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Active member
Hey Howdy Sirgrassalot! Yea! I had that vinil too Brudda! Crazy! -Hey I cyfered somma them hydrogliphics on that slab along with then squishey neaks. It says -"Hey, tho havest gotten human phesant woman blood on my monobrow babyhead.... / -Hey.. tho haves gotten monobrow babyhead mixt in with my human phesant woman blood.... -wWWWHHHHhhooo... Hey!!! This is GOOD"! ----See that, even back then they had 2 great tastes in one candy bar!


Active member
Hey CC hows it goin! Could you post a bit bout what the links are too? My fault Brudda but all I got rite now is att dial up and I dont even do links. They actually take an hour. We'l prolly get a satelight soon but I dunno. But could ya giva a brief description bout what the links are?


search on ancient technology or youtube it, there was a computer found thats old as shit


You must be joking if you think that sci-fi promotion was an actual UFO event.Gullibility runs rampant among those who imbibe.


New member
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence (which there is none)

I highly doubt we are alone in the universe but doubt we are being visited.


You must be joking if you think that sci-fi promotion was an actual UFO event.Gullibility runs rampant among those who imbibe.

Don't be silly. The government just put out evidence to make it look like that video is just a promotion to blind us from seeing the real truth, maaaaaaan. Open your mind and wake up!

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence (which there is none)

I highly doubt we are alone in the universe but doubt we are being visited.

Extraordinary self motivation might help you do some research, and then you will have no more doubts. I was among the doubters just a year ago... now I believe we ARE aliens. :) hehehe

Here's something to remember... If you think something is true, and your handlers (government, Vatican, Illuminati, etc) agree that you should believe it is true... DON'T believe it. Believe what they seem, NOT to want you to think and you'll be much closer to the truth.

We are being visited, we ARE working with ETs ALL THE TIME, we DO have alien technology, the government DOES know of some impending massive disaster that you are not elite enough (or have not yet been inquisitive enough) to know about.

IMO 2012 is not a Y2K kind of thing... This one is no drill. The Y2K thing was created to make us scared of a date, then to have it come and go without a single problem. Then, when everyone starts freaking about 2012, they will all just say, "well, remember Y2K? That was nothing, and so is 2012". As a matter of fact, Fox News has already begun saying this, as predicted.

Fact is... the world has been destroyed and reborn several times, on a very predictable cycle, and the ancient civilizations knew this cycle. They also knew about ETs, and that we ARE ETs. We don't some from this planet.... THink about it. Just think about it and you'll know that. Look around at other examples of animals that are aware of their own deaths, who can think about geometry, mathematics, the cosmos, technology, who have the ability to have empathy for other life forms... How many other earth species do any of those?

In this case, truth is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH stranger than fiction. What you aren't being told is amazing. Basically, we are ducks in a duck pen, and some ducks are getting word that not only is there a yard beyond the pen, but there's a whole world out there that we haven't been allowed to know about. We are thought of as farm animals by the elite. Possessions to be milked and herded to and fro.

There is a world-wide awakening happening. People saying there is no evidence have simply not looked. It is everywhere, and new evidence is coming every single day now. For your own good, and the good of your families and friends... WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! You do NOT want to be the person who finds out too late. And yes, in some scenarios, there IS a "too late".

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
On the fake videos

On the fake videos

This is how this works...

When I was fresh on this trail of finding out what's really going on, I ran into lots of fake videos, but they were pretty easy to spot since I was a high-end graphics artist and can pretty easily spot fakes. And you don't need to be a pro to know the difference in most cases.

However, some are really good fakes. One of these impressed me and I thought it was a real video. It turned out to be fake, and it immediately made me feel like maybe the rest are fake, too. But then I realized what was happening... they put fake videos out there, everyone gets excited, then they admit it was a fake. Everyone feels like an idiot and starts to question the whole thing. I almost quit the search, but decided to keep looking. I've since found way more than I need to be sure of what's going on.

The key to knowing this stuff is real is NOT THE VIDEO SIGHTINGS... it's the many, many professionals, airline pilots, CIA agents, military people, black ops people, etc who have given THOUSANDS of hours of jaw-dropping testimony. If they are all lying, then they all know each other because their stories fit like gloves. They describe some seriously crazy stuff. Genetic experimentation on animals, humans and ETs... and cross breeding thereof, mind control, free energy, etc.

They are apparently getting ready for a mass reduction in the human race. 80% reduction to be exact. They have some serious reasons to do so, too. Those reasons are too crazy to say here, but I believe them. And in a way, it makes sense, which is even scarier. I can tell you the real reason they want population reduction in PM, just ask. The truth is too screwed up to say in public.


Domesticator of Cannabis
The key to knowing this stuff is real is NOT THE VIDEO SIGHTINGS... it's the many, many professionals, airline pilots, CIA agents, military people, black ops people, etc who have given THOUSANDS of hours of jaw-dropping testimony. If they are all lying, then they all know each other because their stories fit like gloves. They describe some seriously crazy stuff. Genetic experimentation on animals, humans and ETs... and cross breeding thereof, mind control, free energy, etc.

Those reasons are too crazy to say here, but I believe them. And in a way, it makes sense, which is even scarier. I can tell you the real reason they want population reduction in PM, just ask. The truth is too screwed up to say in public.

Beware of people with book deals & have a chips on their shoulders because they're were fired. To crazy eH.....

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
But it's not just these people on video. It's people I know personally, people my friends know, friends I used to have, my sister, my parents, their friends, etc. All these stories, which I used to take for granted, added to all the new evidence... equals WTF is happening!!! And we're talking about real stuff, real encounters with ETs, face-to-face in some cases. The disc that my sister had following her car that night was too small to be manned by a human. They probably scanned her to see if she would be a good candidate for their experiments, or whatever. But my sister is so violent, they probably left her alone. "We don't need this shit, Velorian!!!". hehehe "Crazy is okay, but this broad is pure fire!!!" hehehe


St. Elsewhere
One phrase interested parties must ALWAYS keep in mind in regards to these matters-


CrazyComposer hit the nail on the head. Fake videos exist for a reason.