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I believe every religion came from Extra-Terrestrials of a higher intelligence..... but i think we need to be careful to not be offencive to religion when talking about it...

most of today's technologies, like computers, jets, sulfa drugs... etc were created by Nazi German scientists.....pretty much within just a few decades.... things like Anti gravity..... Tesla was working on anti-gravity & free energy program. ... did you know a Spinning Gyros weigh less than non spinning ones. anti gravity is inherent to the property of matter just as all other properties are...... They want us to believe otherwise so they can sell us gasoline for hundreds of years to come, lol..... also can you guess what happens with fast spinning right angles like the swastika? :abduct:


Did JFK write executive order 11110? YES.
Did the sumerian civilization exist? YES.
Do buildings collapse with a small fire like building 7? NO
Was thermite present in the WTC collapse? YES.
Was hitler building UFO's? YES.
Were all the astronauts that went to the moon masons? YES
Did they report UFO's? YES

All these are based on FACTS!! have doubt? look them up. What conspiracy theory are you talking about?
You've been served.

This is the problem. You're assuming so much from just a few facts. So what if the Sumerian civilization existed? All that proves is that they existed. It doesn't prove that the world will end in 2012, doesn't prove that Nibiru exists, and doesn't prove any of the associated bullcrap that you guys seem to love so much.

Building 7 collapsed due to a number of factors, including the fact that it was on fire, it was hit by a support column from the north tower, and actually no attempt was made to extinguish the fires as the building had been completely evacuated and risking more life would have been pointless and irresponsible. Thermite was also not present in the World Trade Center. And anybody can make a damn UFO. Hitler may well have made UFO's. The American government certainly has made UFO's. But taking a leap from something being an unidentified flying object to something being an alien spacecraft from another planet is pretty frivolous.

You see, people like you have the astonishing ability to produce so much bullshit in a single post that it would ages to debunk. As I've explained earlier, there also really isn't much of point trying to debunk anything because your tortuous methods of reasoning make any logical attempt to disprove your statements completely fruitless.

By the way, aren't you the guy that Verite owned? You dissapeared afterwards, and only seem to have reappeared since he left.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

I agree on not being offensive to religion cause no one truly knows the ultimate truth. I try to stick to stuff I can prove. No more, no less. And yes they were working on anti gravity machines.

Its weird how some people can try to turn this thread into a shitfest, right after I posted some vids containing real evidence with real scientists, researchers, archeologists, priests, professors etc. and yes all from youtube. Youtube is a wonderful tool as some of you already know. I knew all this before posting so I just did quick searches on youtube to post here but you can find other websites as well and plenty of books on the subject.

If you consider YouTube Videos facts and wish to base your beliefs on them....well, what can I say? To each his own. I can say no more.

If I see a video on youtube where george bush is asked are you a part of skull and bones and in his own natural voice responds "So secret we can't talk about it". Yes, I CONSIDER IT FACT! You've been served trouble.LOL.


Did I say Kerry is skulls and bones too?


If I see a video on youtube where george bush is asked are you a part of skull and bones and in his own natural voice responds "So secret we can't talk about it". Yes, I CONSIDER IT FACT! You've been served trouble.LOL.

Here's George Bush singing Sunday Bloody Sunday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXnO_FxmHes

And here's Bush threatening to destroy the entire world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fws4RxWtnOg&feature=channel_page

Seriously though. You think a guy that's killed thousands of people, who is part of some uber secret society that's running the world, who has some secret agenda that he wants to keep from the entire world, who is obviously hiding all the evidence he can from people, would admit to being in (don't laugh) the most well known secret society in America? If you were in his alleged position and were trying to keep all of this a secret, would you admit that you were part of this esoteric society on TV in front of millions of people?


Here's George Bush singing Sunday Bloody Sunday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXnO_FxmHes

And here's Bush threatening to destroy the entire world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fws4RxWtnOg&feature=channel_page

Seriously though. You think a guy that's killed thousands of people, who is part of some uber secret society that's running the world, who has some secret agenda that he wants to keep from the entire world, who is obviously hiding all the evidence he can from people, would admit to being in (don't laugh) the most well known secret society in America? If you were in his alleged position and were trying to keep all of this a secret, would you admit that you were part of this esoteric society on TV in front of millions of people?

have you ever heard of a red herring... here's clue, its not a fish.....

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

I'm just presenting what I have found, facts included. The point i'm trying to get across is QUESTION EVERYTHING. If I help just 1 person to see that, I'll be happy. I will no longer post on this subject cause it seems I make more enemies than friends and I don't want that. All I need is friends right now...



ahhh, but it does..... think about it..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring_(idiom)

That link doesn't seem to work, but I found the page you are referring to. I just don't think that would apply in this situation. Bush said, "It's so secret I can't talk about it." He started laughing at the mention of conspiracy theorists going crazy over it. If it was something that serious that he cannot talk about it, I think he'd simply deny all knowledge, rather than say he's involved but is not allowed to elaborate. I guess it's the same with Freemasons and other esoteric societies. While they may acknowledge their membership, they'll refrain from speaking further just because they've agreed not to due to various traditions and agreements.


your right...the real secret societies, wont be known and their secrets are NEVER spoken! they will throw out random statements, or hype different flu's, or bait the races, or start a war...whatever... to draw attention away from whats really going on...... so while you all are trying to figure out what Bush knows, or what the masons know, they can carry out their agendas.... its all a red herring
but they cant hide everything from us.. they cant hide the a pyramids, the sphinx, or shone hinge, or the temples on almost every continent on the planet...
just imagine, our Ancients could cut granite from the bedrock and shape it like it was wood! they could manipulate blocks weighing upwards 50 tons into positions hundreds of feet above ground level, having already moved it hundreds of miles from its quarry! They were drilling and sculpting granite yet we are told the only tools available at the time were made of copper.....the inner granite of these megaliths that were not exposed to weathering and atmospheric friction retained their sharp edges. These edges are impossible to create unless laser type or even more advanced technologies were used!
Our Ancestors who lived at the dawn of our known history were using work methods we In the 21st Century, with the best of modern science and technologies still cannot duplicate. its really amazing, dont you think?

Why does the Ancient Literature of these countries suggest that their knowledge comes from Gods from the “Heavens”?
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ET's are Possible, if you stop and really think about the massive expanse of the universe(stars are born/destroyed every day) ET's become very probable.

It is beyond me how someone can say they know that we are alone in the universe. Living in the south, I hear this kind of thing all the time and the ones that I hear say it are almost always hard core bible thumpers.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Don't know if it's already been mentioned, but I suggest looking at the Camelot Project. PLENTY of testimonial videos on YouTube... CRAZY CRAZY STUFF!


Registered Pothead
Here is terence mckenna's ufo experience. A very intriguing dialogue.I like how he can solidify his experience with being able to call out the possibilities where it possibly was not real. BTW he was not on hallucinogens when he supposedly saw his ufo. If you listen to this dialogue all the way through it opens a different perspective on ET's.


your right...the real secret societies, wont be known and their secrets are NEVER spoken! they will throw out random statements, or hype different flu's, or bait the races, or start a war...whatever... to draw attention away from whats really going on...... so while you all are trying to figure out what Bush knows, or what the masons know, they can carry out their agendas.... its all a red herring
but they cant hide everything from us.. they cant hide the a pyramids, the sphinx, or shone hinge, or the temples on almost every continent on the planet...


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Here's George Bush singing Sunday Bloody Sunday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXnO_FxmHes

And here's Bush threatening to destroy the entire world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fws4RxWtnOg&feature=channel_page

Seriously though. You think a guy that's killed thousands of people, who is part of some uber secret society that's running the world, who has some secret agenda that he wants to keep from the entire world, who is obviously hiding all the evidence he can from people, would admit to being in (don't laugh) the most well known secret society in America? If you were in his alleged position and were trying to keep all of this a secret, would you admit that you were part of this esoteric society on TV in front of millions of people?

I know I said it was the last post on the subject but after reading this, I had to type.

I'm not saying G.W. is behind everything. He is merely a puppet. He is just an example. He is too stupid to do it all himself. Don't get stuck on george bush: LOOK DEEPER!

You're right it is public. But they are known to put everything in sight, thats their best camouflage. Its right in your face but you can't see it. LOL.

T.Baggins: You are so RIGHT!


Domesticator of Cannabis
I'm not saying G.W. is behind everything. He is merely a puppet. He is just an example. He is too stupid to do it all himself. Don't get stuck on george bush: LOOK DEEPER!

But not too stupid eH, I mean that's one hell of a secret ace card for a dummy not to show. I'd have pulled that fucker out on the Talibanmon. It's lights out for radical islam.

Someone mentioned we have technology (certain technologies) from aliens. Care to elaborate, I'll pour myself a few shots. The wheel independently invented in a couple areas. Mexico made toys with their wheel. Now that's putting the cart before the ox. You see in the Fertile Crescent the wheel, writing were invented by necessity to move & keep track of cargo. The priests, shamans, states, emperors need to know what you owe. The first Sumerian writings were of simple, '2 ox 1 Grain' it grew from there but was kept to priests & state officials. There was no pretty poetry until the Greeks & Romans.

That is where germs, guns, steel & the first civilizations developed. They had domesticated animals & agriculture which is the basis for any civilization to advance. Most inventions just sit until they find a need for them. Whether it be a cost efficient reason maybe it works but it's too large to be practical at the moment or take England for an example using gas lights long after we all had electrical lights...If I remember correctly they had some long contract with the gas companies? I'm sure the retrofit would be costly??

I've just touched on inventions a lot of them end up being something different than what they were intended for hence the phonograph, it's to record music, sound on nothing more than that. It would take years before the inventor, Edison would except that as he'd had higher hopes for that one.

In the late 19th and early 20th century, the alternative term talking machine was sometimes used. This term was more in line with Thomas Edison's early view that his invention was better suited for spoken recordings such as dictation than for musical recordings.

The history channel has been airing Ancient Discovers this past month, it's online.


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
But not too stupid eH, I mean that's one hell of a secret ace card for a dummy not to show. I'd have pulled that fucker out on the Talibanmon. It's lights out for radical islam.

Someone mentioned we have technology (certain technologies) from aliens. Care to elaborate, I'll pour myself a few shots. The wheel independently invented in a couple areas. Mexico made toys with their wheel. Now that's putting the cart before the ox. You see in the Fertile Crescent the wheel, writing were invented by necessity to move & keep track of cargo. The priests, shamans, states, emporers need to know what you owe. The first Summerian writings were of simple, '2 ox 1 Grain' it grew from there but was kept to priests & state officials. There was no pretty poetry until the Greeks & Romans.

That is where germs, guns, steel & the first civilizations developed. They had domesticated animals & agriculture which is the basis for any civilization to advance. Most inventions just sit until they find a need for them. Whether it be a cost efficient reason maybe it works but it's too large to be practical at the moment or take England for an example using gas lights long after we all had electrical lights...If I remember correctly they had some long contract with the gas companies? I'm sure the retrofit would be costly??

I've just touched on inventions a lot of them end up being something different than what they were intended for hence the phonograph, it's to record music, sound on nothing more than that. It would take years before the inventor, Edison would except that as he'd had higher hopes for that one.

In the late 19th and early 20th century, the alternative term talking machine was sometimes used. This term was more in line with Thomas Edison's early view that his invention was better suited for spoken recordings such as dictation than for musical recordings.

The history channel has been airing Ancient Discovers this past month, it's online.

Well, I don't got proof for alien technology being shared, thanks to the men in black always covering up shit, like roswell(example). The russians recovered a ufo too I believe.

They do have UFO looking crafts, watch the vid below posted by bluntdoc. Thanks! I don't think we humans came up with this technology by ourselves.

Watch and come back n tell me what you think.


Pffff dumbest shit Ive EVER heard, of course aliens exist, to believe contrary is akin to believing the world was flat even after it was proven to be otherwise...


watch this documentary on Google Video named Secret Space... there are several other good ones which the names fail me, but there was leaked footage and audio of them trying to setup a camera with trick angles as to make the public believe they were far out near the moon when in actuality they were merely in earth orbit... also multiple excerpts of them seeing tangos and other objects....

in the Secret Space video there was footage of a tether that generates electricity when orbiting thru the ionisphere which broke off and went slowly tubling into space... within minutes it was crawling with these bug like UFO things (saying bug like bc they looked kind of flat and circular and all looked the same, there were thousands moving in front and behind this tether...

you be the judge and review some good video footage yourself


Domesticator of Cannabis
Yeah UFO's, but there's not a shred of proof that aliens have ever been to our galaxy. The disclosure project is a big laugh, not that those people are lying but their info is meaningless.

I didn't mean yourself on the tech, its been mentioned on the thread. I'd like to hear more while having a drink or two.

The elite governments know aliens come here, which governments? What governments get privileged info? Why has nothing changed with the info? Can we get them to clean up our space junk? How did they clean there's up? They should at least give us that. So many unanswered questions & not a single shred of legitimate evidence. It's only make believe.


i think the best example of alien technology today is the transistor!

Advanced Communications and Computing devices, were taken from the Alien wreck in 1947 at Roswell and made their way to The Bell System's "Bell Laboratories

There, they were studied, dissected, micro-analyzed and pieces tested. One piece was found to have unique potential, a switching device composed of Silicon and Arsenic, arranged in a microscopic array much more complicated than even now can been assembled by Humankind.

The Alien device purportedly became the priority focus object of Bell Labs' and The US Department of Defense's analysis and scientific research. It was discovered by the researchers, that the unusual electronic device could act as both a high speed electronic switch and as an Amplifier.

They decided to call it the "Transfer Resistor", because it could be made to resist or accept power flow at much higher or lower currents than were applied to it, depending upon unique application of electron flows.

prior to 1947 there were no Transistors in use, only raw germanium and selenium diodes composed of naturally occurring elements mined from Bauxite and other mines.

After September of 1947, and the technology transfer to Bell Labs by the US Department of Defense, the entirely ARTIFICIALLY comprised Silicon 'Transistor' suddenly emerged at Bell Labs, arsenic doped in trace quantities into specially prepared Silicon produced remarkable changes in the 'conductive properties' of Silicon, when Boron and other gases and liquids were used to deposit it in the Silicon base.

This produced the "Transistor" effects that had not been discovered by researchers working with rectifiers in over a hundred years. Some claim that these transistors were made of Germanium, as well, however, the effect that caused the transistor to work, hadn't been observed by any researcher, prior to September of 1947. Also, while silicon's capability to conduct electricity had existed for a long time, it had been as a "static collector" something bearing absolutely no resemblance to the Transistor.

The materials used to identify the Transistor function and to create one, required, for the times, very advanced technology to manufacture that didn't exist in 1947...

According to the first Press Releases in mid 1948 Patents were awarded Bell Labs in the 1948 and 1949 era, indicating these possibly 'alien' marvels were 'earthshaking discoveries of scientist at Bell Labs'.

the Silicon "amplifier / switch", evaluated in October and November of 1947, was discovered to have enormous implications. The device was a hundred years beyond the then simple "junction diodes" and "rectifiers" in use.

Even thought Scientists had suspected that we could replace outmoded Vacuum Tubes with some more advanced, low voltage technology, it was rather sudden that the Transistor was announced to have been "invented" by Bell Labs, alleging a two year prior research project.

Bell Labs had more advancements in those two years, than the combined research of all the Countries of the World! People who never suspected the capability like Thomas Edison, Emilio Marconi, General David Sarnoff, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Arthur W. Heath, Enrico Fermi, Louis Faraday, the greatest minds in the prior two hundred years since Ben Franklin and his kite, and not one ever even SUSPECTED that ordinary Sand could be turned into something so magical.

For these and other reasons, the suggestion that Bell Labs did this ALL BY ITSELF in less than two years is crazy. no transistors or even hint of the Transistor, existed prior to December of 1947, and describe enormous differences between research prior to September of 1947 and after June of 1948.

Rectifier Diodes commonly in use at the time by military electronics, were 'polarized' diodes that could only conduct power in 'one direction' or 'unidirectional'.... but they were not 'semiconducting' which means 'variable in conductivity due to the effects of some other stimulus'. They were also composed of naturally occurring, although somewhat rare-earth minerals.

Transistors were derived of a special and unique formula for doping refined Silicon with trace elements of Arsenic and other 'secret' materials, which THEN yielded the unusual 'semiconducting' properties of the Transistor

the two devices are very, very different and that difference despite the fact that early researchers may have tried to reproduce Alien Technology with Germanium, Gallium and Caladium, is still significant......

It is remarkable to think that someone STUMBLED ON IT ALL OF A SUDDEN, as Bell Labs seemed to want the Public to believe! Even Silicon based static rectification devices built prior to September of 1947 DIDN'T EXHIBIT A SINGLE TRANSISTOR CAPABILITY, despite being built by many companies for various power control functions.

this is a classic example of a miracle device, unimagined in Human experience, resulting from a few months research into an Alien electronic device, one just advanced enough to lead Bell scientists to such an earthshaking idea

subsequent technology obtained over the course of the next 10 years by Bell Labs, from the pieces of the wreck delivered to them by the DoD, included the Laser, enhanced solid state circuit components, large scale switching control systems and high definition imaging devices...

Some devices from the downed Alien spacecraft, not fully understood to this day, allegedly include a high energy microwave amplifier that has the secondary effect of decomposing solid objects into their molecular components, a form of circuitry that runs on other than electronic power using particles thought to have very short half-life's in the natural universe ("muons"), and a huge induction generator-like coil system some 50 feet in diameter which appears to implement part of some aspect of the vehicle's ability to perform unique flying characteristics and aerobatics..... some think it might be a "gravity nullifying" device.