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The Tri Guy
Hi Desi, I just went back and clicked all the links. A bloggers aim is to raise his hit count, and a media outlet is trying to raise public interest in their offerings, and neither had any first hand accounts, just repeating rumours, like reporting on a priest that reports god healed one of his flock. The airforce guy was a different category. He doesn't claim to have seen anything himself other than electrical equipment shutting down. What's the effect of an electromagnetic pulse? Ever seen the kids film toy soldiers? And that's if you believe his reports. Like I said earlier, I am not going to refute the existence of UFOs, just the source of them. If you have something that doesn't fit, it is easy to get carried away with its cause, like evolution verses creationism. Its sometimes tempting to create something outside thats the cause rather than to examine the details of whats in front of your face. We all know that the military has departments that create and develop new technologies, and we know that it isnt wise for them to show everyone everything. Theres a term, plausable deniability. In a cold war situation, how handy would it be to be able to disarm an enemies nukes? It makes sense to me that that would be something worth working towards, and would need testing. Though I am not saying that I believe this story, just that if its true, there are explanations that would account for it that are less far fetched than crafts from another world. If it was the military, and if the russians had experienced something like this, then it would be a little suspicious if the only country that hadn't was the only country capable of creating something like this. In that situation, an inside guy reprting that they had, would make sense. So whether it did or didn't happen, the story makes sense. Assuming that the reports of it happening elsewhere are true. Which we only have hear say to suggest that it has. It certainly does not add up to proof of any event at all, never mind the existence of aliens vissiting earth.

Hairless, we know that the military experiment with unmanned crafts, and have been doing so for some time, and thats what we know. An unmanned craft is capable of airiel manouvers that manned craft arent. The limitations of a flight path are not determined by engineering, but rather what the human body can withstand. So it would stand to reason that an unmanned craft would be able to do shit that we are not used to seeing aircrafts do. Im not saying that you havent seen a UFO, Im saying that you havent seen an alien. Unless you want to correct me on that.


Active member
Hey howdy GMT! Naaa, the things I saw wernt from here. Y'see, I did alla that deductive reasoning shitt an all. What we seen them ships do was imposible for anything, not just people. Even any inorganic material they were made of could'nta withstood the g-forces it took to do what we seenem do. If there was a penny on them ships they wouldda squished into a pankake just like if ya left it on the railroads tracks. The vessel itself woulda been torn appart by the manuvers I seenem doin. Thats if they was workin on OUR time. -But they arnt. :abduct: --So I ask myself, -Who the fukk did that? Shure the fukk wasnt us. Not unless WE figured out the secrets of time. I just dont think so. I dont think we got the tek. I hope Ya get to see one GMT. If Ya did youd know they aint from here. These things were quicker then lightning and they didnt care if they didnt go straight. If I were to say there were people innem Id be conjectin, tho I think there was. But even if there wasnt, the craft I seen still broke the laws of physics as we knowem. Theyre here.. Why's that so hard to bileve? We just started writin things down just bout a couple thousand years ago. Look what we done since then. :abduct: My tv usta be black and white. Lookat what happened. Now my tv's collered. How long Ya figure these guys'v been round? I figure mabey they got the jump on us. Either that or were allone out here? Cmmon mannnn.... Do ya really think so? and If not, dontcha figure that somma the Folks out there been there lots longer then us? -And then them, .. Theres someone out there older then them! Waddafukk ya think they been doin since they inventid tv?


Active member
I have seen an Unidentified flying object(while sober), triangular in shape, go from really fast movements to just our right stopping, making a 90 degree turn and then shoot off into the galaxy....without a doubt not something we made...im not saying it was an 'alien' but I'm saying it wasn't our technology...no way. This thing was almost as fast as light...almost
I have never seen anything unidentified in the sky, depending on how much detail you want in an identification. It is so easy for the mind to see things and not understand what it is seeing, especially in the sky or at a distance. I don't know, there seems to be people in the Government that really believe that they know something. But I think what they think they know is mostly speculative, there is no real reason to hide information if it is solid. Then again the Government does all sorts of things that are not very necessary for the people more than for themselves. I believe in the spirit more than ET coming to say hello, mostly I think either are just to good for our shity species.
All of the evidence on the history channel sucks monkey balls. Great fantastic stories but that is what the Government does a lot. They create a great deal of counter intelligence to make dip shits look where things are not. When I really see something that looks to be very extraterrestrial than I will believe. But until then, I will be a bit suspicious that there is anything more going on than human imagination. The way I see it, everything is terrestrial anyhow. It is all made of the same stuff and you can't get away from that.


Active member
I have never seen anything unidentified in the sky, depending on how much detail you want in an identification. It is so easy for the mind to see things and not understand what it is seeing, especially in the sky or at a distance. I don't know, there seems to be people in the Government that really believe that they know something. But I think what they think they know is mostly speculative, there is no real reason to hide information if it is solid. Then again the Government does all sorts of things that are not very necessary for the people more than for themselves. I believe in the spirit more than ET coming to say hello, mostly I think either are just to good for our shity species.
All of the evidence on the history channel sucks monkey balls. Great fantastic stories but that is what the Government does a lot. They create a great deal of counter intelligence to make dip shits look where things are not. When I really see something that looks to be very extraterrestrial than I will believe. But until then, I will be a bit suspicious that there is anything more going on than human imagination. The way I see it, everything is terrestrial anyhow. It is all made of the same stuff and you can't get away from that.

GOOD POST and I have enough BS to deal with the ppl on earth is without worrying about ppl or organisms up there ,,,,but I know I don't know everything even though I do know a lot cause' I do read and observe and am educated and try to keep an open mind and the fact that my 2 beloved husbands do believe and I respect their intelligence and wanted to see if you ppl here had opinions as many here are pretty intelligent in my own observations. I always like to get Swamp....Hash Z....GMT..nokuy....as well as others I can't think of at this time,

Good and interesting subject to discuss though.


.......and the fact that my 2 beloved husbands do believe

Wait a minute... 2 husbands???? Damn girl, why ya want 2? It's people like you that leave no single men out there for the rest of us! Man Hog! :D (j/k)


Active member
Not at the same time.......te he

menage a trois hubs....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

But my late hubs and current and "LAST HUSBAND FO SHO!!!!!!"

I WILL NEVER MARRY AGAIN NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! CAUSE' I have been married since 15 and single ain't that bad......BUT D is a darlin' if ya gotta have a man in your house.....BUT
He is just the dessert in my life and not the main course I told him!

But my kids flipped out when we started "shacking up" and my son even had a private detective on D's ass for a while......seriously....true story!

But he found no criminal history or any perversions[that he could find te he]

SOOOOO he{my son] asked me to get married if I was gonna shack up and fornicate still in front of the grandkids as my daughter in law is a Bible Thumper and appalled at my lifestyle and unfortunately my late hubs left the money in control of my son who is the MONEY GENIUS in our family and C knew I ain't good with money and wanted me to have enough to live on till I die and leave money for grandkids college also.

But I do get Social Security Disability & a military pension and when I get 65 I get my own pension from the refinery where I vested.

So I have to mind my son these days....te he revenge of the CHILDREN.....LOL

but C was right and my son happens to be a "mama's boy" anyhoo and tries to juggle wayward mom and "born again virgin" wife of his. Which is DIFFICULT FO SHO!!!!
But he is the child that has always been the closest with his mama.....and will never let me go without....

And he is generous if I need things. But not gonna let mom go broke and he is a successful business man here FO SHO!!!!!

And he[my son] let D know real fast that my money IS MINE and D has to support himself as D has always done anyhoo.

We share expenses here and he has his money and I have mine.

but due to the fact that I have been married most of my life I can count the men I have slept with on one hand////pretty good for a hippy girl from the 60's in a time of FREE LOVE before HIV stopped that FO SHO!!!!

I asked my daughter about her status and she said "Mom I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the men I have slept with....TOO MUCH INFO!!!!

But she did not get married till 38 and did 5 years in the Navy in Desert Storm Era and she liked to raise troop moral as she is quite a beauty te he....
And she has been in college forever getting her degrees and is hot blooded like mom so I do understand she slept with more men than I .....LOL

But Lola do you like that song Lola la la la la la Lola! I love it....Have a good day.....I only have one kid here today WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!


Active member
I would not have lived with him OR MARRIED him if he could not take THAT!

It is what I taught my only daughter and my three granddaughters. I try to live by example...
I read a book in the mid 80's while rehabbing from a FX Pelvis from a car accident and


"Men Are Just Dessert!" by Dr. Sonia Friedman ...a book
.and I owe her for me going to RN school with just a ninth grade education,,,,,I got married at 15 and had 5 kids so ya know I had to take EVERY PREP COURSE they had just to get my math and english skills up to college level. Non credited courses BTW!
I have always read a lot so my reading was at and above college level which prolly SAVED MY ASS AS READING COMPREHENSION IS THE KEY TO A COLLEGE DEGREE....

and I worked very very hard and could not be a quitter as I wanted my kids to see if mom can do it then so can I cause my kids are much smarter than me.

But D actually likes my attitude and friskiness and we have a lot of fun.
We try to act like lovers and forget we are married.... He does know I love him though and will never hurt him. I am a feminist and wanted my family to be also as well as my sons are feminist also OR MOM WILL SLAP THE HELL OUT OF THEM STILL if they don't respect women and believe women are equal.

D loves it...He raised 2 daughters as a Mr Mom once and he raised his 2 daughters the same way I did....equality of sexes &.birth control at 16 te he..controvercial in MORAL MAJORITY TEXAS..........but most men could not deal with my attitude FO SHO! And I have no problems living alone at this stage of my life if a man don't approve of my outlook. I AM ME!!! We are life partners....BUT D knows he can NEVER OWN ME per se.

a wild animal should not be owned .....te he just kidding
I don't mate well in CAPTIVITY!!!!!

but I have always been totally honest with D even back when we met in the jail working together once many years ago and were married to others. He says he fell in love with me even then.....BUT he knew I was not the type to cheat. Which is true even now.

oops I am waaaayy of subject Lola. I gotta go and clean this place while the 16 month old is with his mama today and can't clean when he is here....only a 4 year old today WOOT!

Joe Budden

Hairless, you are pulling a Yummy Bud here aren't you? Just winding up people like me?
"it's nothing for them to be here" lmao, what makes you say that? Imagination? Drugs? what?

Even if they could travel at the speed of light, and go from 0-light speed in 3 seconds, and even if that acceleration wouldn't leave them splattered on the back of their craft, (which it clearly would), have you any idea how long or how many resources a journey like that would take, and that's assuming they could even find us. Just to roll their eyes and say to themselves, can't be arsed taking that planet over, its full of idiots, and go home again.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
Well, for proof of aliens, there's the 'Roswell Incident (cover-up)' about the dead bodies found, and everything moved to an Air Force base. And the Men in Black threatening all who saw anything with threats to keep there mouths shut or else. That's fact as much as I'm concerned.........the truth gets out one way or another, EVENTUALLY!

I'd rather not limit all possibilities. The "I Ching" always said there's even a limit to limitations. This expanding Cosmos is too big for us to be the only folks alive, period.

PS. Two new earthlike planets were found yesterday by that new telescope.


The Tri Guy
Desi, ok there was a cover up at roswell, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was covering up aliens. There was never any proof of bodies, and the claims of bodies only started some time after the coverup was reported on. Kindof like an add on to the story to make it a little jucier.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
check out UFO hunters on historychannel.com

they got a nice show, with lots of high profile UFo sightings/cases etc


Active member
Fukkin A rite. This shitt's too big for us to be the only ones here. When ya look into a field and ya dont see no krikkits there, ya dont go an figure that there aint no krikkits there do ya? And i8f ya hear a chirp, wadda ya say, -"well I hear the chirp but that cant be no krikkit, I didnt see one".? Then when someboidy just as sane or saner then you tells ya that HE seen krikkits in the field waddaya do? Do ya laughf attem and tellem he's either nuts or mistaken because YOU didnt see no krikkits there so untill YOU see the krikkits their aint any there?:abduct: And how long has alla "THIS" been here? From the begining of what.. Time? So how long yas figure others have had to lern the secrets of the cosmos.. Forever? --How could anybody even sugest that with all this goin on -nothing happened? -and If its tru that nothing happened, then why'd it happen here? Dig it like Arther Connan Doyl and figure it out. It all just seems so fukkin obviously logical to me. I just cant see how anybody could come to any other conclusions. --:noway:With 2 exceptions. :noway: -The church would come to a conclusion that would suit their need to be the center of the univers wether they knew the truth or not, -And the govt would come to a conclusion that would leave THEM the most supperior life form around, regardless from the facts before them.


The Tri Guy
Hairless, so I guess I should also believe in the loch ness monster, big foot, fairies, pixies, leprichauns, fire breathing dragons, mermaids, oh and father christmas too? And speaking of the chrurch, I guess all of the worlds various religions are the right one, each of them have had someone once report it was so. Proof requires a little more than the statement that this has been proved. Look at the WMD situation that was proved in Iraq before the invasion, and we know how that worked out. You need more than hear say for what is said to be considered to be proof.


Active member
We know crickets exist. I've personally used them fishing, I crazy glue them to the hook.

Well that just cant be.. I never seen ya do that... Naaaaaaaa Till I see you glue a crikkit to a hook, Im just gonna assume that crazy glue DONT stikk to crikkits. I guess Im kinda callin ya a lier aint I? Either that or mabey Im just sayin your fukkin nuts. One or the other, -Im just gonna be real vage bout that.:abduct:


Active member
There is no proof of extraterestrials,you cant find what isnt there.Just like loc ness,bigfoot,abominable snowmen,and cucupra......thousands have seen them and believe,but there just isnt any proof.Believing in this non sense is like religion,its all faith based.Personally.....I believe there to be no extra's,its not hard for me to believe that the conditions needed to build life only happened here by any means.It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg,outta millions........well,outta billions of planets,only one had the ability to hold life.End of story



Active member
Well that just cant be.. I never seen ya do that... Naaaaaaaa Till I see you glue a crikkit to a hook, Im just gonna assume that crazy glue DONT stikk to crikkits. I guess Im kinda callin ya a lier aint I? Either that or mabey Im just sayin your fukkin nuts. One or the other, -Im just gonna be real vage bout that.:abduct:

:laughing:Well Im just sayin...:laughing:


Active member
There comes a point were common sense must be used.To continue to say as an argument that something exists based on no proof and saying just because you havent seen them doesnt mean they dont....Vampires dont exist,or at least I have never seen one.Are you saying that everything the mind imagines could be real?I mean just because I have never seen a floating pink elephant....does that mean it might exist?