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So the squishey neak your referin to has a name that meens "no god"? Am I rite? If so whats the mystery? :abduct: Anyhow. I get what yer sayin Sirgrassalot but I think your just ston wrong in your belief that theyr not satan and the other fallen angles. I aint buyin that human mutant theory. :abduct: You shure do got lotsa information tho. Real cool stuff. It all misidentifyes these things your talikin bout as human mutants but they aint, theyr the devil. theyr still here too in theyr origional form. Youl see'm when they expose themselfs to ya. Youl know soon enoughf. No referance t6o time there but youl know soon enoughf.:abduct: Hey anyhow. In these theories in these books whats that make me. I got a 2 eyebrows but a real small forehead. Pluss I can span the distance from each of my eyebrows to my hairline with the tip of one finger. I got a real small hat size too. I cant get a good straw hat that fits rite. Always too big. Would they have eaten my ofspring? Did they eat people thgat looked like me?

Denial N Error

I dont know if I believe in 'aliens' persay visiting our planet. . But I do believe there is other life forms out there, somewhere, some place.. It has to be.. We are too small to be the only planet with life on it.

Its only a matter of time IMO.


Domesticator of Cannabis
So the squishey neak your referin to has a name that meens "no god"? Am I rite? If so whats the mystery? :abduct: Anyhow. I get what yer sayin Sirgrassalot but I think your just ston wrong in your belief that theyr not satan and the other fallen angles. I aint buyin that human mutant theory. :abduct: You shure do got lotsa information tho. Real cool stuff. It all misidentifyes these things your talikin bout as human mutants but they aint, theyr the devil. theyr still here too in theyr origional form. Youl see'm when they expose themselfs to ya. Youl know soon enoughf. ?

Ape, El (God), is a Semitic word for "God"

Mutant genes promote evolution. Man has evolved beyond natural evolution via the genes of Isis. Naturally we may have never become as evolved as we are today in a million years, if ever. When you take a clipping off one of your gurls do you take the runt or the beauty that grows what you want??

To think all the people that died before me won't get to see the big show.

Here's some J. Diamond

Suppose that an archaeologist who had visited from outer space were trying to explain human history to his fellow spacelings. He might illustrate the results of his digs by a 24-hour clock on which one hour represents 100,000 years of real past time. If the history of the human race began at midnight, then we would now be almost at the end of our first day. We lived as hunter-gatherers for nearly the whole of that day,from midnight through dawn, noon, and sunset. Finally, at 11:54 p. m.we adopted agriculture. As our second midnight approaches, will the plight of famine-stricken peasants gradually spread to engulf us all? Or will we somehow achieve those seductive blessings that we imagine behind agriculture’s glittering facade, and that have so far eluded us?


DNA evidence indicates that modern humans originated in east Africa about 200,000 years ago.


if you really new what we have learned from researching mitochondrial DNA..... you'd know your wayyyy off..

also look into the genetic variations of the chimps... and the lack their of in humans


Domesticator of Cannabis

if you really new what we have learned from researching mitochondrial DNA..... you'd know your wayyyy off..

also look into the genetic variations of the chimps... and the lack their of in humans
What is it that's funny. I deleted that I already posted it a few pages back. Jared said 100,000 & I remembered it was more like 200,000. He was only making an example so it didn't work on the post. But that quote is true. If you know better go & enter it in Wiki. We'll see if your info holds up and you where just about to explain it, right? LMAO

I'd give you another link with that funny quote but they all have it, first 10 in yahoo take your pick to edit......

Jared also wrote the "The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimpanzee: Evolution and Human Life ~ The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal"



A mitochondrion is a cellular power plant that generates most of the chemical energy the cell needs to support its functions. Although most of a cell's DNA is contained in the nucleus, the mitochondrion has its own small DNA molecule and this DNA is passed down from mother to child. studys have revealed an unexpected lack of diversity within worldwide human mitochondrial lineages, despite high mutation rates, and this supports the idea that humanity is only a few thousand years old.

Mitochondrial DNA has been used to develop several models of human origins. The Recent African Origins hypothesis (RAO) is currently the most popular model for human evolution. Although the RAO model has a number of significant technical problems and makes some assumptions that conflict with a biblical perspective, it contains several interesting tenets: 1) there was a single dispersal of mankind with three main mitochondrial lineages interspersed within clans; 2) the dispersion was centered in the Middle East in the recent past; 3) the dispersion was essentially tribal in nature, with small groups pushing into previously uninhabited territory; and 4) genetic evidence indicates that male lineages are much more geographically specific than female lineages, with female migration rates up to eight times greater than males.

rachers began an exploration of changes in mitochondrial DNA by collecting and culling publicly-available human DNA records to create a set of 827 high-quality sequences. From this, they constructed a consensus sequence called Eve 1.0. They continued their analysis by modeling human mitochondrial genetic history using Mendel's Accountant, a numerical program developed at ICR that can be used to mimic the accumulation of mutations in a population over time.

After analyzing the differences found among the sequences in their dataset, they discovered that more than 83 percent of the mitochondrial genome had not changed in all of human history, and in over 99 percent of the locations where a change has occurred, only a small minority of people carried that specific change. In other words, most changes that have occurred are minor and rare. On average, human mitochondrial DNA differs from the original Eve consensus sequence by only 21.6 nucleotides (a nucleotide is a "letter" in the DNA alphabet). This is a small number when one considers that there are more than 16,500 nucleotide letters in the human mitochondrial genome.

therefore, that the consensus sequence, "Eve", is nearly identical to the original mitochondrial sequence--that of "Eve", the first woman and the mother of every person who has ever lived. And because the mitochondrial genome is subject to high mutation rates, the lack of significant worldwide variation is evidence for a young mitochondrial genome.


Domesticator of Cannabis
umm, yeah it was "space men".... who cares about wiki?? they arnt the end all be all of my research....


You mean these guys?

One entry found.

Main Entry:
\ˈspās-ˌman, -mən\

1 : one who travels outside the earth's atmosphere
2 : a visitor to earth from outer space


Active member
I got a 2 eyebrows but a real small forehead. Pluss I can span the distance from each of my eyebrows to my hairline with the tip of one finger. I got a real small hat size too. I cant get a good straw hat that fits rite. Always too big. Would they have eaten my ofspring? Did they eat people thgat looked like me?

Are they gonna eat me Sirgrassalot? If what your sayin is true wheres that leave me?


^^ I'm pretty sure i read that bit about mtdna from nature.com in the nature genetics section
All evolutionary timescales are built on assumptions. This evidence is different in that it uses empirical data, do you agree?
....the empirical results, which were expected to back up the evolutionary time-scale, have actually refuted it. its not surprising, most scientists have tried to sidestep this evidence and come up with theories to explain it.... we'd have to "reeducate" too many, rewrite all the textbooks...

It's not often in the origins debate, with all it's estimates, bias and assumptions that we get to use empirical evidence like this, so when the evidence strongly supports alternative theories, you have got to take notice my friend. :abduct:


Active member
Hey it just sounds a bit funny but Im bein kinda a bit serious bout this. I dont plan on bein here but just in case Id like to know what to expect. See when I see the Ships of Light Im flagginem down with my prayer so they get me and my wife and loved ones. Im hopin to be raptured. Its not like its scarey or nothin but Id rather not be here. If ya understand it its not scarey cause ya know that its Jehovas Will. I still gotta talk to a fyew people bout some stuff so I can get it all the way straight yet. Like Id like to know from a Biblical scholer or 3 what they got to say bout a pre tribulation rapture. Thats what I thin might happen. That be sooooooo cool. Either that or Im gonna have to be here while the squishey devils come out of hiding and Il have to find ways of changin my flavor in order to make myself unpalatable to them. Do they like FlufferNutter? Il coat myself with FlufferNutter if they dont like it. I hope they dont like FlufferNutter! I like FlufferNutter. Sirgrassalot. When are they gonna start with the hand chips and the forhead chips? How much longer till they get rid of paper money?


Radio-frequency identification (RFID) are already used on us.... and almost everything we own...... i give paper money about 5 more years... buy gold! :abduct:


Domesticator of Cannabis
I got your belly Ape. He goes by many names. A good thing you didn't make a serious typo, "Im hopin to be raptured" they could be listening.

Quit using your plastic. I think America has embraced the system. Maybe you can get a deal from Lear's gold mine. You'd think he'd want to help mankind & not make a dime off any advanced knowledge of alien beings but that's what its about for him, the cash & any fame he can get. He's got some big shoes to fill & he's tried all his life to live up to daddy's expectations. If he had proof or even a piece of a meteor he could make big cash but he has nothing but tales of dead men. Which I'm sure he'll testify to before congress if asked. Any publicity is good publicity. LoL

Now DNA, how much would it take to change HS which is just about the complete package into modern man? Chimps have what 87 - 98.6+% of the same DNA structure of modern man? The latter being widely accepted at the moment.

Maybe one mutant genius with separate brows? Known by the name The African Eve.Than interbreed into the birth family than onto the entire race. Thousands of years of selective midwifing removing single brow babies. We are all today HSS.

A 2003 study on Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, published by an Italo-Spanish research team led by David Caramelli, concluded that Neanderthals were far outside the modern human range, while Cro-Magnons were well in the average of modern Europeans. MtDNA retrieved from two Cro-Magnon specimens was identified as Haplogroup N.[10] Haplogroup N is found among modern populations of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, and its descendant haplogroups are found among modern Eurasian and Native American populations.[11]

Back to the skull collage as a kid I noticed the strange foreheads on the Roman heads.

Those Roman patricians of the Isis bloodline were some of the original "highbrows." They had the high foreheads and parted eyebrows that set them as a race apart from, and above, the people they governed.


Active member

Those Roman patricians of the Isis bloodline were some of the original "highbrows." They had the high foreheads and parted eyebrows that set them as a race apart from, and above, the people they governed.

Well may God Damn them all to hell! I look alot more like that monkey than them! Theyr gonna fukkin eat me!:abduct:Soylent monkey Brudda!:abduct: Yea looka that. The monkey can touch his eyebrow and his hairline with the tip of his finger. There close to his temple. Are they gonna eat me AND the monkeys? Oiley fukkin shitt!:abduct: --I dig your convorsation Brudda!~ Heres what I think tho bout the whole thing. I think God made alla the earth and Heavins. He did this countless times. Doubtlessly there been MANY senarios. Places where this squishey neak geek satan didnt fukk things up. Places where people never left the Garden. Not here tho. Thank your squishey neak geek satan for that. hes got you foole into thinkin he aint who he is. You think hes isis and uruhu and all kindsa other things that you believe to be human. theyr not. theyr the devil himself. the devil and all the fallen angles that wouldnt serve us. :abduct: Yea. This shit didnt happen all over. I think it says in the Book that a third of the host of Heavin got thrown down. :abduct: You think that we got smarter but then how come we didnt for so lng? Was it a new mutation? I dont think so. I think that God made Adam and Eve in the Garden. The garde3n was there where it says in the Bible. The rest of the earth was what God made kinda incidentaly while He was doin His bigger work at Hand, makin Adam -His favorit creation. satan was the jelous kind I guess. When he persuaded Adam to eat the Tree he did it for a fyew reasons, one of wich was to get some tree for himself. he needed some tree to make his cave people smart. Just so he could use them for his assult on God. he needed to makem smart so theyd be able to work for him. To make him ships to fly to Heavin and war with God. satan hates God and he wants to deny Him His creation. The perfection He found in Adam. Your isis aint makin our genes beter hes makin them unsuitable for God. Gods gonna have to dig threw them crappy genes the devil developed. God didnt intent for the devil to introduce Adam to the Herb. Thats why He kept it lokt in the Garsen. God was gonna introduce Adam to the Herb when He thought the time was rite. So in one stroke the devil got Adam to fall from grace with God, and he got himself the Tree for his ape people that wer made outside the garden. Im not too shure but I think that mabey the devil mighta used shrooms for "un-enlightinin" before he breached the walls of the Garden but Im not shure. You call it enlightnin but I call it Un enlightnin. The devil screwed it all up.:abduct: Yea this shitt didnt happen all over. Mabey not just here but shurly not all over. I guess every once in a while some kinda dikk head like satin pops up. Mabey now when God comes back and gets His genes and destroys satan and his deciples God will put Adam back together again just as perfict as he origionally was! -Then we gotta keep a lookout for assholes like satan who would be jelous again. We should watch and make shure this dont happen again. Fukk satan.


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St. Elsewhere
Sirgrass, don't forget the MC1R gene, some of us are a little closer to Neanderthal than the rest. More to follow on that note later.

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