPettit
I hope all of you have and are having a great weekend. It saddened me to cull an Acapulco Gold. It would be nice to have a cross of it that would flower faster for my grow environment. It is becoming clearer what genetics I will be able to move forward with. This bothers me as some I will end up moving away from are very close to my heart. If and when I have a facility with a blackout system. I will have genetics waiting in suspended animation. I was hoping my Lady bugs would have shown up by now. With Memorial Holiday this weekend all mail is behind schedule. I hope the bugs are in an environment that is tolerable for their health. Dead bugs don't eat. Peace


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A big special Thank You to all men and women that have served their countries. The work you do is often unpopular with people that have never given of themselves. Yet their protests and childish displays at demonstrations. Is a large part of the freedoms men and women have given their lives for. So please tell me what an asshole I am. I proudly served my country for your opinion. Peace


Active member
Thank you for your service to this nation and it's people. Whether they appreciate it or not, they still exercise the freedoms you fought to protect.

It's Labor day not memorial day.


Well-known member
Thank you for your service, farmerlion.

Man I'm sad to hear about your AG! Wish I could have had a cut of that to tuck away haha. Your GTs look lovely, I think the Malawi pheno will finish on time for you. The thai pheno.... probably the way of AG, but it's ok/good smoke even if taken weeks early!

Excellent work as always sir, very inspiring.



Well-known member
Thank you for your service to this nation and it's people. Whether they appreciate it or not, they still exercise the freedoms you fought to protect.

It's Labor day not memorial day.

It is labor day, and that garden is proof positive of labor executed!


Active member

I'm not very proud of this but im a bit lazy. Can you please sum up which ones have been the fastest to start flowering and develop flowers? NJxKC? Thanks a lot!


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Packerfan79, lol I screw that up twice a year and only get it right once. With veterans day I guess my percentage climbs a little. I guess I'm feeling more patriotic after Harvey hit Houston.
Bleiweis, One of the NJ x KC was first the second plant was 1 1/2 weeks later. The Peyote Purple I thought would be earlier was actually one of the last plants to flower. The Golden Tiger and Guawi both were pretty early to flower as well. The Purple Mexican was at the same as GT. The Zamaldelica x KC is very sativa dominant and is the last to show pistils along with the Acapulco Gold. Please keep in mind this is all natural light cycle. The China Yunnan and the Orient Express showed pistils a week and a half after the GT and Guawi. If ratios were different for some crosses I'm sure I'd get different results. Next season may be vastly different. Many of the sativas started flowering before the indica plants. which I found a little strange since they are a more northern plant. But hey, I will take it all day long. I'm a sativa fan myself.
Ncali, Thanks for stopping by again. I still have one AG. She will go until she falls apart. The Angola, Zamaldelica x KC and the Malawi x KC will be keeping her company.
The Lilly x MaPettit was two weeks earlier than the Malawi pink hair x MaPettit. The Lilly started about 4 days after the first NepJam x KC. The Oaxacan is still forming pistil pairs. I haven't seen any clusters on her yet. The Colombian phenotype of the Destroyer was about 4 days ahead of the Thai phenotype of Destroyer. I'm hoping for a kind fall. All this is off the top of my head. I didn't refer to my notes. I might be off a day here or there, but it should be very close. The Queen Mother and Orient Express x NepJam started flowering at the same times. Sorry again guys I had my head up my ass on the holiday. For something I'm very passionate about I should be able to keep it straight. I was chemically challenged for many years. That's the socially correct way of saying I smoked a ton of pot and a bunch of LSD back in the 80's. Peace


Active member

It's Labor day not memorial day.

By no means do I intend to disparage anyone's patriotism, but whilst you guys are still celebrating Labour Day, I will not forget being deported just because I went on strike (on a Greek vessel) in New Orleans back in the '80s...the water side workers syndicate just ignored us ....blue collar rights...what a charade....



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Orfeas, That's interesting. I have never understood the concept of a strike. Even if you feel you have won. It takes years to re cooperate lost income. I hope all worked out in the end for you. Peace


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Hello, The temp in the greenhouse this morning was 50 degrees f. I decided it's time to turn the heater on for the girls now. It's supposed to be in the 80's still this week. The trees in the canyon are turning colors now. A lot of the fan leaves are yellowing and dropping. Maybe to many and to quickly, at least compared to my last several indoor grows. I will try just having the pilot light on and check temps again in morning. The extra CO2 will help a little I'm sure. Many of the buds are starting to take shape nicely. Nothing with any weight or size yet, but it's a start.
Have a great week my friends and be safe. Peace
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Well-known member
Nice to hear fall is falling where you are. Around here, days are beautiful and sun strong for the plants, but nights get into the 40s. No way in hell my Malawi will finish outdoors, hasn't even really started;)

I can only imagine how much you've got to do with all these girls; I'm starting to get resentful about having to feed 8 plants once to twice a day;)