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Domesticator of Cannabis
You're simply amazed at mans capabilities. Roswell come on, dead aliens no bodies no evidence nothing but mans ingenuity & imagination. I used to strap a transistor radio on my bicycle, to think I have aliens to thank for it. I'm glad you don't believe the ancients needed their assistance. Graham Bell, lived in Canada eH. Three of the fastest communications were telephone, telegraph & telewoman.

h^2 O

just to let you know on Hisotry Channel it's UFO stuff now until....4am EST


Domesticator of Cannabis
i am always amazed at mans capabilities..... but you have to learn to crawl b4 you learn to walk my friend!

= Space Junk & many other earthly qualities. Someone mentioned batteries could it be that it made a waste that they thought they'd be better off without? I mean our technology comes at a price & what a price to pay. One needs to look no further than themselves, they have the capacity to be whatever they want to be. That is the result of the Fertile Crescent. The greatest advanced technology is Agriculture.
Anything that Aliens have to offer, is without meaning. Everyone wants to give meaning, is there isn't none but it's hard to see. I think aliens don't exist, since neither do we.
It is pretty amazing to realize we don't exist, in no infinite concept do we exist. That is why we perceive negativity, to avoid this. Negativity is simply part of mechanics, it's not part of being.


Anything that Aliens have to offer, is without meaning. Everyone wants to give meaning, is there isn't none but it's hard to see. I think aliens don't exist, since neither do we.
It is pretty amazing to realize we don't exist, in no infinite concept do we exist. That is why we perceive negativity, to avoid this. Negativity is simply part of mechanics, it's not part of being.

the fact that i perceived that i read your post instantly gave you an existence, although is completely in my own mind, which may not exist.... depending on who and when you ask.....


Domesticator of Cannabis
...for the record I do think that the ancient civilizations made it clear that they attribute their knowledge to the GODS from the heavens....

Which ancients & knowledge do you speak of I'll research their myths. I'll add at the moment (heavy work load this month) Assur ~ Sir etc, see avatar gave the Egyptians Agriculture, in Sumer he was Ashur. They, the Sumerians not unlike the Pharaohs of Egypt or the Emperors of Rome, the early Kings of Semitic Babylonia were deified.

Although other cities pre-date Sumer (Damascus, Jericho, Çatalhöyük and others, either for seasonal protection, or as year-round trading posts) the cities of Sumer were the first to practice intensive, year-round agriculture (from ca. 5300 BC). The surplus of storable food created by this economy allowed the population to settle in one place instead of migrating after crops and grazing land. It also allowed for a much greater population density, and in turn required an extensive labor force and division of labor. This organization led to the necessity of record keeping and the development of writing (ca. 3500 BC).


Active member
The most evident evidence I see of ailen influances is the fact that for tens and tens of thousands of years we been enjoyin real neet things like fire and shitt. Then alla sudden we get teknilogical. It just dont make sence to me. We had interfearance.


.... seems technology has increased rather exponentially just with-in the past two generations alone... dont you think?


Domesticator of Cannabis
I agree with you three guys as I use common sense & when you use that we're on the same wavelength. Technology was around before this century. Take the battery they found. I also remember some binary system used in a device I can't recall at the moment. These little inventions would have been used by Priests, Shamans & Kings to further their power over other people. The average joe would not have the knowledge or a book to pull it from like our recent past. We are all twice wise now, unless there's a defect. That was the Genes of Isis = GENESIS


The freedom we're experiencing today is a direct result of the fertile crescent. We all now have the ability to invent almost anything in our own homes. Below is why they decided to use what they knew sparingly. Their pyramids will still be visible for over 200,000 years if man disappeared today.


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
i think the best example of alien technology today is the transistor!

Advanced Communications and Computing devices, were taken from the Alien wreck in 1947 at Roswell and made their way to The Bell System's "Bell Laboratories

There, they were studied, dissected, micro-analyzed and pieces tested. One piece was found to have unique potential, a switching device composed of Silicon and Arsenic, arranged in a microscopic array much more complicated than even now can been assembled by Humankind.

The Alien device purportedly became the priority focus object of Bell Labs' and The US Department of Defense's analysis and scientific research. It was discovered by the researchers, that the unusual electronic device could act as both a high speed electronic switch and as an Amplifier.

They decided to call it the "Transfer Resistor", because it could be made to resist or accept power flow at much higher or lower currents than were applied to it, depending upon unique application of electron flows.

prior to 1947 there were no Transistors in use, only raw germanium and selenium diodes composed of naturally occurring elements mined from Bauxite and other mines.

After September of 1947, and the technology transfer to Bell Labs by the US Department of Defense, the entirely ARTIFICIALLY comprised Silicon 'Transistor' suddenly emerged at Bell Labs, arsenic doped in trace quantities into specially prepared Silicon produced remarkable changes in the 'conductive properties' of Silicon, when Boron and other gases and liquids were used to deposit it in the Silicon base.

This produced the "Transistor" effects that had not been discovered by researchers working with rectifiers in over a hundred years. Some claim that these transistors were made of Germanium, as well, however, the effect that caused the transistor to work, hadn't been observed by any researcher, prior to September of 1947. Also, while silicon's capability to conduct electricity had existed for a long time, it had been as a "static collector" something bearing absolutely no resemblance to the Transistor.

The materials used to identify the Transistor function and to create one, required, for the times, very advanced technology to manufacture that didn't exist in 1947...

According to the first Press Releases in mid 1948 Patents were awarded Bell Labs in the 1948 and 1949 era, indicating these possibly 'alien' marvels were 'earthshaking discoveries of scientist at Bell Labs'.

the Silicon "amplifier / switch", evaluated in October and November of 1947, was discovered to have enormous implications. The device was a hundred years beyond the then simple "junction diodes" and "rectifiers" in use.

Even thought Scientists had suspected that we could replace outmoded Vacuum Tubes with some more advanced, low voltage technology, it was rather sudden that the Transistor was announced to have been "invented" by Bell Labs, alleging a two year prior research project.

Bell Labs had more advancements in those two years, than the combined research of all the Countries of the World! People who never suspected the capability like Thomas Edison, Emilio Marconi, General David Sarnoff, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Arthur W. Heath, Enrico Fermi, Louis Faraday, the greatest minds in the prior two hundred years since Ben Franklin and his kite, and not one ever even SUSPECTED that ordinary Sand could be turned into something so magical.

For these and other reasons, the suggestion that Bell Labs did this ALL BY ITSELF in less than two years is crazy. no transistors or even hint of the Transistor, existed prior to December of 1947, and describe enormous differences between research prior to September of 1947 and after June of 1948.

Rectifier Diodes commonly in use at the time by military electronics, were 'polarized' diodes that could only conduct power in 'one direction' or 'unidirectional'.... but they were not 'semiconducting' which means 'variable in conductivity due to the effects of some other stimulus'. They were also composed of naturally occurring, although somewhat rare-earth minerals.

Transistors were derived of a special and unique formula for doping refined Silicon with trace elements of Arsenic and other 'secret' materials, which THEN yielded the unusual 'semiconducting' properties of the Transistor

the two devices are very, very different and that difference despite the fact that early researchers may have tried to reproduce Alien Technology with Germanium, Gallium and Caladium, is still significant......

It is remarkable to think that someone STUMBLED ON IT ALL OF A SUDDEN, as Bell Labs seemed to want the Public to believe! Even Silicon based static rectification devices built prior to September of 1947 DIDN'T EXHIBIT A SINGLE TRANSISTOR CAPABILITY, despite being built by many companies for various power control functions.

this is a classic example of a miracle device, unimagined in Human experience, resulting from a few months research into an Alien electronic device, one just advanced enough to lead Bell scientists to such an earthshaking idea

subsequent technology obtained over the course of the next 10 years by Bell Labs, from the pieces of the wreck delivered to them by the DoD, included the Laser, enhanced solid state circuit components, large scale switching control systems and high definition imaging devices...

Some devices from the downed Alien spacecraft, not fully understood to this day, allegedly include a high energy microwave amplifier that has the secondary effect of decomposing solid objects into their molecular components, a form of circuitry that runs on other than electronic power using particles thought to have very short half-life's in the natural universe ("muons"), and a huge induction generator-like coil system some 50 feet in diameter which appears to implement part of some aspect of the vehicle's ability to perform unique flying characteristics and aerobatics..... some think it might be a "gravity nullifying" device.

Thats so convienient, a year later after roswell they patent a device that not one genius was able to develop in that time. lol. 2+2=?

Thanks for the info but I have to ask: Where'd you get this info? Is it written somewhere? Do share please...

A bit off topic, I'm worried about vaccines with mercury in them. Is there any distributor out there that has mercuryfreee vaccines? Anyone, please inform

Peace to all.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Mans weaponry & transportation technology provided his ability to conquer other lands. That pattern is dominate in advancements. Why where the Eurasians, opposed to Native Americans or sub-Saharan Africans, the ones to invent firearms, ocean bearing ships, and steel tools? The differences reach to most other significant technological advances too, from printing presses to glass windows and steam engines. They were all inventions of Eurasians. Do you think any ice age hunters, gatherers saw burnt sand, limestone & said the Egyptians will need that so they can make glass objects or glass vessels, the Romans will also need that to make windows, it probably never crossed their minds.

New Guineans and Native Australians in 1800ad still used stone tools like ones discarded thousands of years ago in Eurasia and most of Africa, Some of the world's richest copper and iron deposits are in New Guinea and Australia. No domestication of agriculture & animals.


Active member
Yea it was real well orgastrated. "they" been behind alla this orgastration since "they" wer cast down outta Heavin. "they" stoked up teknolegy wherever and whenever they saw they needed it. Theyr the devil and theyr tryinna make ships good enoughf to get back to Heavin and make war with God.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Yea it was real well orgastrated. "they" been behind alla this orgastration since "they" wer cast down outta Heavin. "they" stoked up teknolegy wherever and whenever they saw they needed it. Theyr the devil and theyr tryinna make ships good enoughf to get back to Heavin and make war with God.

You've switched frequency's again but fear not I'm twice wise. This was the largest genetic experiment in the history of mankind. Pagans of the Isis bloodline engineered their own gene pool. There's no way back to natural evolution.



You've switched frequency's again but fear not I'm twice wise. This was the largest genetic experiment in the history of mankind. Pagans of the Isis bloodline engineered their own gene pool. There's no way back to natural evolution.

notice Osiris in that picture?
he was the son of autnm , the complete one, the one who would return at the end of the world... often represented by a serpent lizard...one of the first GODS of Egypt.
Osiris is portrayed to have reptilian green skin... (also identified as the ram banebjad... i dont expect most will see the connection, maybe cave ape will...banenjab was the original baphonet).... Isis was Osiris wife and mother to Horus, the sky god, she was known as the serpent goddess.....the pyramid text say "i have delivered the eye of horas, the shining one"..
cave ape will tell you who else they call the shinning one!


Domesticator of Cannabis
The Pagan gods who were "gods" were people.

The Pagan gods who were "gods" were people.

notice Osiris in that picture?
he was the son of autnm , the complete one, the one who would return at the end of the world... often represented by a serpent lizard...one of the first GODS of Egypt.
Osiris is portrayed to have reptilian green skin... (also identified as the ram banebjad... i dont expect most will see the connection, maybe cave ape will...banenjab was the original baphonet).... Isis was Osiris wife and mother to Horus, the sky god, she was known as the serpent goddess.....the pyramid text say "i have delivered the eye of horas, the shining one"..
cave ape will tell you who else they call the shinning one!

There's your letter A in that image America.

The Eye of Assur

Unfortunately my postings on this run 3 - 4 threads as they're all related in some way.

Large Eyes mean Wisdom & Enlightenment.

In Egyptian art he is often coloured green as the God of Agriculture.
I don't see reptilian skin, there have been Pagan cultures that use serpent costumes. Isis mother of Horus, she stands behind Assur with the throne on her head (Avatar) Assur/Osiris (Greek) used the Sun Wing Symbol. When Isis resurrected Assur she added the twin serpents, her DNA.

Isis resurrected Assur from the dead.

According to the foundation legend of Egypt, Assur(Osiris) was the first king of the first kingdom on earth. A company of evil conspirators murdered Assur. They hacked his body into pieces and scattered his severed parts afar. Isis collected the scattered parts of Assur, put them together, and resurrected Assur from the dead. The parts of Assur that Isis gathered have since found their way into our alphabet.

Isis copulated with her resurrected king. From that union she conceived and begat their son, Heru. The "divine kings" of ancient times traced their genealogy to the trinity of gods, Assur, Isis, and Heru. They traced their divinity to the resurrection of Assur. Heru went on to become the male ancestor of the Pharaohs. Isis went on to become the Earth Mother Goddess (i.e. the Pagans' Eve). Assur went on to become King of Heaven, King of Hell, and Judge of the Dead. The Egyptian belief in a life after death and the whole concept of pyramid building in Egypt was founded on the resurrection of Assur.

Sumerian Sun Wing (Ashur)

Irish Morrigu

This was a world wide project that reached every corner of the world.

Jesus was a pagan a minion of Isis who had lived in Egypt until he was in his thirties would be well versed in Egyptian religious practises if any of this rings a bell.

J is from Assur's beard another wisdom symbol, they would swear on it. J + Isis = Jesus. The beard moves when you speak. The power of the word of one who makes wise laws & judgements also the power of the prophecy.

During the militant Christian era they tried to suppress & obfuscate the Egyptian religion, it was so entrenched world wide they could only mask it & replaced it with a faith based monotheist religion. Demonizing the Serpent of Knowledge. Common sense is now removing that mask.

Osiris was not only a merciful judge of the dead in the afterlife, but also the underworld agency that granted all life, including sprouting vegetation and the fertile flooding of the Nile River. He is described as the "Lord of love"[5], "He Who is Permanently Benign and Youthful".[6], and the "Lord of Silence".[7] The Kings of Egypt were associated with Osiris in death — as Osiris rose from the dead they would, in union with him, inherit eternal life through a process of imitative magic. By the New Kingdom all people, not just pharaohs, were believed to be associated with Osiris at death if they incurred the costs of the assimilation rituals.[8]wiki

There was religion before Jesus, but there was no Christianity before Jesus. There was religion before Isis, but there was no Pagan religion before Isis. Pagan religion and 'World Family' culture began with the resurrection of Assur. Pagan missionaries dispersed useful technologies – the arts, crafts, and industries of advanced civilization – and disseminated genes-of-Isis, to all quarters of the world at the dawn of the historical era.

Courtesy of my Rock Gods
**The Glimmer Twins**


Thanks for the info but I have to ask: Where'd you get this info? Is it written somewhere? Do share please...

A bit off topic, I'm worried about vaccines with mercury in them. Is there any distributor out there that has mercuryfreee vaccines? Anyone, please inform

Peace to all.

if knowledge is what you seek...ask the beast...lol
all you have to do is take a bite ;)