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Endo said:
nah each state is separate... funny you should mention the pistol permit thing.. im looking into getting one myself.... we know a guy that runs a gun range and is certified to teach the course. one day 6 hours.. personal course for the win....!!!!

Yeah i know each state is different, Fl is the one that is accepted in the most amount of states i think its like 18 dif states comes in handy for traveling on the road :joint:

nothin like carrying concealed, its a dog-eat-dog world out there :dueling:

Prof, Nice pics homie! K++

Phrase corrected in the name of 311..Da Grammar teacher was gonna give me an F for Effort :bashhead: :bashhead: :joint: :joint:
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Active member
Every ones stuff is looking excellent. Many outdoor growers around? I've taken a break from indoors for awhile but have some stuff going on outside.



Grinding extra.
Ash - Hell no the FL don't work in NY. I just think it's funny how they make you jump through 100 hoops to get your right in NY. They can't stop you. They just make it so difficult most people get discouraged. Sneaky fuckers. :nono: It's #2 for a reason.

Here's a shot of the Orange Bud @ about 4 weeks.

And here's my outdoor patch.

I topped and supercropped them.

Look ok?

This is my little visitor.



:wave: Hey F.'E.M. whats shakin?
Just wanna thank Endo,asher,Y,vintner,Hydrofome420,and BaBaBooey for that warm reception into your family.
I'll get right into an abbreviated update on what I'm doin in the cellar. You are all welcome to visit the thread for full updates. Like RM says..dont be lurkin, be postin! :muahaha:
Some of ya know and some of ya dont but I got some B+ runnin..

better update on that tomorrow.
I got to sex most of my Kalichakra's today as well.
5 confirmed fems.
4 confirmed males.
1 undecided.
new additions to the family: on the left 3 Mandala Safari Mix, on the right 2 Thunks.

and I finally got my care package from the 'boo.

still waitin on the White Widow. o well, at least they werent grabbed up by da man!

Im happy to be a part of your club everybody! I hope to spread laughter and good vibes around, as well as some other stuff too. :muahaha: Dont worry baby Im clean... :laughing: :muahaha: :nono:
Peace and +K to all of ya F.U.C.K.E.R.'S
edit: it's a girl!! 6 fems 4 males!! :muahaha:
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Art, yeah i heard it takes some serious leg work in Ny to get it, makes you feel more comfortable knowing only the criminals are packing huh? :bashhead:

the out doors is looking good for some reason when i saw that first pic i just saw Sun Flowers.. maybe the way there lookin up at the sun lol :joint:

Cellar hope them shrooms come out good for ya :joint:

O, are you betty crocker when it comes to makin the budder? Id like some of that but i think it'll melt before it gets my way :badday:

Ima have to plan a trip to the City soon n meet some of ya just dont hit me over the head for the Kind :bashhead:

stay safe everyone :joint: :joint:

frank keep us posted with the baby :joint:


I am back. Six days away from my ladies.

Three real and viable Mothers Finest seedlings were waiting for me.

On the cloner front, the clone that I had an inch deep in the bubbler had crazy root formation. the one that was above the water, nothing.....I re-potted the first clone. So the verdict on the bubble cloner for me is one to two inches into the bubbling water.

I will have pics in a few hours as I have free access to my cam tonight....

hope everyone had a good Fourth. Also, please read No Country For Old Men. the book was better than the movie, and I loved the movie.



cellardweller iv been very happy with my White Widow from nirvana hope you get it soon

ill be watching for that Bubblelicious i was thinking of pick up some of them


wattup everyone,just poppin in to say wassup to the fam.

great pics too fam.
clearcutter and art those outside spots are lookin real good yo,i wish i had a secret lil spot somewhere i think imma ask a buddy with some land if he wants to do a lil somethin next year,that way he thinks im searchin for clones or buyin seeds over the winter to start my "first" grow.ya know,im not gonna be exposin my whole hand to nobody but hey what the hell it'll be my 1st outside grow LOL
well,i had 1 plant outside before,it was huge had me noided as hell cause it was in the yard LOL
C dubb congrads on the beans and babaa that plant looks damn nice yo,i guess you are happy with it!! :jump:
peace fam i'll leave ya with a couple pics,these came down today.
only ten 8 bubbleberries and two black dominas but i think it'll be a good pull prolly around 1 1/2 lbs.maybe 2.

peace fam-Y-
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here we go.....

this is the specimin that I put in the bubble cloner maybe 12 days ago....lifesaver

whats cooking in the veg closet....these four girls are gonna get flowered in a few days.

the mothers finest are down the middle. i planted them the day before I left.

cloeseup of two of the MF seedlings....the one is super small. If any come up male, i am gonna grow it out and pollinate the Umberger Orange (cause I like the flavor and smell of U orange) But FUCKEM, they are six year old seeds and they are Alive.

we don't just grow good dope around here, my wife can flower some orchids allright too.



Damn Y,

those are reall pretty. you musta been posting at the same time as me. If you look real close at the first pic I have, you can see Black D #2 on it. I used to grow that too....I only kept her around for a year or two.

nice looking plant Bababooey.

Outkast, sounds like you guys may have been at a beach also. The fireworks were pretty, but the show after was much better. Some thunderstorms with 60 mph winds blew thru.



thanx jip and asher,
yeah i see that now that you said it jip,whyd ya cut her off yo? got some better gear?i like mine alot but as doors are gettin opened to get more elite cuts and better yielders im thinkin i might have to thin her out and just keep a few around so the strain is always here.thats what i did with the bubbleberry for a while and man am i glad i didnt just eliminate her,if you ever want the bd back shoot me a pm we can get ya together homie.peace

ash,you like that action yo? check ur pm's.peace
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asher1er said:
Y, them Bb's lookin sick homie!

jipedestran, hope to see them Mf's grown out! :joint: :joint:

You know it. whatever happens, these plants are going to carry on their genes.

Y--Personally, I think Sensi's MF is much better than Black D. But I think that Black D finishes lots quicker. I think you may grow for some slightly different reasons than I, with those considerations in mind, maybe you should keep some long sativas around just for yourself, run those heavy yielders like the Black D for what you need to do....my memory of the pheno I had was extremely dense, tilted to the Indica side of things. I was not happy with the high. But I chose to grow it based on the consensus. Mothers finest I chose becaus of something i think it was Medicine Man wrote on Overgrow. It may have been a different nick, but he basically went schizo on OG, started talking about the Illuminati, but anyway, he loved MF that is why I went there.

I have some strains that I really want to grow, have had my eyes on for a long time. The one I would love more than any, would be kauai Electric. but Super Silver Haze is another I want to try. With any luck, I may get the chance.



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well here go a few pictures, again tryna do the close-up thing but guess i need a better camera :bashhead: besides my photo skills being crap(yes i failed photography in highschool) lol the batteries where flashing low and couldn't get her to focus..

Day 57 give or take 1 :joint:

a few popcorn balls n side shoots that just decided to pop out n get some light lol

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well jip i feel you bro,and actualy i been whorin around seedbay alot pickin up new gear.see i been havin these cuts since i started,well actualy i practicly murdered some G-13 my first grow idk how they made it all the way.then i got these 3.they cool but im lookin to switch my game up and get some real headcracker shit jumpin off in here.like you said man atleast to have somethin different.i'll prolly let her go soon as far as runnin all the time,but i promised a buddy i'd save her till he moved back here from outta town so true to my word i'll be.
but honestly yo i'd be happy to find a couple new keepers in these beans i bought i'll switch the whole room up and just keep these 3 in veg 1 mom each lst'd and tucked away.peace yo

ash ...looks like theyre fillin up for ya bro.they look gummy too.charge those batteries G!!! peace
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