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sunshine in a bag
I used to think Scientology was crazy. How things change! hehehe Not so crazy to me now, still a little crazy, but if I've learned anything in life, it's... anything's possible, nothing's impossible.

okay well flap your arms really hard and jump off of a really tall building, lemme know if you fly.
Again, I refer to the Disclosure Project... listen to the testemonies of those lairs and judge for yourself.

Well here is another problem with UFO religionists, you take all these seperate incidents and mash them all together. Instead you need to take all accounts separately as is and judge them accordingly.

Of course, I have seen the Disclosure project and I applaud many of the brave people coming out to talk about what they have seen and experienced. BUT! If you look carefully at most of the accounts given, they have NOTHING to do with aliens and more to do with general accounts of unidentified objects (the Belgian triangle UFO comes to mind) and government secrecy of UFOs (because of course, they are black op projects and govs put out disinfo so people think they are aliens not spy planes and bombers and what not).

The 2 or so that DO actually talk about seeing aliens and who ha well. Of course have conflicting things to say about all these alien races and who they are and generally come off as completely crazy people, even despite their credentials (and lets not forget high up crazy/stupid people can carry lots of credentials ie george bush, etc.) Of course again, you fail to recognize the acknowledgment of "UFOs" yet the rational ability to not jump to conclusions of aliens.
Seriously, the government has these blimps and drones that can hover high up and act as a little ball of light, move erratically, and then just simply vanish or fade out. And the kind of spying equipment these things have is a whole can of worms "conspiracy theory" rabbit hole of who the fuck knows but it starts with ir, spectral, and regular cameras (that can zoom in to read text on your cell phone) to stuff that can see through walls of your car and house. Also, "mind control" directed energy weapons that can confuse a targeted person or group and holographic projection "weapons", EMP "guns", free clean energy and anti-gravity technology, the list just keeps on going and keeps getting weirder. We can be sure of the former, the latter, perhaps.. Its almost as though if you can think it or have heard about it it's actually probably true and the usa gov has it. This is 100% science fact BTW not fiction.

Good searches on youtube are: "disclosure project", "alien agenda", "illuminati reptilians", "ufo sightings", "NASA tether incident", actually, NAA has some of the best footage of alien craft out there, including a crash. search these terms, and then check out related videos. Be careful of fakes, use your gut instict.

LOL. By good I'm sure you mean ridiculous good for a laugh when really baked. Illuminati reptilians! Now, I may think that at least some kind of illuminati exists, even if they don't call themselves the illunimati or by any specific name, but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MAN!

OMG the NASA tether incident. I am SO sick of hillbilly morons who bring up all these nasa videos of out of focus ice particles and other garbage!

Do something for me will you, go to the store and buy a telescope and look through it. What will you see? HOLY CRAP ITS ALL THOSE SAME UFO SHAPES YOU SEE IN THE VID! But wait, whats that? Adjust the dial some, and you will easily see that the effect is due to the lenses being out of focus, which is exactly what you will see in those videos. IN addition to dust particles that reflect light and anything else that may get in the way of your lens.
This kind of childishness is akin go people taking pictures of "orbs" and then claiming they are ghosts when its freaking dust!

This is EXACTLY the reason how and why such people and alleged experts who will claim "WOAH look at this UFO vid all these UFOs show up everywhere all of a sudden!" are not scientists or experts of any sort (except experts in gullible bullshit). Well duh its ice and dust showing up and reflecting on the lenses as the NASA crew zooms in and out on the tether.

I have seen maybe 2 to 3 NASA videos that could perhaps qualify as genuinely strange, and then at least one of them can be explained as ball lightning in the atmosphere, the other ice, which only leaves one, and I'm sure in some time I will think of a easy explanation for that as well (it will help to find the video again :p LoL).

And then theres that missile test crash they always show as a UFO, I'm sure thats the UFO crash vid you are talking about, even Larry King Live will blip the clip in between breaks, I think its the "white sands new mexico ufo" or something, well, its a frigging missile being tested by the military, not a damn ufo. It skips along the ground before exploding to pieces. MISSILE. Its like, you people would see a minigun firing and think its lasers or something when its just bullets. Imagine how many other people are seeing missiles being tested high up in the air and mistaking them for an alien driven UFO "Well gosh darn it was way high up and all brightly colored and shaped like a cigar and it was moving so fast faster than any plane or jet I've ever seen and when it went by there was a ROAR like I never heard (or maybe silent) and when it went by it just split the sky in two it count not have been from this world it it just couldn't have we don't have no ships n stuff like that it hada bee der aliens".......... Story sound familiar? Yeah, I know it does.

With the abductions documentaries and videos you will notice that many of them have nothing to do with being asleep in bed, having dreams.

And they are all wackoloons who think the center of the earth is hollow and thats where they reptilians sleep at night before they come out of their caves to stick strange metallic probes in all the right sexy spots. And boy is it strange yet still feels so VERY good LoL. OR they are just lying bullshitters trying to make money like travis walton and that communion asshole.

Omg if you believe in any of that junk without any proof then you can't be helped you are just one of those people making things up as they go along too.

Your still wrong, cause otherwise it's always at night, and its always DMT or night terrors.

I hope I'm wrong about all of it, and that we are just alone here by ourselves in the galaxy.

Why would you say that? Don't you want the aliens to actually be here? I know I do.

And DUH, of course there ARE aliens out there in our galaxy even, ones that have the ability to visit us at any time if they want. But DO they want to? FUCK NO we suck we don't even have free weed and they are smoking trees 50 miles high.

Or at least that if these stories do mean that we're being visited, that the visitors are mostly benevolent.

It is was the case we were (which it isn't), I think it would be an obvious DUH otherwise we would have been wiped out like the ants we are long ago. But still if they are here WTF are they waiting doing buzzing around all the hillbillies! Isn't it also odd that whenever you DO see or hear about UFOs it's always near military bases and other covert private defense contractors HUMMMMMM


Active member
ICMag Donor
Be careful of fakes, use your gut instict.
I think that gut instinct alone disqualifies any further discussion on the issue. Gut instinct, is all that ever gets presented in these discussions, and very little if any scientific evidence. Gut instinct can be a good thing, if you have a decent gut. Have you seen some of the guts running around?

Whatever the case, I feel compelled to share this with open-minded people, no matter what negativity is shot across my bow in the process. cc
But, it's ok for you to fire negativity as well? Even when the preponderance of the evidence shows you to have nothing at all that backs up your position?
The "open minded people" are the ones you don't need to share this with...they are already set to be spoon fed whatever sort of lunacy is available to them.
It's those of us with critical minds that look at the evidence and make a rational conclusion.
But, if we really want to find "open minded people" then all we need do is look in their ear. If we can see through to the other side, then we have found a true open minded person. Way open.


the Disclosure Project is a very good watch, as well as the other 1 CC posted about the Bill being passed infront of Congress, watch that 1 a few times, listen carefully to the Bill, it's an eye-opener:yes:



Bodhisattva of the Earth
Boy, you "critical minds" are really critical of others for nothing you have any evidence to disprove of. Let's see some proof that this is all ridiculous as you keep stating hoosier. We have sworn testimony from top rate people that you non-believers refuse to even consider because of your arrogant attitudes. You guys think your shit doesn't stink. I can smell you from here!......that's about how some of you sound to me where I'm standing.


Active member
I think that gut instinct alone disqualifies any further discussion

Look whenever i see a wobbly disk shaped object on a youtube video it makes me laugh.

But the tapes from nasa make me wonder , make me wonder if it's us in new technology or them.

Yes my GUT feeling tells me there is more to those video's(from nasa)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
My buddy Sarge, ...served his country for Freedom, so you guys can do your own thing and all you skeptics can do is disrespect them for their eye witness accounts of happenings they didn't make up. Anyone that has really been around the block can tell a BS when they see/hear one. I've been at this MJ stuff all my life and I've met all types. I did 4 years in prison and grew up in a military family. I've made my way my whole life. I left home at 18......I never depended on my parents like so many young folks today. I'm 57.,..I can smell a BShitter easier than most because I've been lied to my whole life. These accounts on the Disclosure Project are brave people who risked their reputations for the truth. Here at ICMAG I thought folks respected the truth about freedom and it's causes and that's what we are trying to expose here mainly is that there are alot of unexplained happenings going on that will effect everyone sooner or later. This alien crap is just the tip of the iceberg. It's not all about aliens, it's more about control & power by a few to keep us all as sheep...imo

But all these public service agents who 'try to protect' us all from harm have been at the forfront of this war on freedom which is one reason why we all are here on ICMAG.....because we can't walk down the street in public with our hobby....imo

I don't mean cops, I mean astronauts, military personell, fireman, air traffic controllers, Norad operators, radio & radar operators, pilots, doctors, who else can you trust, or otherwise we really are fucked for sure.

I'm not saying I know everything or anything for sure but I'm pretty sure shit has been covered up by government officials for along time. I've seen the FBI kill so called radicals in the sixties. My sister had to flee Chicago and hid out with me until she went to a commune.....laugh all you want, believe want you want, but I have my story too.


The Tri Guy
Desi, my personal belief, not knowledge, but , I feel that those who wish to keep us all down, use experimental aircraft that dont conform to what we would expect to see, as a method of making those who look for conspiracy theories appear insane when they talk about ufos and (due to social conditioning by hollywood) make the link to aliens.


Boy, you "critical minds" are really critical of others for nothing you have any evidence to disprove of. Let's see some proof that this is all ridiculous as you keep stating hoosier. We have sworn testimony from top rate people that you non-believers refuse to even consider because of your arrogant attitudes.

The onus is on the believers to provide evidence of their position, not the people calling bullshit. And no matter how "top rated" a person is, or whether their testimony is sworn, it does not qualify as evidence because it's just anecdotal. I'm sure you've heard of Bill Clinton and Monika Lewinsky. Clinton is proof that you can even be the President of America and still lie under oath. Not that the people testifying that they've seen aliens are intentionally lying. But it still doesn't mean that what they say they saw actually happened.


your right Krizzattack i just edited my post, just done a little search there and the Rev isn't who he says he is, he's an actor, damn i feel like an idiot now:wallbash:



Bodhisattva of the Earth
well I feel like an idiot half the time I'm alive,... he,he,he.......livin in the USA will make one fo sho....imo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I just like to give the 'benefit of the doubt' first before someone hangs someone or themselves. It's usually not long before you find out the truth anyway. And sometimes it might be a gut feeling or intuition.....you have to rely on all your senses to survive. Ever get that quizzy butterfly feeling in your stomach when someone is lieing about something that could really harm you? It's like fear is trying to tell you something.


Active member
Hey Desi ....glad you joined our discussin on ET's. I am a sceptic....but I don't know everything and never will....but I truly do try to keep an open mind for a southern redneck educated though lady. D is into sic-fi and has a very imaginative and open mind...

But he does believe there are organisms "out there" but he is not superstitious as far as deities though. I am fairly intelligent but just the "high side of normal" in my IQ.
D is truly much deeper than me and I do respect his opinions. But I am waiting for a sign myself.....Just like I waited many years for GOD to show up as I was taught once in my life.

But BTW Desi......WTF is a Pineapple Schroomy Deez????? anyhoo? You know granny is old and out of the cool loop these days.

Stay positive Desi and we will live to be 99 and mentor these young and lost.....te he


I still say those that look forward to such an event are disregarding both history and nature.It may turn out not too bad and we may become like domesticated pets being able to keep our lives but not our dignity.Or it could be much worse we could become anything from slaves to dinner.One thing I believe,it wont be an even playing field and its not likely we will be treated well