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St. Elsewhere
No one's going to really give this much more than a passing glance, but it's worth mentioning that there have been claims that much of what we know as "abductions" are actually a level of conditioning used by the MK Ultra types. Basically, what they do is, at a certain point in the "programming" they take mind control victims to UFO "sets" and perform this little alien abduction skit, that way if anyone "Wakes up" from their programming and has any memory of it, the first memory they retrieve is that of the "abduction", so they chalk up all the strange occurrences to "UFOs" and "Aliens", when really, they were having a second personality programmed for whatever.


The Tri Guy
Well we told you where to go and see one for yourself in the flesh, now tell us where to go and see an alien in the flesh. Not a puppet on a youtube video for a film school credit.


Domesticator of Cannabis
No need to anyone with the slightest intelligence knows what planet they come from. They're are not imaginary, we have bodies & can follow their bloodlines. Just browse an elephants graveyard check their bones. Anything from out of this world found?


and although they work the mighty fan brush like a pro they have a hard time with the controls of a space craft.


Well-known member
"Ya can compare Santa Clause to aliens".

"Ya seem to indicate"

"Ya call Yourself foolish"

"Ya call enjoyin reality"?

"what kinda assignment Ya talikn bout"?

"I dont wanna say what I think it meens".

"Ya didnt notice"

"Aint that what Yameen when ya say that Ya dont recognize no new reality"?

"I read bout what aleans had for dinner"

"Im gonna just stop here cause thats good nuff aint it"?

"cant Ya see how I could find Your post kinda strange"?

"Aint tryin to ruffle Yer feathers or nothin but ya asked".

HairlessCaveApe, please accept my apology for not replying to your post sooner, however, I don't speak 'Ebonics" and I'm having a difficult time finding an "Ebonic's Translator".

The lady that cleans my home has a son who is white, that wants to be black, and he is fluent in 'Ebonics". And when he drops off his mother today at my place to clean, I'll will ask him to read your post, translate it for me, and I will get right back with you!



Active member
ICMag Donor

(good grief..."debunkers" good grief...LOL)
Earth to all non-debunkers...we know you're out there...come in....


Active member
ICMag Donor
I fail to see what I am missing, CC?
Do I have anything at all to gain by buying into this thing? Or by not buying into it?
I just don't see the point....

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I want to point out that this whole time I was not trying to get anyone to believe anything... I am trying to get non-believers to stop being shitty and disrespectful to believers. Believe what you like, as has been said many times in this thread, but try and be civil. Tin helmets is a suggestion that we're dumb to believe in what you don't. This is disrespect, and I'm done here because of such disrespect, NOT because you don't believe what I believe, that never mattered. Treating respectable, intelligent adults like idiots, and never getting it back must be fun, but it's certainly not very good of you. cc


Domesticator of Cannabis
I want to point out that this whole time I was not trying to get anyone to believe anything... I am trying to get non-believers to stop being shitty and disrespectful to believers. Believe what you like, as has been said many times in this thread, but try and be civil. Tin helmets is a suggestion that we're dumb to believe in what you don't. This is disrespect, and I'm done here because of such disrespect, NOT because you don't believe what I believe, that never mattered. Treating respectable, intelligent adults like idiots, and never getting it back must be fun, but it's certainly not very good of you. cc

So are you calling yourself a failure. We know nothing eH CC, you're the respectable one eH...Get a grip.



Active member
HairlessCaveApe, please accept my apology for not replying to your post sooner, however, I don't speak 'Ebonics" and I'm having a difficult time finding an "Ebonic's Translator".

The lady that cleans my home has a son who is white, that wants to be black, and he is fluent in 'Ebonics". And when he drops off his mother today at my place to clean, I'll will ask him to read your post, translate it for me, and I will get right back with you!


I wont even fukkin bother

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Get a grip on what's being said. Oh wait, let me go find a funny picture that insults you. No, that would be childish, tempting at times, but childish.


This thread is insane. Crazy Composer's posts are just oozing with the petulance of a religious fanatic that cannot convince people of their beliefs through anecdotal nonsense.

Seriously, I don't think us non-believers are intentionally disregarding what you percieve as evidence just to further our own beliefs. We genuinely just think that aliens have not visited earth. We think that some dodgy videos and 2 hours of people telling us that aliens have visited earth does not constitute proof, or even compelling evidence. We think that anecdotes from your family members do not constitute proof. And to say otherwise would induce intolerable cognitive dissonance.

Really, if we're being "shitty and disrespectful", stop acting like you're the enlightened, informed truth seeker, and stop telling us that we're ignorant and wrong. You might notice a change in attitude then.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Get a grip on what's being said. Oh wait, let me go find a funny picture that insults you. No, that would be childish, tempting at times, but childish.

If the hat fits you must convict.

btw Schultz was playing on your insult mr my shit don't stink. We have zero knowledge. Not to engage you further since I stopped reading the post after that I figure its more of the same blah blah blah, here's some free advice if it upsets you don't look.

Over and over again debunkers with ZERO knowledge of the topic (which is the only way a person ends up being a debunker by the way)

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Shit don't stink? Where do you come up with this stuff? You have no more valid, topical points so you resort to insults? That's what I've been saying people like you are up to, and you just keep proving it!? hehehe Show us some more. :)


Domesticator of Cannabis
Don't expect any notice before I post captain. I was hoping you'd continue with the Sunday morning funnies. I find the human imagination most fascinating.

Telling people they have: "ZERO knowledge of the topic (which is the only way a person ends up being a debunker by the way) is a suggestion that we're dumb to believe in what you don't. This is disrespect, and I'm done here because of such disrespect, NOT because you don't believe what I believe, that never mattered. Treating respectable, intelligent adults like idiots, and never getting it back must be fun, but it's certainly not very good of you." cc


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Miss Blunted, we aren't saying they don't exist, put it this way, you exist and I exist, but I've never been to vissit you. If I spent my whole life vissiting other people, the odds of me stumbling accross your house is very slim. And there are far more stars out there than there are houses on earth. Aliens coming here is less likely than me vissiting your house. That's the arguement us sceptics are making. And its perfectly possible for me to vissit your house, we havent even established that aliens exist, its probable that they do, but not proven, its possible that they could travel here, but thats not proven, yet I still haven't been to your house.

I hear your point...I just think they exist, that's just my opinion...I don't badger people for their thoughts...I usually value diversity in people. It's narrow minded to NOT consider things like ET's...it's narrow minded to NOT listen to both sides, so it would be narrow of me to NOT listen to your thoughts. If you did visit my house...we would smoke a couple j's and continue the conversation....I'm easy like that:)

The Tom Cruise thing was a joke... FEYD, what's retarded?


The Tri Guy
miss blunted for the record, so do I, in fact I havent seen anyone in this whole thread say they dont.